My Empire

Chapter 134 - struggle

The corpse of the dragon on the ground moved slightly, and the huge dragon wings were lifted from the inside. The dragon knight who had just controlled the dragon staggered out, breathing in the fresh air.

Falling from the sky just now and hitting the woods, the huge impact caused the wounded dragon to die suddenly, and the dragon knight sitting on the back of the dragon was naturally badly injured by the impact.

Holding his stomach, he staggered embarrassedly to the side of a collapsed giant tree, leaned on it and sat down, gasping for breath, feeling the pain from his body, most of the wounds are not serious, and there are more bruises. .

“This group of **** guys…he…he…” murmured, the dragon knight unscrewed a bottle of magic replenishment liquid and poured his head back into his mouth. He felt the power spread all over his body, and even the wounds seemed to relieve the pain.

After leaning on the wood for a long while, the hapless young dragon knight finally recovered some strength. He struggled to stand up and walked back to the dragon’s corpse. With a trace of sadness, he reached out and touched his companion who was fighting with him.

The scales are still hard and cold, but the familiar partner now has no breath. The huge ferocious head twisted beside the body, and the neck seemed to have been twisted due to the impact, and the bending angle seemed a little unnatural.

The hole left by the 20mm caliber machine gun on the dragon’s body has not completely dried up, and the dragon’s blood that has lost its magical atmosphere is still emitting a faint blue light. Soon these rays of light will dissipate, because after all, this place is the realm of forbidden magic.

Brushing the broken dragon scales with his hand, this dragon knight truly observed the destructive power of an aerial cannon for the first time. For a creature, the barrage formed by steel is still too powerful. Those warheads shattered the scales of the dragon and got into the flesh and blood of the dragon, instantly destroying the dragon’s internal organs and strong muscle tissue.

Reluctantly let go, the dragon knight knew that he was over. Without the dragon, his speed of action could not escape the pursuit of mortal troops on the ground. He would soon be surrounded and consumed by mortal soldiers. Kill by magic.

He was really unwilling to die in this way. He knew that he should leave here as soon as possible, maybe there were already mortal soldiers stationed nearby, looking for the fallen dragon corpse.

It is really ironic to think about it. He was ordered to harass the enemy’s rear, but now he has not completed the task, but has changed from a hunter to a prey. He had to try his best to escape and find a way to escape before being blocked by the enemy.

Find a nearby village to attack? This is no different from suicide. Without the suppression of the giant dragon, those civilians only need to flee and get rid of his pursuit easily. He can only kill a few people at most, and the remaining villagers will run away. The next thing is even simpler. The revengeful mortal soldiers will surround him, then kill him, and hang the body at the door of the village… …

Swallowing a spit, the young dragon knight felt that he shouldn’t have died in such an unknown place. He wiped his nose with his fingers, pressed the long sword around his waist with one hand, found a direction casually, and walked forward in the forest with one foot and one foot shallow.

“I don’t want to die yet! I want to go home! I still have my parents and my own wife… I can’t die here! I must live! I must live!” As he walked forward, he gently said Niandao.

In the gloomy forest, his voice appeared abrupt, with the sounds of birds or beasts from time to time, so that he had to stop, who was already frightened, to carefully identify his position and where the **** sounds came from.

He had never been scared, even if he was enlisted in the army, the first time he saw his mount, the huge fire dragon, he was never as scared as he is today. He knew that his courage had been exhausted, exhausted by the flying machines controlled by mortals in the sky.

“Heh…he…” Every time he stopped, there were only giant trees flying straight into the sky. Because of these tall trees, the sky seemed to be darkened, and the slippery ground covered with moss under his feet, from time to time A nervous bug crawled past. Those **** voices disappeared strangely, leaving him alone with nervous gasps.

Because the armor on the body has magical inscriptions, and because the blood also has magical breath surging, this makes mosquitoes afraid to approach, and also makes some sensitive animals retreat to him. In the deep forest of this mortal world, he was like an ancient behemoth, making all creatures feel dangerous.

