My Empire

Chapter 1561: Toys become prey

A dense cluster of bombs destroyed the entire valley, and the swaying explosions of the earth and mountains continued, like a grand fireworks display, with no end in sight for a long time.

Adair looked at the explosion that was enough to cause the dragon’s most powerful army to suffer heavy losses, but there was no trace of joy in his eyes.

Because he has watched too many scenes like this recently, and before every attack, he will witness such a covered shelling with his own eyes.

At that time, he was full of confidence in such shelling every time. In his cognition, no one could resist such an attack head-on.

But unfortunately, his cognition was soon overturned. Although the artillery bombardment of the Airanhill Empire was fierce, the Guardian’s army was always able to make up for its losses and once again competed with the Airanhill Empire. The army is entangled.

Over time, he has become numb, even if the gunfire in front of him is fierce, he will not be happy.

So Adair just looked down on the battlefield in a routine routine, waiting for the enemy army that was about to rush up.

When he saw a magnificent cloud rising from a distance, he knew that today’s battle might not be fought.

Of course, General Andre couldn’t just watch the opponent gather forces to continue the attack. Delaying the opponent’s attack was an inevitable choice.

In the hands of the Ailan Hill Empire, there are not many weapons that can block the opponent’s attacking forces, consume the opponent’s vitality, and are cheap and powerful, but nuclear weapons are definitely one of them!

For the sake of environmental protection, the Allanhill Empire was more willing to use bombing in space to achieve an effect similar to a nuclear strike.

But now, the Airanhill Empire has lost local air superiority in outer space, so nuclear weapons have become the best choice.

Andre has many nuclear weapons in his hands, and he has been using these weapons as safely as possible before.

Under normal circumstances, his strike points are close to the opponent’s core landing field, which will have less impact on his side and facilitate future counterattack arrangements.

However, as Adair’s several counterattacks failed, Andre also had a new understanding of the guards’ means of destroying everything. He no longer imagined counterattacks to regain the position, but really began to wonder how to do his best. The enemy was killed.

Once his thoughts have returned to the far point, there will be more choices. Andrei begins to drop nuclear weapons dozens of hundreds of kilometers in front of his position, so that a large number of the Guardian troops that are being assembled can be wiped out.

Adair looked at the huge mushroom-shaped cloud tumbling in the distance, and narrowed his eyes as he was stimulated by the bright light.

It is really a spectacular sight, a spectacular sight that can be easily watched from a distance of hundreds of kilometers!

The tremors of the earth came almost at the same time, and then the wind blowing on the face, and in the end, the dull sound that seemed to be suppressed by something, rolled over the horizon.

“I actually don’t like nuclear weapons. They make war boring.” Adair’s eyes had adjusted to the light, and he spoke to the human magician around him.

Without waiting for the other person to speak, he went on to add: “But sometimes I also like this thing. It can solve thousands of enemies without any effort.”

“You call this ‘easy effort’?” The human magician glanced at Adair and joked.

“Hahahaha! At least when launching it, it can be said to be effortless.” Adair laughed.

The coverage of the rockets in front of them has stopped, and the explosion of the cluster bomb has been replaced by a loud rumbling in the distance.

There were craters with light smoke everywhere, and the vegetation that was originally impermeable to cover the valley is now completely invisible.

The branches of the only remaining trees are covered with shrapnel. Grab a handful of dirt here, and you may find steel **** or shell fragments of shells inside.

For the cleaners, it is possible to grab a handful of soil here, which can be eaten as fried rice.

The Sweeper soldiers who originally wanted to attack the Ailan Hill Empire position are now scattered in fragments near the craters.

They lay there silently, some with only arms, some with legs, some with bodies but no legs, some with arms and legs, but their heads were missing.

In short, there are corpses everywhere here, the corpses of the sweepers who are dissipating everywhere, and of course there are the remains of the destroyers scattered among the corpses of these sweepers. Their huge bodies are incomplete and look even more tragic. .

“Tweet…” In the silence, a black energy line fired by a conqueror soldier appeared on the battlefield, directly hitting a section of the abandoned position, setting off the mud in front of the position.

In the next second, countless sweepers jumped out of the crater from the reverse **** from various places, firing at the defensive positions of the Ailan Hill Empire.

Behind them, more sweepers rushed out of the dense forest, rushed out of their hiding place, and began to run towards the direction of the Ailan Hill Empire position.

