My Empire

Chapter 135 - War makes progress

“According to the intelligence sent back by the front-line air force, the enemy’s long-range magic attack seems to rely on the magic circle outlined on the ground…” Air Force Commander Bottolia mentioned the news about the Magic Legion of the Holy Demon Empire in the conference room.

“The Frenzberg consultant’s statement has been confirmed. We can study countermeasures against this combat mode.” He said, walking to the side of some hand-drawn outlines of the magic circle, and pointed his finger at those. The copy of the magic circle drawn by Frenzberg said: “The pilot saw hordes of magicians, and some large monsters gathered in the rear, so they chose bombing.”

“Then our air force continued to be deployed, but the attack effect was not as good as the day of the war. The opponent used magic to attack the air defense, and our loss was also great.” When he said this, he looked at Ai Lanxi who was sitting in the first place. His Majesty the Emperor Chris.

The combat capabilities of the Air Force have been widely recognized in the past few days, and the Dragon Knight harassment tactics have been suppressed by relying on radar and fighter patrols alone. Fighter pilots have fought hard, and they are indeed worthy of the entire empire’s investment in them.

With these fighter forces, the dragon knight’s air supremacy has changed hands, and the Holy Demon Empire can no longer use the sky unscrupulously. No matter how you look at this battle result, you can use the word super value to describe it.

The army representative sitting at the conference table opened his mouth and continued: “The artillery troops tried their best to cause damage to the opponent, and the effect was very good, but in the face of the enemy’s attack, we were still caught in a dilemma.”

He stated his difficulties: “If we use artillery to suppress the opponent’s magic, we will lose long-range firepower on the front battlefield. If we ignore the enemy’s magic circle, our casualties may increase exponentially.”

“There are many ways to choose, but I think the use of new weapons is more in line with the situation we are facing.” Chris thought for a while and felt that there are many weapons that are specifically designed to deal with the environment in front of him, so he said.

The Minister of Industry, Smith, nodded and said yes, then opened his mouth and said: “Yes! Your Majesty is right. We are accelerating the production of a weapon that can instantly dump a large amount of ammunition into the target area. The design bureau calls this weapon. It’s a Katyusha rocket. I heard that it’s a very good weapon and equipment that can deal with the enemy’s forces.”

Ailan Hill’s weapon research and development department was not idle. They quickly found out the weapons suitable for Ailan Hill’s equipment according to the tactics of the magic empire: many weapons came from the Soviet Union, and they were the kind of cheap and powerful terrorist killings. Device.

“A brand-new weapon can replace several cannons. One rocket group is enough to destroy all the magic circles on the opponent’s position.” He drew out a drawing, pressed it on the table, and showed the appearance of this weapon. .

From the side, it looks like this is a familiar truck, with a rail frame similar to a radar antenna installed on the part of the carriage. The structure of this thing is very simple, and the simplicity makes people doubt its combat effectiveness.

Of course Chris knew how perverted Katyusha was when dealing with the densely packed magic army, so he nodded and said: “This weapon is safer than the Il-2 attack aircraft and does not need to face the enemy’s magical attacks. It is a very effective suppression weapon!”

“Like previous weapons and equipment, the mass production of this weapon is very easy. You only need some rails and set it up on a truck to create a launcher. Because the attack density is very high, this weapon does not even require precision.” Mies was full of confidence in this new weapon, so he followed.

In fact, in addition to this weapon, Ailan Hill is also working hard to develop a variety of new weapons to reduce the threat of the opponent. For example, because the attack effect of the Il-2 attack aircraft is mediocre, Chris has already begun to prepare a more powerful bomber.

On the one hand, he began to produce the famous American B-25 bomber, on the other hand, he also began to prepare the factory to produce the more powerful and unreasonable B-17 Skyfort strategic bomber.

In Chris’s opinion, I always let you come to our house to make trouble. It would be more comfortable for me to kill people and set fire to your house. He produced strategic bombers for one purpose, and that was to burn the flames of war into the hinterland of the Holy Demon Empire!

Anyway, the dragon must not be able to catch up with those fast and highly perverted strategic bombers, and he does not need to prepare **** fighters… As long as the bombers fly over the cities of the Holy Demon Empire and start throwing bombs, Chris feels that the war is fair. stand up.

It is undoubtedly the great achievement of a mortal emperor to let those magic cities that have not experienced the flames of war for hundreds or even thousands of years enjoy the storm of steel.

