My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 743 A moment of brilliance

Shanmin has a list in hand.

It records that he sent his subordinates to various towns and villages in the Ourei region to collect information about powerful or potential trainers.

This guy never told Kashiwagi until the staff sent to receive visitors from Silicon Beryllium City two days ago secretly recorded the game process and was caught red-handed.

Kashiwagi was heartbroken.

Why don't you share this kind of thing with your good brothers? It's simply too much!

Brother and you are connected heart to heart, but you are playing tricks with your brother!

However, Shanmin plausibly stated that according to the information collected so far, the trainers who could compete with him were either already in their seventies or eighties and semi-retired; or their whereabouts were unknown and they were probably traveling.

Only Battle Mountain Master Batras has an obvious whereabouts and can be found in Silicon Beryllium City without much effort.

"I'm worried that you will attack those trainers who are not strong enough, so that they lose their self-confidence and dare not participate in the upcoming Ole League Conference."

Shanmin's reasons made Kashiwagi very angry, but he couldn't find any reason to refute.

After all, he knew what powerful trainers there were in Olei, and the challenge was certain and certain. As for whether his heart would be broken - it was definitely not among his considerations.

Even if a trainer is lucky enough to miss a trainer who gives up after losing a battle, he will definitely encounter him one day in the future, sooner or later.

Shanmin obviously doesn't think so.

He felt that when the Ole Conference officially started, it was important to have the participation of outsiders, and it was even more important to have strong enough local trainers to participate.

A regional alliance needs face to the outside world.

What's more, some of the trainers he is optimistic about can still grow during the period until the start of the competition. Leeks are cut one after another, so what can they do if they are uprooted by cypress trees?

The Ole League cannot have just one champion, and the distribution of the next tiers is also very important.

Under Yamamin's earnest persuasion, Kashiwagi reluctantly gave up on the [Trainer Assassination List], but he also got the information he wanted.

"The Realgar Arena...the next target is it."

The Realgar Arena located to the west of Silica City is the largest high-tech arena in the Ole region. It is built on the Realgar Tower and the main venue can accommodate more than 100,000 spectators.

Leo once shattered the conspiracy of the first Shadow Team leader Eya against the Phoenix King and the Phoenix King's guards in the Realgar Tower.

Nowadays, it is also a gathering place for Ole trainers and foreign trainers. Because there are so many people going to Realgar Tower, the rescue organization has a tendency to build a city around Realgar Tower.


The next day.

In the Yellow Iron Arena where people were wailing, Kashiwagi silently planned the time to go to the Realgar Tower.

"Boss! Two more!"

Otsuka's voice sounded nearby.

He turned his head and the first thing he saw was Otsuka with tattered trouser legs. Behind him were several well-dressed men and women, and behind them were two uneasy-looking teenagers.

"Mr. Kashiwagi! We are here..."

The few people introduced themselves enthusiastically, and Kashiwagi nodded but felt helpless in his heart.

After the exchange match with a group of young trainers from Silica City led by Zhengyi, his reputation was successfully established in both places in less than half a day.

As a result, the arena has not yet opened this morning, and there are already more than ten people waiting here.

There are foreign trainers who want to challenge him, members who were formerly affiliated with an old organization, and even children from wealthy families who came from Silica City overnight, hoping to join the arena and receive his teachings.

Kashiwagi didn't accept the challenge because he was too busy in the morning and had no free time.

After investigation by those guys who belonged to the old organization, they found that they were honest people who had not made any big mistakes during the liquidation period that required them to go to the east prison, and had stayed for a few months to do tree planting and labor reform.

As for the children of wealthy families...the parents are very enthusiastic, but Kashiwagi really can't accept it.

At present, the number of members he personally teaches is almost saturated. Even if there are more members, he will not be able to take care of them. He has no choice but to persuade these people who have come from afar and are full of sincerity to leave.

After some persuasion, there was another wave.

The training session in the morning had just begun, and there were already over a hundred people coming to his door to beg for this or that, forcing him to send staff out to stop them.

If you really can't stop them, let them in again.

After some explanations, Kashiwagi felt a little complicated when he saw those people who had come from afar left in disappointment.

He thought of the parents who had a trust relationship in his previous life and begged his grandfather and grandma to get their children into a prestigious school or a gold-medal tutoring class.

"Boss, are you really not accepting any of them? I feel like they are very sincere!"

Otsuka couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

Upon hearing this, Kashiwagi immediately squinted at him until he was sweating profusely, then asked: "How much did you collect?"

