My Empire

Chapter 128 - sky

“We lost more in one hour than in the past two years combined! What are you kidding? I want reinforcements! Reinforcement! It’s too late!” Holding the phone, the commander of the 2nd Division was angrily facing his immediate boss. General Lester shouted.

He hung up the phone, frowned and looked at the officers next to him, and asked: “Have you seen with your own eyes that the headquarters of the 2nd regiment was hit?”

“It was the news sent back from the observation post! They saw with their own eyes that the regiment headquarters of the 2nd regiment was shrouded in flames. Then we lost contact with the 2 regiment. We have no way to confirm the specific losses over there.” The officer replied attentively.

The artillery of Ailan Hill has always attacked the enemy’s position from a distance. Now things have changed. The troops of Ailan Hill have been attacked from a distance by the opponent. Things that have never happened before are also testing Alan Hill’s. Senior commanders.

These generals have to think about a problem, how to hide under enemy fire and protect their headquarters from attack. Obviously the leader of the 2 regiment doesn’t need to think about it, and the entire 2 regiment is almost finished now.

“The Dragon Knights of the Holy Demon Empire are attacking our defenses, and the fortress has become a key target of attack. A defensive regiment stationed there is probably now annihilated.” Another officer reported with a heavy tone. The situation.

“The anti-aircraft artillery unit is fighting back desperately, but our firepower density is obviously not as high as that of the opponent’s dragon knight… If the air force can no longer contact, we may be annihilated here.” The officer in charge of contacting the air force was frustrated. ‘S followed.

“Order the troops to continue! We are the Second Army of Ailan Hill! Gentlemen! If we take a step back, then all our previous honors will no longer exist.” The commander of the 2nd Division looked at the officer in front of him. We buckled our helmets on top of our heads: “We must fight! Because we swore! Remember our oath?”

“Be loyal to Ailan Hill! Fight for His Majesty to the last moment!” Everyone raised their palms, pointed their fingers together at their temples, and paid a solemn military salute.

Behind Ailan Hill’s defense line, on the well-built artillery position, a loader put a heavy 55mm caliber howitzer shell on the loading aid: “Ammunition is coming!”

Another loader pushed the shell into the barrel, closed the breech bolt, and raised a thumb to the waiting gunner on the other side: “Loading is complete! You can fire!”

“Boom!” Without the slightest hesitation, the gunner rang the rope of the gun. The cannon then sat back heavily, and the muzzle expelled a thick white smoke. With this roar, the huge artillery shell flew to the enemy’s position in the distance, and the artillery here has been restored to the state before the firing under the action of the hydraulic device.

“Ding Dong!” The loader opened the breech bolt, and a heat-emitting shell fell out, hitting the cooled shell under his feet with a crisp sound. They have been playing for almost an hour, and during this period, apart from cooling the barrel, they did not rest for even one second.

No one knows what they are shelling, they just keep firing at the preset fire coverage area according to the request of the front line. As an artillery, they rarely see their enemies, and their work is almost the same as working in a factory.

Only this time, the workload seemed a bit beyond imagination: the enemies they faced before were basically the kind of enemies that would completely collapse in one or two volleys. Today they have fired dozens of shells, but the headquarters seems to have no intention of making them angry.

“I said…what are we fighting? Are you testing the limit service life of the artillery?” A loader pryed open a box of artillery shells with a brazing iron, and asked the helping comrades around him breathlessly.

The comrade-in-arms lowered his head and hugged a heavy artillery shell, and looked at the other party sweaty: “Have you ever seen an entire artillery position tested together? This is the latest artillery, and it is still used for testing?”

Another loader ran over, bent over to pick up a shell, and whispered: “Hurry up and get to work! The captain personally came to urge him, saying that the frontline is in urgent need of fire support, let’s continue firing…”

From the artillery position forward, past the collapsed fortress, and then past a messy second-line defensive position, and then continue to move forward to the first-line defensive position that has been submerged in a sea of ​​flames.

On a small highland machine gun position, several Ailan Hill grenadiers were using their urine to cool the barrel of the machine gun. The vicinity of the position they were holding had been destroyed by flames, and there were scorched corpses and unquenched flames everywhere.

“Hurry up! The **** dragon will fly back in a while!” Seeing the **** dragon hovering in the thick smoke in the sky, the machine gunner wiped the black ashes on his face and urged with a spit. .

