My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 169 - Night attack

   In the evening, Rohr ate dinner, praised the cook’s craftsmanship, then took a bath, dressed in nightgowns, and sat on the lounge chair in the bedroom, watching today’s evening entertainment news.

   He doesn’t usually read this kind of entertainment evening paper, which means he is in a good mood today, and the valet bought it for him, so he flipped it through.

   There is so much aristocratic touch.

   “The Evening Entertainment News has begun to be published again, which shows that the people of the imperial capital have slowed down, and they are getting better and better. Even novels have begun to be serialized…”

   “This is also a good thing.”

   He read a few lace news casually, and then looked at the recent troupe repertoire, whispered with emotion, and then began to read serial novels in the newspaper.

   The novels serialized in newspapers are a bit similar to the Internet articles on the earth, but the scale is much larger, and the various yellow storms will not be harmonized.

   For example, in the current serialization, the protagonist is a priest on the surface, but a murderer behind him. Every night, he sneaks out to kill the offenders. The methods are extremely cruel, and the victims are all dead.

   It’s a pity that he started to watch it in the middle part, with no head or tail, so he just had fun.

  While reading the newspaper, he still glanced at the portable telegraph next to him from time to time.

   This thing has been replaced by a military model by Secretary Ah Fu, and the contact distance has been greatly enhanced.

   Daughter Keli also has the same one in her hand. According to her, it was sent by the academy during the last archeological activity, and it has not been recovered yet. The father and daughter used this contact from time to time before.

   Luo Er used the telegraph machine to tell his daughter that he had something tonight and that he would not go back to sleep, and asked her to take care of herself and pay attention to safety.

   But the daughter hasn’t returned him yet, maybe she didn’t see it?

   After waiting for a while, the telegraph machine suddenly heard a sound of dribbles.

   Luo Er quickly picked up the pen and paper he was preparing to be nearby, recorded the frequency of the sound, and then turned out the codebook with his left hand, and translated the frequency into characters:

   “Dad, you haven’t come back for two nights, shouldn’t you be hiding in the golden house outside, right?”

   What nonsense is the little **** talking about?

   Is your father that kind of person?

   Although there is indeed a “Golden House”, there is really no “Hidden Jiao”!

  Roll was a little bit dumbfounded, and sent a telegram back to his daughter, telling her that there was no such thing.

   Although this portable telegraph is very convenient to use, there is a trouble in that there are fewer symbols that can be used, unlike the full version of the radio, so it is impossible to use the symbol communication method that Rohr likes.

   Otherwise, communicating with my daughter doesn’t need so many words.

   After a while, Kelly replied:

   “Will Dad come back tomorrow night? But Li missed Dad…”

   Looking at these words, Roer instantly made up for his daughter to stay at home alone. He could only curl up his legs in white stockings, tightly holding the hammerhead shark doll in his arms, looking pitiful and helpless.

   He almost got up and rushed to his daughter’s dormitory.

   But fortunately, he calmed down in time.

   After all, she can’t live in her daughter’s dormitory all the time, and she has to leave her side after all.

  As a father, you must learn to let go.

   So he was cruel and replied:

   “My business here is quite busy, and I will probably be back the day after tomorrow.”

   After a while, Keli replied:

   “Woo~ Then dad remember to come back early the day after tomorrow.”

  Roll couldn’t help but smile, as he deserves to be the daughter he raised by himself, she is really well-behaved and sensible.

   He probably would not have thought that his daughter would not be at home, nor was she holding a hammerhead shark doll, and she was wearing a set of deformed armor instead of a small skirt.

   And under her feet, there was still an orc who was trying to struggle, and his mouth kept cursing in foreign language.

Although    Kelly didn’t understand what it was talking about, judging from the emotions she showed, it was probably not a good thing, so she added a bit of strength on her feet.

   With a crisp sound of broken bones, the beast’s mouth sprayed out blood foam and passed out.

   “Wow! Your Excellency Kello, you won’t trample it to death, are you? This is something we finally catch!”

Next to   , a guy wearing a corset robe with a black-and-white symmetrical mask on his face, and a metal prosthetic leg on his right hand, said nervously.

  He is a gray ghost under Luo Er, and the operation code is ‘fries’.

