My Empire

Chapter 1540 - Hold it before throwing it away

As time passed, the defense of the Ailan Hill Empire was also eroded by the Guardian’s troops bit by bit.

The sky gradually lit up, and a brand new day had come to watch the guards have fought fiercely here for more than a day, and they had broken through many of the defense lines of the Ailan Hill Empire.

What embarrassed these guards was that, although they made a lot of progress, the more they attacked, the more they discovered the cunning of the enemy.

After they tried their best to break through an enemy’s line of defense, they would be pleasantly surprised to find that their two wings were ring-shaped independent fortifications that had been arranged long ago.

These ring-shaped independent fortifications were sandwiched on both sides of their offensive troops, making them uncomfortable like scissors.

Struggling to attack those circular fortifications is even more a tragic attempt, braving the artillery fire from the core of the circular fortifications, and after paying a terrible price, after capturing a circular fortification, they only found that they had just filled in an obstacle.

Behind the circular fortifications, there are more such fortifications, interspersed in the trenches, supporting the entire defense line.

Compared with the Ailanhir Empire, the defense of the Heavenly Sword God Sect is almost less than that of children’s games. In terms of the ability to kill people, the ten Heavenly Sword God Sect cannot be compared with the Ailan Hill Empire in front of them.

The guards even felt that compared to the killing technique, even the opponent was no less inferior than their own side!

At the break of dawn, on the defensive positions that had fought for a whole night, the Guardian forces once again launched a fierce attack.

The night is no longer an obstacle to the battle between the two sides, and it is impossible for the guards to stop their attack just because of the night.

Both sides have night vision capabilities, and the night vision of the guards at night is actually almost the same as during the day. The night vision system of the Ailan Hill Empire has also been assigned to every soldier, so there is no obvious problem of incompatibility in the night battle.

The soldiers of the Ailan Hill Empire had enough rotation reserves, so after a whole night of hard fighting, the soldiers were rotated to the front after a night of sleep, and everyone once again joined the fight with each other in full energy.

In places with a good view, the Ailan Hill Empire deployed a large number of concealed forts. These forts are of different models, most of which are temporary intentions and are directly constructed according to needs and existing equipment in hand.

For example, in some mountaintop areas, the Ailan Hill Empire will deploy the kind of fort that overlooks the entire foot of the mountain, and use a 155mm cannon or 105mm cannon to point at the preset shelling area.

As long as it is not suppressed by the enemy’s direct fire, such a turret can keep firing, giving the enemy ten times a hundred times the pressure.

When encountering such a firepower point, the guards can only wait for the conqueror’s elite to come forward and use direct energy attacks to destroy it.

While waiting, the attack of the Ailan Hill Empire will continue, destroying a large number of sweepers.

As the battle progressed, some weird Ailan Hill Empire weapons and equipment gradually appeared. Many of these weapons and equipment were temporary inventions, and many were even modified by frontline soldiers themselves.

Even some “outdated” weapons and equipment have been used, the most effective is the 63-type rocket…

This kind of simple weapon has less failure and light weight, and is easy to move within fortifications. The instantaneous burst of firepower is very fierce, and it is simply an artifact of defensive warfare.

After many expensive weapons were destroyed by the opposing air force, this cheap weapon often provoked the backbone of fire support and was highly praised by frontline officers and soldiers.

A sleepy-eyed clone officer brushed his teeth back and forth, while walking to a main bunker on the top of the hill, and asked, “How’s it going?”

“Sir! The enemy is attacking again… We have waited for a battalion of supplementary soldiers, all of which are puppets, and their combat effectiveness has been weakened a lot…”

“Well, there are reinforcements, it means that the situation is not that bad…” The officer said optimistically, grabbed the binoculars on the table and looked at the world outside the bunker.

The dense woods have been beaten beyond recognition by the cruel fighting. The explosion caused the big trees to stagger. Various bushes have been burned in pitch black. You can see exposed abandoned trenches and bomb craters everywhere.

