My Empire

Chapter 113 - Battle of Rubber

In the southern waters, on the towering coast guard wall, behind the crevices were full of armored soldiers. The officer in the lead looked at an Ailan Hill officer who was **** by the five flowers in front of him, and said with a sneer, “Although I don’t know this. What can you do with little-used rubber, but your large purchases must be a profitable business. So don’t blame us for sitting on the floor and raising the price.”

“Yeah! Yeah! Who let you Ailan Hill have so many good things, exchanged our gold coins, but want to grab our rubber cheaply, go dream!”

“We have given you enough gold coins! You greedy villains! Treachery! Swallow our gold coins and seize me!” The officer who was **** was pressed, but he was still struggling.

He raised his head stubbornly, staring at the officer of the Dothan Empire in front of him, with a mocking expression on his face, and said sarcastically: “You know, let me go! Return the gold coins! Otherwise…”

“Otherwise? What can you do? You only have a few broken ships, and can you still attack my fortress guarded by three thousand people?” The guard drew his sword and pointed at the officer of Ailan Hill: “I am here. I will kill you to sacrifice the flag! I want to see if your general Lawnes has the courage to avenge you!”

“Puff!” The long sword sank into the snow-white uniform. The officer of Ailan Hill smiled, spitting out blood and shouted: “Long live Ailan Hill! Wait for me to be buried! Let me be buried! “

When the guard drew out the long sword, the officer Ailan Hill in front of him who had entered the city to negotiate was no longer alive. He stood at the crenellation with a long sword with blood, looked at the sailing boat on the sea not far away, sneered and said: “Fire, let them taste it!”

The ballista at the head of the city fired a powerful crossbow with a bang, and the huge crossbow bolt, which looked like a knight’s lance, flew toward the sea, slamming into the water and aroused a white spray. The opponent seemed to be outside the range of the ballista, cruising back and forth as if waiting for something.

“Call me! Tell them that we have killed all those who went ashore to purchase rubber! Let them pay double the gold coins, or you can get out of here!” The guard ordered his soldiers.

As a result, the Dothan Empire soldiers standing on the head of the city began to yell at the sea. They yelled and laughed, mocking the three small warships that seemed to have little power in the distance.

Sitting on a wooden box, General Lawnes, bare-chested, pressed the long knife around his waist, bit a fruit that was a bit wilted, frowned and asked the adjutant next to him: “Listen clearly what they are calling. No?”

“Listen clearly.” The adjutant replied, pressing his anger in his heart, standing with his chin held high beside Lawnes.

“Hold the **** battle flag!” Lawnes shouted out the navy’s traditional command, then stood up, walked to the railing of the ship’s side, and took another bite of the apple and said: “Don’t take prisoners!”

“Hang the **** battle flag!” The first officer gave the order of revenge loudly, and then a huge red battle flag was raised behind the black golden eagle banner amidst the shouts of the sailors.

On another battleship, the captain in a snow-white navy uniform withdrew his gaze from the blood flag raised by the battleship in the distance, and looked at his first mate with his back on his back. He spoke with a grim expression and commanded in a hoarse voice. : “Go! Don’t be captive!”

The gun windows of the third battleship opened one after another, and one cannon filled with shells revealed their muzzles. Just above these muzzles, a huge blood-colored battle flag was flying in the wind.

“Boom!” Amidst the ridicule, the cannon began to speak. The cannonball screamed and slammed into the heavy city wall, and the explosion set off a wave of air. Black smoke rose into the sky, and the huge stones on the city wall cracked, making a cracking sound.

The laughter stopped abruptly, replaced by a sound of a cannon, and a burst of explosions. The city wall shattered and collapsed in the thick smoke, and dozens of cannons on this side still didn’t mean to stop and rest.

The three warships lined up in a straight line, cruising from one side to the other, and then turned the bow, aiming the cannon on the other side at the dilapidated city wall. Immediately after that, another round of fierce shelling began, and black smoke enveloped the fortress wall, blocking everyone’s sight.

I can’t see if there are any living people on the top of the city, but Lawnes doesn’t mean to order it to stop at all. The shells flew to the top of the city like no money, blasting the towering city wall into a collapsing soil slope.

“I only hit half of the cannonballs, this group of **** have no sound?” Lowering the binoculars in his hand, Lawnes sneered, revealing extremely white teeth: “Put the sampan! Land! Toast without eating.” , Then don’t eat anything!”