“Let the beast come over! Let it come! Grandpa, I’m fighting it!” An Ailan Hill grenadier who just contributed his own urine, looked like a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, and stuck his army stab in the gun Speaking: “I’m afraid of death, I won’t join the soldier!”

“That’s good! I’m afraid of death! I won’t join the soldiers!” Another soldier poured the canned fish in his hand into his mouth, his face full of satisfaction after eating: “Don’t waste it. Anyone who has canned food hurriedly swallowed it, and will be a soldier of Ailan Hill in his next life, and eat such delicious canned food!”

The loader pulled the bolt and pushed a new bullet into the barrel, while looking up at the sky full of black smoke: “It’s disgusting to watch these monsters flying in the sky. Where is our air force? Where are you? “

Just as he raised this question, a dragon raging on the battlefield made a nasty noise. The dragon knight behind it seemed to feel something. He moved his gaze away from the ground and looked up at the sky that he had almost never looked up to.

He drove his dragon, raised himself a bit, and listened carefully to the fine sound of the wind. In the end, he determined one thing, something seemed to be approaching, and there was a noise that made him very uncomfortable.

Above the clouds, in the enclosed glass cockpit, an Ailan Hill fighter pilot with a mask looked at the hell-like front line outside his window: “We have found the target! Dive! Dive! Start attacking!”

“Cover me! Cover me!” In the radio, the fighter pilots who had already begun to dive under the clouds were full of anger in their voices. They took off immediately after receiving the combat order, but when they came to the front line, they saw the apocalyptic scene on the ground.

This is simply a squeeze in their faces, because their task is to intercept the opponent’s dragon and cover ground forces in combat. Now they are long overdue, and their hearts are really more sad than letting them die.

It was the pain of being disappointed by the trust of comrades in arms, it was the pain of my own efforts in vain, it was the pain of seeing a sea of ​​blood and deep enmity accompanied by such pain. The roar of the engine resounded across the sky at this moment.

“They are hovering! Hovering! Biting the target! After attacking, immediately leave with speed!” Oaken drove his fighter to keep getting closer to the target he selected. The dragon seemed to have spotted the swooping enemy and was rising. height.

Pressing the sight on the body of the dragon, Oak’s finger has been pressed on the trigger for firing. He is ready to attack. He will fire and attack immediately when he waits for the best attack distance. .

Three seconds, two seconds, one second! In the incomprehensible gaze of the Dragon Knight, the nose of this Oaken e-09 fighter jet spewed hot flames, and the 20 mm caliber machine gun fired a series of tracer rounds, all of which were poured into the dragon’s body.

The first time he attacked, Orange felt that this kind of dive and fire was very easy. His daily training was basically such subjects: how to get rid of the opponent’s pursuit, how to use maneuver to fight the opponent, how to lock the target and fire…

Now, he has only used the most direct way to practice his training content, and in the process of practice, he found that the air combat skills instilled into his mind by the knowledge magic ball are really very, very useful.

The warhead left a line of exploding blood mist on the dragon’s scales. Accompanied by the heart-piercing scream of the dragon, Oak suddenly pulled his control stick to let the plane fly past the falling dragon.

“I hit it! I hit it!” In the headset, fighter pilots shouted excitedly everywhere. The dragon knights who met the mortal air force for the first time were basically in a sluggish state, and for a while they had not adapted to this completely different air combat mode.

Almost all the opponents were shot down while hovering in a static state. Only a few dragon knights avoided the first round of attacks. They often fought against the opponent’s dragons. Now it seems that there is another kind that has never been seen before. Terrible enemy.

Seeing their own air force shot down one dragon after another, the Ailan Hill soldiers on the ground cheered. They finally waited for hope, and finally regained their courage. They picked up their rifles, grinned and opened their dry lips, revealing their whiter teeth against the backdrop of their black faces.

The first 30 e-09 fighters rushed to the battlefield like hungry wolves rushing into the flock, killing the dragon knights who were butchers a few minutes ago in the sky. Those dragons who have seen fighter jets for the first time are very uncomfortable with those extremely fast and small and flexible fighter jets, so they can only be beaten passively for a while.

However, these dragon knights still occupies an absolute advantage in terms of numbers. They are accustomed to the sky and finally after being chased for a few minutes, they began their own counterattack——

There will be updates in a while. You can watch it again tomorrow morning. Long Ling doesn’t want to make it more uncomfortable for everyone, so stay up late and add updates…

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