My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 170 - surrender

   Roer held his sword and thought for a while, but still didn’t know what this neighbor wanted to do when he climbed up his balcony in the middle of the night?

   What are my orders? Kneeling inexplicably?

   And seeing her dressed like this is still running to a strange man’s house in the middle of the night, it shouldn’t be a legend…

   Female **** embryo, right?

   Can’t afford to provoke… Can’t provoke…

   “Ahem, Mrs. Eveya, I think there may be some misunderstandings between us?”

  Roll said, took out a blanket from his left hand and threw it on her.

   Dressed like this without wearing a blanket, it’s almost impossible to communicate.


   Eveya straightened up and kept sitting on her knees, then picked up the blanket and wrapped it around her body. At the same time, she used her brain urgently, chewing on the deep meaning of Rolle’s words.

   After thinking for a while, she realized her mistake.

   I acted too directly and too blatantly!

   And this Mr. Rohr, never came to find himself directly, but gave cookies, asked servants to speak, and throwing blankets at himself. From the point of view of his behavior, he should be the kind of person who is more reserved and does things more obscure.

   This fits the style of a mysterious strong man very well.

   But I was probably too confused in my mind. I was so impatient to visit and dressed up like this. I can’t wait to seduce others, making it really like an old-fashioned…

   Dressed like this and climbed onto the balcony of Luo Er’s house was the only feasible self-help plan she and the maid discussed.

   They didn’t want to sit back and die. After all, even if they committed suicide by poisoning, it took quite a bit of courage, so they decided to try and struggle.

   They believed that the mysterious strong man didn’t come to the door directly, and he didn’t directly kill them to the dregs, which shows that he has other needs for himself.

   Maybe more information, maybe this beautiful skin.

   She didn’t dare to confess the information, she was afraid of being found by the owl in the future and killing people.

   I can only try the value of this pair of skins.

In all honesty, this pair of skins is still very attractive, and for so many years, Eveya has been clean and self-contained. Although there are countless dogs under the skirt and a senior tea ceremony master, she has not been touched by anyone other than her husband. pass.

  Whether it is enjoyed by the mysterious powerhouse himself, or used to deal with other men, this pair of skins is extremely lethal.

   The two captured the key words of “welcome to the door” from the common polite words of Luo Er’s male servant, and interpreted the other party’s request that she take the initiative to come and surrender.

   So there was this night attack.

   Eveya also spared no effort for the future of herself and her daughter. First, she took a bath with milk mixed with flower petals, which made her skin more delicate and radiant, and also exuded a faint fragrance of milk and flowers.

With the help of the maid, I drew a light makeup that was just right. If in a dimly lit environment, she would not be able to see that she had put on the makeup. It looks pure and elegant, only when it is under the light and is very close. , Will notice her charming lavender eyeshadow.

   This can bring a sense of surprise and contrast to men, and has an irresistible temptation.

   In the end, she put on the translucent tulle nightdress. Regardless of the thin fabric, she actually cut it very carefully, grasping the various scales in place, and exaggerating the hazy beauty to the extreme.

Obviously, this was made by a certain famous family. She paid a big price to grab it from an auction when her husband was still there. She originally intended to wear it for her husband to add some fun between husband and wife. Unfortunately, the husband There is no blessing to die young.

   She was not willing to throw away this expensive skirt, so she kept it, and planned to use it as some sort of decisive weapon in the future.

   It was clearly meticulously prepared, and even the strategic reserves were used, but it had a counterproductive effect.

   I must have made a very bad first impression on the other party…

   Now, what should I do? How to remedy it?

   Eveya becomes more anxious as she thinks about it, especially when she thinks of the other party being upset, it only takes one thought to easily grab herself and her daughter, and throw the mother and daughter into the dark dungeon that is beyond disaster…

   She felt even more flustered, startled and scared, and wanted to cry very much, her eyes were red quickly, and she could only beg for mercy:

   “Please, please be nice to me. Just please let my daughter go. She is innocent and loves this country deeply. It has nothing to do with those things.”

