My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 685 Welcome home!

Chapter 683: Welcome home!

In Huangtie Town.

The Rescue Organization is the savior that has brought hundreds of thousands of people out of misery.

Countless people worship them and want to join them and become a part of it.

But some neighborhoods in the former Quicksands and former Dogs are different. The residents living there not only want to join the rescue organization, but also want to join the Rainbow Team.

only because.

The leader of Rainbow Team is Kashiwagi.

Once upon a time, the Quicksand Team exploited Qingyi Street and Tongxian Street, and thousands of people looked like ghosts. Once upon a time, the Vicious Dog Team was destroyed, Ciba Street was completely destroyed, and the local residents were left without food or clothing.

Once upon a time, Erjin's troops attacked, carrying dark Pokémon with butcher knives raised high; once upon a time, the dark Pokémon were unstoppable, and the resistance retreated again and again.

It's Kashiwagi, who leads by example and restrains his subordinates in exchange for a stable life for the people of Liangjie.

It was Kashiwagi who rebuilt the buildings on the dilapidated Ciba Street. He did not plunder any property, but instead exchanged everything for food and gave it to the refugees.

It was Kashiwagi, who, as the leader of the Rainbow Team, withstood the high pressure of Erjin's troops and ordered all ordinary people to evacuate the neighborhood.

It was Kashiwagi, the dark Pokémon who went upstream when everyone was defeated again and again and was forced to retreat to the following lines of defense, leading countless Pokémon to fight against Urgin's army!

Maybe there is another reason for everything he does, or maybe there are countless people around him who help him to move forward step by step.

But it still does not prevent everyone from deeply admiring this young man who has grown from a boy to a man.

after all.

Before the rescue organization came to the forefront, no one in power had ever done what he did.

There has never been a time when a person in a position of power has disregarded his own interests, given up everything within easy reach, and cared about whether everyone has a house to live in and whether they have another meal.

No one in power has ever restrained his subordinates openly and prevented them from bullying civilians.

No superior has ever punished his subordinates for bullying civilians!

Not to mention, regardless of their own safety, they go against the current with Pokémon, just to buy time for reinforcements to arrive and rescue the organization.

Without the existence of cypress, many people would have died of exhaustion, starvation, illness...or even been killed!

So it doesn't matter that other neighborhoods in Huangtie Town don't know what Kashiwagi did.

It doesn't matter that the Ourei region doesn't know what Kashiwagi did.

Only the jurisdiction of the Rainbow Team.

Everyone remembers the favor he gave to everyone, and remembers that his heart is different from that of any superior.

Ouray is a wild place.

The people of Huangtie Town are not barbarians. They know how to be grateful and remember everyone who has been kind to them and helped them.

There are many, many heroes in the rescue organization.

Liuge, Flobo, Shanmin...etc.

But in the hearts of the people in Rainbow Team's jurisdiction, only Kashiwagi is their hero!

The hero returns home and is welcomed by thousands of people!

"Welcome home--!!"

The moment Bomu walked out of the car door, the shouts rang out like thunder, even causing the ground in Huangtie Town to tremble violently!

The salute sounds!

The vocals are equally famous!

Countless people and Pokémon held their hands and banners high, trying their best to make their voices heard.

What a scene!

Countless people in Huangtie Town heard the sound and looked outside the town. Although they did not go out to greet him, they knew what was happening outside.

The only leader of Team Rainbow, the legendary [Yaomu] is back!

"Everyone! I'm back!!"

Kashiwagi responded loudly, looking at those familiar faces and those pairs of blazing eyes, even though he had expected it, there was still warmth surging in his heart.

The choice I made after much tossing and turning was indeed the right one.

This is his hometown.

This is the hometown where countless people are looking forward to his return. Once they know the news, they will put aside all their work matters and specially welcome him back!

Shanmin, who was standing at the front, opened his hands and greeted them with a smile.

"Welcome back, our dear Chairman of Rainbow Group."

"It's such an honor for me, dear Mayor of Huangtie Town!"

Kashiwagi returned the smile, and then the two of them stretched out their hands and clasped each other, just like the moment they made the agreement outside the villa.


Next to him, N stepped forward with a smile on his face, holding a knitted garland in his hand to put on his head. This wasn't the end of it, he also raised his head slightly as if he wanted to kiss Kashiwagi's cheek.

There was an uproar around him, and many people covered their children's faces.


Helpless complaints suddenly sounded.

Then the "N" who made the kissing gesture laughed, and leapt up in the air as if the prank had succeeded, transforming back into the original form of a black-furred little fox.