More than 300 soldiers walked onto the beach amidst the sound of artillery. Lawnes drew the long knife from his waist and pointed at the already ruined fortress: “For Ailan Hill! Long live Your Majesty Chris! The army advances! Kill!”

“Long live Your Majesty Chris! Kill!” Several first officers also took out the sabers from their waists and pointed to the front with a loud command. In the sound of these commands, all the soldiers drew their bayonets from their waists and inserted them under the muzzle of their rifles. The swaying army thorns were reflected by a swaying sunlight.

“Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!” The army boots with dried sweat on the edges stepped on the beach, making a creaking sound. Accompanied by this sound, three hundred bright bayonets rushed into the ruins where there was still heavy smoke.

“Help!” A **** Dothan soldier with only half of his body exposed out of the rubble, struggling to plead for the coming Ailan Hill navy soldier.

The answer to him was a long military thorn that pierced his chest against the sun, and the blood troughs on three sides released hot blood, accompanied by a slight chuckle that pierced the skin.

“Ah…” Not knowing whether it was remorse or unwillingness, the soldier let out a scream, then closed his mouth. Countless army boots stepped on his body and swarmed into the city wall.

“Let me go! Let me go!” A Dothan soldier curled up in the corner knelt on the ground begging to pass by his Ailan Hill soldier, and then was pierced by the three armies at the same time.

After struggling twice, he knelt down on the ground and died. After the last bayonet was extracted from the corpse, his corpse fell in that direction with the force of the bayonet. Next to him, corpses in the same armor as him lay all over.

“I’m fighting with you!” A soldier rushed out of the black smoke with a long sword, shouting hoarsely with blood on his face. Then he was hit by a bullet through his chest and fell to his knees with a gunshot.

He touched the hole in his chest with his hand, as if to find an explanation. However, he just raised his head, and was hit in the head with a rifle **** by an Ellen Hill soldier passing by, and fell down, and there was no more sound.

The fortress guard who had broken his arm was surrounded by the few remaining pros, and screamed hysterically in the face of the dense bayonet surrounding him. While screaming, he used the long sword in his hand to sweep the thorns that were close to him, making a clinking noise.

“I am the defender of the Dothan Empire! You dare to kill me, that is to fight the Dothan Empire! You dare not kill me! Hahahaha! You dare not kill me!”

This poor man who has gone mad is yelling hysterically, his voice is so annoying: “You let me go! Let me go! My father is the governor of the Dothan Empire! My family is…”

“Would you like to hear him yelling here?” Lawnes, who walked over with his sword and ears, asked the soldiers with bayonets beside him: “If you don’t want to listen, why are you standing here? Waiting for dinner?”

“I want to apply for noble protection! You can’t do this to me! I surrendered! I surrendered! Can’t I pay for the lives of those people if I was wrong? I will pay for the lives of those people! I will give it to the more desperate generals!” He tore his throat and shouted while holding his wound.

“Bah!” A young soldier shot through the head of the guard, and then a dense burst of gunfire sounded. The guard and his entourage were beaten into sieves, gathered in a pile and died, becoming a pool of flesh and blood.

“Go, find all the people in the city!” Lawnes looked at the corpses of the Dothan Empire soldiers lying on the ground and coldly ordered: “If you don’t come, you will be executed!”

Soon, he saw a nervous civilian in the square, wondering what his fate was like.

Lawnes stood on the balcony of the building on the side of the square, looking at these densely packed old and young, and said: “I came here originally to trade. I brought gold coins and wanted to buy your useless rubber… …But your castle lord ghost is obsessed with his mind, and the person who killed me wanted to swallow my gold coins, but I have killed him now.

“You can hate me, it’s okay, I don’t care! But I keep you, so that when I come next time, there is still rubber to collect!” Lawnes said here, paused: “You can go, but I’ll let people pass a message to that **** emperor of the Dothan Empire.”

“What I want to tell him is very simple. Next time I come, I will take more boats! Either let me leave with a rubber filled, or I leave with a head filled with heads! You, Dothan, choose yourself!” Ensi left the balcony, leaving behind the crying desperate people on the square.

“We’ll set sail after it’s filled with rubber!” After Lawnes walked out of the balcony, looking at the chief mates waiting for his orders in the house, he ordered: “Time is precious! Gentlemen! One more trip, we can give Your Majesty prepare more rubber! Ailan Hill, can wait to use these things!”

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