"No, I didn't accept it. Someone just introduced a partner to my sister..." Otsuka didn't dare to hide it, he buried his head and shivered.

What a great introduction!

Kashiwagi almost couldn't catch his breath, and then glared at him.

Otsuka muttered: "My sister is already over 20 years old. It is urgent to find a partner. Boss, you are not willing to be my brother-in-law. What can I do..."

"Practice more Otsuka!"

He was so angry that he gritted his teeth and roared at the several maned rock werewolves resting in the field.

Otsuka looked horrified. Just when he was about to beg for mercy, Narihong and several others came over and happily dragged him away. He was forced to face the fate of being chased and bitten by dogs for the second time.

Sensing the anger in Kashiwagi's voice, all the arena trainers looked at each other, not daring to take a breath.

They are now afraid that if their performance is not good enough, Kashiwagi will forcibly dismiss them from get out of class.

Wave after wave of people came to the door, which really made these guys who had been in the blessings but didn't know the blessings feel the crisis.

Those who originally said they were going on a trip didn't mention it now.

No one can be sure whether he can become stronger by going outside, but it is clear that he will gradually become stronger by accepting Kashiwagi's teachings in the arena.

Outside the arena.

Kendall vaguely heard the voices coming from inside, and shook his head regretfully at the people in front of him: "Once the opportunity is lost, it will never be found again. Don't make it difficult for me, brother."

Several people who had left the arena due to resistance and now wanted to come back looked ugly, and finally lowered their heads dejectedly, feeling extremely regretful.

Since Yin Yuan refused to see them, the meaning was obvious.

Kendall watched his former subordinates leave in despair, sighing helplessly, and at the same time he was glad that he could wake up at that time.

If he had been stupid all the way to the end, or if Boss Kashiwagi had been angered by his ineffective words, he must be among the figures who were forced to leave now, right?

Kendall's heart was filled with gratitude to Kashiwagi.

The last person who made him think this way was Ginzaru who saved his life.

Although Kashiwagi did not save his life, he guided him in the way forward and allowed his life as a trainer to continue. For Kendall, who was in a period of confusion, this great kindness was like reincarnation.

"I have to work hard too!"

He returned to the arena with full anticipation. The familiar corridors of the past seemed to be shining with bright golden light, guiding him to a bright future.


The situation of studying and fighting lasted for three days.

In these three days.

Kashiwagi experienced the torture of being showered with gifts, having young girls come to his door in the middle of the night, getting up early to open the door, and a group of teenagers kneeling to show their sincerity and determination.

Many people see that the door of his house cannot be knocked, so they go to his relatives, friends, neighbors, and try to achieve their goals by knocking around.

Their idea is very beautiful - it doesn't matter if you can't cope with it, just add one from my family, and adding one to so many people will definitely not be a big problem.

other people? It's not my business?

They also didn't think about how many people Kashiwagi had to endure from all directions.

The end of this farce was when someone tried to use the back door but was defrauded of his money and angrily sued the Rainbow Team. Kashiwagi personally went out to arrest him and traveled 200 kilometers to bring back the fraudster.

The person was caught and sent to the east prison to plant trees. He successfully got Shanmin to come forward and issue a statement from Silica City and strictly prohibit it.

This old boy always wanted to see his joke, but he almost got into trouble.

While Kashiwagi was angry, he was also glad that those people did not do the one thing he was particularly worried about after all -

Find arena trainers to pay a certain price in exchange for their places.

Sometimes it is really easy for people to do some incomprehensible stupid things in order to achieve their goals, and it is normal for some people to ignore potential future benefits for the sake of short-term practical benefits.

The bottom line has not been touched, Kashiwagi is still very happy.

Just when he was about to go to the Realgar Tower to understand their situation and try to see if he could cooperate with the Realgar Arena.

Good news came from Dr. Mu Yin.

"The purification machine to save Dark Lugia has been built!"

After more than half a year of hard work, Dr. Muyin successfully created a new generation of improved purification machines, preparing to completely free Dark Lugia from the shackles of the power of darkness in two days.

He invited Kashiwagi to witness this historic scene, and said that this was the request of Dark Lugia. At the same time, Lugia also hoped that Kashiwagi could call Lugia mother and son.

Nothing is impossible.

After Kashiwagi hung up the phone, he found the Lugia mother and her son who were making clouds and rain through Hupa, and made an agreement with them to go to the Pokémon Comprehensive Research Institute in the north of the Orei region.