  Roll realized something was wrong when he heard it.

   Why do you suddenly get involved in the question of your daughter’s patriotism?

   What are those things?

   There must be a problem here!

   “Come in and talk.”

   Luo Er put away the sword, took Eveya to the bedroom, and then let her sit on a chair.

Eveya was tightly wrapped in the blanket. Although the upper body was barely covered, the lower body showed a touch of round calf and slender and lovely feet. The whole body trembled slightly because of fear, and her beautiful face was not transformed. Open sadness.

   looks really pitiful, I feel pitiful.

   It’s a pity that Roer was never a pity and jade. He put his sword beside him, adjusted it from the magic lamp on the bedside to the brightest, and shining straight at Eveya’s face.

   “Okay, let’s be honest, confess and be strict! Resistance is even stricter!”

   “Name? Sex? Age? Hometown? Occupation?”

   Eveya was dazzled by the bright light, and quickly reached out to cover her face, so that the blanket slipped from the arrow on one side, revealing a clear, bright and delicious shoulder wrapped in tulle and illuminated by the light.

   “I…My name is Eveya, my gender is female, I am 95 years old, I come from Maple Leaf Village, and I am currently engaged in the crafts processing industry…”

   said this, she paused for a while, took another deep breath, and whispered:

   “I also do some intelligence gathering work occasionally…”

   Luo Er listened and snorted coldly:

   “Humph! As expected, you are a spy sent by a foreign race!”

   When he first noticed that his neighbor was an elf, he wondered if he would be a spy, because the species of elf is too rare for humans.

   But out of his inability to maliciously speculate on the goodwill of others, he temporarily put down this idea and didn’t go into it.

   How can you ever think of turning your head, this beautiful female spy elves took the initiative to send it to the door? She also dressed so **** and gorgeous, as if she wanted to seduce herself.

   Ha ha, how can it be so easy?

Rolle’s resistance to beauty is very high, and there is no shortage of beautiful girls around. This female spy is at best equal to Oriana Jeanna and others. They have their own strengths, and they are incomparable when they grow up. , How could it be possible to seduce him?

   What’s more, the other party is 95 years old and is already an elderly female spy.

   However, why does the other party take the initiative to surrender?

  Roll was a little puzzled, and he figured it out.

   Could it be because she knew that I was the new head of the independent special affairs department under the Ministry of National Security, and then for some reason, she broke with her spy organization and was about to be wiped out, so she took the initiative to surrender and seek asylum?

   This is the most logical explanation that Rohr can think of.

   It can’t always be your own body shaking, the other party immediately worshipped it, right?

   Then, what should I do with this female spy who actively surrenders?

   certainly can’t kill directly, this is a very precious clue, just point to her to follow the vine to find out the spy organization behind.

   The most ideal way is naturally to let the other party honestly confess and actively cooperate…

  Roll’s right hand tapped the back of his left hand lightly, pondered his words, and then asked sharply:

   “How much do you know about me?”

   is here, here is the interrogation plot in the story!

   Eveya was clever in his heart, and became nervous again.

   Although she was reluctant in her heart, she also had to admit that the interrogation was different from what she had expected.

   Originally in her imagination, she should be hung up or tied to a wooden stake and greeted by various torture instruments until she was tortured and scarred and confused.

   It turned out to be a real situation, but in a gorgeously decorated living room, the opposite side did not use torture, and did not bind himself, showing enough respect.

   It turns out that this mysterious and powerful Mr. Rolle is not only low-key and reserved, but also generous, maintaining a gentleman’s demeanor.

   Even the questions I asked were different. I didn’t rush to ask myself, but I cared more about what I knew about him.

   From this point of view, his identity must be very important, a very important secret, that’s why he cares so much…

   Eveya quickly stroked her mind in tension, and then replied:

   “I don’t know much about you. I only know that you caught one of our accomplices and confiscated his hound last night.”

   This answer made Rohr not satisfied.

That’s it?

   Such a simple reason is really unconvincing, and it makes Rohr suspect that she is lying.

