My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 195 - hostility

“My daughter is so amazing( Find the latest chapter!

If there are people who have particularly good eyesight and are particularly careful, they may be able to spot a slight strange flash of light on the snow-capped mountain tens of kilometers away from time to time.

That is the flash of the telescope in the sun.

It’s a pity that Rohr was ignorant when he was young. He played StarCraft, and he was not such a thin man. Naturally, he couldn’t find it.

Halfway through the snow-capped mountain, in a relatively gentle place, a small camp was set up. There were more than a dozen elves fighting against the severe cold, waiting for a chance to act.

In fact, Rohr’s previous judgment was not wrong. The conditions here are harsh, the snow does not melt all year round, and the cold mountain breeze is more like a knife, which can cause pain in the cheeks, and it will freeze if you stay for a while.

Moreover, there is a strange atmosphere that is difficult to describe in words. It seems that there is some invisible force covering here, which will make people close to feel some inexplicable heart palpitations.

It’s really not suitable for human beings to stay for a long time, let alone camping in such a ghost place, but it’s different for the elves. The cold here is still within their acceptance range, and the strange power makes them feel at ease. .

After all, this is the ancient elven palace, their hometown.

And these more than ten elves are almost motionless except for observing the conditions of the temple with binoculars from time to time, or eating a sip of dry food that has been frozen like a stone, and sipping a sip of snow water, like an ice sculpture. In that way, he showed extraordinary patience and discipline.

There is no doubt that this is a well-trained and capable reconnaissance team.

It wasn’t until a dusty mist came out of a certain tent that they had a little reaction.

The gray mist gradually condensed in mid-air to resemble a bird like a dove, and then said in a low elf language:

“Our great majesty has issued the latest order…”

This is a ‘messenger’ unique to the elves. Its form of existence is only slightly similar to the one caught by the donkey, but the difference in strength, intelligence and integrity is too large, and it can be said that they are two completely different species.

Like this one, it can only be used as a pigeon to deliver messages.

Of course, the ordinary elves of this kind of patrol naturally don’t understand so much.

But the message it delivered was so severe that the captain of this squad couldn’t help but frown.

After it passed the message and dissipated into the air, a member of the team asked in a low voice:

“Captain, the emperor’s life is completely messy, what should we do?”

Other team members also said:

“Not far from here, but there is a demigod who is the most powerful, and we are in front of them, just like the little butterfly…”

“Where is our night owl? Why not come to help us? Isn’t that plan a big success? It is also said to be a higher existence beyond the demigod…”

The captain heard these words and said quickly:

“Don’t say such things, no matter how unreasonable the order is, it was issued by His Majesty the Emperor himself. We have no choice but to execute it.”

Having said that, his tone also vaguely brought helplessness.

The emperor’s order is really crazy and outrageous…

He actually asked the people of this team to take back the temple left by the first emperor at all costs, protect the glory of the first emperor, and let the elves embark on the road to rebuild their glory.

Although the current elf emperor is not that shrewd and strong, and is still relatively young, he has also been in this position for more than a hundred years, and he has also made some achievements.

For example, the’Night Owl’ project is said to have achieved remarkable results. It allowed the elves to gain a firm foothold near the Pearl Islands without fear of coveting orcs, and they also had considerable initiative and a strong position, which could vaguely replace the orcs and become an alien alliance. The leader.

But who knew that he suddenly gave such a ridiculous order like a madness to force this reconnaissance team to attack more than 200 well-equipped regular troops of the Empire.

According to the various information collected, the human empire pays special attention to and is keen on various archaeological activities, and basically sends high-ranking transcendents to the town every time. In the empire camp below, I don’t know what kind of powerful people are hidden.

The elves, or the entire alien alliance, have been driven to the remote Pearl Islands and lost their geographical advantage and large population. Therefore, whether it is extraordinary combat power, number of strong men, technological level, and military development, it is all four. The weakest among the big forces.