With quick eyes and hands, Kashiwagi quickly grabbed it and held it in his arms. His fingers quickly and accurately tickled its chin and back, "Let you play pranks on me!"

"Yeah! Yeah...hum~嘤~"

Soraya's expression quickly changed from initial anger to comfort, and within two seconds he started to squirm like a baby.

Next to N's sisters, Babina and Helena, were speechless.

You must know that although N's Soraya likes to play pranks on familiar people, he never gets close to anyone other than N, and now he is acting like a spoiled child in Kashiwagi's arms!

The two of them couldn't help but look at N, who was standing behind Shanmin.


N didn't seem to hear anything, and just stepped forward with a friendly smile and hugged Kashiwagi gently, "Welcome back, my friend! You really won't let me down!"

He blinked as if to indicate something.

Kashiwagi understood that he had probably communicated with Dark Lugia and Lugia mother and son.

As a Pokémon friend, N cares for every Pokémon equally, regardless of whether it is a legendary Pokémon or not. Kashiwagi who helped the three Lugias undoubtedly made N very happy that he had seen the right person.

"Xiao Zhi does as much as I do when it comes to his duties."

Kashiwagi didn't dare to take credit randomly.

Xiaozhi is much better than him in terms of sacrifice for Pokémon. He even jumped into a lava pool to save a Pokémon when he stood between two mythical beasts and fantasy beasts who were about to fight.

The flame birds present at the time were stunned.

N shook his head and said: "This has nothing to do with doing more and doing less. Knowing that you are doing it and never giving up is enough to move me."

"makes sense."

Kashiwagi smiled brightly and shifted his gaze.

He noticed that there were Liu Ge, Flobo and others standing in the crowd, and he was inevitably surprised and asked: "How come you-"

"Boss, he was assigned to be the deputy warden of the prison to the east. He specially asked for leave today."

Flobo looked at each other and said: "We are about the same. We are still members of his team anyway."

Liu Ge smiled lightly and crossed his arms without saying anything, as if he didn't hear what he said.

Kashiwagi was confused, "Then he is calculating?"

"Of course it's Gaosheng! It's just that the boss is determined to win the warden, but the headquarters thinks that the boss is too young..."

Frobo's mouth was tightly closed and his face looked horrified, because Liuge put his hand on his head with a smile on his face.

People who are familiar with Liuge have no doubt that if Frobo says one more word, he will crush his Tianling Gai completely.

There was good-natured laughter all around.


Kashiwagi said hello to the familiar residents of Qingyi Street, and met many of the younger members of the Rainbow Team. They were all recruited after becoming cadres. Their relationship was not as close as that of Otsuka and others, but everyone admired him very much.

Among them was Hao Wu, a member of the rescue organization who had been captured by him while lurking in the Vicious Dog Team.

Ever since she learned that the two of them were on the same side and that Kashiwagi was also a member of the rescue organization and was rebuilding the Magnet Street, she became as enthusiastic an admirer as Otsuka and others.

He just couldn't fit into Otsuka's little boy group.

After seeing familiar and unfamiliar faces, Kashiwagi saw Huo Yan and Huo Cun, the leaders of the Lava Team, hiding under a big tree.

"How are you two doing?"

"Very good... Kashiwagi... let's... fight again..."

Huo Yan's speaking tone was still the same as in the past, with a few words jumping out.

The chubby Huocun looked at her helplessly and said to Kashiwagi: "Don't pay attention to what she said. If you are free in the next two days, please go to the Silicon Beeryllium City. I can't get away from Boss Chiyansong, but he wants to meet him." you."

The vast land of the Ole region is more suitable for the red flame pine to develop its ambitions than the humid rainforest-covered Hoenn.

More importantly, Ourei belongs to the "virgin land" that has not been much developed in the wild.

Chi Yansong fully realized the joy of playing an infrastructure game from scratch.

It's a pity that Ole is not his hometown after all.

"I see."

Kashiwagi nodded.

After meeting and greeting all the familiar people, under the leadership of Shanmin, thousands of people happily gathered around Baimu and entered Huangtie Town.

However, compared to when he left, the size of Huangtie Town was already three times the size of the past.

With Huangtie Arena as the city center, it is divided into residential areas, commercial areas, industrial areas, etc. according to the different functions of the area.

Based on its scale, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a Yellow Iron City.

All the former shantytowns and wasteland steam-style houses were demolished and replaced with modern European-style buildings, with the floors covered with neat slates and bricks.

There are green trees and flower beds everywhere, but the air is still a little dry.

Kashiwagi was very pleased.

The wasteland steam style may seem interesting to outsiders, but they are only slightly interesting.

Houses that are uninhabitable have no need to exist.