   So he said sharply:

   “It seems that I have to warn you once. I have the ability to distinguish lies easily, so you’d better tell me honestly why you came to me at this time.”

   “Speaking from the beginning, don’t miss any details!”

   Because Rohr was really speaking with a very serious attitude, he involuntarily exuded a faint coercion that he didn’t even notice.

   Just such a small amount of coercion made Eveya’s eyes widened, her pupils tightened, and then her limbs twitched, fainted, and fell in front of Roll with a thud.

   At the last second of passing out, she saw a man who was as magnificent as a mountain, looking down at herself like an ant with indifferent eyes without any emotion.

   Then, she lost consciousness.

   “Huh? What’s the matter? I can warn you, don’t play tricks!”

  Roll said, picked up the saber, moved closer, and knocked her head unceremoniously with the sword.

   There was no response in the end.

   He squatted down again cautiously, checked, and found that this guy was actually in a coma.

   He picked up a cup of cold water on the head of the bed and poured it on Eveya’s face.

   There is still no reaction at all.

   “Are you fucking? Can you just fall into a coma when you surrender halfway through? And even faint like a dead pig…”

   “Wait, this is not quite right, it shouldn’t be…”

  Roll suddenly thought of a possibility. Could it be that her on-line realized that she was going to betray and used some means to remotely kill her?

   Although she is still alive and still has heartbeat and breathing, she may have become a vegetative person who will never wake up.

   That would be troublesome.

   Luo Er quickly took out the pamphlet the doctor gave him, and brushed all three magic arts on Eveya.

   A translucent shield lit up on Eveya, indicating that the magical technique had taken effect, but there was still no sign of waking up.

   “Sure enough, this kind of half-hearted magic is not good, you have to find a professional.”

   Luo Er turned around and picked up the portable telegraph, contacted his secretary, and asked him to find a doctor to come to his residence as soon as possible.

   Secretary Afu hadn’t slept yet, so he replied:


   means received.

  While waiting for the doctor to come over, Rohr didn’t want to wait, and planned to do something.

   Since she slept so dead, is it possible to enter that dream world? The person who entered that dreamland also fell asleep like this, and couldn’t wake up at all.

   Although the logical connection is a bit far-fetched, Rohr intends to give it a try. Anyway, idleness is also idleness.

But just in case, he first took out a piece of thick hemp rope used to pull the tent from his left hand, tied Eveya with a blanket round and round, tied it into a beautiful caterpillar, and then threw it away. Go to that big bed.

   Then he instructed the male servant outside to wait for Secretary Afu to come to his room and wake him up.

   After arranging these, he got on the recliner, activated Okuyizan, and gave himself a back of his head.

   His eyes suddenly went dark, but soon they lighted up again.

   The previous guess was correct, he entered the dream world again.

   It seems that as long as you fall asleep or unconscious within the coverage of this dream, you can enter it.

The place where    came in was also in his bedroom, sitting on that kind of recliner.

   He quickly looked in the direction of the bed, and UU reading couldn’t help but be overjoyed.

   There is indeed a glamorous female spy with a head **** there!

   She is in the same condition as outside. She is in a coma, her pretty face is pale, and her delicate body is subconsciously struggling and twisting under the restraint of the rope.

  Roll walked over, trying to see if he could wake her up in a dream.

   But I was about to start, but I heard a dream from Eveya:

   “Okay… terrible… please… don’t kill me… I will meet all your requirements… please…”

   “Don’t… It’s fine if something comes at me… Please, let my daughter go… I’m willing to do anything…”

  Roll retracted his hand, not in a hurry to wake her up.

   “It seems that my previous speculation was correct. She was actually killed by the online remote and turned into a vegetable.”

   “Everyone is a vegetative person, and she is still begging for mercy. It seems that her upline must be the kind of cruel, tyrannical, and evil person that can scare her like this…”

   “But this woman seems to care about her daughter? She came to the empire to be a spy, but brought her with her? She looks unprofessional?”

  Roll whispered to himself, and then came up with a whim.

   Just try and don’t wake her up, just interrogate her in a dream?

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