My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 691

N is gone.

Kashiwagi ate his breakfast tastelessly.

We all had a good relationship when we fought side by side in the past, and the common enemy drove us to unite.

However, when the enemy disappears, conflicts appear inexplicably. Even if everyone is kind-hearted and has no bad intentions, in the end there will still be disputes due to different positions.

after all.

Some good things are relative. There are not so many win-win situations to strive for in the world, and they often end in compromise by one party or both parties.

In principle, Kashiwagi should persuade N to agree to the plan to save the organization for the sake of Ole's harmonious development.

But does he dare to guarantee that all Orei people who get Pokémon will treat them well?

Are you willing to spend time and energy to heal Pokémon's broken hearts?

Trainers in mainstream areas are not yet able to do it, and it is even more impossible for the Orei people with tough folk customs. At that time, more manpower and material resources will inevitably be spent to deal with various conflicts between people and Pokémon.

The main problem at the moment is actually the burden that hundreds of thousands of Pokémon have on the Orei region.

Pokémon that cannot be self-sufficient need N and the rescue organization to provide supplies. Otherwise, they will not adapt to the environment of Orei and will inevitably riot if they cannot fill their stomachs.

In the past, when Pokémon were called monsters, riots were synonymous with disaster.

The rescue group attempts to spread the costs to ordinary Orai civilians, perhaps whose general living standards do not yet match those in mainstream areas.

But some wealthy families can easily raise one or two Pokémon.

N is unwilling to do this. He wants to keep Pokémon free, and for this he must have a bargaining chip with the rescue organization.

It's just that there is no rescue organization to provide channels, and even if you have money, you can't transport so much food from the outside world to Ourei.

The simplest solution is to create a huge forest that can at least provide survival for most Pokémon.

If N doesn't rely on the rescue organization for survival, he won't be so repelled when he considers some things.

No chips in hand.

No matter how good the rescue organization is, it will only make N wary.

"There are so many things to solve."

Kashiwagi took the last sip of moo milk and suddenly realized that it was his leaving in the first place that caused the tedious things to pile up after his return.

But he has no regrets.

He could only grow to this point after going to Hoenn. If he stayed in Olei, he would be like Ginzai, ignorant of various tactics and training techniques from the outside world.

He got up and found Doronbalto who was hiding among other Pokémon, and asked, "Let's go find the entrance to the spirit world?"

"Lu saliva..."

Dragon Baruto flinched and looked at Porygon II hesitantly.

As smart as Porygon II, he very cooperatively got into the phone and acted as a translator.

Then through its narration, Kashiwagi realized that this matter was not as simple as imagined. Just like what he had told Shanmin before, the entrance to the spiritual world was not a physical door.

It could be the non-existent Room 1608 of the Zijin Hotel, or it could be a mysterious underwater vortex in Liuli City, or it could even be a broken glass bottle floating from the other side of the sea.

Ordinary people cannot see it because it does not exist in the real dimension and can only be observed under some extremely special circumstances.

For example, the ancient writing that Kashiwagi obtained previously.

That is the "password" to the spiritual world entrance of Zijin Hotel.

The spiritual medium can rely on other means to force the entrance to the spiritual world out.

Doronbaruto has no way of knowing its specific location, only its general direction, and it senses that countless lost souls have blocked the entrance to the spirit world.

Even if we reach the "reality" where the entrance to the spiritual world is, if we don't want to break through those lost souls, we still can't get close to the entrance.


Just when Kashiwagi was about to speak, Doronbaruto shook his head wildly and directly predicted the rejection in advance. To him, there was no difference between the dead and the living.

What's more, the souls here are more terrifying than the last.

Seeing that its head was about to turn into an electric fan, Baimu had to look at Gengar next to him and asked, "Is there anything Gengar can do?"

Gengar looked confused.

It seems to know nothing about the entrance to the spirit world.

Porygon II thoughtfully asked about the Duolong head-shaking machine, and then explained - not every ghost-type Pokémon can sense the existence of the spirit world.

Ghost Pokémon belong to a special kind of life between life and death. Among them, only those who prefer death are more sensitive to the spiritual world.

What is bias?

According to Doronbaruto, those who live in cemeteries, woods without light or in close contact with souls for a long time tend to die. On the contrary, ghost Pokémon that have had too much contact with living people and have stayed in places where life is strong for a long time tend to be alive.