Compared to yesterday, this place has completely changed its appearance, from a shade of greenery to a devastated one.

No one finds it strange, because everyone knows that it will end like this from the beginning. Everyone knows that this is a battlefield and what it will look like in the end.

“Suddenly!” The sound of intensive machine gun shooting suddenly sounded in the jungle, and the tracer bullets went out of the bushes and entered the ranks of the overwhelming sweeper soldiers.

Immediately, the sweeper fell, and more sweepers passed over the corpse of their companions and continued to advance up the hillside.

“Suddenly!” The sound of the assault rifle also rang, and the puppet’s counterattack began in the frontal position.

Next, there was a series of explosion sounds. Sweeper’s attacks fell on the Ailan Hill Empire defense line densely, and smoke from the explosion was everywhere.

Seeing some trees fell down, the shelling of the Ailan Hill Empire was also added to the performance at this time.

Rows of explosions flooded the attacking Sweeper troops. In the telescope, a Destroyer tank was directly hit by the artillery shell and turned into a pile of food in the mouth of the Sweepers.

Also as food, there are the puppet robots of the Ailan Hill Empire, the concrete in the shattered trenches, and the bullet shells or gun fragments scattered on the ground in a mess.

Of course, there are also ammunition in the destroyed bunker that has not had time to be poured out, as well as the machine guns, machine guns, corpses in the bunker…

The sweepers are just like their names, sweeping all the **** on the battlefield. In the end, only the living sweepers and the wasteland that has returned to nature are left.

On the battlefield, the puppet soldiers of the Ailan Hill Empire were still fearless. They kept firing with their weapons, pouring ammunition onto the enemy’s head.

The downed sweeper soldiers rolled along the mountain, and more sweepers kept advancing in response to the rain of bullets.

As a formidable attacking force, these sweepers would stop from time to time and fire at the positions on the mountain. The projected energy group exploded near the positions of the Ailan Hill Empire, setting off one smoke column after another.

The mud was blown up everywhere, hitting the Ailan Hill Empire puppet robot wrapped in thin metal, making a clanging sound.

Behind these fighting puppets, the logistics puppets are working tirelessly to bend over to pick up the lost magazines and shells.

They quickly sorted the cartridge cases into the sacks around them, and at the same time sorted the magazines into the empty ammunition box on the other side.

Following these trash pickers are the logistics support puppets who are responsible for distributing ammunition. They quickly stuffed the magazines filled with bullets into the magazine bag behind the combat puppets, waiting for the combat puppets to take them.

The whole coordination was very smooth, until a puppet was hit by a black energy cannonball and turned into a pile of broken wreckage.

This battle started when it was just dark, and it didn’t stop completely until noon.

The black eagle flag was still flying above the defensive position of the Ailan Hill Empire, and new reinforcements arrived at the position, strengthening the defense line and preparing for battle.

After a short timeout that was less than an hour, the Guardian’s troops attacked again. This time the attack was even more violent than the previous one.

Already accustomed to the enemy’s fierce artillery fire, the Alanhill clone grenadiers shuttled through the dilapidated trenches, looking for a chance to give a fatal blow to the enemy who charged into the position.

Maintaining the entire defense line is still a large number of puppet combat robots. These puppets fight day and night, do not need to rest or eat, and only need to replace the energy battery to continue the battle.

“Boom!” At about two o’clock in the afternoon, the sweeper troops that had accumulated enough troops finally blew up a bunker that had hindered their advance many times.

This main bunker was destroyed, and the front of the entire Ailan Hill Empire line of defense lost a strong support.

The sweepers who had made the breakthrough began to assault on both sides along the trenches filled with gunpowder smoke, and the defense line of the entire Ailan Hill Empire began to teeter.

In the trenches, a puppet soldier had just knocked down a few sweepers who rushed from the side, and was smashed by the sweepers who plunged into the trench frontally.

The puppet soldier on the other side just wanted to adjust his muzzle when he was hit by an oncoming black energy group, leaving only his lower body to sit at the bottom of the trench.