“Squeak…” In the middle of the unmanned automatic turret on the Ailan Hill position, the integrated viewing and aiming spherical photodetector turret immediately reacted, aiming at the direction of the enemy’s charge.

In the next second, the quadruple cannons on both sides of the turret cheered up from the slack state of standby, and the four barrels were instantly aimed at the distant enemy.

“Tutututu…” A series of tracer bullets spilled from this turret, drawing a beautiful arc in the air, and crashing into the attacking sweeper crowd.

A running sweeper was hit by a cannonball suddenly, and one arm was directly hit by the cannonball, and he made a parabola in the air and fell to a short distance.

The cleaner who was shot didn’t even have time to let out an unpleasant scream, and his whole body was pushed to the ground heavily.

That was a 30mm caliber machine gun. It was originally used for local air defense. Now it is used to fire at the ground, which is naturally cruel.

“Squeak…” This heavily protected anti-aircraft gun slightly adjusted its shooting position, and then fired again, firing a series of shells.

In the direction it fired, the attacking sweepers were instantly suppressed. They could only hide from the east, and could not move forward at all.

A black energy hit the heavy concrete in front of the anti-aircraft gun, leaving a melted hole in it.

“Boom!” At this time, a war defense gun on the flanks of the position fired. This thing is an old antique, and it is rare now in the regular troops of the Ailan Hill Empire.

This thing was originally obsolete, but many magic empires that included the Ailan Hill Empire before were equipped with this weapon.

The military originally wanted to recast these weapons, but the subsequent large-scale military expansion had to make these old-fashioned equipment refills again.

A small number of anti-aircraft guns were assigned to the puppet robot infantry division as heavy firepower and used as support artillery.

However, because of the ammunition, these anti-tank guns can only be used as anti-tank guns in the army.

After all, the miracle appeared. As the Ailan Hill Empire began to prepare for the war, the war defense artillery was sent to the front line along with these puppet troops, deployed on the line of defense, acting as a point of fire, and becoming a pillar of the line of defense.

Anyway, there is always better than nothing, and no one has the energy to toss these outdated war defense guns. Eventually these weapons were stacked in fixed trenches and used as anti-tank weapons before lighting up the shells.

Frankly speaking…this thing is really not very useful, facing the guards’ troops, it is almost no different from suicide weapons.

After the puppet robot aimed at the target, it fired a shot. At a distance of less than 300 meters, the artillery shell of this anti-aircraft gun directly hit a Destroyer tank that was going over the corpse.

The shell pierced the shell of the Destroyer tank from the oblique side, paralyzing the watchman’s tank there, and began to emit thick smoke.

This thick smoke comes from magical energy that is beginning to lose control. The destroyed Destroyer Tank will also explode, and the unstable magical energy will explode, which is no more than that of ammunition.

Just behind the Destroyer tank where the thick smoke was coming out, several Destroyer tanks rushed out with steps, and one of them had aimed its energy cannon at the position of the puppet robot that had just opened fire.

On the exposed battle defense artillery position, a puppet robot was holding the cannonball, pushing the cannonball into the warm barrel.

Next to it, another puppet quickly closed the breech bolt. In front of it, the puppet responsible for adjusting the shooting angle of the artillery has begun to vigorously shake the handle to point the artillery towards the next target.

“Boom!” In the distance, the Destroyer Tank fired an energy cannonball, and the black energy began to fly toward the target three hundred meters away.

At the same time, the puppet robot gunner who had aimed at the target also rang the cannon’s arquette, and the firing pin in the barrel hit the primer at the tail of the cannonball, igniting the propellant in the cannonball.

“Boom!” There was also a sound of artillery. A sharp anti-tank artillery shell was wrapped in a tumbling air wave, flew out of the muzzle, and rushed straight to the new target in the distance.

The energy shell hit the shield of this war-proof artillery, and instantly exploded and destroyed the entire artillery position. The broken limbs of the puppet were blown around by the shock wave, and the barrel of the artillery broke away from the turret and rolled over to the other side of the trench.

At the same time, at the junction between the energy cannon of the Destroyer tank that fired and the body, an armor-piercing projectile plunged into the gap with an indomitable momentum, detonating the energy inside.

The Destroyer exploded in an instant, and was swallowed by the flames of the explosion together with the paralyzed brother and sister around him, and turned into two burning wrecks.