Even if he finally died under the counterattack of his opponent and could become the first mortal leader to hit the hinterland of the magic empire, Chris felt that he could be regarded as dead without regret.

From another perspective, once the magicians see that their hometown is destroyed by bombs, it is very doubtful whether they will continue such a crazy war.

Maybe those magicians will give up meaningless wars and treat the mortal empire on an equal basis under the real threat of reciprocity, so as to realize the equality of mortals and magicians in the true sense.

After talking about the construction of the Air Force and the rocket unit, Smith also talked about the production of the tank unit: “The tank unit is also increasing production. We expect to increase the production to the level of 5 vehicles per day in a few days.”

This speed is definitely not too slow. Five tanks a day is a total of 1,800 tanks a year, which is one-eighth of the output of US imperialism that year. Although the United States had to build countless warships and fighter jets that year, it is not correct to compare only the production of tanks. The production capacity of the lovely Lanhill is also strong enough to describe it.

The army commander walked to the front of the map and used the pointer to give Chris a precise explanation: “We have received reinforcements from the 1st Army. We have initially stabilized the line of defense, the reserve team is in place, and the losses of the 2nd Army have been received. Added. We plan to put in armored troops about 100 kilometers west of Higgsnar to counterattack the ground forces of the Holy Demon Empire!”

As he said, he pointed to the map and said to Chris: “According to the current state of advancement, the opponent’s attack will form a protrusion nearby, and our tanks will raid from the south to the north of this protrusion and cut into the opponent. On the flank, fight for the siege of all the troops of the Holy Demon Empire into Higgs.”

“Don’t have too much appetite, be careful not to eat the opponent, but let yourself lose a lot.” Chris started to remind his combat staff.

The other party immediately held up his chest and said, “Yes! Your Majesty! We will be careful!”

Although his wedding was postponed indefinitely because of the princess’s departure from home. But the good news from other sources made the Ailan Hill emperor happy. The Dothan Empire’s offensive was stopped by Korya and Modler at Fallen Abyss. The opponent did not even make a step forward and lost more than 50,000 soldiers.

The attack in the direction of the steppe went more smoothly. General Simon led the steppe cavalry across the eastern steppe and completely driven out the steppe emperor Nicholas from the eastern region. General Simon, who controlled a large number of tribes, continued to advance westward, and with the cooperation of the Ailan Hill grenadiers, stormed the king’s account of the steppe empire.

In ten days, there will be news of victory over there. As long as the steppe empire is taken, the northern area of ​​Ailan Hill will become a completely safe rear. There will be countless wool and meat for Ailan Hill to support Ailan Hill to further expand the population.

“Order Simon to fight steadily, don’t greedy merits. I’ll wait for the news of his victory, and that’s it.” After Chris gave his own advice, he looked at the other side of the conference room: “How is the reserve going? “

“The 300,000 well-trained reserve team has been transferred to the front line. If necessary, we can immediately form another 300,000 reinforcements to the front line.”

“However, I suggest that the follow-up troops be trained again, which can effectively reduce casualties.”

“Yes! Let them leave in a month!” Chris knew that the current situation was still under his control, so he felt that there was no need to let the second-line troops go up to fill the holes and waste the precious lives of civilians.

The railway connecting the Higgs is being built day and night. The war potential of the Airanhill Empire is exploding. The battlefield situation that was originally evenly matched has completely changed its appearance. The balance of the victory and defeat of the war is quietly moving towards Ailanhill. The empire is tilted.

Even if the war in the Higgs area is irrelevant, the victory on the Northern Front is enough to excite the capitals of Ailan Hill. Investing in a mortal empire that can defeat the magic empire is a more attractive thing for those businessmen who have a long-term vision.

“Is there any news coming out of the search force to find Princess Luna?” At the end of the meeting, Chris had to care about his fiancée, because the Secretary of Defense, Grand Duke Castena, was still sitting on his left at this time. Now.

“Thank your majesty for your concern.” Grand Duke Castner, who had been looking ugly, stood up apologetically, bent over and said, “The latest news is that she requisitioned two trucks and entered the Higgs area.”

“Get her back! It’s not safe there right now.” Chris said calmly, “However, don’t use the regular army, it’s not compliant…let my guards rush over. Be sure to protect Princess Luna’s Security is.”

Castner stood at attention and saluted gratefully, and promised: “Yes! Your Majesty! Thank you very much…”

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