My Empire

Chapter 129 - Be careful

“Suddenly!” A me-109 fighter jet chased behind a giant dragon with its wings retracted and swooped down rapidly, biting the giant dragon and firing continuously. Tracer bullets connected countless straight lines between the two, and the dragon was flexible. Changed the flight route and avoided these deadly attacks.

“They are much more flexible than we estimated! And they are very experienced in combat.” Orante, who was not successful in a single blow, reminded his comrades on the radio. Just now, he saw with his own eyes the first loss of the Airenhill Air Force.

The me-109 fighter was chasing and killing a escaping dragon at full speed, but I didn’t know if the opponent really wanted to die together, or if he just wanted to get rid of an attempt to get rid of being shot down. The dragon suddenly spread its wings and slowed down. The pilot of the me-109 fighter following it was caught off guard and directly slammed into the dragon.

In fact, the consequences can be imagined. The dragon was immediately engulfed by the explosion, but the Ailan Hill fighter pilot didn’t have time to parachute and burst into a splendid firework with his fighter in the air.

Even if the pilot had a chance to parachute, the current situation didn’t seem to allow him to land safely on the ground. The dragons flying around are not vegetarians, and they descend slowly in the air by a parachute, which is actually no different from throwing food in a zoo…

Anyway, Oaken told himself that if there is really no choice, then find a goal to kill him cleanly. Such a method of death is a bit more meaningful, at least more interesting than feeding the dragon for nothing.

“The opponent will suddenly slow down! This is different from our plane! Be careful! They may choose to die together!” Controlling his plane to regain altitude, Orange looked down on the battlefield under his feet, preparing to choose a target again. Start attacking.

He has enough ammunition and fuel can hold on for a while, so he needs to start the attack cautiously. After all, he has already shot down 4 dragons. According to the Air Force regulations of Ailan Hill, 5 dragons can be called down. The ace pilot.

However, based on today’s scene, Orange felt that he might shoot down more dragons! He was ready to challenge the seemingly distant goal: the title of “Dragon Slayer” who shot down 100 dragons.

While driving the plane into a dive, Orange saw another me-109 fighter jet being torn apart by the dragon’s claws. The opponent seemed to have found the opportunity when the me-109 fighter was climbing, and approaching flexibly just caught the wing of the plane.

Then there was a second dragon who joined the feast of revenge. They tore off the wings of the plane and smashed the cockpit full of blood. One of the dragons was also cut off by the plane’s engine, and the blood was cut off by the plane’s engine. The propellers were thrown all over, looking very bloody.

In the end, the wounded dragon fell together with the fragmented plane and fell into a fire on the ground, just like adding dry wood to the stove, immediately making the fire burn more vigorously.

There are too many enemies. Dozens of me-109 fighters are like pebbles thrown into the lake. Although they splashed with ripples, they did not seem to play a decisive role.

Oak drove his fighter jet into a dive again. His speed was very fast. He locked a circling dragon in an instant, and then shot a row of tracer bombs at the dragon’s body. .

After careful analysis, the efficiency of attacking the dragon’s wings is actually very low. Orange knows that those meat wings seem to have huge targets and are very easy to attack. However, a row of holes are made in the wings, but the dragon cannot fall immediately. .

These wounded dragons can leave the battlefield and retreat to a safe place. After all, for a dragon, damage to the film on the wings is commonplace. They are accustomed to such injuries, just like eating and sleeping.

“Goodbye!” Seeing a row of tracer bombs rushed into the dragon’s body, Oak changed his habit of pulling directly. He avoided a dragon intercepting his head and let his fighter stick to it. He flexibly avoided the gushing dragon flames on the ground.

The opponent is not a group of targets that can only be hit, the dragon will also spit flames at the fighters, sometimes such flames are very deadly. The good news is that Long Yan’s trajectory and rate of fire are not good when attacking air, so fighter jets can easily avoid it.

But if you underestimate such an attack and feel that the other party’s attack is not a threat, then you are really wrong. The dragon’s dragon flame attack range is very wide, which makes the opponent’s attack need not be too precise.

Moreover, the attacking power of the opponent is severely overflowing. Once enveloped by the dragon flame, the fighter jet may explode instantly, or it may crash in various failures. Therefore, when facing the giant dragon, one needs twelve minutes of caution.

Passing the ground at a low altitude, the roaring sound of the engine made the Ailan Hill grenadiers standing on the ground cheer frantically at the sky. They fired into the air to stop those dragons chasing their fighters and cover their late air comrades.

