My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 690 Potential Contradiction

Cool breeze blows.

The industrial area in the distance is still brightly lit.

Shanmin sighed: "Hey, how do you want me to sleep now?"

Ghosts are different from ghost-type Pokémon. Even in the remote Ole region, ghosts still have various frightening legends.

Children fear being captured by ghosts, and adults hope that ghosts will take revenge on those who oppressed them.

Yamamin used to imagine that the dead people turned into ghosts to avenge the dregs of the Shadow Team, but as he studied and traveled in various regions, he fully absorbed the knowledge of the outside world.

He understood something clearly——

[Those who help themselves will be helped by God].

Instead of pursuing illusory things, it is better for him to contribute by his own example, and then use the changed Ole to express his ambition.

However, the above does not mean that Shanmin is indifferent to the real soul.

He was indeed not afraid when he walked and sat upright, but when he thought about the place where he lived, there were invisible and intangible souls everywhere, and they might even collectively stare at him while he slept.

Can you sleep?

Being selfless does not mean abandoning personal privacy.

Kashiwagi shrugged and said: "There is no way. Didn't you bury the underground city? We can only wait until tomorrow morning to dig it up and take a look."

"What about tonight?"

"Find a ghost-type Pokémon to help you look around, and chase it away if you find it. You can always deal with it in one night."

"Okay, lend me your Doronbaluto."

"...This may not work."

"Where can I find ghost-type Pokémon at night? You think this is Hoenn!" Shanmin's low voice sounded a little annoyed.

If he had a choice, he would rather know about it tomorrow.

Just now Kashiwagi plausibly said that he would curse people if we talk about it tomorrow, but he wants to curse people now!

"The only ghost Pokémon in my team that I can lend to you—forget it, why don't you stay at my house tonight, since Wu is not here and the guest room is empty."

Kashiwagi suggested.

As early as on the Fury, Narihiro told him that Awu had returned to the community. This dragon trainer who had helped the rescue organization a lot had been planting trees for half a year. After learning that he was famous in Hoenn, he immediately decided to return to the community to practice.

Obviously Awu is serious about competing for the championship.

Shanmin was really sleepy, he hesitated for a few seconds and nodded in agreement.

Return to the villa.

Shanmin yawned and walked straight to the guest room.

Kashiwagi, who released Boscodora and other Pokémon, hurriedly asked: "Where are your Pokémon?"

"I asked N to take care of it for me."

Shanmin responded casually and closed the door with a click.

He actually put the Pokémon next to N...

Although Kashiwagi can understand that Shanmin is usually busy with government affairs and has no time to take care of his Pokémon, but if he can't see his trainer for a long time, won't the Pokémon be sad?

At least keep one with you, right?

When he felt regretful, the cries of three evil dragons rang in his ears.


"What's wrong?"

Following the sight of the three evil dragons, he saw two half-human Pokémon, one tall and one short, standing outside the open door.

The tall one looks like a rickety old man transformed from a fox, and the short one looks like a cartoon rag doll mixed with cat elements.



Hu Di and Super Miaomiao bowed to him very politely, walked to the guest room calmly, opened the door gently and closed it again.

Kashiwagi smiled silently and reached out to stroke the big heads of the three evil dragons.


Just because the trainer doesn't have time doesn't mean that the Pokémon won't find opportunities on its own, whether it's following him during the day or looking at his sleeping face at night.

As long as the bond between a person and a Pokémon remains unchanged, they are inseparable.

"N will probably come tomorrow, let's go to bed."

Kashiwagi said to the Pokémon waiting for him around him.

The big steel snake in the yard regretfully exhaled two streaks of white air from its nose. It originally wanted to encourage the trainer to go camping on the mountain side, but it waited all day and failed to find the opportunity.

What an angry snake!

The big steel snake slowly closed its eyes and vowed to find an opportunity to encourage the trainer to come over tomorrow.

A night of silence.

The next day.

Kashiwagi, who woke up naturally, had just made breakfast. Before he could wake up Shanmin, N, who had never returned from last night, rang the doorbell.

"Good morning."

N's emerald eyes were slightly dim as always, but the smile on his face made people feel very warm.

"Good morning!"

Kashiwagi warmly welcomed him through the door.