Around, the assaulting sweepers didn’t even glance at these destroyed companions, and they still charged forward, trying to get closer to the defensive position of the Ailan Hill Empire.

And the condescending anti-aircraft gun turret began to fire again, and a series of tracer shells sprinkled on the battlefield full of craters, causing a **** fog.

Adair also didn’t expect that the other party would dare to attack outrageously when a nuclear weapon was hit in the rear.

He also did not expect that the opponent would have the courage and troops to attack like this after eating a nuclear bomb.

Therefore, looking at the battlefield that suddenly became lively, watching the battle that broke out inexplicably, Adair was a little bit startled.

“Tutututu!” Finally, approaching where he was standing, the unique blasting sound of the electromagnetic machine gun pulled him back to reality. He saw the magician who had just stood beside him, already in front of him. A sweeper who rushed up was chopped over.

“These guards also know how to change tactics… suddenly became smarter…” Adair whispered, holding his own long sword, and jumping out of the trenches, rushing to a martial and mighty conqueror in the distance. warrior.

Behind Adair, behind a grenadier wearing a heavy armor, a small drone scattered, and seven or eight together buzzed and rushed into the distance.

These drones that automatically seek and attack are like small missiles. They don’t rely on power to kill the enemy, they rely on attack accuracy to win.

Precise guidance components allow them to hit moving targets more accurately. Compared with cluster bombs, they can ensure that an enemy can be completely wiped out in one attack.

Soon, these small, palm-sized drones found the enemy they wanted to attack, and they began to dive one by one, as if they were smaller versions of dive bombers.

It’s just that these super tiny dive bombers don’t drop bombs, because they are a bomb themselves!

A sweeper who was launching energy bombs towards the defense of the Ailan Hill Empire seemed to realize something. He suddenly raised his head and saw a black shadow above his head, swooping down at a very fast speed, and he was already close in an instant. Right now.

“Boom!” Before he could make any evasive movements, the swooping shadow exploded in front of his face.

After the brilliant flames flickered, a headless sweeper’s corpse staggered and fell on the corpse of the companion who was dissipating under his feet.

At the same time, beside the fallen sweeper, another sweeper was also hit by the swooping drone, and became **** in the explosion.

In the midst of these explosions, Adair held a long sword and slashed on the energy barrier of the conqueror who was firing, splashing sparks.

The conqueror knew that a powerful enemy was coming, so he didn’t hold on to it, just retreated while defending.

And not far from the two wings, the other conqueror who had not fired, had already moved closer to the direction where Adair was.

“Qiang!” A flying sword brushed past one of the conquerors who wanted to reinforce their companions. A swordsman in a white sword robe stepped on the tip of a pile of corpses of sweepers, looking at his own. The target looked icy.

In front of the conqueror on the other side, three magic circles behind a human magician had already lit up, and the wind on the battlefield had begun to become cold.

“Are you going to save your comrades? Then you have to pass my level first!” The white-robed swordsman said coldly.

“Still in the mood to take care of others? You are dead! Bastard!” On the other side, the magician lit his hands with a cruel smile on his face.

Three people in different positions on the battlefield shot almost at the same time.

Flames entangled with Adair’s long sword, and the blade became invincible. He swung the long sword and strode forward, passing by the opponent, and then chopped off one of the opponent’s arms.

The conqueror turned his head back hard, and then rushed to Adair again. Adair smiled and swung his long sword to face the opponent and stepped forward again. Between the electric light and flint, the head of the conqueror flew into the air.

The white swordsman’s golden energy entangled his flying sword, and the flying sword cut into the energy barrier like a hot knife cutting cheese, slashing the conqueror inside.

The other party let out a scream, and at the same time shot a straight black energy ray. The white-robed swordsman didn’t hold on to it. After avoiding that energy, he shot again and pierced the opponent’s body with a flying sword.

The magician struck the defensive barrier of the conqueror with three bolts of lightning, and then the huge cone of ice fell vertically like a Mount Tai, smashing on the already crumbling energy barrier.

When the dying conqueror was struggling to stand up from the broken ice, the magician was already standing in front of him, a flame ignited the conqueror’s body, and the screams immediately echoed over the entire battlefield.

The remaining conquerors on the battlefield saw this scene and seemed to realize that they could no longer penetrate the opponent’s line of defense.

