My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 180 - This experiment is very important

The arrival of   Rol and his group made the dungeon that was still a little noisy momentarily quiet. The busy people stopped and turned to look at him who appeared at the entrance.

This is the first time Rohr has encountered a battle. Because of his outstanding appearance and friendly temperament, ordinary passers-by will maintain that ordinary or friendly attitude when they see him. They will not be disgusted, but they will not be like today. Collective attention ceremony.

And this long corset windbreaker that he changed today, with an enlarged cap and a black and white mask, looks brutal, cold and solemn, and sets off a powerful aura. Don’t look at it.

   It’s really a horse relying on clothes and people on a saddle.

  Roll was seen a little uncomfortable, waved his hand quickly, and motioned:

   “Everyone go on.”

   Maybe it was because he was staring at him a little nervously, maybe his voice was blocked by a mask, and his voice was deformed. In short, his voice even sounded more deep and powerful.

   Dressed up as Rolle like this, I am afraid that no one except his daughter will recognize him.

   A researcher wearing a white coat and gold-wire glasses ran to Roer quickly. Before he could speak, Secretary Afu on the side took the initiative to introduce:

   “This is the person in charge of this research, a biological expert from the Scholars Association, and a university scholar Hu Di.”

   “Your Excellency Hu Di, this is the new director of our gray ghost. I hope you can explain the current results and progress.”

   The scholar nodded repeatedly, then politely extended his right hand to Roll.

   But Roll did not respond.

   The scholar had to put his hand back with an awkward look, and said inwardly:

   What an arrogant person…

   Is this the spy chief appointed by the speaker himself? He’s a tough character to deal with…

   Actually, it wasn’t that Rohr deliberately put on the score, but he was taken aback when he heard the secretary introduced that the other party was from the Scholars’ Association, and he was actually a university student.

   The Scholars’ Association is the subject of their supervision. It has always been known for its arrogance. This time, it sent a university scholar to help?

   And, why is it biological? Shouldn’t an interrogation expert be sent over?

   Because he was thinking about these questions, he didn’t notice the other party’s shaking hands for a while. When he reacted, the others had already withdrawn their hands, leaving a bad impression of arrogance on the other party.

   And Secretary Afu, whispered in Roer’s ear again:

   “This university scholar is the kind of research-oriented scholar, or the most famous biologist in China, not the bureaucrat of the sage conference…”

   “He was once in charge of the secret ‘0’ experiment and is also a well-known expert in monsters.”

   Roer nodded slightly and said:

   “Speak in another place, and don’t delay other people’s work.”

   Secretary Afu nodded, and the three of them came to a small office nearby and closed the door.

   The Hudi scholar didn’t mind Rohr’s previous arrogance, and immediately opened the chatterbox:

   “Your Excellency, the experiment you caught this time is very valuable. Please allow me to thank you for allowing me to participate in this important research…”

   “I believe that the research on it is enough to bring our country’s biological development into a new chapter…”

“Yes, it… we temporarily name it as’Experiment 1′. It is a new type of individual that is more special and more special than the previous experiment ‘0’. After preliminary research last night, we have discovered it. Have…”

   The scholar was talking endlessly for a long time, and he seemed so excited that he forgot that Rolle was a layman, used too many professional terms and concepts, and Luo Er didn’t understand a single word.

   But he noticed that there was a layer of dark circles under the other’s glasses, the whites of his eyes were also bloodshot, and there was a strong smell of coffee on his body, so he motioned to the secretary to help him pour another cup.

   This move caused the Hu Di Scholar’s eyes to flicker slightly. Maybe he didn’t expect that this arrogant new director seemed not as arrogant as he thought?

   Taking advantage of the secretary’s departure, Rohr spoke again:

   “What exactly is the ‘0’ experiment?”