Soon, the second batch of take-off fighters joined the battle, and the number of Air Force fighters in Ailan Hill suddenly increased to more than 50, but the Dragon Knights did not have any decent reinforcements.

They had all taken off before and joined the ranks of ground attacks: before they came, no one reminded them to be careful of the air force of the Mortal Empire. You must know that a few hours ago, in the knowledge of the commander of the Holy Demon Empire, mortals still had no air force units…

“Excuse me, do you need help?” In the earphones of Orange’s radio, the comrade-in-arms’ undue beating sounded.

He grinned, found a safe place and started climbing, while holding down the phone and replied: “No, you can go back!”

“Sorry! We just arrived, and now we have to deal with it as an escape before returning home, sir!” In the headset, the undue beating voice continued to tease.

“Then you still ask! Be careful of their emergency stop and slow down! Don’t bite too tight…Keep your distance, be careful of dragon flame attacks…” Orange reminded the new comrades who joined the battle.

“Okay! Did everyone hear? These dragons are dangerous! Let’s tell them…we are even more dangerous!” In Orange’s earphones, the voice gave the order to attack.

With this ridiculous sound, more fighter jets swooped down from the clouds, the roar of the engine and the roar of the dragon were intertwined, playing the movement of the first air battle of the mortal empire.

One after another fighter jets dived and attacked, and the tracer bullets in the sky were like silk spit out of blooming flowers. But what these silk cores swallowed was the life of the dragon…

“This is what the Grand Archon said, we can easily win a war?” Pressing the long sword, the commander of the Holy Demon Empire who was in charge of the battle turned his head and looked at the magician next to him: “I am today. Dragon knights lost more than they lost in a day on the front line of Norma!”

In the battle against the Norma Empire, which is also the Magic Empire, the tactics of both sides are similar, and everyone is familiar with each other, so the losses and the results of the battle can be estimated. But the battle before him is different, because the battle mode of the Mortal Empire has completely exceeded the imagination of the commanders of the Holy Demon Empire.

“We can’t back down. If we retreat this time, then we won’t have much chance.” The magician said firmly: “Execute the plan of the Archon! Let the magic cavalry attack and break through these mortal’s. Line of defense.”

“Now it can only be so.” The commander sighed, looked at the battlefield with flames everywhere, and said without looking back: “But after this war, I must reconsider the proposal of impeaching the Grand Archon. , He made us pay too much!”

“That’s our own business. Now what you have to face is the trouble of the mortal empire!” The magician reminded him coldly when he heard that the other party was about to impeach the Grand Archon he supported.

“Order the giant horse cavalry to charge first to see if the opponent’s line of defense is still intact! The troops move forward as a whole! Blow the horn of attack!” The commander buttoned his visor and strode forward. Go.

“Woo…!” The huge horn tied to the back of the moving mountain beast was blown, and the giant horse cavalry who had been waiting for a long time began to attack Ailan Hill’s position. They have all seen how powerful mortal rifles are, so their armors are all improved heavy armors.

These heavy armors can ensure that they can approach opponents relatively safely at long distances. When the bullets really exert their power, the impact of the cavalry can already ignore the short distance.

No one will stand in place and be beaten. While Ailan Hill is constantly studying the Holy Demon Empire, the Holy Demon Empire is also actively preparing means to attack Ailan Hill. These improved giant horse cavalry are one of the great gifts prepared by the Holy Demon Empire for Ailan Hill.

The giant horse cavalry lined up in an arrow-shaped shock formation rushed forward. With the frequency with which the horses of these giant war horses hit the ground, the ground seemed to tremble gently. A more dazzling light lingered on these cavalry, which raised their defense to an unprecedented level.

“Holy Demon Empire! Long live!” Pointing his lance forward at the enemy’s position, the general commanding the giant horse cavalry shouted slogans to boost morale. Beside him is a densely packed wall of knights, and everyone is preparing for a feast of killing that belongs to them.

On the edge of the battlefield, a wooden sign was knocked down by a giant horse cavalry with a hammer, and broken handwriting could be vaguely seen on the tattered notice. These handwritings are simple words, reminding everyone who enters this region of death: ” Watch out for mines!”-

Long Ling won’t go to bed today, just to have a good time tomorrow morning, all night… there’s one more! Don’t stay up all night and wait, just watch it together tomorrow morning.

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