My Empire

Chapter 1541 - Mound tank battle

The attacking sweeper army kept attacking along the hillside to the top of the mountain. On the flat ground at the foot of the mountain, the sweeper soldiers who had prepared reinforcements were also waiting for the opportunity to join the battle.

Just as they were looking forward to it, suddenly a tree shook in the dark dense forest beside them.

The shock attracted the idea of ​​a sweeper. He looked in the direction of the shaking of the treetop, and there was no expression on his ugly face.

Then he shoved his companion, and several sweepers looked at the swaying trees, not knowing what was happening there.

Looking at it, suddenly, a cannonball rushed out of the dense forest with unstoppable momentum and hit a sweeper.

The terrifying penetration force was released, cutting the Sweeper soldier who was hit by the waist, and continued to fly forward, piercing the body of another Sweeper behind this Sweeper.

Until this time, more sweepers looked over and focused their attention on the direction of the shells.

Without waiting for the sweepers to make any judgments, more shells flew out of the dense forest and into the crowd of the Guardian troops.

Immediately afterwards, an electromagnetic tank smashed the trees blocking it in front of it, and appeared on the flank of the Sweeper Army.

While advancing, the electromagnetic tank slightly twisted the turret, aiming the electromagnetic cannon at the sweeper soldiers who were still at a loss.

“Om… Tweet!” An electromagnetic cannon suddenly fired, and a shell was fired. The shell instantly pierced the sky and directly penetrated several Sweeper soldiers blocking the road, beating them in two.

Another tank broke through the trees and rushed out of the forest. It also turned the turret and aimed its muzzle at the distant enemy.

Then a shell flew out of the muzzle, knocking all the sweepers in the path of the shell to the ground.

As soon as the armored forces of the Airanhill Empire came out, their momentum was much stronger than the defenders of the Ailanhill Empire stationed on the ground.

More tanks drove out of the dense forest one by one. Under the protection of heavy armor, these tanks opened fire while advancing, but the offensive troops of the guards looked confused and began to retreat steadily.

Soon, the Ailan Hill tanks with camouflage nets hanging on their heads and tree branches ran over the bodies of some sweeper soldiers who fell on the ground, and cut into the enemy’s offensive formation from the flanks.

Many of the Ailan Hill Empire clone grenadiers followed the tank forward. They walked out of the dense forest and began to attack along the flanks.

The Guardian troops who had fallen into chaos began to retreat, but they did not collapse either. Instead, they fought and retreated, covering the fighting companions on the top of the mountain, and there was no point in abandoning their companions at all.

The Guardian troops who were already attacking on the top of the mountain had no time to retreat, and immediately fell into a situation where they were attacked by the enemy.

“Boom!” Several sweepers aimed at the electromagnetic tank that kept firing in the distance, and shot out a black energy group.

These energy groups smashed directly on the magical defense barrier of the electromagnetic tank, splashing a ball of explosions, but did not hurt these electromagnetic tanks.

For the Ailan Hill Empire, electromagnetic tanks are also very valuable ground main battle weapons, and it is natural to equip this main battle weapon with better defensive devices.

As the ground main battle tank of the Ailan Hill Empire, the new main battle tank is not only stronger in defense, but also terrifying in terms of firepower.

The electromagnetic machine gun equipped on the side of the tank’s main gun continuously fires, which can cause a lot of casualties to the sweepers. Just a few tanks fired, the sweepers couldn’t raise their heads.

However, the opponent’s attack seemed to be unable to penetrate the defense of the new tank. After several rounds of attacks, the opponent began a small retreat.

“Fire!” Inside the tank, a clone commander called out loudly. His tank opened fire again and attacked the sweeper soldiers who were retreating in the distance with a shell.

Just as these Ailan Hill Empire tanks were rushing towards the invincible area occupied by the Sweeper forces, on the other side of the hill on the reverse slope, the Destroyer tanks began to slowly climb the hillside.

“Boom!” The Destroyer tank that was the first to climb the hill aimed at an electromagnetic tank of the Ailan Hill Empire that was shooting in the distance, and launched a more powerful black energy group.