Scholar Hu Di showed a little hesitation on his face. He originally wanted to refuse to disclose it. However, due to the aura on Roer’s body, he was worried that if he was dissatisfied with him, he would drive himself out of the experiment. Answered vaguely:

   “It was a living experiment on’special monsters’, which gave us a better understanding of special monsters…”

   “The test subject code-named ‘0’ was named ‘Sit and Watch the Weak Are Killed’ in accordance with the No. 16 Confidential Act. After it was captured by the Star Sword Princess, it was sent for various studies.”

   “Although Experiment 0 was forced to be interrupted, the current research is enough to fill the previous regrets and vacancies.”

Having said that, he will not continue. He believes that with the insights of the new director, he should know what a special monster is, and be able to realize the significance of experiment 0, and of course the importance of this experiment. .

   As a result, Rohr knew a ghost…

   Is the special monster a ghost?

   Some kind of particularly difficult monster? Like the strawberry ice cream that I met at Alpine Fort?

   Such a cruel thing, that Star Sword Fairy can actually catch alive?

   Anyway, at my level, it would be very difficult to catch it alive…

  Roll muttered to himself in his heart, and then he made up his mind. If he does it himself, is it possible to catch strawberry ice cream alive?

   He thought for a while, and felt that theoretically there is still a certain possibility, but in practice, the chance is not great.

  Because that can only be realized by using the profound meaning behind.

However, from the beginning of Upanishad IV, the consumption of weapons has been very exaggerated. Upanishad Fifth can destroy a saber with one use, not to mention the latter. Not only does the weapon consumes a lot, but also consumes oneself. It’s also very big.

   And once you use the high-consumption profound meaning and fail to catch it alive, you will be in trouble, so the risk is high, and the success rate is still not high.

  According to this, the Star Sword Fairy still has two brushes. This self-proclaimed Tier 7 hero is still a little bit behind the real Tier 8 legend.

   Thinking of this, Luo Er said with emotion in his heart:

  The world is so big, I really underestimated the heroes of the world, the legend of the famous eighth-order, really has something!

   It seems that I can’t just fish and tease girls on weekdays. I have to polish my sword skills to make those unskilled secrets more rounded.

  Wait for me to polish the profound meaning behind, and then look for a chance to do a game with that Stardust Sword Fairy to see how far my swordsmanship is from the legendary powerhouse.

  Roll was thinking, lowering his head, tapping the back of his left hand with his right hand, without saying a word, and the Hudi scholar next to him did not dare to bother, silently waiting for his response.

   After a long while, Luo Er looked up again and continued:

   “Why did the ‘0’ experiment stop?”

   “This… I wonder if you remember the bombing of the Tower of Truth?”

   Scholars can say otherwise.

Rohr nodded. Of course he remembered the incident. His daughter was still implicated. He was put under house arrest and investigated in the college, so that he could not see her daughter. Later, he was still doing various activities. Asking the leader for help, he ran away again. After a group of cults were wiped out, the matter was resolved.

   From that time on, Rohr left a variety of negative impressions about the Scholars’ Association as overbearing and rude.

   “The reason why the bombing became so big in the end was because the precious’No. 0’experiment body was killed in the chaos…”

   “Because it has been sealed and suppressed for a long time, and after various experiments, it is already very fragile and can be easily solved by mortals. When it exploded, the scene was in chaos and we didn’t care about it…”

   Hu Di scholar said with regret and sadness, as if he lost his exam, feeling distressed for the poor experimenter.

   just said that at the end, he added without composure:

   “A lot of people were involved in the incident, because the loss was so painful that we lost the perfect opportunity to study special monsters, so that the sage conference used the topic to use the topic to attack the speaker.”

   He knew that Roll was the speaker of the speaker, and he also knew that scholars would use the assault case to attack the speaker’s actions, so he helped clean up the sentence.

  Roll doesn’t care about the political disputes and is not interested in them. He just feels sorry for the interruption of this experiment.

   Although he didn’t quite understand what a special monster is, he still realized the importance of this experiment as the scholars wanted.

   If you can find the weakness of a big monster like strawberry ice cream, you will encounter it in the village in the future, and you will be able to handle it with ease.

