My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 684 Our Mountain

Chapter 682: Our Mountain

On the highway.

A long line of heavy trucks roared past outside, vibrating the windows and making a rumble of wind.

Geographically, Huangtie Town is located between Jinqing Port and Siberyllium City.

Therefore, in order to properly manage various materials donated by the outside world, Shanmin asked the Lava Team to build a very large storage base outside Huangtie Town to be responsible for necessary transfers and stops.

It is said that it can no longer be installed and is expected to need a second expansion.

"How many outsiders are there in Huangtie Town?"

Kashiwagi asked curiously.

Ayana replied: "Not too much, not too little. You also know that the competitiveness of Huangtie Town is not as good as that of Silicon Beryllium City. The living environment there is much better."

Silica City, Ergin's former base camp.

Kashiwagi, who is from Ouray, has never been there even once.

But that doesn't stop him from getting the information there from various sources.

According to Yamaminori, most of the black technology in Ole is originated from Silica City. It is located in the most dangerous area of ​​Ole and was built with the diversion canal dug by the first mayor.

Relying on abundant water resources, Silica City has become an oasis in the desert, and millions of people have lived here for hundreds of years.

It was also the only place that valued basic education before the victory over Ergin, with a literacy rate of over 80%.

Because most of the buildings are as white as jade, the greening facilities are very good, and the water channels in the city are crystal clear, it is also called the Holy City, the Oasis City, etc.

Erjin dares to accept outside alliance personnel in Silicon Beryllium City, so the image project will naturally be good.

This time when I came back to Kashiwagi, I was also planning to go shopping in the silicon beryllium market.

By the way, take a look at the Realgar Tower, the largest and most magnificent high-tech arena in Ole.

This thing has been built since the time of the former boss of the Shadow Team, Urya, and the current boss is Altes, the youngest son of the former boss of the Shadow Team, Deathkin.

After the Dragon Man, the protagonist of the Dark Tornado version, destroyed the plan of the second-generation Shadow Team, Altes suddenly realized that he surrendered to the international police with his father's death money and his brother Aldus.

As an accomplice, Altes has the initiative to repent, and the second-generation Shadow Team is smaller than the first and third-generation criminals. Within a few years, he was successfully released from prison and returned to Ole to take charge of the Realgar Tower, one of the Shadow Team's legacies. The father and brother remain in prison.

Altes, who actively responded to the destruction of the Third Shadow Team, also contributed greatly.


The Realgar Tower is the third place where many powerful trainers gather, besides Battle Mountain and the oldest arena--Ole Arena.

In the past, Kashiwagi's detailed knowledge of Pokémon trainers in the Ourei region was limited to Huangtie Town, which to put it bluntly was equivalent to a glimpse of the leopard.

As he aims to win the Ole Champions League, he must get to know those people.

It will be too late to find out when Shanmin establishes the Orei Alliance and they respond.


A flash of green crossed Cypress's line of sight.


Just as he was about to look back, a large amount of green came into view!

In the past, flying sand was rampant outside Huangtie Town all year round. The sun baked the earth into cracks that looked like scars, and there was no sign of life as far as the eye could see——


At this time, what appeared in front of Kashiwagi was a relatively rare but extremely eye-catching green plant!

Cypress looked at those low shrubs in shock. It was still nearly an hour away from Huangtie Town, and it was also extremely far away from the mountains of Boscodora.

Has the greening of Huangtie Town reached this level?


"It was done by the big and small Lugia, N and the Pokémon he manages."

A smile appeared on Ayana's face and she explained: "N is the most active one when it comes to greening. He never only plants trees near Huangtie Town, but often takes large groups of Pokémon to plant sand plants everywhere... …”

Ole's land was too barren, and N's progress was unclear at the beginning. After all, as a "Pokémon Friend", he had no research on greening. The plant experts Shanmin was looking for didn't come forward, so it was not suitable for planting outside at first. A large tree in our desert environment.

Huangtie Town is currently not short of water due to black technological transformation, but there are not so many conditions to transport water outside.

As a result, many of the plant seedlings died even if they were supported by grass-type Pokémon. It was not only a waste of time but also a waste of energy. Later, with the guidance of experts, I slowly learned to plant sand plants that are drought-tolerant, sand-tolerant, and salt-tolerant and require less water. plant.

For example, Haloxylon ammodendron tree, multi-branched strange willow, etc.

The large-scale rainfall caused by Lugia and her children a few days ago successfully spawned a variety of seeds that were actively separated from the feces of bird Pokémon and grass-type Pokémon and spread all over the place.

The green shrubs that Cypress saw now were the result of the rainfall in the previous days.