Shanmin, who had locked the door before, appeared on the dining table and enjoyed breakfast. Hu Di and Super Miaomiao were also given special food by the gentle and virtuous Happy Egg.

"Good morning both of you!"

Shanmin raised his hand gracefully.

Kashiwagi said contemptuously: "You are not polite at all. You serve it on the table without asking."

"There are only dreams, Pokémon and delicious food that cannot be lived up to. Besides, if N hadn't come, there would have been only two humans in this room, unless you ate one and watched the other." Shanmin said plausibly.

The familiar communication between the two made N feel like he had returned to half a year ago.

During the period when Huang Tiezhen was first liberated, they sat together for meals like this countless times, chatting or talking about business.

Only at this moment.

Only then did N realize that he, like the two people in front of him, was still very young.

"...I'm sorry, I didn't tell the truth last night."

he said suddenly.

Kashiwagi and Shanmin stopped their meaningless chat and looked over.

N said softly: "I actually knew about the fact that Huangtie Town is full of lost souls on the first day I came here."

Shanmin was extremely shocked, and then said angrily: "The first day! Why haven't you ever--well, it really didn't make sense to say this at that time, but why haven't you told me in the past six months?"

Kashiwagi snapped his fingers twice to attract his attention, "There's no point in talking about it. Ordinary people can't solve this kind of thing, so what if you know? The entrance to the spiritual world is not a 'door' in the true sense."

"Even so..." Shanmin still couldn't suppress his anger.

Although Kashiwagi said that lost souls cannot interfere with living people, what if it happens?

Be serious.

If Shanmin had known about this earlier, he might have considered moving Huangtie Town to other places.

N shook his head at Kashiwagi, "There is no need to excuse me. I didn't know about the entrance to the spirit world being blocked, but I probably didn't say anything about the soul on purpose."

"Should, on purpose." Shanmin repeated these two words, his eyes turning from anger to disappointment.

N seemed to be invisible and said slowly: "First of all, I really have no way to deal with the lost souls. The ghost Pokémon I know don't even dare to go near the ground. Secondly, there are too many evil souls in Huangtie Town. Lost is Their fate.”

"Many of the people who died in this land are innocent people! How many people can come into contact with Pokémon!?"

Shanmin slammed the table and shouted loudly.

The loud pop made all the Pokémon next to them raise their heads.

N looked at him seriously, "So I just let them get lost and put their energy into more important things. They can't affect the world of living people. In the past six months, the accidental death rate and disease cases in Huangtie Town have dropped sharply. It’s proof.”

"Is this your excuse?" Shanmin said coldly.

N shook his head again, "No, I was just explaining the reason why I couldn't tell you. My subconscious was resisting... I did make a mistake in this matter. I'm sorry."

"Hmph, ha." Shanmin laughed as if he was angry, and said indifferently: "I thought that these six months of life would make you change your opinion of Huang Tiezhen, but I was wrong. From the beginning to the end, you were only prepared to By building an uninhabited Pokémon paradise, you have no regard for the people of this land."

Say it.

He walked out angrily.

Hu Di and Super Miaomiao looked at each other and followed the trainer's pace.

Bai Mu looked at N who was silent in pain, chased outside and stopped the angry Shanmin, and whispered: "Why are you so angry? N came here to save Pokémon in the first place, and you are not the one." have no idea!"

"I know! Why don't I know? But can his goal be achieved by simply planting trees and changing the environment? Our land seems to be undeveloped, but in fact every piece of it has been divided!"

Shanmin kept complaining: "Do you know how much effort I have made to increase the range of activities of wild Pokémon? Many people in the rescue organization simply do not want to allocate so many areas to wild Pokémon!

"And do you think he can make the food that hundreds of thousands of Pokémon eat every day if he has money? He hangs out with Pokémon all day long and hardly interacts with other people. He also resists others from adopting Pokémon, so he keeps Pokémon What good does it do him to be separated from humans!"

Through Xiaozhi and Pikachu, N realized that people and Pokémon can have a precious bond, but it does not mean that he will change his mind about all humans.

In principle, he can still create distance between people and Pokémon, and at most he will not interfere with those Pokémon that have been subdued by others.

Shanmin hopes that N can change his concept and make him more practical.

This will help build a Pokémon paradise.

But half a year has passed, and N still has a subconscious rejection of the people in Huang Tiezhen, which makes Shanmin feel like his hot face is pressed against his cold ass.