Once a breach in the complete defense line appeared, the entire battlefield began to develop in a direction that was not conducive to the Alanhill Empire forces. Attacks from all directions make it difficult for the puppet combat robots, which are already not very intelligent, to cope.

In a simple circular trench, several puppet robots were suppressed by the firepower of sweepers from all directions. In the end, they didn’t even have a chance to shoot, and they were all destroyed.

And in a bunker not far from this circular trench, the few puppet robots that had shot out, but there was no logistics robot that could wait to replenish them with ammunition.

The trench channels have been lost, and it is impossible for the logistics robot to pass through the trench area occupied by the sweepers and transport the bullets to the place where they are needed in time.

Ever since, the puppet combat robots that have run out of ammunition and food can only choose the most primitive bayonet battle, and then they are killed one by one by the sweepers like garbage and become their food.

Before retreating, the two clone grenadiers opened a grenades and pressed them under the corpse of a companion.

The two of them hung the electromagnetic rifles of their relatively intact companions on the sides of the backpacks behind them, and then took up their weapons and retreated further along the trenches.

At the other end of the trench, several puppet combat robots were desperately taking out grenades from the ammunition box, pulling off the insurance and throwing them out.

The enemy is close at hand, and all they can do is throw as many weapons as possible to kill the enemy in the least amount of time. Because if the enemy rushes in, they will soon be destroyed.

In the underground command center, the officers who are preparing to counterattack are busy back and forth. They need to allocate resources and arrange cooperation between the arms. There are many problems that need to be communicated and resolved.

Andre stood by the map table with his hands behind his back. He had been standing like this for more than two hours. In fact, Andre is thinking about whether this counterattack is necessary.

“Sir! In the past 4 hours, we have lost at least 11,000 puppet combat robots and killed more than 3,100 clone grenadiers… Our loss rate is increasing exponentially.” The adjutant walked over. Behind General Andre, he reported a bad news.

Because more and more positions were breached, the losses naturally increased. The number of enemies has not been reduced too much by nuclear weapons, and the pressure on the front of the position will naturally be much greater than estimated.

This kind of increasing losses is actually very common. As the battle continues, the losses on the Ailanhill Empire will become faster and more frequent.

The first is that the wear and tear of combat robots, including wear and tear, will begin to appear frequently. At the same time, the wear and tear of weapon systems such as fighter jets will also begin to increase.

Obviously, it seems that there is no need to worry about this kind of wear and tear of the Guardian troops, which are much more advanced than the Ailan Hill Empire in this respect. Their similar losses are almost negligible, and no matter how they look at it, the replenishment speed of their troops is much faster than that of the Ailan Hill Empire.

“80% of the regained position can’t be used… The best result of our counterattack is to wipe out some of the enemy’s vital forces…” Andre turned his head and said to the adjutant.

“So, General, what do you mean… cancel the counterattack?” The adjutant was taken aback and asked.

“No, I mean, order the counterattack to begin immediately!” Andre gave the opposite answer: “Since the position is retaken and it can’t be used, then we should defend it before throwing it away!”

“Brothers! It’s time for us! Let them know what steel torrent is! For Ailan Hill!” While closing the hatch above his head, the tank commander loudly cheered his companions. Tao.

The tank has been launched, and because it uses all-electric propulsion, the tank no longer has the deafening roar of a diesel engine.

All that is left is the sound of the tank track scrolling, and the rotation of the motor that is almost inaudible. The electromagnetic tank troops of the Ailan Hill Empire tore off the camouflage above their heads and began to move forward.

“Our air support is only 5 hours! We are safe before dark! Use these 5 hours! Make a deep impression on our enemy!” In the headset, a tank commander’s voice rang stand up.

“Be careful of those sweepers who seem to be very tall. They attack very well! Keep in formation and cover each other!” The voice of another tank captain reached everyone’s ears through the earphones: “Be vigilant! The enemy is always there. It may appear!”

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