My Empire

Chapter 1559 - You are all right

   “Just now, a good news was sent from the front line.” In the combat meeting room, a general gave the message in his hand to Marshal Wagron who presided over the combat meeting.

  He smiled and said: “Recently, the opposing space fleet has crossed our fleet’s defense line and tried to break into the hinterland of the empire. The number of attempts has been reduced by 75%…”

  Another general took the topic and said to Wagron, “Both attempts to expand the battlefield failed. This made the enemy temporarily give up attempts to cross our defenses and penetrate deeply into me.”

  On the star map above the conference table, the red arrows indicating that the opponent is attempting to cross the densely packed fleet area and assault in other directions are decreasing, which made Wagron somewhat relieved.

  If the opponent keeps distracting their forces and making trouble everywhere, it will make the empire’s hinterland panic. The army of the Ailan Hill Empire was not changed out of thin air, it needs the support of the production area and the rear.

  Once the rear base is harassed, the production capacity will decrease, and the replenishment of the front line will slow down. In World War II, Germany lost the war because of the continuous harassment of the rear.

   There are many examples of this, and they are indeed worthy of vigilance. The Ailanhill Empire is not a guardian and cannot directly create an army on the front line, so its weakness, or one of its weaknesses, is actually the vast hinterland behind the empire’s border defenses.

“The other side is concentrating its forces, trying to push our 2nd fleet deployed on the other side of Higgs 5 back, and then relying on Higgs 5 as the backing, continue to attack Higgs 3.” A general used The infrared pointer pointed to the densest area of ​​the fleet of both sides on the holographic projection, and said.

  This is the recent offensive change of the Watchers. While the fierce battle on Higgs 5 was still going on, the Watchers had realized that it was not easy to capture Higgs 5.

After    was adventurously reinforced by the Ailan Hill Empire once, the offensive and defensive battles on the surface of Higgs 5 obviously changed.

  Because of the lack of elite troops to support the Higgs No. 5 defense line, now a large number of high-end combat forces have been added, and the defense line of the Ailan Hill Empire has become more rigid.

  The army of the Guardians who had fallen into a bitter battle fell into a bitter battle because they were unable to sustain the battle by fighting and had no chance to break through the enemy’s defense line in time to swallow the enemy.

  Under such circumstances, the opponent seems to have regained his attention back to the universe, ready to find the initiative again from the cosmic war zone.

  The specific performance is that the Guardian fleet recently suspended the frequent harassment of the 1st Fleet of the Elansill Empire, and instead began to attack the 2nd Fleet led by Admiral Bakaroff.

  The two sides fought frequently in a small space, and the fighting was very tragic. For a time, the space in the war zone had too many debris, which caused the two sides to stop fighting and retreat…

  At this time, the main losses of the Ailan Hill Empire Space Fleet were actually losses from the 2nd Fleet.

  It can be said that the battlefield situation has changed after Princess Andrea led the army to block the enemy’s advancing fleet and wiped out the opponent.

  The Ailan Hill Empire, at least in the general direction, deterred the opponent’s idea of ​​infiltrating operations, and forced the opponent to return to the front line honestly and continue the painful battle.

A general sitting in the back row proposed a combat plan drawn up by a small number of generals in the staff: “Part of the staff of the staff means that if we give up entanglement with the enemy on Higgs 5, concentrate our forces on Higgs 3. A decisive battle with the enemy forces in the area of ​​Japan may cause many variables.”

  According to this combat plan, the Allanhill Empire can take the initiative to abandon Higgs 5 and place the enemy in the Higgs 3 area.

After the cruel battle for the Higgs 3, the Higgs 3 was also released to the opponent, and the space fleet was used to close the encirclement on the two wings to wipe out the enemy’s space fleet, from Dothan and Arrant, using The 3rd and 4th fleets encircled their opponents and ended the war once and for all.

