My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 689 N’s concealment



The crisp sound of glass hitting.

Kashiwagi took back the champagne glass with a smile and looked away from the people in front of him to the surroundings.

The originally empty street was filled with long dining tables. The shops on both sides were brightly lit and filled with food that could be taken at will.

Familiar people and various Pokémon happily enjoyed the food, and laughter could be heard from time to time.

There are even young children playing freely with Pokémon.

Boss Cordora and the others were mixed in among them. Except for Big Mouth Baby who concentrated on eating desserts, Sun Coral and Dorong Baruto resisted crowded places and hid in the villa waiting for Kashiwagi to bring something back to them. They basically stayed with the children. They played in a bunch.

The happy-go-lucky siblings Gengar and Doron Mecia led a bunch of naughty children around.

The lively atmosphere was like some kind of celebration.

Not only this street, but also several streets in the distance and very far away are also brightly lit and making noisy noises.

【welcome banquet】.

Shanmin did not specially summon the heads of various companies that were assisting Huangtie Town, introduce his presence in the splendid banquet hall and get closer to those people. There was no arrangement to stay in his villa, but only to have a small gathering with friends and comrades in the Rainbow Team.

Shanmin chose to have fun with the people.

Let everyone who knew him share in the joy of welcoming his return.

The dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon...

This sentence may not be true in the Pokémon world.

"What? Not used to it?"

Seeing that he was in a daze, Shanmin took a sip of champagne and said calmly: "Although the idea came from me, it was only arranged to be on Qingyi Street at first. After all, you can't spend it carelessly if you have money.

"As a result, several of your good brothers secretly went to talk to people in other streets, causing me to be blocked in the office. Those people were clamoring to bring their own drinks and food to participate... If I want to blame you, blame Otsuka. .”

Hearing this, Kashiwagi looked at Otsuka and others sitting at the table behind. These guys were eavesdropping on their conversation. When they saw the two of them looking over, they immediately got up and ran away.

These guys were laughing as they ran, with triumphant faces on their faces, which made Kashiwagi, who didn't want to hit anyone, feel a little itchy.


Seeing their youthful looks, Kashiwagi remembered that his younger brothers were actually about the same age as him.

Let go of your past life and go to high school at most.

Even in mainstream areas, teenagers this age are either traveling and doing what they want, or going to school.

When looking back at Otsuka's life and that "charity meeting" in which hundreds of people were thrown into a certain area to fight each other, it's hard not to feel how different the world is.

But the rescue organization gave the young people of Huangtie Town the right to choose.

Kashiwagi raised his glass: "I just admire you more and more, cheers."

"Thanks for the compliment, cheers."

Shanmin smiled and touched him lightly.


"How have you considered Ginzaru's matter?" Shan Min raised his chin from a distance away. The tall Ginzaru was awkwardly refusing the food handed to him by others.

Ginma drank a dozen beers without hesitation. The person facing him was Chenghong, the leader of the younger generation of Qingyi Street besides Kashiwagi.

Unfortunately, he was obviously not very good at drinking. After one third of the drink, he was already dizzy and was stopped worriedly by the people next to him.

Yin Ma, who had finished drinking, laughed loudly and shouted proudly:

"My boss can't beat your boss, but you can't drink me! Win! Hahahaha - burp~"

He suddenly covered his mouth, ran out with a bruised face, found a corner and vomited.

The crowd watching was overjoyed.

Kashiwagi retracted his gaze, shook his head slightly and said: "It can only be a temporary substitute. I don't plan to stay for too long when I come back this time. I will stay for about a month or two. It would be too much of a burden for me to really work hard to manage the Yellow Iron Arena." It's heavy."

After the battle, Ginzaru claimed that he suddenly realized that he wanted to travel with Ginma, so that he could not only take care of his younger brother, but also help expand his horizons and improve his strength.

In this case, the yellow iron arena entrusted to him by the rescue organization was definitely not something he could take care of, so he decided to hand it over to Kashiwagi.

The arena itself should be governed by the strongest trainer in the area. This was a rule set a long time ago.

Kashiwagi decisively refused to take over, saying that at best he would be temporarily replaced.

Why not choose Liuli Gym if you really want to inherit?

"A month or two!"

Shanmin was surprised. Although he knew that Kashiwagi would not stay in Ole forever, he did not expect that the time would be so short.

He replied softly: "If I could just be an ordinary regional champion, I would choose to stay in Ole, but I want to be the number one in the world."

His tone was calm, as if he could become the number one in the world if he wanted to.

The Ole Champions League is already within his grasp.

Even Shanmin, who had full confidence in him, couldn't help but sigh when he heard this: "You are so shameless. If you say this, there will probably be many people in Oule who want to hack you to death."