This group of energy directly hit the magical defense barrier, pierced the barrier and smashed heavily on the armor plate of the tank.

The huge impact caused the members of the vehicle to sway. Before the captain could get up from the ground, he shouted: “The enemy is fighting back! The flanking enemy is starting to fight back! I was hit! I was hit! bingo!”

While he was still yelling, the second Destroyer tank also drove up the hillside. It used the energy cannon on its back to aim at the electromagnetic tank that had just penetrated the magical defense barrier, and it also fired a powerful shot.

The electromagnetic tank that had not had time to recover its defenses was hit by a shell again, and the steel plate on the side was finally penetrated. The entire tank was paralyzed in place, and billowing smoke rose.

The steel shards that were lifted by the explosion were flying everywhere. A clone grenadier who was in charge of cover by the tank was hit on the head by the fragments and fell straight into a pool of blood.

Several soldiers around him turned their guns and started shooting at the Destroyer tank. In addition, a few soldiers climbed onto the smoke-bearing tank.

These soldiers lifted the hatch cover that had been deformed by the impact, struggling to drag the unconscious tank crew member out of the punctured and damaged tank.

The Sweepers obviously couldn’t let them save their companions so easily. Several groups of black energy struck from other directions, and one of them directly hit several soldiers standing on the tank.

Together with the crew members who were being dragged out of the wreckage of the tank, these people were swallowed up by the explosion, and then some of the bodies fell off the wreckage of the tank.

The captain who was dragged off the tank earlier, and a few grenadiers who were in charge of cover struggled to get up from the ground behind the smoke of the explosion, stumbled and fled to a small reverse slope.

On the side of the tank wreck with heavy smoke, an electromagnetic tank of the Ailan Hill Empire has turned the turret, and pointed the slender electromagnetic gun barrel at the hill where the Destroyer tank appeared in the distance.

“Fire!” After the gunner finished aiming, he yelled loudly while pulling the firing trigger. Along with his shout, the muzzle of the electromagnetic cannon spewed out a shadow as fast as lightning.

A shell that was electromagnetically accelerated to the extreme flew into the distance. With the blessing of the most advanced sighting system, it easily hit the Destroyer tank on the hill.

The huge movement allowed this shell to directly penetrate the heavy front armor of the Destroyer, tearing the hard outer shell, and detonating the internal energy.

“Boom!” Accompanied by a deafening explosion, the energy cannon barrel of the Destroyer tank broke, flew high, and then slammed heavily beside the wreckage of the burning Destroyer tank.

On the other side of the explosively burning Destroyer tank wreckage, more Destroyer tanks exposed their huge bodies, aiming the slender energy cannon barrels at the Ailan Hill Empire electromagnetic that broke out of the dense forest. tank.

A seemingly full-scale tank battle was about to start, and after a short silence for a second, the roar of the electromagnetic gun broke the calm.

“Om… Tweet!” Having adjusted the angle of his firing, the second electromagnetic tank of the Ailan Hill Empire also fired a deadly shell.

It didn’t even stop, turning its body while aiming its muzzle at the target. The moment the muzzle was aimed at the target, the prepared shell was shot out of the barrel.

For the Ailan Hill Empire, the technology of aiming and shooting on the move is not new. The current electromagnetic tanks are absolutely very powerful in terms of the sighting system.

A Destroyer tank that had just climbed to the top of the **** was blown off the turret by a shot before it had time to fire.

The barrel of the seemingly mighty energy cannon hung weakly during the explosion, marking another Destroyer paralyzed on the battlefield.

However, if you think that the Destroyer tanks are being passively beaten, you are wrong. These Destroyer tanks started to counterattack after they expanded their formation. A huge number of energy shells swept across the battlefield and hit the Ailan Hill Empire Electromagnet. Above the magical defense barrier of the tank.

Some shells directly pierced the barrier, some fell on the ground not far from the tank, and some even affected the Ailan Hill grenadier guarding the advance of the electromagnetic tank.

