My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 182 - Eveya\\\'s 10-character intersection

“My daughter is so amazing( Find the latest chapter!

Eveya would agree, but Luo Er was not surprised, this was a normal person’s choice.

He then took out a few pages of documents from under his desk, handed them over, and continued:

“These are the terms you need to comply with next, let’s take a look first.”

This clause was copied by Secretary Afu in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Security. It needs Eveya to sign and confirm the agreement before proceeding with the following process.

Roll also took a look before Eveya came over. Objectively speaking, it was a very harsh term.

There is naturally a price to be spared from prison.

Not only requires confidentiality and obedience to orders, but also makes ‘special donations’ from time to time. They are also slapped with fleece, and only have a meager salary, no benefits or other rights, and are worse than the old society’s self-employed workers and more humble than licking dogs.

It is much better than the squatting room, and only people who have no choice will sign.

And Eveya only glanced at the above clauses, and in less than three seconds, he picked up the signature plate on the table and signed his name.

She returned the file to Rohr, blinked again, and asked in a tone of expectation:

“How long do I need to work for you?”

She even hopes this time can be longer.

But Roll smiled and replied:

“It depends on your performance.”

Although it’s not the most ideal answer, it’s not bad, right?

Eveya nodded, with a satisfied smile on her face, and replied:

“I will work hard to make you satisfied!”

Rohr looked at her smile, feeling a little puzzled.

You can still laugh after signing such a clause?

As expected of a woman who dared to dress like that and turned into her bedroom in the middle of the night, this heart is really big…

But fortunately, in our business, we must have a big heart.

“Well, you can go back first. Before you receive further instructions, you can stand on the spot and you can move around as usual, but you can’t leave the imperial capital.”

“Use this time to read the organization’s discipline carefully.”

With that, he took out an organization’s rules and regulations from the drawer and threw it to Eveya, indicating that she could leave.

Eveya was stunned immediately.

Can you go now?

No need to do something?

Why is this different from what I expected?

Seeing her look dull and dazed, Luo Er urged impatiently:

“Why are you still stunned? I still have a lot of work to do.”

Only then did Eveya come back to her senses, nodded in disbelief, and walked towards the door.

But when he was about to go out, Rohr stopped her from behind:

“Wait, your hat.”

He pointed to the beautiful lady’s sun hat on the sofa, and continued:

“There is another thing. When we act, we call each other by code names. You can think about what you want to call your code names, and remember to report it when you come back.”

Eveya looked back with regret and picked up the hat, and left silently.

After she returned to her steam car, the new personal maid noticed that the master’s face was strange, and asked quickly:

“Madam, what’s wrong with you? Didn’t things go well?”

“Do not…”

Eveya whispered and shook her head.

“Things are going well, it’s just a little accident…”

Could it be that he doesn’t think anything wrong with me?

Impossible? He protected me and Nido so enthusiastically, and helped me get rid of sin. Shouldn’t he just let it go like this?

Eveya couldn’t help but remember the common experience of the two in the past.

Well, he is the kind of serious and meticulous person who needs to maintain his image in front of his subordinates, and he must not mess around in the office.

Well, he cares about Nido so much, he must also care about her thoughts, without Nido’s approval, he would not touch me…

Well, he must be the kind of person with a sense of ceremony. Before the formal wedding, there should be no requirements in that regard.

She nodded as she pondered, feeling that she had read Roll.

It must be so right, so even though he saw me at a glance and did so much for me that night, he never acted rudely, and rejected my initiative today…

Yes, he is such a humble, polite, mature and stable man, a true imperial gentleman,

At first, it could be said that it was for Nido, but later, I was willing to…

Woo~ I’m really a shameless sex, like a slutty sociable…

The more Eveya thought about it, the more guilty her heart became, her pretty face flushed red, and she hurriedly covered it with her hands, and she kept shaking from side to side. Her legs in black stockings were tightly clamped, for fear that she could not close her legs, acting as if she was shy. Like young girls.

In fact, according to the cognition of the elf, the 95-year-old elf is really a little girl. She has not yet reached the right age to be a mother. She has been deceived by others, and she has to bear the burden of this age. Heavy.

Eveya was thinking about it, and couldn’t help but recall her husband who had passed away. The two men appeared alternately before her eyes.

They are all excellent, making it difficult to choose.