"It's okay. If they don't come to me, I'll go find them."

Kashiwagi smiled slightly and said: "In these days, I will try to visit all the places in the Ole region and look for opportunities to fight against those arena masters and battle mountain masters."

"You..." Shanmin didn't understand what he wanted to do.

Kashiwagi then expressed his judgment about the poor foundation of Trainer Ole in all aspects when he was fighting Ginzaru.

Shanmin was confused.

"Is this happening?"

"Ah? Didn't you study abroad and participate in several alliance conferences? This kind of thing-" He suddenly remembered that Shanmin only won the runner-up in the conference. After returning, he focused on resisting the Shadow Team and promoting regional construction.

I never thought about the shortcomings of Ole trainers in competitive battles.

Even after seeing it, he was indifferent and only thought that Trainer Ole was really good.

Without thinking about the reason for the dish.

The sensitivities between the two are very different in terms of combat. Kashiwagi has the guidance of famous teachers such as the former champion, the current Four Heavenly Kings and the gym owner, and his vision is no longer the same.

Of course, if it were to deal with government affairs, he would definitely have a dark eye, each with his own expertise.

"Anyway, I want to confirm the level of trainers in various places."

Kashiwagi explained in general terms.

Shanmin inexplicably saw the "pity" in his eyes, and the veins on his forehead were bulging, and he wanted to catch him and beat him up.

But there were too many people nearby, so Shanmin held back.

He planned to go to a place where no one was around and start again after finishing, so he suppressed his anger and asked: "If your guess is true, what are you going to do?"

"Of course I'm going to convince them, and then suggest them to go out and see the world, maybe learn the rich tactics of the outside world through the Internet, what else can they do besides that?"

Kashiwagi didn't expect that if he raised his voice, all the trainers in the Ourei region would learn knowledge from the outside world according to his wishes.

You don't need to conquer those people with strength, even if you become a regional champion in the future, you still can't change their ideas.

He even suspected that even if the Ole Conference was officially held, they would not participate because they had no idea of ​​the value of the four words regional championship.

The worship of champions in mainstream regions has been accumulated over decades.

Kashiwagi wants to let all Ole trainers know the meaning of championship within half a year, which is obviously unrealistic.

Silver Monkey is a solid example.

He knew that Kashiwagi won the Hoenn Tournament, and he also knew that Kashiwagi defeated Genji, the leader of the Four Heavenly Kings, but how strong is Genji? How far is there from him?

He really couldn't make a complete judgment only from the God's perspective of the battle video.

It wasn't until he was really crushed by Kashiwagi that he realized that there were people outside the world, and the name on his lips changed three times in a row.

Shanmin had no idea what to do about it, and said, "Then where are you planning to go as your first stop?"

"Yellow Iron Arena."

"Ah? Wasn't Yin Yuan defeated by you?"

"The other trainers there are not convinced, and I have to temporarily act as the gym leader. I am going to train the people there well, and then take them to other arenas to compete!"

Kashiwagi chuckled.

Shanmin shook his head and was speechless. In fact, he was a little moved and wanted to join in.

It's a pity that he is determined to focus on government affairs and use his strengths to contribute to Ole. Pokémon battle is what he yearns for, but it is not suitable for him after all.

"Count me in."

Ayana across from me suddenly tapped the table and raised her glass to signal.

He said unexpectedly: "Sister Ayana..."

"No, from today on, you are my eldest brother. From now on, just call me Ayana. For the Yellow Iron Arena and the rest, count me in."

Ayana looked directly into Kashiwagi's eyes, her moist eyes filled with desire and expectation.

Why did you choose to side with Liu Ge in the first place?

They are both tired of life in the Quicksand Team, and also want to get over it all. The Quicksand Team has too many troublesome things.

Working under Soshiro all day long for the benefit of the Quicksand Team was not what she wanted.

I can't help myself.

However, the Shadow Team was destroyed half a year ago, and the Quicksand Team was completely disintegrated. After finally getting free, she fell into confusion again.

What should I do without the Quicksand Team?

At that time, she didn't think about the future. When Minoru Miyama and Kashiwagi handed over the affairs of Rainbow Team to her, she accepted it without much hesitation.

It wasn't until Kashiwagi set off that she had some vague ideas.

Later, after learning about Kashiwagi's various achievements through the Internet, Ayana gradually developed a yearning for other regions and the prosperous Pokémon battle world outside.

If it weren't for the Rainbow Team position that required her and her family and former subordinates who needed her, she would probably have walked away.

Ayana, who had been suppressing herself, waited until Kashiwagi returned and waited until he expressed his views and decision on Trainer Ole, but she could no longer hold back the eager desire in her heart.

