My Empire

Chapter 1560: Ok

On the surface of Higgs No. 5, the outermost periphery of the Ailan Hill Empire Defense Line, inside a collapsed bunker, sunlight shined in from the machine gun perforation, reflecting the tumbling dust.

The twisted door was not closed tightly, and from time to time it made a creaking sound of metal friction due to slight shaking.

Adair sat on an empty ammunition box and gently wiped his sharp sword.

“Damn, these **** can’t be killed no matter how you kill them!” A dragon warrior sipped fiercely, complaining there for himself.

They have come to the front and have fought these enemies for the first time for 19 days, only to make everyone feel frustrated.

The masters from the Ailan Hill Empire have won one battle after another, only to find that at the battle level, they are just wasting their time there in vain.

Adair, as the most powerful Alanhill empire master who arrived on Higgs 5 this time, has already made several moves, each time leading an army to destroy and defeat the Guardian troops in front of him.

But every time, they will find that they have played a huge protrusion, which is completely embedded in the enemy’s position, and they may be surrounded by the enemy from the two wings at any time.

It is not that they did not continue to attack, trying to thicken the entire protrusion from the flanks to relieve the threat of the two wings.

But what made them depressed was that the ground they took back with their best efforts to counterattack was almost a piece of white ground, which no longer had any defensive value.

The continual victories on the battlefield could not be exchanged for a real victory. This made all the masters of the Ailanhill Empire who came to the front line and hoped to end this war with their own skills, felt a kind of self-reliance. The cold in the bones.

These people have never experienced such a war, even if the Airan Hill Empire adopted many drastic measures when unifying the world, they did not reach such a point.

Although there is still a huge crater scar on the planet Ailan Sirius, the impact of the Great Fall is also faintly left behind. The lovely Lanhill Empire is bringing new world to the new world from beginning to end. Hope.

Conquest is only part of war. The development of civilization begins with war, but it will never end with war. The war of the Airanhill Empire is a war full of hope, which is completely different from the war that is happening right now.

Even if it is the invasion of the demons, it has never been so hopeless that the demons will confuse people, and some are even willing to leave some humans to live together. Even if it is the source of magic, what you want is to conquer, not to perish.

But the guards are different. The more they fight with the guards, the more they feel that the future is gloomy…

Yesterday, Adair personally led his troops into the area occupied by the guards once again. They rushed forward two hundred kilometers in one breath, and then divided the troops into three directions, expanding the entire protrusion into a huge occupied area.

But in this occupied area, they found no traces of trenches, no villages or houses, and those heavy concrete bunkers that will not disappear after a century of weathering have also disappeared.

The leveled missile launching base is only left with an unleveled launch site. In a few days, the wind and sand will engulf this place, allowing it to completely blend into the surrounding environment.

There were no trees and no traces of life activity in the place where I could see, just like the Higgs 5 planet that was just discovered by the Ailan Hill Empire, every corner was barren.

After losing tens of thousands of soldiers, Adair had to order a retreat. He remembered what General André said to him: “The counterattack is futile. It is our best to hold every inch of the land still in our hands. Something that should be done.”

Before, Adair thought that Andre didn’t want to waste the reserve team in his hand, so he persuaded him like this.

Yesterday he was truly convinced that the Guardian was different from any civilization he was familiar with, and different from dragons, dwarves, elves, orcs, demons, humans…!

He once stubbornly thought that the barrenness he saw was just a war zone, a no-man’s land that was deliberately cleared out.

So he desperately attacked the hinterland of the area occupied by the guards, hoping to see a village or city built by the guards.

But reality slapped him in the face fiercely, because he still could only see a barren, endless barren in a place a few hundred kilometers away from the war zone.

The other party is not a traditional civilization that competes with the Ailan Hill Empire for living space. The other party has no plans to establish civilization at all, they just attack blindly, attack without hesitation and mercy!

These guards destroy everything, but do not carry out any construction. From this perspective, the Ailanhill Empire can be called a civilization, but the guards are not a civilization, they are just a bunch of pure… war machines.

According to common sense, it is impossible for such a civilization to exist, because it is only in low-end nomadic civilizations that do not produce such characteristics.

Everything depends on looting, everything depends on looting, a huge force can be formed in the short term, but then such a force will fall apart due to rough management.

In fact, the deadliest thing is such a predatory civilization. It will soon find that there are no looting targets around it. Those who only rob but not produce will be destroyed naturally because of the end of the mode.

But the guards are different. They are strong and have very strict organization and discipline. Their scale is destined, and they must be supported.

But the reality is that these guards are destroying everything mechanically, as long as they occupy it, they will be completely destroyed without hesitation.

Frankly speaking, this makes Adair uneasy and fearful…

In the end, Adair gave up this attack, who had not found the answer. He led the troops with the bodies of the fallen soldiers and retreated back to the place where he started.

Before the guards mobilized the army to counterattack, or even tried to establish a temporary position, Adair suddenly decided to retreat in the offensive state.

The assault troops fought on the spot symbolically for 4 hours, and then all the troops began to retreat.

Everyone did not leave behind anything that could be taken away, including the chocolate wrappers and instant noodle pockets that were littered before.

There are also disposable aluminum cans for battle rations, as well as tent raincoats that everyone didn’t care about before…

In short, the offensive troops of the Ailan Hill Empire even tried to collect and take away the shells of the artillery shells. This was a scene that had never occurred in previous battles and made the retreat more complicated.

