My Empire

Chapter 112 - exercise

“If I were on that mountain, I would fly the white flag now.” Putting down the binoculars, Wagron said to General Modler next to him. From a distant place came the muffled sound of the shaking of the earth and the mountains, which were shells hitting the earth.

The 155mm caliber howitzer is really powerful compared to the 75mm caliber field gun equipped by the original army. There is a fundamental difference between the two, even in terms of sound.

A full-strength artillery regiment carried out frontal fire suppression, and the destructive power could be truly felt even if it was far away. As long as there are enough shells, this kind of high-intensity shelling can really destroy the mentality of any defender.

Artillery, known as the **** of war, has been ruling the battlefield from the day it was born. In the foreseeable future, artillery will still be one of the indispensable weapons of human warfare.

The cannon is a man’s romance, and the caliber is the climax of a man’s romance. The 155mm cannon made the army officers participating in this exercise once again feel the shock of modern industrial weapons.

All of a sudden, the uncomfortable feeling of having 100 magic **** of knowledge occupied by the navy disappeared with the tumultuous explosion in front of him. As long as they can be brought to the battlefield with these powerful weapons, there is nothing to worry about.

“I heard that the Holy Demon Empire took the millimeter-caliber cannon… The power is not much less than this.” Modeller returned from the front line to participate in this new weapon test exercise, and saw the new 155mm caliber howitzer, the same. It was shocking. But what he was more worried about was the new artillery that was taken away by the Holy Demon Empire.

Wagron heard Modler say this, and comforted the other side: “In fact, the power is much worse, but it is better than the 105mm howitzers we have already equipped with in large numbers.”

Modler was still worried about his troops. If they attacked an enemy that also had artillery support, the battle might become fierce: “If we encounter such an enemy in the future, our troops may not be too comfortable.”

Now, they not only have to face enemies with swords, bows and crossbows, but also enemies with artillery and rifles, which makes people very uneasy. Assuming the best, the number of casualties in a war will also increase exponentially. This is definitely not good news.

“Don’t worry, as long as we have larger artillery, more artillery shells, those small guns of the Holy Demon Empire, we are not our opponents!” Wagron didn’t care, or he believed his side more. Firepower advantage.

He does have the proud capital. The number of 105mm howitzers has increased sharply, and the 155mm howitzers have also begun to equip troops. He has no reason to fear the 130mm howitzers exported to the Holy Demon Empire.

“I hope so! I heard that the Air Force is producing brand new weapons and equipment that can attack the ground.” As a lieutenant general, Modler is responsible for defense in one direction and naturally knows a lot.

Recently, because of confidentiality, an Air Force wing was deployed to his jurisdiction. Looking at the planes that were training every day and hovering overhead, Modler even felt that he could go south to attack Arrant.

He was originally an offensive general who paid attention to attack speed, but because Chris attached great importance to Volavo, he arranged the most famous Modler in this direction.

In fact, he is very eager to get rid of all worries and conduct a southward attack at a high speed. He wants to prove himself, prove that he can play the fastest and most efficient offensive operations in the world.

“I have also heard about it. It seems that your majesty thinks that attacking from the sky can sometimes save a lot of trouble.” Wagron nodded when he heard this. As the commander-in-chief of the army, he naturally heard of this. Brand new tactics.

The Air Force is equipped with a special ground attack unit. I heard that it is equipped with an attack aircraft called the Il-2, which has a very high ground attack efficiency. This new type of aircraft can carry many weapons similar to artillery shells and throw these ammunition onto the enemy’s head.

Wagron has not seen this new tactic, because the air force’s training is highly confidential. Only a few days after this unit can be trained into an army and participate in possible battles.

Modeller continued Wagron’s statement and continued: “It’s true that I heard that an air route has been opened between Hanhai and the ferry to fly directly over the mountains. It only takes less than one morning to ship the goods to .”

He looked at the battlefield in the distance with his binoculars. The troops over there representing the offensive side had already jumped out of the trenches. They were obviously ready to attack, the charge had sounded, and the soldiers had already inserted their bayonets.

While watching the blue army units attacking from afar, he said: “Mortals can now fly in the sky. I really can’t think of anything else worthy of our fear.”

Wagron laughed twice, and took Modler’s words with incomparable determination: “We have nothing to fear, as long as… can fight for your majesty.”

