My Empire

Chapter 1539 - The reality is much crueler than expected

The battle has been going on continuously, and before you know it, more than ten hours have passed since the battle on the ground.

In the underground command post, an officer picked up the equipment in front of him and looked at the data above and shouted: “Things will not be that simple. It may be that the opponent’s self-reproductive ability exceeds our previous calculation model too much… the opponent’s force. It’s different from what we judged.”

The supercomputer of the Allan Hill Empire is analyzing all the data of the guards, and even after knowing that the sweepers can reproduce themselves, they also designed a model to calculate the growth rate of the opponent’s troops.

But now it seems that this model is a bit conservative, and the other party is more powerful than imagined.

A commander from the Air Force held the bar coded forehead and said, “First of all, the other side has no time to establish a field airport, so it’s very certain that the other side’s aircraft can quickly refuel in the air and keep flying. .”

As the commander said, he pointed to the holographic projection of the Prowler and Crusher fighter planes: “Their spacecraft, fighter jets, and tanks are all similar to biotechnology, and the failure rate is extremely low. We haven’t considered this before! “

The opponent’s air force can be suppressed, or at least it can make the air force of the Ailan Hill Empire lose its effect, which is first of all unimaginable before.

Everyone felt that the other party might give priority to orbital bombing, but the other party did not use that terrible means of attack.

At the same time, everyone did not expect that the other party’s atmospheric air power would be capable of directly destroying the frontline air force of the Ailan Hill Empire, but the fact that the opponent’s air force was very powerful.

“The problem is that the opponent’s offensive force exceeds our previous judgment! With our existing model, there is no way to infer the enemy’s actual force…” the officer who obtained the calculation data said to Andre.

As he said, he handed the tablet to General Andre, who came over: “The problem is more serious than we thought. Before we judged that after two more rounds of nuclear strikes, the opponent’s frontline forces are probably only left. Thirty percent down! But looking at it now, this thirty percent is too much.”

Andre took over the tablet, carefully looked at the damage judgment on it, and finally commanded: “Continue with the third round of nuclear strike…Keep suppressing the number of enemies! Now we have no other way but to Continue to stick to our previous counterattack methods.”

He also did not expect that after withstanding two rounds of manic nuclear strikes, the enemy’s forces deployed in the front to participate in the offensive would increase instead of decreasing.

This phenomenon is unreasonable in itself, and what makes him even more depressed is that the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft shows that the opponent’s ground troops are also increasing in a large amount.

In the past, the sharp weapons of the Airanhill Empire, including satellites and drones, could not be used normally on the Higgs 5 battlefield, which also limited the combat effectiveness of the Ailanhill Empire.

Because satellites have lost high-orbit air superiority, they cannot be used at all. Both reconnaissance satellites and communication satellites will be destroyed by attacks from the universe.

After the drone loses air superiority, it can only become a consumable, and it can be used once when necessary to detect the enemy’s movement.

The Ailanhill Empire forces that have lost their satellites and drones are equivalent to losing their eyes and ears, and are unable to accurately grasp the enemy’s movements.

This time, in the Higgs No. 5 area, the war once again became an equal state where both sides had the fog of war, and no one had a perspective plug-in to use.

On the other hand, the battlefield command system, which relied on computer-aided command and only required a few staff to formulate combat plans, collapsed completely with this change.

The on-the-spot judgments of battlefield commanders, including their personalities and habits, once again become an important factor that influences the battlefield situation.

Andre returned the tablet in his hand to the officer, walked back to the map table of the holographic projection, looked at the line of defense attacked by the enemy, and asked: “How is the battlefield?”

A staff officer used a laser pointer to cast a light spot on the holographic projection. The opening report reported: “The two puppet robot divisions that have strengthened the clone soldiers are collapsing, and the enemy’s offensive is very fierce.”

No matter which direction you look at, those puppet infantry divisions can only be simple consumables. It is estimated that the line of defense formed by them will not last long.

In particular, this kind of enemy’s new arms are emerging in an endless stream, and the air supremacy has been lost on a large scale. Those puppet robot troops that are not high in combat effectiveness can only be assisted in a cruel battle.

“The other side’s new weapons destroyed our trenches and blew up the bunker. The loss of robots has skyrocketed. Within three hours, we lost more than 3,000 combat robots.” The staff officer continued on some expanded local defense maps. Give pointers.

“Do you want to abandon these peripheral directions?” Finally, he finished the report and asked Andre.

“No need! These lines of defense are capable of destroying the enemy in multiples. It is a pity to give up.” Andre shook his head and said: “The other party’s copy principle…Do you know?”

“Based on the enemy’s corpse and other information, we simulated it through a computer… The other side’s consumption of man-made objects only obtains part of the energy for reproduction, but their reproduction does not all come from swallowed objects, and more depends on the world being filled with it. Magical energy…” another officer replied.

Andre nodded once again, which explains the reason for the super fast reproduction speed of the other party. These magical creations, their reproduction energy does not come from the objects made by the Ailan Hill Empire civilization.

“Can the Air Force organize a new round of counterattacks? If necessary, invest in the bomber unit…” After thinking about it, Andre looked at the liaison officer from the Air Force.

The officer from the Air Force immediately clamped his legs, raised his chin and replied: “The loss of the fighter force has exceeded the previous estimate. If we continue to organize the Air Force to counterattack, we will quickly consume the remaining fighters!”

“But! General! If you need a counterattack, the Air Force can be ready to be dispatched again in about 10 hours!” He added after finishing the question.

To be honest, although the loss of the Air Force is not small, it is still far from the point where it is truly traumatized. Although each wing has lost a lot of fighter jets, there is still no problem in take-off operations.

