My Empire

Chapter 110 - day

Sitting in the office, the government employee in charge of commercial diplomacy put down the documents in his hand, looked at the surrounding colleagues curiously, and asked, “What is this? The Higgs Kingdom agrees that we should explore and extract oil on their side? Didn’t they always disagree with this matter?”

A clerk next to him raised his head from a stack of documents, nodded and said, “Yes, the news that was sent yesterday, the other party gave us very favorable terms, and agreed that we set up a company on their side, responsible for it. The matter of exploration and exploitation of oil.”

The head of the department holding the file had a wonderful expression on his face, and grinned with emotion: “Suddenly changed sex. This King Cape Castner is really interesting.”

“In addition, they lifted the import restrictions and allowed our merchants to enter the Higgs Kingdom.” A clerk over there raised the document in his hand and shook it twice on the top of his head, showing off.

Hearing this news, the director of the department was even more surprised and surprised: “Hey! We have beaten the Arrant Empire so badly, and they are unwilling to agree to these terms. The Higgs Kingdom has not beaten us yet. agreed?”

“Who said no. I haven’t heard that the Higgs Kingdom is a soft persimmon. I heard that there was a fight with the Arante Empire back then.” The first officer said with an expression of incomprehension.

The colleague next to him who had just spoken to him nodded: “But looking like this, it seems that there is such a smell of broken cans. Do they know that they can’t beat us and give up resistance?”

“The relationship is good, we fought in the province, you know, no matter how many battles are won, the war will still be dead…” The director of the department raised the cup in front of him, took a sip of boiling water, and said with great emotion.

In fact, as long as it is a war, people will die. Behind those glorious victories, there are all piles of bones.

When Ailan Hill attacked Tubao, North County and the Beast, the casualties were still in the tens of digits. When they went south to Naaru, the casualties were also controlled at dozens. At this time, everyone did not think there was anything wrong with the war.

After all, in this era, the deaths of dozens of people are not something that is worth talking about. But when they attacked Bud, Fallen Dragon City, and Volavo, the casualties were obviously raised to a surprising level.

The prairie cavalry lost about 15,000 men due to encounters with the opponent’s dragon knights. Ailan Hill also killed more than 2,300 men. A total of 3 garrison battalions were wiped out by the dragon knights, and 2 regiments were crippled and lost combat capability. .

Later in the Serris Defence Battle, the elite 1st regiment and the air defense artillery unit also lost more than 400 men. Regardless of the Dragon Knights who severely damaged Diderick, they also killed him, but the loss was still very heavy.

After repeated fierce battles, Ailan Hill has lost nearly 3,000 soldiers, which is very precious to the veterans. For Ailan Hill, who is expanding his army frantically, this number is already very painful, but everyone still selectively ignores this. The price.

The dividends of the war are so impressive that they can make people forget the pain. Every soldier who died in battle received a condolence from Chris’ cabinet. What’s more interesting is that they also received a subsidy from the arsenal and an insurance pension from the army…

Then, unexpectedly, under the auspices of Desaier, the company that made profits in the war established a private encouragement fund, and raised a large sum of money to privately donate to the families of the dead. As a result, Created an unexpected situation.

In the home of every soldier who died in action, he received four pensions at the same time, a total of more than 100 gold coins placed two years ago, such a huge sum of money can make an ordinary family squander a lifetime.

At that time, Chris, as a lord, could not give out the tax of 1,000 gold coins. And on this day two years later, the subsidy for every soldier killed in Ailan Hill was as much as 100 gold coins.

In this payment alone, the cash reserves of 200,000 gold coins were used, and more than 100,000 gold coins were distributed in kind, including daily necessities such as grain and cloth utensils.

What makes people laugh or cry is that because the pension is too tempting, Ailan Hill has set off a wave of military enthusiasm. The hundreds of thousands of Ailan Hill troops expanded to nearly one million in one breath, and this finally stabilized.

This is not a small number. The air defense force has been expanded from less than 10,000 to 100,000. These units are under the management of the Air Force. Anti-aircraft artillery units are deployed in every city, but it is more or less different.

Similarly, another 100,000 engineering units affiliated to the Air Force are working frantically. They are building airport facilities every day, building 35 large-scale field airports near the border and cities in one go, as well as 10 backup secret airports. .

The army has been expanded to 600,000 people, divided into 10 armies, each with an organization of 60,000 people, under the jurisdiction of 3 divisions and military artillery and communications units.

