My Empire

Chapter 111 - treatment

“Is this really okay? The doctor…will he really not die?” A middle-aged woman looked at her son lying on the hospital bed, and nervously pulled the doctor’s arm in front of her, and asked anxiously.

“Don’t worry, we have a precedent for the recovery of this disease. And your son’s illness is not serious, and the possibility of getting better is still very high.” With his hands in his pockets, the middle-aged doctor answered such questions. Come on, that’s called a sage.

The hospital in Seris City is already overcrowded, and there are painful patients waiting for treatment in every corner of the city.

Two years ago, there were very few doctors in Serris City, and everyone had to be fate when they fell ill. Younger and stronger people may get through it, and older people with frailty can only lie in bed and wait for death.

But now this situation has undergone a fundamental change. In the Ailan Hill Empire, dozens of newly established large-scale general hospitals have established a good reputation and let people see the hope of overcoming the disease.

Since Chris began to develop modern medicine using the principles of Western medicine, antibiotics have become the magic to save the lives of mortals. Even Frenzberg has to admit that this kind of chemical medicine is, to some extent, a more miraculous science than healing.

Medical treatment is the use of magical breath to mobilize the vitality of the target to cure diseases, not to mention the huge amount of magic consumed, and it cannot completely cure infectious diseases. Therefore, for the Holy Demon Empire, the role of penicillin is still not to be ignored.

The trained nurse hung a bottle of anti-inflammatories on the bottle rack, checked his tools, and began to infuse the patient with a fever. She moved cleanly and immediately inserted the needle into the blood vessel on the back of the patient’s hand.

Watching his blood flow back into the skin tube, and then returned to his body by the transparent liquid medicine, the already burned and somewhat confused young man closed his eyes in fear. You must know that two years ago, such treatment was still regarded as the devil’s “replacement technique.”

However, as the cure rate increases, people will no longer resist such high-tech treatment programs.

“Thank you! Thank you doctor.” The middle-aged woman nodded gratefully and bowed her waist when she saw that her son had been treated, and thanked the doctor for her kindness. The doctor looked at a child lying on the bed next door, felt the temperature on the child’s forehead with his hand, and said to a pair of young parents who were guarding the bed: “Your child has gone away from the fever. You can leave the hospital for observation tomorrow. Up!”

“Thank you! Thank you!” The couple stood up, bowed one by one and stood up, looking dazzlingly back and forth.

The doctors working here are almost no stranger to this kind of gratitude. They will not reach out to stop each other, nor will they feel embarrassed. Faced with hundreds of such gratitudes every day, if every one of them has to worry about it, they don’t have to take care of the sick.

“Your husband works in the Ailan Hill Military Industry Group?” The doctor walked to the door and asked the mother of the young man who had just been admitted to the hospital.

After hearing the question, the middle-aged woman froze for a while, and then nodded and said, “Yes, the child’s father works in the Ailan Hill Military Industry Group. He is a very capable milling machine worker.”

She didn’t know why the other party asked, and she was still worried, calculating whether the money she brought was enough to pay for the hospitalization. Although the medical technology has improved, the hospitalization cost is not low.

Those who can enjoy this treatment are at least middle-class families with stable incomes in big cities. If no one in the family works in the factory, enterprise, or government, they really don’t necessarily have to afford the expensive medicine and bed fees.

You know, many people who come to treat diseases from afar have stayed in Ailanhill because they can’t pay the expensive fees. Many people don’t even have access to the hospital because they don’t have the nationality certificate of Ailanhill. Come.

“That’s good, that… Miss Grace! Take her to pay the bills and calculate the insurance. They have a military-industry unit and a 50% discount on the use of drugs.” The doctor called to a nurse and gave a few instructions. sentence.

Hearing that he could save half of the cost, the faint sadness on the woman’s face disappeared. She is a traditional housewife who fought in countless shopping malls and markets, and she is naturally sensitive to the word 50% off.

In Serris City, there are special commercial streets and huge shopping malls, where you can buy many unexpected and fresh things. Recently popular is an expensive thing called a radio, which costs 300 gold coins. It is placed in the most eye-catching position of the mall. It is frightening to look at it.

I heard that ordinary people can’t use it if they buy it back. It can only be used in a new house with electricity or a noble area with wires. That day she saw a noble lady buy one with her own eyes, which drew envy and admiration from countless people around her.