If it weren’t for the level 0 sacred object in hand, I am afraid that humans have already crossed the oceans and flattened the Pearl Islands, and collected the beautiful elves as playthings.

Against this background, a small reconnaissance team is instinctively lacking in confidence when facing the imperial soldiers. It is already very hard to maintain surveillance. Want to counterattack? It’s tantamount to looking for death.

At this time, the captain murmured again:

“Could it be that we really want to cooperate with that human terrorist organization this time?”

The traitor organization he called it, of course, was the notorious apostolic organization.

Before this operation, their superiors had mentioned the apostle organization vaguely, saying that they might cooperate with them in the operation, but the specific content had to wait for a higher level to make a decision to keep them under surveillance and not to startle.

But in the next few days, they didn’t receive new instructions. Instead, they were noticed by the empires, and they immediately dispatched more reinforcements, forcing them to snail on the severe snowy mountains.

Don’t look at the elves’ downfall now, but at least some self-esteem and pride are still there. Cooperating with a notorious terrorist organization is not such a good decision to make.

After all, it is not a country on the planet that likes to support terrorists.

And just as the whole team was feeling overwhelmed by the emperor’s chaotic life and was considering whether to surrender, a team member suddenly saw a group of humans in black robes approaching them on foot from the direction of the ridge on the other side.

From a distance, this team of humans are dressed in thin clothes, and there seems to be only a black robe on their bodies. They are blown by the violent mountain wind, as if they will be blown directly in the next second.

But their steps were still steady, and it didn’t take long before they came to a location very close to the camp.

The headed one even spoke in a less standard Elvish language:

“Don’t be nervous, we are allies.”

After that, he stretched out his naked arm and made a sign that only the reconnaissance team knew, indicating that they had already contacted their superiors.

Upon seeing this, the Elf Captain felt a little mixed.

This team of humans is obviously extraordinary. Being able to walk on this snowy mountain on foot has proved their extraordinary and their combat power is certainly good. With their strength, it may be possible to complete the emperor’s chaotic life.

But this also means that the elves lowered their noble heads and wanted to really cooperate with terrorist organizations.

The captain of the elves again motioned to his men to pay attention, and after allowing the opponent to get closer, he asked:

“You are reinforcements?”


The whole face of the leader was hidden under the hood of the black robe, only a part of his chin was exposed. He took out a document from his arms and handed it to the captain.

This is an order from a higher level, which requires the team to fully cooperate with the leader of the ‘Bess’, and to maintain sufficient respect and courtesy. It also comes with a simple combat plan.

“Start with their patrol first?”

The captain looked at the orders of his superiors, a little puzzled.

Just attacking the patrol team has almost no effect on the whole situation. It will also make the opponent more vigilant, and it is very likely that more reinforcements will be transferred, which is not worth the loss.

The double wind fortress, the important town of the empire, is not far from here, and it is very convenient to mobilize reinforcements. There are a large number of extraordinary people and two demigods stationed there.

However, the opposing team leader Bessie gave a reasonable explanation:

“I need to use this little provocation to test out the supernatural beings hidden in the empire.”

“Don’t be nervous, I am confident, and I have a mature response plan behind.”

As he said, he noticed the expression of the Elf Captain, still not trusting himself, and continued:

“Since our two sides have cooperated, you should put aside your prejudices and arrogance. We have exchanged a lot of precious information and demonstrated sufficient sincerity.”

“Maybe you can only operate on the border, don’t you know enough about the empire today? Then I might as well tell you that after a great victory before, the empire has suffered heavy losses and is no longer strong. Today they are just It’s nothing more than a paper tiger who is strong in the outside world.”

The captain of the elves listened silently, his facial expressions stiff from the cold, unchanged, but he felt a little disdainful in his heart.

This information is not news at all. The elves had learned about the empire’s severe damage through the product of the’Night Owl’ project earlier, otherwise their team would not have traveled all the way to this ghost. Place.