They turned and backed away, as if they had begun to attack without warning. The sweepers who swarmed in also began to retreat, and the destroyers who had been covering them also stopped advancing and began to slowly retreat away.

The fierce battle came to an abrupt end, and after the sporadic gunfire ended, everything returned to calm.

Today’s battle may be over, but after an hour, or a few hours, or overnight, the battle will begin again.

This is something that all soldiers who stick to the Higgs No. 5 surface defense line have become accustomed to. Everyone knows very well that the enemy may make a comeback at any time.

In the universe, inside a World Destroyer battleship that is as huge as a planet, Sorens listened irritably to his men, telling him about the various problems that made him very dissatisfied during the entire war.

Originally, he didn’t bother to participate in such a boring meeting, but recently a series of problems appeared in the offense, which directly led to the bankruptcy of his offensive plan.

The original plan was to capture Higgs 5 within a few days, and then attack both the Higgs 3 and Higgs 4 planets at the same time.

But now, almost a month later, the battle on the surface of Higgs 5 is still stalemate, and the Guardian troops have not even fully established their superiority.

When such a thing happened, Sorens was so furious that he hadn’t paid attention to the Ailan Hill Empire at all before. Now it seems that this is definitely his arrogance and underestimation of the enemy.

A voice came in the dark, without a trace of emotion. This voice briefly introduced the composition of the Alanhill Empire’s troops: “The enemy’s troops are obviously divided into many levels, and the most primitive troops are the kind used to Consuming our army’s magic puppet troops, these troops are relatively weak in combat effectiveness and easily attacked.

“But there are a lot of them. Under normal circumstances, they can consume our offensive forces and slow our offensive speed.” The voice echoed in the darkness, and some faint dark shadows shook slightly, seeming to listen to his voice.

“The second category of troops is the core strength of their troops. The number is very large. They wear special armor powered by magical energy. They have high combat power. One can destroy several sweepers, which is very troublesome.” Then, the voice continued. Started the introduction.

When mentioning this, several dark shadows obviously began to communicate in a low voice. They are the Guardian commanders who are in charge of commanding ground operations. Of course they know the **** opponents.

There are strange marks on the foreheads of these opponents, one by one, they are not afraid of death, and they are simply the most brave fighters.

Even if they die, they will complete the task, will not shrink or escape, more flexible and smarter than robots, and at the same time possess the bravery and tenacity of robots, it is simply a nightmare for their opponents!

Speaking of this, the voice of the introduction was obviously a little excited: “But this is not the most troublesome. The most difficult thing is that the elite troops they put in, the combat effectiveness of those elite troops even surpass the conquerors, often use short assault operations. Wear our line of defense.”

“Before in the most frequently engaged area, the other party invested a large number of elite troops, penetrated our defense line, and advanced hundreds of kilometers.” The voice stopped here, as if waiting for others to add. general.

Another voice sounded after a moment of silence, a little grumpy: “A few hours ago… I was really not used to describing time and distance in their units of measurement! Okay, okay! I’ll get used to… a few hours ago, They used atomic weapons again… our offensive was once again forced to be suspended.”

Hearing what his companion said, another voice followed: “The other party is a composite civilization. There is no doubt about it. They consume precious magical energy resources in the universe, and they have developed atomic weapons and use atomic energy…”

Such an opponent deserves their attention, because the loss is real, and the intuitive data that best reflects the opponent’s strength. In the battle to destroy the Heavenly Sword God Sect, until the end, the guards did not lose so many troops.

Although the loss of the army is only a number for the guards in a sense, if the loss is too large, it will still bring a little bit of unhappiness to the guards who are full of pride.

“Although in the universe, atomic weapons are not more powerful than energy weapons, so our warships are sufficient to cope, but…on the ground, our soldiers become vulnerable.” The voice continued, somewhat uncomfortable.

“Once the enemy uses atomic weapons, our losses will rise… This has already cost us a large number of Sweeper soldiers.” A Warden commander who seemed to have battled with a civilization with atomic weapons said.

“This kind of mixed civilization is definitely more difficult than the simple civilizations we have encountered before. This is absolutely certain.” Sorens found a step for his arrogance.

He paused, and continued: “So we can no longer arrogantly regard each other as a toy, at least this is a hunt, and the prey may hurt the hunter!” —

One more chapter

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