My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 181 - I am willing to work for you

“My daughter is so amazing( Find the latest chapter!

At the end of hearing it, although there were still a lot of things that he didn’t understand, he still understood the general situation.

This petrified owl is not a human being, but a kind of monster, and a special monster. It is somewhat similar to strawberry ice cream. For example, it can appear out of nowhere, but the overall combat effectiveness is not as good as strawberry ice cream, even the beautiful little donkey. It can be solved, the food has to be squeezed.

It can speak, perhaps because it has a certain amount of human intelligence, but its IQ is low, and it is not cunning enough, or it can be controlled remotely by someone, just a microphone.

And what is really worth paying attention to is that it is a man-made monster, produced by some magical ancient secret technique. Perhaps the current combat effectiveness is not strong, and it can only do some sneaky activities, but it does not rule out that it will suddenly be cultivated in the future. Monster.

This is probably the case.

“In short, your discovery this time is very important to the empire. The empire will thank you for your contributions, and the scholars will also thank you for your contributions.”

The scholar Hu Di said, stood up, and bowed slightly to Luo Er.

“If you have no other questions, I plan to go back to work. If we can discover the secret of this creature as soon as possible, we can also prepare a little bit more.”

Rohr nodded and replied:

“Okay, if you need anything, please speak up.”

He didn’t refuse to cooperate with the other party just because the other party was a scholar’s association. This point can still be distinguished.

At the same time, his face hidden under the mask also showed a wry smile.

I also didn’t expect that I originally planned to attack the imperial capital, but by coincidence, a spy case was discovered, and there was still a considerable hidden danger to national defense and security.

In the end, it is necessary to cooperate with the Scholars Association.

It can only be said that fate is wonderful.

Secretary Ah Fu has been watching and nodding secretly from time to time, still sighing in her heart:

The responsibility of own organization is to supervise the scholars’ associations, not to be hostile to the scholars’ associations. It is much better to have cooperation and supervision than to be hostile to each other.

Your Excellency Rolle showed an overall view of the overall situation. This is the quality and attitude that a leader should have, not a black and white diode.

Moreover, as soon as he took office, he cracked a major and important case. It really deserves to be a strong person specially invited by the speaker.

It seems that Otto really didn’t lie to me, Lord Roll, can really make the gray ghost reshape its glory.

Secretary Ah Fu suddenly felt more energetic in her heart.

Just then, there was a knock on the door outside, and a civilian walked in with two pages of paper in his hand.

“Report, a telegram from the Speaker and the Ministry of Security.”


Roll said casually, leaning back on the back of the chair, closing his eyes, and rubbing his temples.

This position is not high, but there are really a lot of things, which makes him quite troubled, and he is worried that his hairline will be irreparably damaged.

But after waiting for a while, the civilian did not obey the order, holding the message, silently, and did not read it out, causing the scene to fall into a certain awkward silence.

Secretary Ah Fu took the message from the other party and said with a smile:

“Let me read it.”

The civilian sighed in relief, helped the sunglasses on his face, quickly picked up the guide cane, knocked on the ground and left.

Secretary Ah Fu first read the speaker’s message, which mainly expressed congratulations and gratitude to Rohr, and encouraged him to continue his efforts. If this continues, the appointment of an official and a jue is just around the corner.

In the end, he said that if he has any needs, he can talk to the Ministry of Security. You are welcome, and the other party will try to cooperate.

Very normal telegrams, the gray ghosts are originally internal intelligence agencies under the Ministry of Security, which are only operating independently, and it is reasonable to find them if necessary.

Next is the letter sent by the Ministry of Security. The content in front is similar to that of the Speaker. It is just an extra thank you to Rohr for not setting aside their own efforts in this operation, and without monopolizing the credit, so that they can get a share.

Then, they said that they are all in the family, so feel free to speak if you need anything.

In the end, they had sent someone the interrogation record of the orc spy, and it should still be on the way.

After listening to the message, Rohr opened his eyes again and asked implicitly:

“The Speaker and the Ministry of Security…”

Secretary Ah Fu quickly replied:

“The main persons in charge are all students of the speaker, who pulled them up with one hand…”

No wonder you are so easy to talk, you are really a family?