It was difficult for him to describe the emotions surging in his heart at this moment. Green plants and other things could be seen everywhere in the Hoenn area. Except for the first two days when he arrived in Hoenn, he was a little curious about it, and he basically didn't pay attention to it after that.

But the plants in front of me were different.

From the meaning behind it to itself, it is different.

These types are different. The sand plants that live tenaciously in the barren land represent the unremitting efforts of N and Pokémon, and also represent the original agreement between Kashiwagi and Shanmin.

I want to change the entire Ole agreement!

"Don't be too excited. It's not too late to express your emotions after you see the environment around Huang Tiezhen." Ayana's words made Terry laugh.

She shouted: "Sister-in-law is right! Where is this going!"

"Then I'll look forward to it."

Kashiwagi has actually seen a lot of photos around Huangtie Town, but he still can't help but look forward to seeing the plants personally planted by the people of Huangtie Town led by Shanmin.

The minibus continued to drive.

Otsuka and others gradually got out of the land-sick state. They had long been accustomed to the scenery outside, and they couldn't help but laugh when they saw their boss being so rare.

"When we get to Oulei in a while, I'll show you what I planted! That's a tall and strong one!"

"Come on! You always let your sister and Pokémon run to water the tree. Are you the one who planted the tree? It's more like having your name on it!"

"I've planted a lot, so I can't manage it!"

Several people started arguing as they talked.

Kashiwagi ignored them and opened the car window to look at the Warrior Eagle and several small eagles flying from the sky. This was the first time he saw Pokémon in the wild in Ole, and he was quite surprised.

"The Warrior Eagle is indeed more adaptable to this environment..."

In the past six months, N has rescued all Pokémon in the hands of villains in the Orei area, freeing them from the shackles of the Poké Ball and regaining their freedom.

The total number is probably hundreds of thousands.

Among them, except for the ice-type Pokémon that were completely unable to adapt to the Orei environment and were sent to other areas, and a small number of them were deceived and abducted, most of the Pokémon are in a wild state.

Currently, the rescue organization prohibits local trainers in Ole from conquering these Pokémon through battles, and is also actively looking for ways to properly dispose of these Pokémon.

After all, hundreds of thousands of Pokémon would need just enough food for a day.

N is trying to let them solve it on their own, but currently only ground, rock, grass, electricity and other attributes and some special Pokémon can solve it on their own.

Others, like Ole Environmental Governance, have just begun to improve.

I heard from Shanmin that recently the rescue organization was interested in discussing with N to let Pokémon live in civilian homes. The Orei people are still very enthusiastic about Pokémon.

However, N has been inspecting many people in Huangtie Town in the past six months, and there are not many people who can satisfy him to entrust Pokémon to him.

There was a stalemate at that moment.

Kashiwagi deliberately persuaded N. The rations of hundreds of thousands of Pokémon were still a heavy burden even for N, who inherited the legacy of Team Plasma.

What's more, allowing Pokémon to come into contact with humans is also beneficial to the harmonious coexistence of the natural environment in Ole.

You may not have noticed that Midina, the land of Sinnoh, was once a desolate place, but under the governance of Damos, it still became extremely rich even after losing the gem of life lent by Arceus.

The joint efforts of humans and Pokémon cannot be separated.

Ole's current main strategy is for people and Pokémon to work together to transform the living environment. They know very well that Pokémon and humans cannot be separated.

"N's land-based Pokémon paradise, I don't know how many years we have to wait."

Kashiwagi shook his head.

The main reason why N favors Ole is that this land is vast but sparsely populated, making it more suitable for wild Pokémon to live in than other over-developed areas.

Shanmin had promised N to ensure the living environment of wild Pokémon, but now he mainly focused on building three major towns.

Is N's wish difficult to say? Just find Arceus' Life Gem or other Pokémon that can bring Ole back to life overnight. But it's easy to say... How many of these legendary Pokémon can be found in the world?

Kashiwagi reached out to hold Qianzhou's wrist in his arms, and suddenly turned his head to look out the window. He heard a flapping sound of wings, and then the warrior eagle actually glided to the side of the car with its little eaglet.

As if confirming something, it looked at him carefully before flapping its wings and flying away.

The few furry-headed eaglets following it frantically flapped their immature wings, looked anxious, and cried anxiously.

"It's these guys."

Ayana got up and went to the next door to look outside. "They are N's eyes. They probably came to you specifically to confirm where you were."

"Confirm where I am?"

Bai Mu was slightly startled, and suddenly had a guess in his mind.

The minibus drove forward for a long time, and the number of green plants in the endless desert on both sides of the road gradually increased. Although it was far less lush than the outside world, it still made him particularly happy.