An offensive operation that lasted more than four days ended, and the result was that the forces of the Ailan Hill Empire retreated to the line of defense two days ago.

This result frustrated all the troops involved in the counterattack. Many young soldiers stared at the place they had taken in a daze or cried silently.

They didn’t even hold on to the enemy’s counterattack, so they took the initiative to abandon those areas that no longer had any defensive value.

They walked through the area that turned into a wasteland, followed the retreating car, artillery and tank, reluctantly abandoning the land that they had regained after a **** fight, and returned to the place where they assembled a few days ago.

The engineer robots have repaired these positions as they left, but because of the limited time, the place is still no different from the ruins.

However, despite this, the people who finally walked back to the civilized zone still felt the long-lost warmth.

Even if there is only a collapsed building, even if there is only a curved trench that is no longer visible, even if there is only a brick, and only a graffiti swearing on the rubble, it will make people feel cordial.

They only felt the warmth when they returned here, the trace of temperature that was not noticeable in the ordinary days, but now makes people reluctant to waste it!

“The casualty report will be handed over to General Andre…” Adair wiped his sword and said to the complaining dragon warrior: “It seems we still underestimated this war.”

“General…Are we just like this…” The warrior pressed the long sword around his waist, trying to distinguish something.

As a result, his words were interrupted by Adair: “Soldiers! The end of this war is nothingness! We are all trying to survive the dust! Before I came here, I thought it was the empire to win. The propaganda of this war.”

Having said that, he smiled bitterly: “But I was wrong! In order to avoid unnecessary panic, the imperial propaganda even weakened or even concealed a lot of the truth in this regard!”

“This war is more important than imagined! We must win at all costs!” Adair returned the wiped long sword back into the scabbard with a sound, and stood up. : “When necessary, we will all die here, understand?”

“Yes! General! I am willing to fight and die here. I had this consciousness before I came here!” The dragon officer said firmly, “But you…”

“Me? I have nothing special. Ten years ago, without Ailan Hill, I should have died in front of the eyes of magic…” Adair shook his head openly: “I can come here to fight till the end. , I’m very satisfied.”

“General!” While speaking, a human wizard opened the somewhat distorted and closed iron gate and walked into the ruins of the bunker in a panic: “The sentry found that the Guardian troops were approaching here!”

“Get ready to fight!” Adair walked to the door, lowered his head and got out of the iron gate of the bunker with some effort. Being willing to use the iron gate, it shows that this is a fortification very close to the core.

Under normal circumstances, in order to solve the problem of steel, the doors of the bunker are empty or use wooden doors directly. Iron gates will only be used on more important defensive nodes.

Of course, such an iron door is only a thin iron door, and the wood is still in it…

The door of the bunker was of course not prepared for the Dragons, so Adair was still a bit embarrassed when he entered and exited here. He had to bow and be cautious to pass through such a small door.

After getting out of the bunker, Adair was clearly stretched out. From a leather bag around his waist, he took out a telescope that looked very functional and advanced in style and stuck it on his face and looked into the distance.

The armors of the dragons are transformed by magic, so it is impossible for them to equip heavy power mechas. Therefore, some equipment such as telescopes cannot be integrated into the armor, so it is not so convenient.

Through the binoculars, Adair saw the Guardian troops gathering in the distance. The opponent cautiously approached cautiously and crossed a small slope, pressing towards the defense line of the Ailan Hill Empire.

“Let the rocket launchers cover the shooting…” Adair put down the binoculars and ordered: “Just to tell them not to hide, we have found them!”

“Understood!” The dragon officer just now nodded slightly, and went to the signal soldier to pass the order.

Adair looked at the human mage who had come to send the message, and asked, “What else is there?”

“The sentry was sacrificed…” The human magician stared at the approaching Guardian troops in the distance and replied intently: “He finally sent back some images, not very good ones.”

“Oh?” Adair was startled slightly.

The human mage didn’t say much, and turned on the projection device on his wrist to project a flat first-person view.

In the picture, it is obvious that the photographer is crawling on the ground in pain, and he can hear heavy breathing.

From this gasping voice, you can hear that this person is in pain, but he still persists, insisting on transmitting the picture he sees to the hands of those who need it.

A few seconds later, some huge figures appeared in the screen, Adair was taken aback, and then suddenly frowned. It was a group of conquerors, the elite of the guards.

Adair fought against these conquerors, at that time there were only a few dozen conquerors. But in the picture, there seem to be at least dozens of these conquerors.

“Did you see it? Did you see it clearly?” A man’s voice asked anxiously in the screen, and then in the screen you can see a hand ripping off the grenade and pressing it on his chest, followed by a tragic sound. Cry: “Long live Ailan Hill!”

“The number of conquerors is increasing, and the enemy doesn’t seem to want us to be too arrogant.” Adairshu raised his eyebrows and said to the human magician around him: “He is a warrior.”

“Yeah.” There was anger and hatred rolling in the human mage’s voice. His voice was very low, so low that it was submerged by the roar of rockets coming from behind.

Countless cluster rockets passed the position of the Ailan Hill Empire’s defenders, shaking the mountain for a while, and there was an ear-piercing sound that echoed everywhere.

However, Adair still heard it, the soothing “um” that made people feel like a sharp blade hacked into the bone.

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