It seems that I was worried about the shortage of manpower before, so the move to ask the Ministry of Security for help had a very good effect?

“Then what if we need to add some personnel?”

Rohr continued to ask.

“No problem, I will write an application for you.”

The secretary replied quickly.

“It is best to add a group of experienced field operators. We now have 19 people, which is far too few.”

Rohr emphasized one last sentence, then stood up and continued:

“By the way, let Eveya come to my office, and talk to her about something.”

An hour later, the elven lady Eveya appeared in Rohr’s office, and Secretary Afu also changed the office with knowledge and interest, leaving the space for the two.

Eveya changed into a lavender professional attire today, with a women’s suit and a knee-length hip skirt. She wore faintly shiny black stockings and high heels on her legs. She wore a sun hat on her head, hanging down. A black veil slightly concealed his stunning appearance.

Beautiful, generous, decent, beautiful and delicious, easy to lead to crime.

It’s just that she was very cautious and didn’t dare to look at Rol, like a frightened kitten.

Although Rohr had taken off the mask, the tunic hadn’t been replaced yet, and he still carried the aura of the spy chief. This was the reason Eveya was nervous, and she didn’t even dare to show the atmosphere.

She looked at the office carefully, and noticed that it was located underground, there were no windows, and the soundproofing effect was very good.

And beside it, there is a large sofa that can be used as a bed.

She felt that she had guessed what Rohr meant for calling herself to the office.

Sure enough, it’s still those things, right? Men are like this…

But it’s still daytime, and it’s a place like an office…

No… is it okay?

Is the taste of the strong like this so different?

Eveya was thinking about it, and then a weird thought came out inexplicably:

I am really attractive!

When she noticed that this idea was not right, she suddenly realized that although she was still uneasy in her heart, she was expecting a little more.

She understands that this belongs to the attachment of weak women to strong men. Her original backer, owls, is gone. She wants to protect her seductive self and her daughter in a mixed and perilous imperial capital. She needs a new and stronger backer. .

Moreover, although the principal culprit in the spy case has already broken the law and has not liquidated his accomplice, in order to get a better treatment, he must make some necessary sacrifices.

What’s more, his daughter is still in his hands…

Besides, with Lord Rohr’s appearance, temperament, status and status, it seems that it is not necessarily himself who suffers?

Eveya, who had figured out these joints, convinced herself, quickly corrected her mentality, and adjusted her state.

There was a charming smile on her face, she first took off the sun hat on her head, letting Rohr admire her appearance generously, loosened the scarf on the neckline, and unbuttoned a shirt.

Finally, he adjusted the original serious sitting posture into a frivolous Erlang leg, and deliberately let the high heels on the cocked foot slip off, only hooked by the toes, exposing the rounded ankles tightly wrapped in black stockings behind.

A series of actions have already made enough hints, and if they are replaced by other men, they should have rushed forward and ravaged them to their heart’s content.

But Roll, who lacks experience in contact with women of the right age, sits in jeopardy and frowns.

What’s the matter with this woman?

Could it be that I am too amiable to her, and dare to wander in front of me?

Rohr decided to remind her to pay attention to her identity and influence, so he said:

“Your daughter currently lives with my daughter, and the two soon became friends.”

These words are actually implying that you are already a mother with a daughter, so you should be more mature and prudent and set a good example for your daughter!

But Eveya couldn’t understand the deep meaning of his words, and she blinked her eyes playfully like a young girl, and said with a smile:

“This is a good thing, it means that the kid should also like you very much, right?”

Rohr recalled the appearance of Nido in front of him. Isn’t he well-behaved and polite? So he nodded and replied:

“It’s okay? But mainly because I promised her to help her join the Broken Blade Swordsmen.”

“Ah? Do you even know this?”

Eveya was a little surprised, and then said:

“That kid, like her father, has been obsessed with swordsmanship since she was a child, and has always wanted to join the Broken Blade Swordsman group to learn. Didn’t you think you would meet her wish?”