What Shanmin couldn't accept the most was N's apology.


He only apologized for hiding important things from Shanmin, and didn't care at all how long those innocent souls had been lost, and whether the existence of lost souls would cause harm.

In other words, N always treats human beings except for a few acquaintances "the same", regardless of whether they are innocent or not.

"Give him more time. You also know what his past is like. He left all his empathy for people to Pokémon. I wouldn't be surprised if he announces that he is a Pokémon one day."

Kashiwagi patted his shoulder and comforted him.

After Shanmin finished venting, he shook his hand and said: "Okay, stop being a peacemaker. Don't waste time on this kind of thing. Getting stronger is your first duty. I will send you the entrance to the spirit world on your phone soon." Where you are, go to the Yellow Iron Arena as soon as possible. As for N, I can tell the difference between public and private."


Kashiwagi watched silently as he hurried away.

Return to the villa.

N was stroking Happy Egg's head gently, "It's great that the psychological shadow has been lifted. You have been working hard for Kashiwagi."


When Happy Egg saw the trainer returning, he hurried to his side and asked if he wanted to take away Shanmin's dinner plate.

Kashiwagi motioned for it to be put away, and said to the smiling N: "Why do you say that? You know better than me what Shanmin cares about, so why bother?"

N put away his smile and whispered: "I just don't want to lie to him. In the land of Ole, except for Pokémon and a few people, there aren't many things worth remembering."

"Even if I have seen people and Pokémon working together to improve the environment countless times in the past six months?"


N Gubo's calm face showed some fluctuations, but soon returned to calm, "I have no more emotions to share with humans."

Kashiwagi said helplessly: "No one asks you to care for humans. There are already many who care for them. What you have to do is to accept the reality. No one can live without the other, including humans and Pokémon."

"Yeah..." N did not refute, he knew this very well, "Kashiwagi, do you know that the rescue organization has come to see me privately more than once."

"Privately? Bypassing Shanmin?"


N said calmly: "They want me to move half of the Pokémon to the northwest, saying that the environment there can support a certain number of wild Pokémon."

"What a good thing!"

Kashiwagi couldn't help but feel happy for N. The northwest of Orei was the only remaining green space, which was more suitable for Pokémon with certain attributes than the wilderness.

But he soon discovered that there was no joy at all on N's face, but instead revealed a hint of sadness.


Kashiwagi subconsciously asked: "What are the conditions?"

"That half of the Pokémon is managed by the rescue organization, and I have no right to interfere." There was no more tenderness and smile on N's face.

This condition——

He first thought that saving the organization couldn't be so shameless, but then he thought about it, was it really shameless to save the organization?

The fundamental purpose of migrating Pokémon from N is to allow everyone in Orei to own Pokémon and allow people to develop together with Pokémon.

After the rescue organization defeated the Shadow Team, they should have dealt with all the captured Pokémon.

It's just that N persuaded many Pokémon to help the rescue organization at that time. The rescue organization was grateful to N and gave all the Pokémon to his care.

The rescue organization did not force the Pokémon to be taken back, but came specifically to negotiate with N.

Bottom line.

N does not want these Pokémon injured by humans to fall into the hands of humans again. He cares about and respects the thoughts of all Pokémon.

The rescue organization believes that since Pokémon live in this land, it is very important to integrate with humans.

There are huge differences in the ideas of the two sides.

What worries N even more is that even if he compromises this time, the rescue organization will come again until all the Pokémon are picked up.

He wanted to refuse, but he didn't have the leverage to refuse.

Hundreds of thousands of Pokémon require huge resources to support every day, and currently there are very few that can be self-sufficient.

"These days, I often doubt the meaning of my coming to the Ourei area. I always wonder, have I really saved them?"

N murmured.

The rescue organization saved the Orei people and also wanted to save Pokémon, but unfortunately...

In a human way.

Kashiwagi was silent. He originally wanted to persuade N to agree to the proposal to save the organization, but when he thought about it carefully, he was only considering the development of Ole from a human perspective.

Perhaps only N, the person who can understand Pokémon's words, knows what the Pokémon are really thinking.

He asked: "Isn't everyone willing?"

"They have been heartbroken by humans." N's answer was concise and powerful.

That’s all.

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