My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 194 - Adventure preparation

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Ah Da then, with the help of the self-proclaimed legendary adventurer Tudou Neighbors, was busy all night. Except for the sixth floor where the archaeological team is currently located, the temple halls on the other floors were all decorated by him. It took great pains.

He also made a special trip to the current new elven king’s court, and obtained some unique treasures with elven characteristics.

This is also the advice of the neighbors of Tudou. Anyway, in order to make this adventure look more realistic, the last treasure house must not be less, let alone shabby, because it is the last, the biggest surprise, and definitely not a lonely coffin. , Or a sledgehammer in it.

And we also need such a treasure house to give the village chief more motivation instead of wandering around every day.

So the neighbor of Tudou suggested that Ah Da find a way to get some ordinary treasures with elves characteristics, and then only go to the current Elf King’s Court.

In fact, a thousand years ago, the elves were still dominating the mainland. When they were the strongest power, they were very rich and prosperous, and their ancestors were really wide.

Especially when Ah Da was still the elf emperor, relying on his great strength to scorn the world, he almost took all the treasures of the entire continent into his bag, and built a huge treasure house like a mountain, which is inexhaustible. Unimaginable huge wealth.

He really hadn’t participated in human kind of adventure activities, because there was no need for that.

And the reason why he had to work hard to change the terrain and create the plateau where the temple was located was for the temple and the corresponding rituals; another purpose was that he needed a large enough treasure house.

It is precisely because the foundation is too solid, even with the rise of mankind, the elves were expelled from the mainland and the deserted islands were condensed, and a large amount of wealth was lost. But today’s elves are still not bad for money, and the treasure house is not like the original one. High mountains, at least there is still a hill.

This was confirmed by Ah Da with his own eyes.

In order to quietly reach the elven territory far overseas, he also relied on the help of the six brothers who carried the coffin.

Now the elves’ territory is an overseas archipelago called the “Pearl Islands” by humans. They occupy several islands with fairly good conditions and become sea neighbors with other alien races such as the orcs that have been driven out.

It was too far away from the mainland, and with Ah Da’s ability, he couldn’t twist the distance between them, allowing him to arrive in an instant, only with the help of the brother who carried the coffin.

At his suggestion, Ah Da disappeared, only Ah Er lay in the beautiful coffin he lent and covered the lid.

It feels a little weird and creepy…

But Ah Er couldn’t speak…

Then, he felt the coffin float up and entered a mysterious realm that he didn’t even understand. The coffin drifted in it like a canoe. It stopped after about ten minutes and fell to a solid ground.

Ah Er got out of the coffin, and Ah Da came out from behind him, like a ghost.

The two of them had crossed this long distance and came to today’s Fairy King’s Court.

“It’s really a magical method. How is it done? A unique distortion? A special use of chaos? Or the manifestation of a special law?”

“It seems that we are really far away from the 12th level, so far away that he can’t even recognize him…”

“Then what kind of existence should the village chief be?”

Ah Da seems to have forgotten where he is, still whispering with emotion just now, trying to analyze the magical means of carrying the coffin brother.

Or Ah Er was more calm and gave him a reminding look.

Ah Da came back to his senses, looked around and admired the current fairy palace.

“Not bad, isn’t it? Although it’s down, but at least the aesthetic is still improving, except for a slightly smaller scale…”

With that, he wandered towards a corner not far away.

There was a guard there, lying in the corner, shivering.

He should have followed his patrol team and patrolled around here.

Then a coffin popped out of the air suddenly and fell to the ground with a thud.

Before the patrol crew could come back to their senses, another unspeakable terrifying coercion came from the coffin.

In the original five-person patrol team, three of them fainted on the spot and collapsed on the side. One of them seemed to have lost their souls, screaming and fleeing. Only the last young elf soldier was left, who could keep his senses and squatted. In the corner, bite the bullet and observe the situation.

