My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 744 Climate Change

Just a simple joke.

Two cries, one large and one small, suddenly came from the horizon, and Loki Adam immediately raised his slender snake neck and responded happily.


Everyone looked back and saw a smoky white rain cloud slowly approaching on the horizon.

In the rain clouds.

Two pure white Kunpeng-like figures were tumbling and flying, and their carefree and unrestrained behavior fully demonstrated their magic and splendor as legends.

"Your kin are here."

Kashiwagi could feel Lugia's excitement.

After being hurt by humans and transformed into a chaotic dark Pokémon, without sincere communication from the Heart of God, it would probably never be able to trust humans again in this life.

At that time, the only ones who can help it are its own kind, and the only ones who can bring it a sense of security are other Lugias.

The sense of belonging comes from the recognition of oneself.


Lugia looked at Dr. Muyin, urging him to start purifying it as soon as possible, so that it could get rid of the clutches of darkness as soon as possible, throw away all restraints, and return to the free wind and ocean currents.

It has been too long since it has been able to do what it wants to do to its fullest!

Kashiwagi stepped away knowingly, and Dr. Muyin and a group of assisting researchers immediately activated the purification device.


Colorful lights all around lit up, and several Rumble Rocks, Longhair Pigs, Chubby Dud and Pikachu came to various points of the installation.

Dr. Muyin explained to Kashiwagi: "The improved version of the purification device uses four types of Pokémon with sixteen attributes to restrain Lugia, and restrain each other to form an internal loop. The purification effect is a hundred times greater than before! This time it is absolutely It can succeed!"

As a special black technology product, the purification room has a characteristic that if a Pokémon descends clockwise to restrain the previous Pokémon, the "purification rhythm", that is, the effect will be greatly improved.

In short, when the long-haired pig stands clockwise below the rumble rock, and the ice attribute restrains the ground attribute of the rumble rock, the purification effect will be greatly improved. In the same way, the water attribute Pang Du Du restrains the ground attribute of the long-haired pig, and the effect Promotion, etc...

At the same time, these four Pokémon restrained Lugia, bringing further bonuses.

Kashiwagi nodded to express understanding.

It doesn't take a moment.

The main altar of the purification device began to glow, and musical notes symbolizing the rhythm of purification floated out in the air. Lugia trembled violently on the altar, and black lines instantly covered its body.

Its eyes turned blood red, every feather was as black as ink, and its whole body exuded an unknown smell.


The musical notes flew into the body, and Lugia raised his head and roared in pain, as if he was being tortured.

Kashiwagi knew that this was probably the dark forces in his body carrying out a last-ditch resistance. Although he had no self-awareness, they were like viruses that invaded the human body and caused chaos, wildly stimulating immune cells and causing them to react violently in a last-ditch battle.

Manai stood behind her mother, holding positive and negative electricity in her arms and looking at Lugia with great concern.


Melodious cries came from the distance, rising and falling like high songs, like the waves rolling on the coast, and like the strong wind howling in the sky.

Everyone just felt their hearts trembling.


Dark Lugia howled lowly, but his ferocious demeanor gradually softened, and then the black energy attached to the body surface dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soothe your soul with the call of the sea...

Kashiwagi looked at the distant horizon. Lugia and her son had never come close, but it was not difficult to see that they were always paying attention to Dark Lugia and providing them with the help they could.

Time passes slowly.

The dark power on Lugia's body gradually dissipated without a trace, and the feathers returned to a beautiful silvery white color.

It was initially freed from the erosion of the power of darkness.


Lugia was lying on the ground, his big mouth opening and closing slightly as if he was breathing, and his brows seemed to have experienced a nightmare.

However, Dr. Muyin and other researchers did not take it lightly. The difficulty in purifying Dark Lugia is that it is difficult to cure, and the power of darkness will always reoccupy its body inadvertently.

"Success or failure depends on this!"

Dr. Muyin solemnly pressed a certain switch.

The light of the altar changed from colorful to a strange black light, and Lugia suddenly became stiff and motionless as if he was electrocuted. Wisps of black energy escaped from the inside to the outside, and entangled it like an innocent soul.

"This is it!"

Dr. Muyin shouted loudly and pushed the pusher next to him. The black light suddenly changed into colorful colors. A large number of musical notes appeared from the Pokémon standing at various points, rushing towards the black energy on Lugia's body!

The black air twisted silently into various shapes, but was unable to resist the effect of the musical notes.