However, this terrorist organization can severely damage a powerful empire, and its strength should not be underestimated. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the upper level agreed to cooperate with them.

The captain of the elves pondered in his heart, and heard the other party continue to say:

“Once we have successfully identified the superhumans of the empire, as long as there are no demigods sitting in town, we can easily solve them, and the remaining ordinary soldiers will be even more harmless.”

“And the two demigods placed in the double wind fortress on the bright side of the empire were also suppressed by our apostle.”

“Why don’t you give more information. The two demigods in the Double Wind Fortress were affected by our great victory before, and they are in a very bad state now. If they act strongly, they are likely to be killed by our Master Apostle.”

Team leader Bessie seemed very confident and a little bit proud.

No matter if it is an imperial person or a group of elves like buns, they certainly would not have imagined that their organization has now firmly planted a very clever spy in a place like the imperial capital, who is the intelligence officer of their organization.

The new information this time was provided by him, very reliable!

It’s a pity that this team leader is only a small leader in the organization, and can’t know such high-level core personnel. Naturally, he never thought that the intelligence officer he trusted was the great philanthropist Walsh.

He did provide reliable information to the Apostle Organization, and the two demigods in the Two Winds Fortress were indeed in a terrible state.

But at the same time, he also obeyed Ah Da’s instructions. The apostle organization was a little bit moving, and immediately it was an anonymous letter sent to the brand new life housekeeping company.

Therefore, the leader of Bessie didn’t know that there was a spy chief waiting for them, and he was naturally very confident.

And this confidence infected the Elf Captain, he also nodded suspiciously, his eyes gradually changed.

For him, the existence of a demigod is like this big snow mountain, unattainable, making him awed from the bottom of his heart.

And not far from him, there were two demigods sitting around. When he thought of this, his calves trembled slightly.

If these people can really deal with the two demigods, then there seems nothing to be afraid of the rest?

Just don’t know how the ‘Apostle’ among this population is better than our ‘Night Owl’?

Then, the two discussed more details, and the more they talked, the more excited, and the hotter and hotter they talked, as if the cold wind on the mountain was not so blowing.

They plan to attack the Empire’s patrol team tomorrow morning.

The captain of the elves has carefully observed the patrol team of the empire. The level of training is very average. He also made a mistake that made people laugh out of his teeth. Found the way.

The vigilance is also very poor, I secretly hanged not far behind but I couldn’t find it.

What’s even more ridiculous is that there is also an undisciplined guy who actually left the team alone and ran to catch a little snow leopard, but in the end he couldn’t succeed.

If it weren’t for being afraid to act rashly, then Captain Elf wanted to attack this ridiculous patrol team, such as sneaking around and killing the guy who was behind to catch the little snow leopard.

Although the team returned to normal the next day, and was no longer lost, the idiot who caught the little snow leopard did not reappear, maybe he had been shot? But this is enough to make the patrol leave a weak impression.

So the Elf Captain felt that even without the help of these black-robed men, he could win the patrol.

As long as you don’t encounter the extraordinary of the empire.


On Rohr’s side, he didn’t know that the enemy had already planned to do something for the time being. He was listening to his daughter and Oriana, who had been in the shift, about today’s results and discoveries.

In order to facilitate the translation, he also specially asked Eveya to come to his tent.

Oriana frowned suspiciously when she saw Eveya, who was wearing a hood and covering her ears and wearing a mask.

She saw that the translator was a woman, and she should still be a great woman.

But she also believes that her future husband will not do anything to disappoint her.

Therefore, she did not show hostility, and everyone discussed academic issues together in a friendly manner.


The following is today’s list:

Thank you demon Jiabaili, a pig who loves to read books, Muyi Ink Shadow, Super Bear Papa, Milk Tea Dog and other friends for their generous rewards.

I’m still adjusting my status, and when I feel better, I will make up for the changes these days.

I hope you can be considerate.

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