Then, the young elf saw the coffin open by itself, and a strange human popped out of it, and another stranger human suddenly appeared behind him.

The two of them carried the kind of leisure like walking around their back garden, looking around, using human language to comment on the landscape layout here.

Finally, one of them noticed himself and walked slowly towards him.

The elf soldier felt a huge fear enveloped his whole body, his brain was blank, he had lost the ability to think and act, and he was dumbfounded.

But the weird human didn’t hurt himself. Instead, he slowly said in an elf language with a strange accent:

“Don’t be nervous, you’re fine like this.”

“We are just here to fetch some of the things that have fallen, and it will be done soon.”

Ah Da said, as he was about to turn around and leave, and it seemed that there was some kind of interest suddenly, stopped, looked back at the young elf carefully, and then asked:

“Where does the emperor today live?”

The soldier’s face was numb, like a puppet, slowly raised his hand, and pointed to a palace not far away.

Ah Da nodded in satisfaction and continued:

“Well, yes, you can still stand when you see me. The talent is really good… but why are you still just a small soldier?”

“You should talk to the elders and let them give you a chance.”

As he said, he stretched out his hand and drew a simple symbol in the air, and the symbol flew to the soldier’s side automatically and burned on his forehead.

Then he followed Ah Er, disappeared into the night, and went to the treasure house of the palace.

As he was walking on the road, Ah Er turned around again and gave him a questioning look.

Ah laughed, and explained a little embarrassingly:

“Hmm… By all accounts, he should be one of our grandnephews? But I don’t remember which woman it is related to?”

He had never missed a woman by his side back then. To be precise, he should have never missed a female creature, and he didn’t need to act.

But he never cared about his heirs, probably because of too many and too messy?

This is actually the private life of a powerful man in this world, and he shouldn’t raise a daughter by himself like Rohr.

Then, the two brothers chose to pick and choose in the treasure house that had shrunk several times and was still huge, and unexpectedly found a few impressive things.

“I remember you seem to like this vase?”

“This sword is not bad, the authentic Dragon Spine Sword, you took it out of an ancient dragon, right? But that seems to be the last ancient dragon in the world, so this should also be the last dragon spine in the world. Sword.”

“The village chief would like it very much?”

“I have some impressions of this set. It was worn by our eighth wife. She is indeed a very wonderful woman, but what race is she from? Orc?”

“Bring it, you can dowry for little Keli in the future.”

The two of them took a part of the high-value treasures from the treasury and put them close to their bodies as if they were visiting a supermarket.

He grabbed some worthless treasures, turned them into mosaic fragments, and picked them up.

Throughout the process, they did not receive any harassment.

After that, the two went to the palace of the current elf emperor, pulled him off the woman’s belly, and talked with him.

Finally, Ah Da disappeared, Ah Er lay back in the coffin alone, and under the arrangement of the brothers who carried the coffin, he continued to prepare for the adventure.

Obviously a moment before, he was still a peerless powerhouse who wandered through the palace with disdain for the world; but the next moment, he immediately became an ordinary villager who had worked so hard for the village chief.

Fortunately, both of them have adapted to this change of identity.

After they left for about two hours, the elf emperor and the elf soldier, who had been severely frightened, gradually woke up and issued a series of exclamations and strange screams.

“Enemy attack! Enemy attack!”

“The first emperor! I dreamt of the first emperor back then! He is still blessing our clan!”

“Come on! Someone trespassed into the royal court!”

“With the blessing of our ancestors, we will be able to restore our homeland!”

Two elves with completely different identities, speaking completely different things, rushed to tell each other in the royal court.

It’s a pity that Ah Da and Ah Er didn’t care about this at all. The two brothers hurriedly completed the general layout of the temple before dawn, and then immediately left the temple and returned to the village, only relying on the remaining monitoring methods to pay attention to it. Situation and changes.