Until the last ray of black energy dissipated.

Dr. Muyin's tense body relaxed, "Ha..."

He has always suspected that the dark power would retreat and hide somewhere, so he specially developed an induction device to lure the hidden black energy.

Fortunately, the dark force is tenacious but has no self-awareness, otherwise we would have to play hide-and-seek with it.


Dr. Muyin repeatedly turned on the decoy device several times, and frequently looked at the purification meter that detects dark power, confirming that no black smoke was floating out, and no black traces were visible on the purification meter.

He looked at Lugia nervously.


A high-pitched cry.

A strong wind blew in the face, and the giant silver shadow broke away from the altar and went straight into the sky, dancing like a dance in the sky, its beautiful wings shining brightly in the sun.


It spreads its wings.


The bright silver light burst into countless fragments, and everyone and Pokémon present felt their eyes blurred, and their noses quickly became moist.

It's water mist.

The surrounding air suddenly became extremely vivid, as if it was mixed with something wonderful. Every breath is particularly intoxicating, as if you can feel the meaning of life.

I don’t know when.

Smoky white rain clouds covered the sky above the research institute. Lugia raised its slender snake neck and sang in response to the songs of its kin in the distance.


The refreshing drizzle fell, but there was no chill at all, and I even felt a warmth.

"It seems like something is talking..."

Some researchers heard vague sounds and looked around blankly.

Others have similar feelings.

Kashiwagi stood there, feeling the feeling more clearly than anyone present——

He "heard" the cheers of the wind and rain.


Two things that are only given life in literary works are constantly making their own "voices", celebrating the creatures born in nature that once again embrace freedom.


Kashiwagi muttered to himself.

Dr. Muyin, who was the host of the purification ceremony, also announced loudly and excitedly:

"Everyone! We succeeded! We have completely eliminated the Pokémon that is said to be impossible to purify!"

According to the original plan, at least two more weeks of observation would be needed, but Lugia behaved differently from its past behavior when it was purified, and the strange sight of the environment convinced Dr. Muyin that——

The purification ritual was a success!

The researchers looked at him blankly, then raised their heads to look at Lugia flying freely in the sky, and shouted excitedly one after another.

"Very good!"

"Finally a success!"

"I'm going to open the champagne now!"

"Isn't it too early? I mean to observe for two more days...Okay! It is indeed worth celebrating now!"

Repeated failures to purify Dark Lugia are not only a worry that keeps Dr. Muyin awake at night, but also a stain on the lives of the researchers who participated in the development of the purification chamber.

To this day.

They finally overcome this difficulty!

Everyone was laughing and didn't care when their clothes got soaked by the rain. Manai volunteered to get the celebration props prepared in advance, with Positive and Negative Patpa and Negative following around happily.

Only Kashiwagi still looked up at the sky.

Dr. Muyin noticed him, his smile faded slightly and he stepped forward and asked, "Kashiwagi, what's wrong?"

Kashiwagi said: "Lugia it——"

The words have not yet finished.

Lugia above the sky flapped his silver-white wings as wide as the palm of his hand and flew into the distance, setting off a gust of wind mixed with rain that made his hair dance wildly.

Everyone subconsciously raised their hands to cover themselves up, and the corners of their clothes were blown loudly.

When he came back to his senses, Lugia had disappeared together with Lugia's mother and son, who were hidden in the rain clouds on the horizon.


Not even saying hello?

Everyone looked at each other in shock, unable to believe that Lugia would just leave.

Dr. Mu Yin, on the other hand, took a very open view and said to everyone with a smile: "Oulei has been imprisoned in this land for too long. It is normal to want to leave here as soon as possible and return to the embrace of the sea! Besides, we are not here to get Luo Luo. The clean room was developed thanks to Chia!”

As soon as he said this, the researchers nodded in agreement.

The original purpose of the purification room was to fight against the anti-human behavior of the Shadow Team. Later, even though Dr. Muyin was kidnapped and tortured by the Shadow Team, he never spoke.

Their ideals are not so cheap that they lose their color without the gratitude of Pokémon.

Therefore, although they regretted the hasty separation from Lugia, the end of the purification of the last dark Pokémon was still something worth celebrating.

Kashiwagi glanced at the horizon and felt that things were not that simple.

Lugia had promised to rain with the mother and son. He believed that this guy would not break his promise, so there was a high probability that he went to the ocean currents under the sea to experience the long-lost "artery" of the planet.

Maybe even when it rains.