I heard that Shanmin said that he had left an old house in the west of the city to create a wasteland steam wind amusement park to attract tourists in the future.

He never gave up any means of attracting outsiders.


The villa area assigned to the cadres of the Quicksand Team has not been demolished. The shrubs and small trees planted by Boss Cordola are still there, including the big tree that was specially moved to the backyard.

Shanmin has entrusted professional gardeners to help take care of it.

"Everyone, just send them here. I'm so sorry for disturbing your working time! I will come to see you again!"

Kashiwagi shouted loudly to everyone who sent him here.

Unfortunately, his voice was not loud enough for tens of thousands of people to hear him clearly, so the noise lasted for a while before it gradually dissipated.

Everything in Huangtie Town is waiting for improvement. They are actually quite busy. Even the old, young, women and children have their own important matters. Coming to greet him today is equivalent to a special holiday.

Children are probably the most reluctant to leave. Firstly, they admire Kashiwagi very much. Secondly, they are just like teenagers in the outside world who resist going to school.

In the past, Huangtie Town only had literacy classes and no schools.

It is common for wealthy people or gang leaders to send their children to school in Silber City, or hire a tutor.

In order to popularize education, Shanmin specially requested many teachers from the Fengyuan Alliance to come to Olei to take charge of basic teaching, and quite a few teachers responded.

Although many teenagers in the Pokémon world choose to travel after they are ten years old, traveling does not mean that they will stop going to school completely. Some people will still go back to school after returning from traveling.

And out of respect for knowledge and admiration for all doctors, the teacher has a high status in the Pokémon world.

The strong sense of mission also makes the teachers very happy to come to the Ourei area to support teaching——

Shanmin gave him a lot of money.

With generous remuneration, a chance to improve their qualifications, and the opportunity to demonstrate their ambition to teach and educate people, how could Fengyuan teachers refuse.

Du Juan seemed to want to come to Huangtie Town to offer an open class.

Shanmin found people from outside to be teachers, mainly because he wanted to introduce peaceful ideas from the mainstream area and change the atmosphere of the next generation in Huangtie Town.

It is too difficult to change the ideological concepts of the older generation, so it is better to look to the next generation.

"In that case, you should have a good rest first. You must be tired from the long journey. I will come to see you again in the evening. We have specially prepared a dinner."

Shanmin stayed in front of the villa.

N and his two sisters had no intention of entering with Kashiwagi, and waved to Soraya who was at ease.


Zoroa barked like a puppy, jumped out of Kashiwagi's arms and followed N honestly.

Otsuka and others left early. They had been away for nearly a month. Even if they had cell phone contact, they were really homesick.

Kashiwagi nodded, he was very honored to be welcomed by thousands of people, and his face almost froze with laughter.

The last few people left.

Huo Yan, who was eager to fight, was also dragged away by Huo Cun with great effort. The big wolf dog behind them stuck out its tongue and swung its tail into a propeller.

All of a sudden.

It was quiet around the villa and gardens.

Baimu looked into the distance. Because the villa was built on a higher ground, and there were many low-rise residential buildings of two or three stories nearby, he could suddenly see what was outside Huangtie Town.

"There are actually forests and fields..."

Back when he was in the Quicksand Team, he never imagined that he would be able to see the lush woods outside Huangtie Town. At a glance, there were almost no traces of the desert.

It’s only half a year!

Black technology, Pokémon and the concerted efforts of many people can create such a miracle...

In which place in the past life was water and soil management not calculated based on five or ten years?

Compared with the hard-working people and Pokémon of Iron Town, Kashiwagi felt that his achievements in the past six months were nothing to be proud of.

"Huh... come on! Brothers and sisters! We are going home!"

He opened the Poké Balls again and summoned all the Pokémon.

There were roars.

Boss Cordora was still so excited. It hurried to the trees it planted and touched them like a lover.

The big-mouthed baby walked to the large flat-floor villa with ease. It wanted to see if the things it left behind were still there.

Happy Egg is very considerate in introducing other friends who are here for the first time.


The heterochromatic Menas saw the spray that was automatically spraying water on the lawn. His eyes lit up and he swam over. When the water hit him, he let out a cry of relief.


The Doronmesia siblings looked left and right and started exploring excitedly.

When Doronbaruto came to a strange place, he did not dare to show his face as usual.

Galar Sun Coral just wants to find a comfortable place to continue sleeping.

Porygon II and Gengar listened with great interest to Happy Egg's description of every detail of the trainer's life here.

The giant steel snake is wandering in the sky, and it wants to drill holes back into the mountains.

Three evil dragons...

Sticking to its trainer is its only wish in this life.

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