But the feeling of loneliness struck. When he could only step on the soil piled up by the decay of the soft fallen leaves and stand in the damp and enclosed forest, the young soldier still noticed his heartbeat.

“I’ve had enough!” He just wanted to move forward when he was staggered by a tree root. He barely stood firm, and the despair suppressed in his heart finally broke out.

He strode forward, using marching to cover up his breathing. He was afraid to hear his own breathing, and felt that the sound was like death singing in his ears. He walked forward step by step, and kept walking, until his exhaustion made his breathing heavier, and he lingered in his ears with a sound.

This war was really frustrated. In the border battle a few days ago, the Holy Demon Empire lost thousands of soldiers for several kilometers of defense. The ensuing battle was even more disheartening, and it seemed that he would have to pay a heavy price if he didn’t make a step forward.

It seemed that the Holy Demon Empire was approaching their strategic goal Higgsnar, but in fact only the soldiers on the front knew that they were not approaching Higgsnar, but cold death!

In the eyes of this young dragon knight, the war was over, and it should be over when countless dragons fell from the sky that day. And his war ended here at the moment he was shot down.

No matter what other people are doing, he doesn’t want to fight anymore, because he still wants to go home, he wants to meet those family members he hasn’t seen enough, and he wants to enjoy life that he hasn’t had time to enjoy.

“Who!” Just as he was struggling in the mud, an abrupt voice sounded, which suddenly made him vigilant. He put his hand on the long sword and looked in the direction of the sound.

In the next second, a knight holding a long sword was staring at him with the same vigilant eyes, and behind that knight stood dozens of guards who had been on guard. These guards are all wearing well-equipped armor, and their long swords are cold and sharp.

“Qiang!” Withdrawing the long sword from his waist, this dragon knight subconsciously prepared for battle. He was confident to eliminate the poor mortal soldiers in front of him, but what he worried about was that after exposing his position, those who kept going Enemy troops surrounded.

The moment he drew out his long sword, his wife’s beautiful face appeared in front of his eyes. He gripped the long sword in his hand in pain, but did not activate the magic, making the long sword even more A terrible murder weapon.

“I don’t want to fight anymore! I ask you to accept my surrender like a nobleman!” The dragon knight looked at the enemy in front of him, put his long sword back into the scabbard again, and then tore it down. He wore his belt and held the long sword in his hand.

Originally, the team of knights guarding Princess Luna just went to the place where the dragon fell with Her Royal Highness to check the body of the dragon. Who thought that the dangerous dragon knight actually survived such a fall, this suddenly made the entire knight team nervous.

In terms of combat effectiveness, they are not the opponents of the dragon knight in front of them at all. If they fight desperately, they can at best buy some retreat for the princess behind them.

It is a pity that they all know the temper of the princess. If this is really fought, she would rather die here than leave her soldiers to escape alone. The only thing they can pray for now is that the dragon knight in front of them was seriously injured in the fall…

Just when everyone was ready for a deadly battle and everyone was waiting for the tragic decisive battle to break out, they unexpectedly found that the dragon knight who had drawn the long sword returned the sword and said: “I don’t want to fight anymore. Now! I ask you to accept my surrender like a nobleman!”

Swallowing a spit, Princess Cape Luna, who was also nervous, took a step forward, poked her head from behind her captain of the guard, and ordered: “Drop your weapon! We accept your surrender!”

If it is not a situation that must fight, no one wants to face a dragon knight who knows magic. So when the dragon knight was willing to surrender, Princess Luna immediately accepted the other’s request.

Although she wanted to take revenge on the Dragon Knight’s slaughter of Higgs civilians, at this time, reason still had the upper hand. Luna is just a faithful princess, she is not mentally retarded…

The dragon knight seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. He threw the saber far away, indicating that he no longer wanted to fight, and then two soldiers from the princess guard came forward and tied the dragon knight firmly with a rope.

“I can easily break free of such a rope, so don’t waste your time! Please give me the treatment that a nobleman deserves! I am a knight! And a dragon knight!” While feeling the deep malice of the mortal who tied the rope , The dragon knight barked his teeth and shouted.

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