Thinking of this, the woman spoke to the doctor in front of her and the nurse named Grace and said, “Well, my son, is the one lying on the bed, or is he still a student of the Army Command Academy…”

“Heh!” The doctor was delighted when he heard this statement, stopped the steps he was going to walk, and turned around and said: “Family of the first kind! Rare and rare. Check her son’s certificate. If it is true, the medical expenses are It’s a two-fold discount.”

“Understood! Sir!” The nurse nodded, her tone full of respect. This middle-aged doctor is a senior medical system talent who has used the Magic Sphere of Knowledge. He heard that he will be promoted to become a senior physician in two months, and his future is limitless.

If you can hook up with such a talent, then you will really make your mark as a nurse. Thinking of this, the nurse named Grace looked at the doctor next to him, shaking his waist and said to the woman: “Come with me.”

The woman glanced at her son who was still lying in the hospital bed. While checking the documents she carried, she followed the nurse to the payment office. The envious look behind her made the middle-aged woman instantly enjoy the feeling of the lady who bought the radio that she saw that day.

“Look at them! A 20% discount on medical expenses! At least 7 gold coins, just pay 140 silver coins.” An old woman guarding the bed sighed and said with envy.

“Isn’t it? It’s cheap.” Another man who was peeling fruit for his wife nodded. His wife came in and spent almost 5 gold coins. If this is also a 20% discount, then he nodded. There are only 4 gold coins left.

In fact, he just complained. Two years ago, when he was sick, he could only lie at home and wait for death. At most, he could find a doctor to prescribe two packs of good herbs. He couldn’t keep his eight achievements.

Moreover, two years ago, he killed him and killed his whole family. He couldn’t make up 5 gold coins to treat his wife. What’s more, after seeing the sickness and taking medicine, there is still some spare money to buy some fruits to adjust the body. I can’t even think of it in the past.

“Don’t be envious, look outside, there are still people who can’t get in!” The patient next to the window looked out and saw the luxury carriages guarding outside, and looked at those who looked anxious but were not qualified to enter. Foreign aristocrats are proud.

The hand of the fruit-cutting man was firmly grasped by his wife. The man stopped complaining and raised his head to see a grateful wife’s face full of happiness. So his face was filled with happiness, just an expression that he had never seen before.

“Why don’t we let us in? We are here to treat the disease too! Want money? I have! I have 10 gold coins! Let me go in! I will give you 10 extra silver coins, how about?” Standing at the gate, An aristocrat in Arante costume shouted to the guard with an angry face.

The Airanhill guards carrying a rifle looked at the Arant noble in front of him with contempt, and pointed to the sign hanging on the hospital door: “I’m sorry! Because the hospital beds are limited, it is not a citizen of Airanhill. get inside!”

“I see…” An earl of the Arrant Empire has been standing here for an afternoon, and he has long lost his arrogant attitude. He sighed and walked to his carriage: “I still go to the immigration office to ask. Ask…maybe more hopeful over there.”

His words aroused the approval of many nobles who rushed to see the doctor, and many nobles’ carriages drove towards the block where the immigration office was located. The Arante Empire nobleman who was still clamoring just now, gritted his teeth and looked at the Ailan Hill guard in front of him, and spit on the ground bitterly: “You wait for me!”

“Sir!” The soldier had a gleeful expression on his face, and he didn’t even bother to speak. However, beside the nobleman, an old man with a red sleeve hoop who had been there for a long time held his hands behind his back, and said with a successful expression: “Spitting anywhere, fine a silver coin!”

“You!” As soon as the nobleman was about to have an attack, he saw the dazzling military thorn sticking to the waist of the Ailan Hill guard at the hospital entrance. He swallowed the words in his mouth and angrily pressed a silver coin into the palm of the old man’s hand: “You wait for me!”

“Just like a bear, still thinking about revenge?” The guard looked at the back of the nobleman of the Arante Empire and snorted coldly: “Let’s go in line! Today, the Duke who wants me to wait Four!”

“Yes!” The fine old man still carried his hands on his back, and walked slowly towards the shaded place: “Back then, I thought the Count Viscount was a great man, but now I look at it and I don’t have much skill…”

The nobles who hadn’t had time to leave next to him couldn’t help but twitched their mouths, and they couldn’t help but scolded their mother that it was our Arant noble! You try to change your love of the nobles of Ellen Hill As for the one in military uniform who just went in, don’t you stand upright and salute?

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