Not far from   , there are a large number of soldiers and investigators from the Ministry of Security.

   And the orc who passed out, happened to be the one who escaped from Rohr last night, but he could not run away from his daughter, so he was caught by Celi.

   This is actually a coincidence and a very mysterious thing.

  As a result of the organization’s strong new leadership,    Operator Fries seemed very motivated. In the afternoon, he ran out to collect clues to the investigation according to the work content set out at the meeting.

  He is responsible for investigating and visiting those people who came to the imperial capital from other places immediately after the attack.

Secretary Ah Fu and several other officials believed that after the attack, the situation in the entire imperial capital was unclear, and support teams from other places came one after another. There must be people with bad intentions coming in. If you investigate carefully, you might be able to. Discovered.

In fact, the Ministry of Security has been doing the same thing, investigating all kinds of outsiders, just because there are still a considerable number of people who have not recovered, the manpower is stretched, and the progress is slow. Until now, the investigation has not been completed. Many omissions.

  The sudden blending of gray ghosts was like a rainy day. Instead of letting the Ministry of Security dislike meddling, it felt that it was giving away charcoal in the snow.

   “You group of tax thieves, finally know that they are doing something right.”

   An official of the Ministry of Security said unceremoniously, but in turn, he arranged for someone to match the fries with the operator so that he could participate as soon as possible.

   The gray ghost originally had the function of cooperating with the Ministry of National Security in the internal security and defense work, but it was forgotten by them a few years ago.

   Then perhaps it was a coincidence, maybe it was a lot of luck, the operator fries just happened to investigate the orc spy ‘hunter’ who joined the support team as a ‘labour worker’ and entered the imperial capital.

   As a professionally trained professional spy, the hunter was originally experienced and handy in dealing with this kind of interrogation, but today it seems a little out of state, facing the interrogation of French fries, behaved a little nervously.

  Because this is too coincidental, I was only discovered last night and lost my precious hound. I was chased a few streets and forced to burn the hiding place.

   turned around and was immediately searched by a guy with a weird mask…

   Even a normal-thinking person would not think this was a coincidence, but knew that he was exposed, let alone a professional spy.

   So it chose to resist and escape, completely exposed.

After   , French fries contacted the military and police, and started various chases and interceptions.

   It is much more difficult to escape in broad daylight than at night, not to mention that the empire already knew its cunning and intractableness, so it directly attacked.

   The Ministry of Security directly approached the Scholars’ Association and asked them to send high-ranking and powerful people to help out.

   So the Imperial Capital was able to move, and the Star Sword Fairy, who was also known for her speed, hurriedly changed clothes and rushed over.

   But this is the case, this orc spy still relied on the kind of strange mystery that can turn into wood after being injured.

   This life is hard to come by, so when it was stepped on to vomit blood, two magic arts flew over and fell on it.

   The orc spy woke up slowly, and wanted to yell at it.

   This time, Star Sword Fairy had learned the lesson from before, and before she could speak, she stepped on it in advance.

   Then the orc spy spouted another blood, and fainted again.

   “Your Excellency Ke Luo! Don’t step on it anymore!”

   An official from the Ministry of Security couldn’t stand it anymore and quickly persuaded him.

   “Although I don’t understand what it is saying, I always feel that it is scolding my dad, so it must be punished!”

   “Obviously I caught it. It has nothing to do with my dad. Just scold me. Why scold my dad?”

   Keli’s voice came out through the visor. After the visor’s voice-changing process, the tone sounded mature and magnetic, not the usual soft milky sound.

   “It’s alright, the holy relic has been brought.”

   An investigator of the Ministry of Security, holding a pair of things like a cowboy lasso in his hand, trot over, and then threw the lasso precisely on the head of the orc spy.

   That whole lasso instantly turned into a few streamers, wrapped around the spy, and finally turned into a few rings of two-fingered iron chains, which tied it firmly, as if tied to a pig.

   This cargo is very cunning, powerful, and powerful in combat. Just three hours ago, this cargo pretended to be captured, but suddenly broke free from the handcuffs during the escort, attacked the detainees and successfully escaped.

   If not, he would not toss until the night, and even invited the legendary powerhouse to go out.