“General! The 2nd Battalion of the Blue Army has begun to flanking the high ground, and the 1st Battalion of the Red Army, which is responsible for the defense, has surrendered its first line of defense.” An officer came over, stood at attention and saluted behind the two men, and reported the exercise. Progress.

“Ha, that boy Walter seems to be giving Lester a lesson. The people who came out of the 1st regiment were brought out by His Majesty himself. It seems that there is still a set.” After Wagron heard this report, he was very surprised. He smiled with interest and gave his own evaluation.

The red defense forces have been very calm since just now, the opponent seems to have given up a line of positions, and has no intention of wasting time on the battle for the surface position.

Walter seems to have studied the theory of deep defense, and now he has come up with a layered arrangement of multiple lines of defense, so that the offensive team is trapped in the bitter battle of positional warfare. The offensive team must pay a very heavy price.

“Yeah, following your Majesty’s side, you can always get some benefits more or less. Lester did not lose in this game.” Modler also saw the clue, nodded and said: “The front line It is inevitable to give up the position. If it were me, I would give up too.”

When facing the 155mm caliber howitzer, those positions are naturally like chicken ribs. It is not impossible to insist on defense, but the price to be paid is too much. In this case, it is better to put the opponent in and fight again, at least the Red Army’s lack of large-caliber artillery is evened out a lot.

“The artillery of the defense hasn’t moved yet. This has pushed up his second battalion. Lester’s tactics are somewhat reckless.” Wagron shook his head, feeling that both military-level commanders A bit young, more or less have some small problems of their own.

Modeller also agreed with this view, nodded and said: “Don’t tell me, now they are both military-level commanders, and when we look back to calculate this kind of regiment-level offensive and defensive warfare, they are somewhat a little bit. I’m not used to it.”

However, the topic of the two people quickly changed from commenting on their colleagues to feeling about the new weapon. Due to the progress of the industry, Ailan Hill’s weapons and equipment have also begun to increase explosively.

The troops are equipped with many new weapons, including defensive mines, company-level large-caliber mortars, and brand new general-purpose machine guns.

When it comes to machine guns, Modler likes it so much: “The new machine gun is really good. I heard it is called mg-42. Your Majesty often uses such weird names, which is really unintelligible.”

Wagron also likes this weapon that can be used as a heavy machine gun and can also accompany soldiers’ offenses: “The name is not very good, but the new machine gun is very light, suitable for advancing with the army, and more suitable than the Maxim heavy machine gun. “

As soon as this machine gun appeared, it immediately became the love of the Allan Hill Army. A large amount of demand has increased the production of this weapon, and it has almost completely replaced the Maxim heavy machine gun and has become the mainstay of infantry firepower.

“Maxin heavy machine guns have now begun to be eliminated in the second line. After all, there are mg-42 machine guns. The troops are unwilling to use such heavy heavy machine guns.” Some weapons began to be welcomed by the troops, and some weapons were naturally received. The neglect of the troops, the formerly dominating Maxine heavy machine gun, has now become the standard configuration of the second-line troops.

In order to prevent dragons from harassing the hinterland villages, many densely populated towns Chris have arranged garrisons and equipped with anti-aircraft machine guns and other weapons, with the goal of annihilating the opponent’s dragon knight forces that infiltrated the hinterland as much as possible.

Wagron felt that this kind of progress was a benefit for the Army, and he comforted him: “The earlier Maxim was not wasted. Most of it was used for homeland air defense. Now the garrison troops in some towns can also be assigned some anti-aircraft machine guns. Used for air defense.”

Compared with the time when the garrison was at a loss when facing the dragon knight when it went south to attack the Arante Empire, the garrison now has very powerful anti-aircraft weapons, at least equipped with a large number of heavy machine guns, which can temporarily defend against the air. Up.

Most of the current 30 mm caliber anti-aircraft guns are installed on fixed urban air defense positions, and there is really not much left for ground troops. After all, the air force is now growing, and the air defense mission of the ground forces is no longer as urgent as before.

“Ha, isn’t all the air defense handed over to the Air Force? Why do you still keep so many air defense machine guns?” Modeller smiled and looked at his boss.

“It’s always not that reliable to rely on others. It’s more convenient to rely on ourselves. In case their new toys don’t work well, we have to look at our anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft cannons to find the place.” Wagron followed with a smile. After a while, I decided to rely on myself and not rely on others.

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