Chris imitated the heavy division of the U.S. Army to reorganize Allan Hill’s ground forces. Because trucks were in service, the artillery unit was also expanded. The original 75mm caliber infantry guns were still temporarily under the direct control of the regiment’s headquarters, and the brand new The 105 mm caliber howitzer is equipped with division-level artillery units.

The artillery equipped with 105mm caliber howitzer really became a heavy fire support force this time. After watching a live-fire exercise with a 105mm howitzer, all the officers had a new understanding of their weapons.

Because of the limited capacity, Chris did not choose to equip a larger caliber artillery for the time being, but he is already preparing to build a 155mm caliber howitzer production line, ready to equip the military-level fire support force.

The current Ailan Hill unit is more like a modern unit: with radio communication and field line telephones, communication has been delegated to the regiment level, and command and mobilization have never been faster and more direct.

In addition, because of the large amount of equipment equipped, the proportion of engineers and engineers is higher, and the number of air defense forces is also larger. Some military departments and divisions are larger in size, and logistics is also paid more attention to.

The development of the navy is even more interesting. On the one hand, the marine corps of the navy has been expanded to an army of 60,000; on the other hand, the marines and crews recruited by the navy are so many that they cannot find ships to serve.

In the end, the Navy had to take out 100 magic **** of knowledge to strengthen the faculty of navigation education, and set up a naval high-level academy, raising more than 10,000 naval cadets on land, which is considered to have exhausted the number of military expansion.

In addition, due to the expansion of the port, the Navy also has its own construction team. They are working hard to build the ferry port, and they are inspiring to turn the ferry port into the largest and most efficient important port on the eastern coastline.

“How do I reply to the Higgs Kingdom? The envoy who sent the message is still at the station.” Returning to the topic, the clerk summed up the files in his hand into a very important category and asked his section chief.

Without thinking about it, the head of the department directly replied: “How else can I reply? Isn’t our side short of oil? Report to the Ministry of Resources immediately…”

Another clerk stretched his waist and smiled and said, “This time is fine. I think the work over there will be busy again.”

The entire department became active. A young man who had processed his files rubbed his shoulders and said, “Isn’t it good to be busy? It’s always better than being idle.”

“Yeah! In the past, we used to be idle every day, sitting idle on the ridge with starving eyes and staring at gold stars.” His words made the section chief agree with him, and then he began to recall his previous hardship.

The clerk who spoke first quickly said: “Now we are busy, but we have money to make money to feed a family… I just bought a fish from the ferry yesterday, and it looks very fresh.”

The colleague next to him was even more exaggerated and made a belly rubbing action very exaggeratedly: “Don’t mention it, I will go to buy meat after get off work today. The beef of this prairie empire was originally at a sky-high price, but now it’s better and cheaper. I don’t want to eat anymore.”

A colleague in the distance laughed and said, “It’s crazy to you, don’t you want to eat it? Then you can eat dragon meat!”

The section chief laughed: “Hahahaha! Don’t tell me, I heard that many people in the army have eaten dragon meat, and it doesn’t taste very good.”

Because of superstition, many soldiers in the army really tasted the smell of dragon meat in private when handling the corpse of the dragon. Many people think that eating the meat of the dragon can strengthen their body and protect themselves from all diseases, and some people think that they can gain the power of the dragon through this ritual…

As a result, the soldiers who ate dragon meat not only did not get any benefits, but also broke their stomachs because the meat had become too fresh when the corpse was processed. The dragons that were transported to the shooting range were already stinky after the experiment, and even if they were given away for free, no one would be willing to move their mouths, so they had to be buried on the spot.

Many dragon scales and dragon teeth were divided as souvenirs, and two specially treated dragon bones were spliced ​​and placed in the museum. This was Chris’s idea, and many children were willing to visit the museum. Those skeleton specimens that have never been seen before.

Just as children now go to the museum to see the skeleton of Tyrannosaurus rex, children are very curious and are full of awe at the huge animal specimens.

Also on display like the dragon skeleton, there are also the king flag and weapons of the Arante Empire; the sword and armor of the dragon knight; and the first generation woodworking machinery of the city of Seris, assembled by His Majesty Chris himself…

“In the past, I didn’t even dare to think that I could live like this.” Inside the department, the chief section chief looked out the window and whispered softly.

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