   And if the Scholars Association can produce any substantive results, he can also share his experience and experience summed up in defeating Dahan-level monsters for others to refer to.

  Although scholars will be their opponents, monsters are the opponents of all human beings. Rohr has always been clear about such big issues of right and wrong, and he will not hide his own personalities at this time.

In fact, he was also in the village and discussed with a few other villagers how to play big silly monsters like strawberry ice cream. He didn’t want the villagers to go up and shovel each other, but he just hoped that they knew the necessary knowledge, and met him again. If you are away, you can find a way to protect yourself.

It’s a pity that this group of unsophisticated people has no culture. They don’t understand or listen to them. Every time Rohr says a few words, they yell and don’t understand. Then they gag, switch the topic off, and come a few more times, Rohr. So I didn’t want to share it with them.

   can go back and share this experience with the imperial transcendents, they can at least understand their own experience.

   But then again, what is the connection between the previous experiment ‘0’ and the experiment temporarily named ‘1’ in the dungeon outside?

  Isn’t the owl that I caught is just a cat? The level is completely incomparable with strawberry ice cream?

   He hurriedly raised this question, waiting for the other party’s answer.

   At this time, Secretary Afu also came back with twice the coffee, and handed a cup with a lot of milk and sugar to Rohr, and handed the one with almost no sugar to Scholar Hudi.

   Both nodded to the secretary, expressing gratitude.

   Secretary Ah Fu is indeed not an ordinary person, and he remembers the tastes of other people’s coffee clearly.

   So the three of them drank coffee while listening to the Hudi scholar’s introduction:

   “Although the experimental subject that you captured this time is not as powerful as the real special monster, we have magically discovered through preliminary research last night that they have a lot in common!”

   “They all have a special function of responding to the calls and prayers of others, and can transform their own existence within a certain range… etc…”

“The difference is also obvious. Experiment No. 1 has a certain ability to think. I listened to the secret agents who participated in the operation last night… Oh no, I mean the operators describe it. It also has the ability to communicate with people, but it has an IQ. Not high…”

  Roll listened and nodded from time to time.

   It’s not that he really understood it, but that he was listening.

   Finally, the Hu Di scholar concluded:

   “So, we preliminarily judged that Experiment No. 1, codenamed ‘Owl’, is a special life form that has been cultivated or transformed by human means with reference to the existence and characteristics of special monsters!”

   “Although there is a part of the gap between the two, and the difference is very large, but I am worried that with the further development of technology, they will always be able to cultivate stronger individuals who are closer to special monsters…”

   “If it really reaches that point, the empire will be in danger, so the experiment at the moment is very important. I hope your Excellency the Director can fully support our research!”

   Although Rohr didn’t understand what he said before, he still knew that the final conclusion was very amazing!

   If a lot of special monsters of the level of strawberry ice cream can be artificially cultivated, it will definitely be a terrible disaster!

Being able to defeat a monster of that level alone is actually based on the fact that the opponent has no brains, a fixed mode of action, and his own experience If a monster of this level has human wisdom, Even if it’s not that smart, it’s scary enough.

   What’s more, if they can still be commanded, the consequences will be even more disastrous!

   “Has the biotechnology of the Alien Alliance actually developed to this stage?”

  Roll whispered, seemingly unbelievable.

In the empire’s daily propaganda, the alien alliance has always been the image of a weak loser. It has been driven out of the mainland. It has been left alone overseas. It is very backward in all aspects. The people are also living in dire straits. In short, it has always been the most powerful of the few major forces. Too weak.

   Such a weak force, with little sense of existence, suddenly exploded with amazing biological technology?

   Is this world still unreasonable? Shouldn’t biological technology, like the ball of a ballpoint pen, be the most dazzling crown on the technology tree?

   can’t always be a technological explosion, right?

   Fortunately, Scholar Hu Di explained:

   “I think what they should use is not modern technology, but some kind of magical, unknown ancient mystery.”


   Alas, the list is too short, so I won’t make the list today.

   After playing the activities of Shimohara God, I found that Mona is so cute!

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