Obviously I have been married and have a daughter…

But… Lord Rohr is really good, it feels really good to be protected by such a man in secret!

what do I do? Am I going to empathize and betray my deceased lover?

The maid next to her noticed the change of emotion on her face like flipping through a book, and couldn’t help asking:

“Madam, what’s wrong with you?”

Eveya returned to her senses, her face suddenly showed an unpleasant look, and she reprimanded:

“You are not allowed to call me madam in the future!”

The maid was stunned. Isn’t this what you asked for?

If you are not called Madam, what do you want me to call?

She risked being reprimanded again, and asked in a low voice:

“Then…Master, were you just now?”

Seeing the other party’s wise change, Eveya showed a melancholy and tangled expression again, and whispered:

“It’s nothing, just met a good man…”

“Yeah! The best man in the empire!”

“However, he gave me a big problem…”

Just when Eveya was annoyed at the crossroads of life like a young girl, she didn’t notice. There were two lines of sight, looking at herself from a distance from the clock tower of the imperial capital.

It was Ah Da and Ah Er who had just returned to the imperial capital. They were still dressed as imperial gentlemen, wearing black and white masks, sitting on the edge of the huge dial of the big clock tower, overlooking the changes in the imperial capital.

Eveya, it was their accidental discovery.

“Unexpectedly, I will come back after a few weeks and see interesting things again. It seems that the village chief is having a great time outside. This is good news and I have to share it with everyone.”

A Da whispered, sharing the good news with everyone in the village in his head.

“What? The village chief ran to become a bureaucrat? He won’t abandon us, will he?”

“This…how can this be good? Are we going to pretend to be his spies again?”

“Being a spy? Not bad, much better than staying in the village.”

“Don’t mess around, leaving the village, the world outside is too dangerous, and we are not Ah Da and Ah Er.”

“Then…what should we do then? Aren’t we dead? Are we going to destroy that organization and find a way to get the village head back?”

Listening to the chattering discussions in his mind, Ah Da felt a little funny. These guys did not want the village chief to stay in the village every day to take care of themselves, but also worried that he would really leave the village, full of contradictions, and very happy.

It’s like myself. Although not as good as them, it is better to be freer than them.

So he thought about it, and said with a smile:

“Um… the village chief will not give up on us. He said that this village is the shackles and responsibilities he will bear for the rest of his life.”

“Even if he doesn’t come back temporarily, once he hears that the village has been attacked, he will definitely rush back right away.”

Hearing what Ah Da said, the villagers breathed a sigh of relief and said one after another:

“Don’t poke! Ah Da said that the needle is not prick! When we feel the village is unstable, we find something to attack the village, and the village chief will definitely be back!”

“But this thing is not easy to find. All the things in the Chaos Domain have learned their skills, and they dare not show up near the village.”

“It’s not easy? Whoever makes a clone, and then asks the corn man to disguise it, he should be able to deceive the village chief.”

“What bad idea are you doing? Use your clone to pick up the village chief’s sword? Do you look down on the village head too much or too much of yourself?”

“Hee hee, UU reading, I suggest you use your clone to try the village chief’s profundity, and see if the village chief can cut your clone and the main body together with a single sword…”

Ah Da could not help laughing as they quarreled over such a simple matter.

Wouldn’t it be alright to grab a scary-looking, huge monster?

Anyway, the village chief didn’t perceive it, so he could judge the enemy’s strength either by feeling or by slashing with a sword to give it a try.

Moreover, the apostle organization can still be borrowed.

But instead of making these suggestions, he opened up another topic:

“By the way, another woman has come to see the village chief.”

With that, he projected the image of Eveya he saw back into the village.

“Huh? Is it a fairy? Isn’t that a member of your tribe, Ah Da? You introduced this little girl?”

A Dalian quickly denied:

“Please don’t talk nonsense, we are no longer elves, from the soul to the existence.”

The villager also quickly apologized:

“Ah sorry, please don’t mind.”

Ah laughed and didn’t say much.

Other villagers continued to discuss:

“This little fairy girl is fair and beautiful, with pointed ears. I really feel sorry for me. I think it’s better than the big human little girl last time!”

“But the little human girl has beautiful wheat-colored skin and white hair and red eyes. Judging from the performance of the village chief, he should like the little human girl more…”

“Isn’t there that blond little village girl? I’m more optimistic about her, and bet two corns!”


One more chapter, just make up last night.

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