It has been possible to achieve this level in just half a year. Even if it does not rely on the power of legendary Pokémon, we may be able to see a lush Ore area in our lifetime.

"Boss! Look! Your mountain is here!"

Someone suddenly shouted.

Kashiwagi quickly looked out the front windshield and suddenly saw a huge and incompatible mountain range in the distance.

The green plants in the desert are scattered at best, but there are patches of various plants on the mountain range. At the same time, many bird Pokémon can be vaguely seen flying around the mountain range.

The mountains of Boscodora!

His heart was shaken, and his waist also shook violently. There was no doubt that it was Boscodora and the giant steel snake who couldn't hold back.

The long-awaited territory was approaching, and even Boscodora, who had gradually matured during the trip, couldn't help but get excited.

Seeing this, Kashiwagi said to Terry: "Please stop for a moment after you get close."

"You want to climb a mountain? Why don't you wait until you return to Huangtie Town? Sister Ayana has been taking care of your hoverbike and car."

Terry looked hesitant.

He quickly explained: "I want to release the Big Steel Snake and Boscodor. They have been looking forward to it for a long time. Let them go to the mountains for a walk first."

"Like this? Okay! You really dote on your Pokémon." Terry agreed.

Kashiwagi smiled without saying a word and turned to thank Ayana.

When he left, he handed over the first few cars to the Rainbow Team's mechanic team. Unexpectedly, it was Ayana who helped him maintain them.

"Don't thank me, thank my dad. He used to run a motorcycle shop in Jinqing Port, but now he has returned to Huangtie Town and joined the mechanic team as the leader. If he insists on letting me learn his skills, I will use your car as a test It's a good product. I've modified it by the way. If you're not satisfied, come to my dad, not me."

Ayana shrugged.

A few moments.

The minibus drove to the towering mountains, and Kashiwagi got out of the car and released all the Pokémon in the team.

"Goo ho!"


Boss Cordora and Giant Steel Snake were the most excited, almost impatient to climb up the mountain, while other Pokémon quietly observed the surrounding situation.

Except for the first four, the other members came to Ourei for the first time. After a cursory glance, they set their sights on Kashiwagi.

"This is our future residence, and it is also the territory that Boscodora cherishes. Those who are interested here can stay for now. I will come back to pick you up in the evening. Those who are not interested can come with me."

He looked at the Pokémon.

The result is obvious. Except for the giant steel snake, which has been rarely close to him in the past six months, even Boss Cordora is not willing to be separated from his trainer due to temporary desires.

The heterochromatic Menas is even more miserable. The climate in Ole is too dry, and it is not used to the humid environment in Hoenn.

The two sisters, the usually lively and playful Duolong Mexia, glanced at the three evil dragons, and then at the heterochromatic Gengar. Seeing that they were not interested in either of them, they naturally gave up.

"Okay, then let the big monster and the big steel snake stay."

Kashiwagi looked at the troubled Boscodora and said with a smile: "Go quickly, it's okay. After waiting for so long, you finally come back. It's time for you to take a good look at your territory."


After hearing this, Boscodora turned to look at the towering mountains, at the scattered plants, and then at the giant steel snake that was eager to try to encourage it with its eyes.

It shook its head, walked to Kashiwagi and roared, "Gooho!"

Since it is an ace Pokémon, it cannot leave its trainer's side. The mountains are here and will not fly away, and you can always see them at night or tomorrow.

Rather than walking alone on the broad mountains, it would rather stand on the highest point with the cypress trees and overlook their territory.

That's right.

This is not its mountain.

This is it and the trainer's mountain!

"Idiot..." Kashiwagi understood a lot from those aqua blue eyes, and felt both moved and happy in his heart.

Which trainer doesn't want a Pokémon to unswervingly choose itself in the face of any temptation?

Happy Egg and other Pokémon also showed happy expressions when they saw this.

Seeing that no one was going, the giant steel snake looked at the mountains and then at everyone, and then returned to the side of Kashiwagi with a helpless low.

Although it is not as clingy as other Pokémon, it does not want to act independently when its allies are of the same mind.

Back in the car.

Ayana and others all had strange expressions. They had agreed to release Pokémon into the mountains, but why did they bring them all back?

"Sorry for taking a little time, let's keep walking."

Kashiwagi smiled.

The minibus set off again.

same moment.

Shanmin glanced at his phone, turned around and said, "The people are coming soon, are you ready?"



The chorus of shouts echoed through the sky.

Looking at the responders, it looked like a huge crowd. At a glance, there were over 10,000 people. People and Pokémon were everywhere. Their faces had expressions of excitement and excitement, and they each held signs, banners, salutes and other things.

Their hero is coming home!

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