There were explosions everywhere, and gunpowder smoke everywhere. Soon a second electromagnetic tank was hit and destroyed, and the black smoke that burst into the air rolled into the shape of a mushroom.

The surrounding soldiers didn’t even have time to help, and the punctured tank turned into a burning steel coffin. The crew members inside were set alight on their seats before they even had time to struggle.

A creeping Ailan Hill grenadier put down the equipment in his hand, pressed the switch of the communicator, and called out loudly on the battlefield filled with smoke: “The coordinates have been sent! The coordinates have been sent! Request for armor piercing! Fire support! Request…”

Just before he finished speaking, a black energy cannonball landed beside him, setting off a plume of smoke soaring into the sky. The soldier’s body was cut into pieces by the explosion and scattered around.

A few seconds later, dozens of anti-tank missiles flying from the other end of the battlefield roared to climb altitude, and then dived vertically and crashed into the Destroyer tanks behind the anti-slope.

They crashed through the top shell of the Destroyer tank from the fragile top, and then exploded and destroyed the Destroyer’s interior, eventually turning the Destroyer into a pile of wreckage.

In the thick smoke, a Destroyer tank that was not hit by chance slowly climbed over the wreckage of another burning Destroyer tank, and cautiously rushed to the top of the reverse slope.

Just after showing up, several Ailan Hill Empire grenadiers had already arranged the killing game at a very close range.

A grenadier picked up an RPG rocket launcher, aimed at a very close range, and then pulled the trigger.

This rocket took advantage of the opportunity of the Destroyer tank to climb the slope, penetrated its shell from its fragile abdomen, and directly blew up the lucky one who had escaped the attack of long-range anti-tank missiles.

At the same time, an Alanhill Empire electromagnetic tank shining with magical defensive barrier runes around its body drove up the hillside, overlooking the back of the reverse **** where wreckage was burning everywhere.

After a short fight, the electromagnetic tank of the Ailan Hill Empire relied on its own rate of fire and long-range fire support to directly break through the line of defense composed of these temporary Destroyer tanks.

It is a pity that before the electromagnetic tank of the Ailan Hill Empire finished loading this B, a black energy shell pierced its magical defense barrier and interrupted its tracks.

The crew members lifted the top hatch and jumped in embarrassment. In the distance, more destroyers twisted their huge bodies to join the battlefield.

“Om…chuw!” Next to the electromagnetic tank with its tracks broken, another electromagnetic tank fired a shot, then didn’t stay in place at all, and then retracted backwards.

Another tank arrived, also protruded out of the turret and fired a shot, then immediately retracted. Using such a natural line of defense, the electromagnetic tanks of the Ailan Hill Empire began to attack the Destroyer tanks in the distance.

It wasn’t until behind them that a Prowler fighter dived down and destroyed two electromagnetic tanks with continuous fire before the tanks of the Ailan Hill Empire began to slowly retreat.

They gave up the mound full of blast debris, and then gradually retreated to the dense forest that had just counterattacked. While retreating backwards, while releasing smoke, he packed up the remains of the fallen soldiers and left this tragic battlefield. The air defense missile launch vehicle in the distance also fired two persuasive missiles, driving away other Prowler fighter jets that were diving.

A minute later, the fighter force of the Ailan Hill Empire smashed onto the battlefield, and the fighters of both sides fought in the sky.

When the outcome was undecided, the Ailan Hill Empire attack aircraft broke into the battlefield and fired all air-to-surface missiles at the enemy’s tank unit. The two armed helicopters of the Ailan Hill Empire that participated in the battle were shot down, and the smoke from the crash and explosion can be clearly seen from a kilometer away.

There was a **** storm on the battlefield. A large number of Guardian troops were destroyed, and the wreckage of the Destroyer was everywhere. The counterattack troops of the Ailan Hill Empire also suffered a lot of losses. Dozens of electromagnetic tanks were also burning on the battlefield. Thick smoke came out.

The two sides briefly separated from contact, as if two giant beasts retracted into their territory to lick their wounds. They are all staring at each other, waiting for each other’s next move, looking for a chance to violently once again, throw into a more tragic fight…


The supplement will be served tomorrow!

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