  Many generals who want to make a quick battle are more supportive of this combat plan. They believe that by putting the enemy fleet into an encirclement, and then gathering and annihilating it from all directions, the war can be ended as soon as possible.

   However, if someone agrees, others will naturally oppose it, and the most resolute object is General Luo Kai, Chief of Staff of the Imperial Staff.

A general immediately persuaded Waglon: “Chief of Staff Roquet thinks this is not a good choice. If we completely withdraw from Higgs 5, then the other party may be against Higgs 4 and Higgs 6. Launch an attack, and in this way, our army’s defense area will be more than doubled.”

   “Although we can invest in the Royal Fleet and subsequent fleets, expanding the line of defense is also beneficial to our army’s consumption of the enemy’s vital forces, but this is still a risk after all.” Finally, he firmly stated his views.

   “What did your majesty say?” Wagron nodded, did not make a statement, but asked about Chris’ attitude.

Hearing this question, the general who agreed with the decision of the Chief of Staff Luo Kai immediately beamed his eyebrows and said: “Your Majesty means that delaying time and waiting for changes in the battle situation is a strategic policy that cannot be changed. All battle plans must Do it around this strategic policy.”

  And those generals who wanted to make a quick fight, who heard these words, lowered their heads in silence. They had no courage to question your majesty’s strategic decision.

  On the one hand, because Chris’s reputation in the empire is indeed in full swing, the emperor’s public support rate has always been scary.

  On the other hand, it is also because His Majesty’s decision has always been correct and almost never makes mistakes. In this case, I wonder if Chris is having trouble with himself?

“Indeed, your majesty’s strategic vision is still very precise. Our strategy is to delay time and not engage in hasty strategic decisive battles with the enemy… From this perspective, it is undoubtedly stupid to surrender the Higgs 5. “Vagron continued to nod, agreeing.

  He has always been a loyal supporter of Chris, and some of his political enemies privately call him the emperor’s loyal dog. In Wagron’s view, if the emperor has a decision, he can just do it.

  If Chris’s decision is correct most of the time, Wagron’s decision is 100% only one: I will do whatever the emperor asks me to do…

A general raised his concerns at this time: “But if the 2nd Fleet insists on threatening the enemy’s main fleet on the flank of Higgs 5 and involves the opponent’s strategic offensive direction, then the opponent is likely to withdraw from Higgs 5. And to test against Dothan, or Atlanta…”

Wagron smiled and waved his hand to dismiss his hypothesis: “Impossible! If the enemy is willing to surrender Higgs 5, then we are equivalent to defeating them with a tactic. Follow-up regardless of them Where to attack, we only need to dig another pit according to the same tactics.”

  This principle is actually very simple. If the enemy did not break Higgs 5, they would also be unable to break Dothan 5, and of course they would not be able to break Arrant 5.

  No matter where the enemy is attacking, the Ailanhill Empire can use the same method to plug the gap and plunge the enemy into a bitter battle.

  The general also wanted to provide some theoretical support for his hypothesis, and continued to argue: “But, Dothan…and Atlanta, there is no core defense planet like Higgs 3…”

Wagron smiled and looked at the other party and said, “You know, I know, do the guards know? The other party and we are now in a state of not leaving prisoners. Do you think the other party has a lot of our intelligence? “

  As the marshal of the Ailan Hill Empire, if Wagron had no real skills, he would have been kicked out of the core decision-making circle by Chris. In fact, he is not a stupid person, even a smart person.

  The arrogant guardian is actually inferior to Ailan Hill in terms of information acquisition. Under the influence of the decision not to leave prisoners, the guards actually knew nothing about the extent of the preparations for the war of the Alanhill Empire.

  In this case, the possibility of the opponent rashly changing the main offensive direction is almost zero. This is not Wagron’s take for granted, but is determined by objective facts.

  No one will leave a wild area with a view and run into a dark place to invade the monsters. Few people dare to do this kind of adventure, and only a few people do it well.