Although with the help of the corn man’s golden pocket watch, they were able to temporarily hide their figure in front of Rohr, this was not long-lasting, and there was still a certain risk, and they did not dare to provoke the inexplicable and strange intuition of the village chief.

Last time, I just touched the donkey and got a sword, almost killing him.

Being able to hide in the crowd to help the village chief open the gate of the temple and make some tricks while he is asleep is already the limit.

In response, the fat man nodded and said:

“Okay, it’s enough.”

“Then next, what else should I do?”

Ah Da looked humble and asked for advice.

The neighbor of Sweetie Guo helped replied:

“Wait, and hope.”

“If our inference is correct…”

The potato neighbor smiled and said:

“But if you are really bored, go and help me go through the potato fields.”

Ah Da nodded readily.

But this made a bad start, and then I heard Sweetheart’s neighbor say:

“In this case, my fruit tree will help me build branches and leaves. Be careful not to throw away the cut branches and leaves, it is very dangerous!”

“Well, especially if we can’t let my piglets eat, it will affect the taste and meat quality, so if you have time, help me cut a basket of ordinary hogweed.”

The neighbor who raised pigs also followed.

“That’s right, I’m going to be busy filling in the gaps in the space, and I will leave my wine cellar to you to take care of…”

Seeing this group of well-rounded guys throw all kinds of chores on themselves, Ah Da could only show a dumbfounded expression, but he did not dare to refuse.

And there is a bad feeling in my heart, even if everything goes well, I have completed the long-awaited advancement, but the status of the brothers in the village does not seem to be changed much.

However, the two brothers have already gotten a lot of them for this, and even the crown of power has been given out.

In the end, shouldn’t you lose everything, right?

A Da was a little worried, silently put on the back basket, and went up the mountain to mow the pig grass.

In other words, should I bring that young man to the village to add some new people to the village?


As for Rohr, after waking up, he took a look at the temple and found that everything was normal. His daughter and Oriana had completed their shifts earlier and are now busy inside.

He wanted to go in and have a look, but was stopped by other archaeologists, and politely advised him not to destroy the scene.

Roel didn’t feel embarrassed to continue interrupting, so he could only look back, thinking about leading the team out on patrol.

As a result, when the patrol saw him coming, he ran away…

This time even Major Anderson ran with him, not staying to stop him.

“I don’t seem to be as popular as I used to be? Is it because of this mask and wearing it?”

Roll scratched his head, a little depressed.

In the past, his simple, honest, and handsome image of a mountain villager on the line is quite popular.

And now the appearance of the spy chief is really not that popular.

“By the way, what about those spies? Are they coming yet?”

Luo Er felt a little bored. After waiting for these two days, the staff under his command also searched around and did not notice any signs of espionage.

Could it be that they were frightened by the wind and escaped?

It should be impossible.

Roll shook his head, denying his unrealistic idea.

He has deeply understood the importance of an ancient ruin, especially such a ruin left by a super powerful elf emperor at that time, there is a high probability that there will be big news in it.

Enemy spies, there is no reason for no action at all.

Then, they may be more cunning than I expected…

As he spoke, he couldn’t help but raised his head and looked at a towering snowy mountain in the distance.

“Isn’t it hiding in that kind of place?”

He laughed self-deprecatingly and shook his head, not taking this sudden thought seriously.

The snow mountain is tens of kilometers away from here, far away from the normal warning range, and the environment is worse, and various weird phenomena are more frequent.

And I heard from the staff under their command that even if they looked at the snowy mountain from a distance, they would feel a strange feeling of discomfort in their hearts.

No one should dare to camp in such a place.


The following is a list of these days:

Thanks to Devil Jiabaili*N, a pig who loves to read books, ghost*N from the Internet, Muyi Ink Shadow, One Flower, Two Naisanjiu, Four Leaves, May, Bingpaku, my operating officer, the name is not General difficulties, generous rewards from daburndan and other friends!

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