It is only because the tired clone pilots need to rest, and the fighter jets also need to be repaired and inspected, it will take some time to rest.

No way, the previous brutal air combat really let the Airenhill Imperial Air Force see what a match is made, whether in quantity or quality, the Guardian Air Force really does not lose to the Airenhill Imperial Air Force at all!

“If we don’t fight back, how long will it take for the fastest enemy to reach the core defense area?” Andre asked, looking at an officer of the ground forces.

After receiving a calculation data, the officer cautiously replied: “If the opponent maintains this attack speed, then after 12 days, the opponent may be close to the main fortifications of our army!”

“Ha! I thought that if the enemy doesn’t use orbital weapons, I can fight them on the ground for at least 10 years!” Andre smiled self-deprecatingly.

“I’m afraid! We can’t hold on for that long…because even based on the current ammunition consumption, we will run out of ammunition and food after three years at most!” The clone adjutant standing next to him said A very pessimistic data.

“And… General! If the enemy maintains such an offensive speed, the battle damage will only be higher. The loss rate of our weapons and ammunition will only be faster than now!” The officer who just answered Andre’s question continued. Added a sentence.

In short, they are not optimistic about the defensive operations of the Higgs 5. The collapse of the entire line is only a matter of time for everyone here.

“It’s really an exciting news!” Andre murmured a little disappointedly, and then he adjusted his emotions.

He turned his head, looked at a major general officer who had been waiting for a while, and hadn’t spoken just now, and said: “Order the armored forces to start counterattack! When the enemy enters the second type of defense zone, put some pressure on the opponent!”

“Understood! Sir!” The general who was in charge of commanding the ground armored forces immediately responded with his head upright.

Then, Andre looked at the air force liaison officer next to him: “When the counterattack begins, let the air force guarantee the dominance of the theater of air! We must ensure that the ground forces can concentrate on fighting the dangerous enemy in front of you!”

“Yes! General! The air force will be ready for battle in a day!” The air force liaison officer also replied immediately.

“Then! Gentlemen! For your majesty! Let the enemy see our will!” Andre muttered, staring at the map with his hands behind his back.

“For your majesty the emperor!” Everyone sang loudly, standing and saluting with the most standard gestures.

On the ground, within the trenches of the Ailan Hill Empire, a robot raised its weapon and pulled the trigger at a sweeper who had rushed into the trench.

The sweeping bullets easily smashed the sweeper into a sieve, and when the blood splashed on the puppet’s body, behind it, another sweeper had already waved his palm and shattered the robot’s head.

The third sweeper who jumped into the trench had already begun to lean over to eat his companion’s body, and the fourth sweeper who jumped into the trench had swallowed the remains of the paralyzed robot that had just fallen down. .

It has been intertwined with the canines of the defenders of the Ailan Hill Empire, forming a Guardian offensive force with a posture of you among me and me, and the losses seem to be decreasing all the time.

Of course, it is impossible for the Airanhill Empire to throw a round of nuclear bombs against its defensive positions, so when the third round of nuclear bomb attacks gradually subsided, on the frontal defensive positions, the guardian army once again began brutally forward. Advance.

Dense sweepers pressed on the front line, amidst the rain of gunshots and bullets of the Ailan Hill Empire, they approached the increasingly solid trenches little by little.

In the beginning, the trenches hidden in the jungle were reinforced with mud planks, and at most some sandbags were built.

Now, most of these concealed bunkers are cement-reinforced, they are harder to destroy, and the designs are becoming more annoying.

These trenches, specially designed to make it difficult for offensive troops, are in most cases short-lived S-shaped, connected by a solid bunker in the middle, and then supplemented with complex forward machine gun positions.

Coupled with the mortars that have been shot at Zhuyuan long ago, the forces of the Ailan Hill Empire can often counterattack where they can be targeted, extremely accurate.

Therefore, if you want to rush into these complex fortifications, the Guardian forces have to pay a heavy price.

If you can’t eat your own people, maybe you can see the corpses of the sweepers and the remains of the destroyers everywhere along the way.

“The front defensive position is lost! The two companies of puppet combat robots have no reaction… the attack speed of the other party is too fast!” A clone bowed his waist and got into a bunker, facing the binoculars overlooking the mountain. The officer at his feet said.

The officer put down the binoculars, revealing the QR code on his forehead. His military rank is a lieutenant colonel, responsible for commanding all nearby troops.

He pointed to the enemy who was attacking his defensive position at the foot of the mountain, and instructed the sergeant who was guarding the telephone: “Let the logistics force replenish the front line with ammunition! Be a little bit ahead! In addition… set up explosives to destroy those occupied by the guards Position it!”

“Yes!” Upon hearing the order, a sergeant immediately opened the transparent protective cover on the device in front of him and pressed the red button under the protective cover.

“Boom!” The explosion of the shaking mountain immediately came from the foot of the mountain, and the flying mud went straight into the sky, and the vibration could be clearly felt even here on the top of the mountain.

“Boom!” The dust on the top of the head fell in wisps of dust, and the second explosion sounded abruptly after a few seconds. The position at the foot of the mountain disappeared for a large part, and the concrete bunkers flew into the sky with the explosion. .

“…” The clone commander looked at the non-commissioned officer in charge of the detonation, and asked a little dissatisfied: “Nothing?”

“Sir! A total of 5 bombs were planted by the engineers…maybe because of the failure of the detonation, so…” the non-commissioned officer immediately explained with some trepidation.

“Forget it! These **** enemies can find mines, and maybe they can also find the explosives we planted…” The clone officer shook his head regretfully, apparently a little bit about not killing more sweepers. Yu Huai.

As the two explosions gradually ceased, more Guardian troops passed the two sweepers who were biting explosives, and rushed towards the defense line on the top of the mountain without turning back.

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