At the same time, he informed Shanmin of the news.

"I see, Lugia will finally be liberated. When the power of darkness is purified, the shadow of the Shadow Team on this land will be completely dissipated!"

Shan Min was filled with emotion.

The trauma caused by the Shadow Team to the Ourei region has not been completely healed yet. Fortunately, the past is the past after all, and the dust of history will inevitably be swept into the garbage heap.

Kashiwagi asked: "Are you going to see it?"

Shanmin shook his head: "I'm not familiar with Lugia, so why go there? Besides, they only invited you, a human... I said, you dare to work hard to conquer it, right? Be the first to own a legendary treasure A dreamy regional champion!”

There are many trainers who own legendary Pokémon or fantasy Pokémon. It is often reported on the Internet that a certain trainer takes a legendary Pokémon to compete.

But there is no regional champion who has them.

If Kashiwagi can conquer Lugia, it will be of great benefit to the further promotion of the Ole League.

"Forget it, Pokémon like Lugia are not suitable for taming." Kashiwagi refused. Most of the Pokémon conquered by humans in the animation are level 2 gods and fantasy Pokémon. Even if the level 1 gods use force, If you control yourself by some means, you will eventually regain your freedom.

He felt that to some extent, this might have something to do with their symbolism of nature.

Of course, the greater possibility is that the animation production team wants to maintain the strong character of the first-level gods... even if they are often unilaterally crushed by human black technology.

Shanmin just suggested casually and said nothing more after hearing the words.


His words made Kashiwagi suddenly remember that he had a useless clue about the legendary Pokémon at the bottom of the box. If it was a clue about a level two god, he might have a chance to conquer it.

The upper limit of level two gods in the animated Pokémon battle is quite high, and Zhulan also suffered a loss in front of the three cloud gods of Hezhong.

Soon the day of purification will come.

Kashiwagi came to the door of the Pokémon Comprehensive Research Institute alone. Hupa left him here and went back to guard the saplings he planted. This guy has been obsessed with planting recently. He protected the saplings he planted like treasures, and even A wooden sign with its name was hung up.

Mayali felt very strange.

She and her brother had farmed a lot in the Valley of Creation before, so why was Hupa never interested?

I really can’t figure out Hupa’s brain circuit.

Pokémon Research Institute.

This place is located in the northwest oasis of Ourei region.

The temperature was much lower than the two cities in the desert area, which made Kashiwagi curious about why everyone didn't move to the north.

There is nothing dangerous?

Unlike the isolated research institute in the game, there is a small town near the Pokémon Comprehensive Research Institute with a population of just over a thousand, which is about the same as a real new town.

Kashiwagi looked around at the situation around him.

"Is the eldest brother's name Kashiwagi?"

Before he could ring the doorbell, a crisp voice suddenly came from the side, and a blue-haired girl about ten years old appeared in front of him.

There was a positive electric pat and a negative electric pat hiding at her feet. The two rabbit-like Pokémon looked up at him shyly.

"My name is Mannai! My mother is a researcher here!"

Manai introduced herself with a smile.

Kashiwagi knew her. She was the younger sister of Ryūto, the main character in the main storyline: Tornado of Darkness. She was naughty and mischievous by nature and had done a lot of troublesome things.

"Hello, I'm Kashiwagi." He nodded.

The metal fence in front of her was opened by Manai, and the little girl enthusiastically led Kashiwagi through the door. After walking around in a large circle, she saw Dr. Muyin and several researchers at the back of the research institute.

A few steps away from them was what looked like a metal altar.

Lugia was lying on it, looking lazy and no longer as extreme as before. It was obvious that his life in the past six months was quite satisfactory.

Sensing someone approaching, Lugia quickly opened his eyes and looked over. When he saw it was Kashiwagi, he screamed excitedly.


"Long time no see, Lugia."

Kashiwagi stepped forward, placed his right hand on its forehead, and quickly entered the spiritual space of the Heart of God.

Both parties shared fragments of life memories.

From these memory fragments, Kashiwagi learned that Lugia had been turning dark less and less recently. He felt that even without a purification device, he would be completely free of darkness in two years.

Lugia learned about the plan of the two people of the same race and was very excited to participate in it.

The land of Ouray has brought it endless pain.

Since it can't be destroyed, then change it so that it can no longer look like it used to be!

"It's going to rain on the three Lokis, and Olei will be flooded." Kashiwagi twitched the corner of his mouth, worried about the future of this land.

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