She wants to move forward for the things she desires.

The first step is to keep up with Kashiwagi.

"I will leave some of the chores of the Rainbow Team to Terry and others. Haven't the people on the board of directors wanted me to delegate power for a long time? Have you always been embarrassed to say it?"

Ayana looked at Shanmin.

Shanmin was a little embarrassed. Ayana was a member recruited by Liu Ge. She had no obvious bad deeds and was considered a great virtue. At most, she had shortcomings in minor virtues under the orders of Liusha Team in the past.

It's just that she didn't pay much attention to rebuilding Ole, so some of the original members of the rescue organization in the Rainbow Team criticized her. They secretly hoped that Shanmin would recall the real boss Kashiwagi who was out to take charge of the Rainbow Team.

Kashiwagi drank champagne in embarrassment.

Although it was decided earlier that he was only the boss of Team Rainbow in name only, responsible for attracting Erjin's attention, but later Team Rainbow was not disbanded and was turned into a group by Shanmin, and he received shares and salary.

It doesn’t make sense to just take money and not work.

The key is that he travels with nothing to do and is free to do whatever he wants. He is the boss of the Rainbow Team in everyone's eyes, and everyone welcomes him.

Ayana worked hard to manage the Rainbow Team, but was criticized by her subordinates, who wanted to delegate power.

"Okay, I'll make the arrangements. Don't worry, eldest sister." Shanmin winked at Kashiwagi next to him.

Kashiwagi nodded quickly and said with an apologetic smile: "I definitely agree, big sister! You're welcome. We don't have the concept of superiors and subordinates. We are just trainer partners who make progress together. Many people outside travel and grow together."

Ayana was not interested in red tape. Seeing that he agreed, she put her wine glass forward.



Kashiwagi and Shanmin brought the champagne forward and touched it lightly. They looked at each other and calmed down their guilty expressions.

Full of wine and food.

It's approaching twelve o'clock in the evening.

Under the command of Shanmin, everyone was preparing to pack up and leave. Kashiwagi ignored the obstruction of other neighbors and took Otsuka and others to help deal with various garbage.

When the neighbors on Qingyi Street saw how busy he was, the smiles on their faces became even brighter.

Everyone is actually afraid that Kashiwagi has gone outside and will be alienated or even look down upon them after he recognizes his ancestors and returns to the clan... But Kashiwagi is still the same Kashiwagi.

I remember that in the past, the children of Qingyi Street followed Kashiwagi and listened to his orders.

The past seems to reappear.

Shortly after.

Things are almost packed.

Kashiwagi was carrying a bag of food for Doron Baruto and Sun Coral. After a brief hesitation, he stopped Shanmin, who looked tired and was about to go back.

He said: "I have thought about it for a long time, and it is better to tell you about this matter. Maybe you already knew about it."

"What's the matter? If it's not urgent, can we tell you tomorrow?"

Shanmin had been working hard all day and was really tired.

"I'm not in a hurry, but I'm afraid you'll scold me if I tell you tomorrow." Bomu took a deep breath and said bluntly: "There is an entrance to the spirit world underground in Huangtie Town that is blocked, and many ghosts can't get in. Wandering around Huangtie Town."

Shanmin thought for a moment with his brain that was gradually slowing down under the influence of alcohol.


My brain is no longer dull, and I am no longer sleepy. The drunkenness disappeared instantly, and my whole person became energetic.

Sweat began to form on his back, and his throat rolled: "You...are you kidding me in the middle of the night?"

Kashiwagi stared at him.

Shanmin could only feel his little heart beating wildly. He was so panicked that he said, "They, ahem, what are they going to do? Kill people?"

"No, their existence can only make people in Huangtie Town a little sick at most. And they want to enter the spiritual world, where the soul truly belongs."

Kashiwagi briefly explained the relationship between the spiritual world and the soul.

He was a little confused and said: "You know nothing about this? There are a lot of ghost-type Pokémon in Huangtie Town, right? Even if you don't know N, you must be..."

"I have no idea."

N appeared at a dark street corner. Half of his face was not illuminated by the street lights. His face was obscure and unreadable. He said, "I have never heard those ghost-type Pokémon talk about this. Are you sure?"

Kashiwagi turned to look at him and replied: "I believe in my Pokémon."

"Okay, I'll ask them."

N nodded, turned and left.

Shanmin, who was completely awake, looked at his back and whispered: "He lied."

"He probably knows part of it, such as the fact that there are many souls wandering in Huangtie Town." Kashiwagi shook his head.

N was not a liar, so he hid half of his face in the darkness so that the two of them could not see his expression.

In fact, with Kashiwagi's eyesight, he could easily see the struggle on his face.

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