   So you have to be extra careful when dealing with it, and this is where this kind of restrained holy relic was found.

   The spy is arrested and will be interrogated jointly by the Gray Ghost and the Ministry of National Security. After it is thrown into the prison car and sent all the way to the underground black cell of the Ministry of Security, there will be nothing about Sword Princess.

   “Thank you for your timely support. If you hadn’t intercepted its retreat in time, I am afraid it would have really escaped.”

   The security officer said to Kelly with a flattering expression.

   “We gray ghosts will also remember this favor.”

   Operator French fries also followed.

   In the future, if the new director wants to supervise the Scholars Association, I can remind him to relax the standards for this Star Sword Fairy.

   “You are too polite. It is my duty and duty to defend the empire.”

   Kelly replied formulaically.

   then left.

   She went back to the dormitory alone, took a shower, and curled up on the sofa with her bare feet, holding the hammerhead shark puppet tightly in her arms, listening to the evening stories on the radio.

   She glanced at the portable telegraph next to her from time to time, expecting her father to talk to herself again.

   But Roll seemed to be asleep, and the telegraph was silent for a long time.

   “Woo…Sister Anya hasn’t been discharged yet, so Miss Na has also gone back, even Xiao Mi is not with me…”

   Her petite body tightened again, and she muttered in a low voice:

   “Huh! Dad smells! Dad is bad! Never the most, the most favorite dad!”

   “Dad doesn’t really want to find me a mother, right?”

   At this moment, the evening stories told on the radio are also about stepmothers. They are still very tragic and miserable. Probably the father has a stepmother and a new child, so he neglects his original daughter.

   Keli became more upset as she listened, she simply turned off the radio, and rolled on the sofa holding the hammerhead shark doll.

   shook his head vigorously while rolling.

   “Woo~ Don’t think about it, my father loves me so much, it must be different from the story…”

   “Even if he must find me a stepmother, it must be the kind of good stepmother, who can love and spoil me…”

   “Just like Teacher Oriana…”

   Obviously, Keli’s trust in Roll is still correct, and he really has no plans in this regard.

   But I can’t hold back other people’s thoughts in this regard.

   For example, in this meeting, he was already lying on the bed, covered the quilt properly, and pulled the edge of the quilt with his hands, ready to explore the dream world.

   Before he fell asleep, he suddenly heard some strange noises outside the balcony of the bedroom.

   He quickly heard the sound.

   good fellow!

   A thinly dressed woman stood on the balcony.

   To be precise, the clothes on her body are not thin, but only a layer of lavender translucent tulle pajamas, which is the kind of very bad **** style.

   Other than that, I’m naked…

   Under the light of the light moonlight tonight, the slim curves of the translucent pajamas are looming, interpreting the hazy beauty to the fullest, making her look beautiful and indispensable, like an elf under the moonlight.

   is really an elf, with long pointed ears.

  Rol saw this, he opened the quilt without any hesitation, drew his sword and stabbed.

  The saber is drawn, don’t think about it crooked.

   is also the throat, not other parts.

   But he didn’t really pierce it in. The tip of the sword stopped before her throat, and gently pressed against her pointed chin.

“Who are you?”

  Roll frowned, looked at the opponent a little, and then quickly looked away.

   The other party did not answer The expression and eyes were slightly dull, as if he was frightened by Rohr’s sudden attack.

   Luo Er saw that the other party did not speak, he took the initiative to say:

   “Look at your ears, you are an elf? Could it be Mrs. Eveya next door?”

   said, the tip of his sword receded a little.

   Eveya only recovered a little from the panic of being held with a sword against her neck, and calmed down again, showing a submissive expression, and whispered:

   “I will come here as you told me and surrender to you…”

   “You can…enjoy everything about me…”

   Her voice sounded a little trembling, representing the fear in her heart.

   Then, she just squatted under Roer’s feet, with her forehead close to the ground, allowing her to admire her smooth and round back from being condescending.


   The following is today’s list:

   Thank you demon Jiabaili*N, a pig who loves to read, Hatsune is not the future, 3560089, Muyi Ink Shadow*N, daburndan and other friends for their generous rewards!

   Well, let me explain a little bit, *N means to thank you a few times, not to shoot it a few times.


   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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