While talking, she was thinking secretly in her mind:

Why did he let the daughters of both sides contact and get acquainted first, and cultivate good relationships and feelings? And why do you want to satisfy Nido’s long-term wish? Especially gentle to her?

Could it be that he did not intend to just play, but to consider starting a family in the future?

Yes, otherwise he doesn’t need to do anything extra!

It seems that Lord Rohr is not the kind of slutty man who always abandons, but a mature man who understands responsibility! Even a guilty alien woman like me, he will be responsible! And will give priority to the daughters of both sides.

Eveya’s heart was filled with relief and warmth.

Most of the men she met before just wanted to take the kidneys. This is the first time she met this kind of counterpart who can take the kidneys. You don’t need to be responsible for this, but take the initiative to choose reliable men who take the heart.

This is very similar to her husband who died young. They are both serious and responsible, responsible, and uniquely gentle men who are worthy of trust and reliance on.

Sure enough, a man like Lord Rohr is different from those outside.

Eveya had only intended to persuade and comfort herself, but unknowingly, the more she thought about it, the more biased she became.

If it were not to maintain her reserved image, she might have taken some more active actions.

It’s a pity that Rohr really didn’t think so much. He promised Nido, but simply felt that learning swordsmanship was also a good thing for girls.

Although he is not Nido’s father, from the perspective of a father, it is natural to hope that girls have the awareness and ability to protect themselves.

“Looking back, I will find a time to take her to sign up. You should also find a chance to take her back. This case has come to an end for the time being.”

Roll continued.

After listening to Eveya, she was slightly stunned.

Huh? He didn’t rush over to hug me, but started talking about business first?

This is also true. A mature and reliable man like him naturally knows how to restrain his desires and prioritize things.

Thinking of this, Eveya changed back to the posture of sitting tightly, listening to Roer continue to say:

“As for you, after internal discussions, we decided to let you temporarily enter the state of’labor reform’ and serve our organization as a peripheral member.”

Rohr had thought about how to deal with Eveya before, and discussed with Secretary Afu.

Secretary Afu checked the imperial law. Peripheral spies like Eveya, who voluntarily surrendered and committed meritorious services, affirmed that the crime would not die, and they would not be sentenced for a few years.

However, it is not suitable for the time being directly to the court. Judging from the situation where Owl was killed by himself as a substitute and immediately sought her revenge after turning around, it would be very dangerous to send her to jail.

Taking into account that Eveya has received certain spy training ~ ~ has a certain intelligence ability, and the status of identity also has a certain influence, Secretary Afu proposed to include it.

Moreover, Eveya is still a rich woman. If there are more staff and the organization funds are not enough in the future, she can still get a handful.

It can be regarded as a person’s best use.

At the same time, this is also in line with the special protection regulations of the empire. It is not a favoritism. It is only necessary for Rohr to write a report and submit it to the Ministry of Security and the Speaker for approval, and Eveya can legally serve the gray ghost.

After Eveya listened, the whole person was stunned in the chair.

She was ready to be sent to jail, and planned to use her best efforts to please Rohr for a while and let him help.

As a result, this man actually helped himself to handle everything quietly.

What a gentle, considerate, and reliable man this is!

Eveya felt her heartbeat speed up quickly, and the feelings that had cooled since her husband passed away began to resurrect.

And Rohr continued:

“Of course, you can also choose to refuse, but that means you have to face 5-10 years…”

Before he could finish speaking, Eveya nodded eagerly, and replied without hesitation:

“I accept! I am willing to work for you!”


Sorry, I came back in the afternoon and I was very tired. I wanted to squint in bed for a while, but when I squinted, it was early morning…

The following is today’s list:

Thanks: A pig who loves reading*N, Muyi Ink Shadow*N, Demon Gabriel*N, Monosilane, Phantom Shadow, My Operation Officer, luckzjk, Shangxian Huantian, Xiuxian, Stupid Qiyana Generous rewards from friends such as, daburndan, Adgesh, network ghost ghost*N, etc.!

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