"Brother Kashiwagi, come on! The pineapple pie made by my mother is delicious!"

Manai's call brought him back to his senses, and also caused the strange Gengar lurking in his shadow to emerge.


The fat gray man licked the corner of his mouth with salivation.

Like the big-mouthed baby, it especially loves sweet food. It is a "sweet tooth destroyer" at the same level as the big-mouthed baby. The difference is that it eats fast and fiercely. It swallows it wholeheartedly, making people wonder what it is. Didn't taste the taste.

The big-mouthed baby pays attention to chewing carefully and slowly, chewing twenty times on the left side and another twenty times on the right side. He also likes to drink a cup of black tea to smoothen his meal.

The total amount eaten by the two is usually about half a catty to one catty.


Gengar is the one who eats less.


The guess was confirmed.

When Kashiwagi and Gengar shared pineapple pie, Porygon II, who had no interest in pineapple pie, sent an important message.

Then Dr. Muyin also received the news and turned on the TV in surprise.

On the TV, the newscaster lady was standing next to a huge screen and said in a dignified tone:

"It is reported that the southern part of the Ourei region has experienced the first heavy rainstorm in its thousand-year history, covering Siberyllium City, Huangtie Town, and Realgar Town..."

She revealed the names of more than a dozen human settlements in succession, covering the entire south of the Ourei region!

"Residents in various cities are asked to store necessary food, close doors and windows, pay attention to safety when going out, and do not stay outdoors unless necessary..."


Extremely heavy rain!

All the researchers were stunned when they heard this. Manai said in surprise: "Lugia, did Lugia go to the south to rain?"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Dr. Muyin's expression was a little serious, and then there was a slight vibration under his feet.


Immediately, some people asked everyone to run outside to the open space. Some people wanted to save important information but were stopped. A lot of people came outside in a noisy manner.

Surprisingly, the earthquake stopped not long after.

Kashiwagi took out his mobile phone and asked Porygon II to search for the source of the earthquake. The answer he got was that there was an earthquake of about two to three magnitude in the entire Ole area, and the source of the earthquake was suspected to be under the sea.

At the same time, a high tide phenomenon occurred in Cordy Port, which caused the sea level to rise, causing some trouble.

What exactly is Lugia going to do?

Use undersea currents to forcibly transform the natural environment of Ourei?

It shouldn't be possible.

It may simply want to get more water to the water-scarce areas in the Orei region, and then it uses the power that only legendary Pokémon have.

Too diligent...

I had just escaped from the shackles of the dark power and couldn't wait to run to the rain.

Does it have any obsession?

Kashiwagi didn't know what expression to put on, thinking that he hoped the rainstorm wouldn't be too exaggerated, and his saplings would be drowned and there would be no place to cry.

Everyone returned to the research institute and continued the celebration party while watching the news.

Fortunately, there were no other disturbances after the earthquake, and the heavy rain clouds covering the southern part of the Ourei area showed no tendency to migrate to the northwest.

During this period, Shanmin called him and asked him if it was Lugia who did it——

Who else could it be?

It didn't take long.

Hupa opened the door and fished him back to the mountain, saying that Balza wanted his help to rescue the saplings and crop seedlings that were likely to drown if left untreated.

Kashiwagi walked into the light wheel wearing a raincoat, and stepped into the mud pit with a squeak the next second.


He looked up at the dark sky. The sun was shining brightly in the north of Ole, and the light from the side of Platinum Mountain was almost gone.


He no longer bothered to observe the situation, because he saw that the Mane Rock werewolves were digging ditches in groups to drain water, regardless of the pouring rain.

He was so angry that he quickly drove these guys into the cave.

If a Pokémon with weak water attributes does not have any special circumstances, it is not impossible for it to be killed by the rain!

"Everyone go in! Leave it to me!"

Kashiwagi shouted at the top of his lungs and released Boscodora, used super evolution to change its attributes, and then dug holes to dig drainage channels.

He himself ran to find Balza and Mayali to save the young seedlings that had been planted these days.

"This rain came too suddenly."

Balza was extremely helpless.

After finally adapting to the dry environment of the Ore area, I was just happy that Lugia and her son would come here for a light rain from time to time, but then the heavy rain came down.

Baimu twitched the corner of his mouth. He was now very concerned about the situation in Huangtie Town.

Can Huangtie Town's drainage system survive a heavy rainstorm of this magnitude? I'm afraid Lugia has good intentions and does bad things!

Climate change cannot be so violent!

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