In the past, it had been living near the cemetery, and was heavily contaminated with the aura of death, so it was very sensitive to the entrance to the spirit world.

Nowadays, it has more and more contact with Kashiwagi. When he stays near crowds of people every day, his sense of the entrance to the spirit world gradually begins to dull.

Knowing the approximate location is its limit.

"Ghost Pokémon also have this special quality."

Kashiwagi frowned, thinking that he still had to leave it to professionals to handle it.

He sent what Doronbaruto said to Shanmin, and also told him the general direction. He didn't care when there was no response.

The first thing to do today——

Go to the company to check in!


After the new planning of Huangtie Town.

The town center where the Yellow Iron Arena was originally located was classified as a commercial area.

Major aid companies have established branches here and rented office buildings with different appearances one after another. The large migrant population has made the business district quite prosperous.

The headquarters of Team Rainbow is also here. The corporate logo is an unknown totem letter "R" in rainbow colors.

Kashiwagi stood downstairs, looking up at the huge logo and almost spitting blood.

"Which genius designed this?"

"I am a genius!"

Otsuka, who met him halfway, was very proud and said: "In order to design this icon, I went to the Internet to find rare words. Finally, I found the super ancient unknown totem language, where the rainbow is called 'Rainbow', so I cut off the beginning of 'R' ', it is said that this kind of writing has mysterious power!"

Kashiwagi: "..."

It feels like you used to adjust your settings with all kinds of half-understood things during your middle school years.


Except for the foot on the right being slightly shorter, there is no difference between this icon and the Rainbow Rockets icon in my impression!

"Isn't this logo bad?" Otsuka felt a little sad when he saw him silent for a long time, "Everyone thinks it looks good..."

Kashiwagi patted Otsuka's shoulder hard and said softly: "No, it's fine. Just remember to be careful about a person named Sakaki in the future. He will ask you for copyright fees."

"Sakaki? Royalty fees?"

Otsuka looked confused.

Kashiwagi smiled. There was no Rainbow Rockets in the animation, but the Rainbow Rockets icon was derived from the regular Rockets. If the Rockets trio saw it, they might think it was the Rockets' branch in Ole.

Go inside the building.

Most of the people I met were acquaintances from yesterday's welcome dinner. Everyone greeted him respectfully as "boss", and some of them turned red with excitement.

"Boss, you finally came to the company! Vice President Ayana went crazy today and re-appointed a bunch of people! Now the company is almost in chaos!"

Rainbow Group has a president and a vice president.

The president is undoubtedly Kashiwagi.

"Take me to see it."

It was the first time he came to the Rainbow Team headquarters and he heard the reports these people reported to him. He thought it was probably Ayana's actions in response to last night's decision.

This eldest sister has always done things vigorously and resolutely, so she was probably worried about his rejection.

When those people heard this, they thought that Kashiwagi was going to have a "new" official take office, so they excitedly led the way.

Otsuka looked at their backs with a slightly unhappy expression.

Although everyone also transferred from the rescue organization to the Rainbow Team, there has always been some friction between Otsuka, the group of members who joined the rescue organization from the Quicksand Team later, and those members who joined earlier.

Mainly forming cliques.

Ayana's behavior of "not seeking advancement" caused dissatisfaction among some people who were not from the Quicksand Team.

Kashiwagi could feel the slightly strange atmosphere in the company and sighed secretly. There were really one annoying thing after another. Shanmin and N had already given him a headache.

I really don’t have time to take care of Team Rainbow or anything like that.

Just look for an opportunity to resign.

He followed those people to the conference room. Ayana's voice came from the half-open door, "From today on, I will step down from the position of vice president."

The excited people froze on the spot, their mouths wide open.

They were just dissatisfied with the tired Ayana, and hoped that Kashiwagi would exert strong supervision and lead the Rainbow team to a bright future. They never thought of laying off Ayana.

Otsuka's reaction was also very strong. He thought that some unsighted group was putting pressure on Ayana, so he ran in angrily.

The next second.

He was kicked out by Ayana with her long legs.

"Huh? You came just in time, I have already made arrangements."

Ayana saw Kashiwagi outside the door, a relaxed smile appeared on her face, and asked: "When will we go to the Yellow Iron Arena?"

"...You didn't say you were going to resign yesterday."

he said helplessly.

Ayana resigned first, how could he follow suit? Shanmin would definitely not agree if he knew it. The impact of a collective strike by the president and vice presidents would be so bad.