“In terms of defensive defense, Dothan and Atlanta are both close to Higgs. In fact, the defensive preparations deployed before are still very sufficient.” In addition, Wagron is more confident because he understands the combat readiness of these areas. .

   “Yes, the other side will definitely fall into the quagmire of war when attacking these areas. This is something we have already calculated before!” Another general nodded in agreement.

  The general who just proposed the hypothesis stopped speaking, and sat back in his position, recording some important points in his notebook. He now feels that the possibility of the other party giving up Higgs 5 is unlikely.

“In fact, the most feared thing is that the enemy will be able to quickly penetrate our defense line on the border. If the enemy quickly enters the hinterland of the empire, we will lose.” The general who agreed with Wagron continued, “No matter what. How many planets the enemy has occupied on the border, as long as the enemy does not penetrate the defense line, the opponent will fall into the quagmire of the war planned long ago at the moment when the offensive ceases.”

“The only thing that makes us look passive now is the number of enemy troops, which is much more than we estimated before.” He said, while making a helpless gesture: “We never assumed that the enemy’s The war mobilization ability will exceed or be approximately equal to Ailan Hill… This is almost impossible in our opinion.

   “But now, such a situation has happened…that’s why we haven’t found a chance to fight back.” Wagron took the conversation and continued to speak. In fact, he was also very regretful. Unfortunately, until now, the opponent has not given the huge space fleet of the Ailan Hill Empire a suitable opportunity to counterattack.

   “It is very difficult to launch a counterattack. Although we can win a partial counterattack, we are worried that the loss of troops caused by the counterattack in advance will make us lose our advantage in the next war.” He shook his head regretfully.

   “Even the Chief of Staff Luo Kai believes that it is still unknown whether we have an advantage now. The enemy is likely to hide a part of our strength and wait until we reveal our flaws before attacking us with all his strength…” Another general added.

  The surrounding generals couldn’t help but talk: “It’s really an irritating speculation. Is the staff so pessimistic?”

  ”This has nothing to do with being pessimistic or not pessimistic. In fact, no one can bear the responsibility for the disadvantaged situation of the empire!” The general explained again.

“Yes, if you follow the current style of play, even if you lose Higgs No. 5, Higgs No. 4 or even Higgs No. 3… In fact, the situation is still under our control.” A veteran. He said with emotion: “But if we start to fight back, once we fall into a disadvantage, the situation is beyond our control. In this case, how can the general who decides to fight back explain to your majesty?”

   “He doesn’t need to explain anymore. Even if he commits suicide, he will be recorded in history as a people and a sinner in the entire empire.” A young general beside the old general sneered.

Another big-eyed general who was not far from the young general sneered: “Ha. To be a sinner is already his best ending. If this war fails, the entire Airanhill Empire will be wiped out…no one I will remember that we once existed!”

   “Then we just sit and wait for death?” The surrounding generals continued to talk: “Yes, are we just waiting passively?”

“Waiting is not just waiting to die. There is a turning point in the war. Sometimes the change is because the famous general made the most correct choice. Sometimes it is because of the amazing results of the troops participating in the battle. It may also be in the course of the war. There have been weapons and equipment that can change the situation of the battle.” Wagron said.

“Yes, think about it. We could say that there were a lot of problems in our decision-making during the Battle of Fallen Dragon City, but in the end, we defeated the powerful magic empire by relying on the anti-aircraft machine gun that just came out.” The old man The general also followed.

“Yes, in the ensuing war, the emergence of tanks, aircraft, and nuclear weapons… There are countless examples of the Ailanhill Empire relying on advanced weapons to reverse the situation!” A general who followed Chris to take the world can still remember. The new agreed road.

He looked at the surrounding generals confidently and determined his judgment: “So this time, we can also wait and wait for our technicians to provide more powerful weapons and equipment, so that we can win the war again! “

   “Okay! What you said is correct.” Those generals who were not reconciled just now, finally put away their minds…

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