"I'm just stepping down as vice president. I'm still a member of the Rainbow Team, an ordinary member." Ayana corrected him.

Is there a big difference?

Kashiwagi didn't want to waste time on this, so he thanked the people who led the way and called Otsuka up to leave.

Ayana's willful behavior will probably cause chaos in Team Rainbow for a while.

His subordinates are noisy, and if they disagree, they may come to him to take charge of the situation. What can he do as an innocent mascot?

Leave early and pretend you never came.

People in the conference room rushed out to chase Ayana. When they saw a few people standing in a daze outside the door, they asked in surprise: "What are you doing here?"

"We...ah! The boss is here! The boss Kashiwagi is here - where is the person?"

They searched around anxiously, but they never thought that Kashiwagi had disappeared.

A group of people were dumbfounded.

The president and vice president are running faster than the other. Is this Rainbow Team really okay?

Terry and Haowu, who were appointed, looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

Although I am happy to be promoted and take charge, having such two strange leaders makes me unhappy.

Outside the building.

Kashiwagi was extremely glad that he ran fast enough, and the noisy sound above could be clearly heard outside.

"Otsuka, please stay here and wait for Narihiro and the others for the time being. Then come to the Yellow Iron Arena together. Remember not to expose our whereabouts to others."

He informed Otsuka.

Otsuka nodded and agreed, looking at Ayana from time to time but hesitating to speak.

The young man didn't know what Ayana was thinking. He originally thought that she was forced to leave by those people who were looking for trouble, but now the eldest sister was smiling like a flower, exuding the air of being carefree.

How could there be any embarrassment and unwillingness to be forced to leave?

But if you resign on your own accord...


Ayana ignored Otsuka's gaze, quickly got on her hover motorcycle, looked at the rough mechanical creation under Kashiwagi, and asked: "How is it? Are you satisfied?"

"The horsepower is a bit more powerful than before, but I can't feel anything else."

Kashiwagi has always been suitable for vehicles as long as they can move, regardless of performance.

Ayana snorted, "My efforts were all in vain."


She put on her helmet and goggles and sprinted towards the arena, Kashiwagi following her with a shrug.

It doesn't take a moment.

The two arrived at their destination.

The appearance of the arena is still the familiar hemispherical shape. The exterior facade is made of silver translucent glass. The overall appearance is not as shabby as before, but it has an inexplicable sense of antiquity.

Wasteland punk?...

Kashiwagi took out his cell phone to contact Ginma. The other party seemed to be waiting for him for a long time. He walked out with his brother Ginma in less than half a minute after receiving the call.

"Thank you for your hard work, Boss Kashiwagi! Please come in!"

The silver horse showed great enthusiasm.

His travel plan was still in the preparation stage. He learned from Ginzaru that Kashiwagi was going to train other trainers in the Yellow Iron Arena, and he immediately asked to join him.

Kashiwagi agreed based on the principle that a sheep should be driven, and a group of sheep should be driven.

Teaching more people will also be beneficial to future teaching work.

Inside the arena.

In each of the spacious battle arenas, many trainers commanded Pokémon to battle enthusiastically.

These people were basically all the former subordinates of Yin Yue and Yin Ma. After Olei was liberated, they were still living under the two men.

Currently, there is no gambling in the Yellow Iron Arena. It mainly relies on renting the venue for external trainers to compete in exchange for rewards, and occasionally holds one or two small competitions that require registration fees.

The balance of payments cannot be achieved, but Yamamin seems to have ideas for the arena.

From time to time, a sum of money is allocated to Silver Ape and Silver Horse to enable them to maintain the operation of the arena. So far, there have been no problems.

Ginzaru said, "I'll call them over."

"Need not."

Kashiwagi shook his head. He was going to observe the battle skills of these trainers before judging their and Pokémon's talents.

His time is tight and he only plans to focus on training a few talented trainers.

Let’s talk about it later.

Upon seeing this, Yin Yue said nothing, and Yin Ma followed behind excitedly. Ayana lagged behind one position the whole time, acting like a follower.

Several people walked around and took a general look at the situation inside the venue.


Kashiwagi frowned.

The quality of the trainers in the arena... was worse than he imagined!

It feels like it's better to count on Otsuka and the others. Those guys have been sailors for half a month, and their own quality and the quality of Pokémon have improved dramatically.

Letting them crush the trainers here will definitely not be a problem.

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