My Empire

Chapter 156 - accumulation

Ailan Hill 3 years, after half a year of rest, the entire empire is already in a prosperous state. The oil extracted from the Dothan Empire and the Higgs region, as well as the rubber rich in the Dothan Empire, as well as the steel fortresses and the Arrant region, have allowed this country to develop rapidly.

Because Gricken, a magical empire far away, is sending huge sums of money, consciously or unconsciously, Chris’s development of armaments can be described as rapid. He not only formed a large-scale army, but also equipped this army with a lot of equipment. Of new weapons.

In the sky, a large number of new fighters are equipped with troops, including p-47 fighters that emphasize firepower, and Mustang large-caliber cannon models that are responsible for escorting cruises.

These fighters are generally equipped with large-caliber cannons, and together with thousands of me-109s equipped with 20-mm cannons, they form a large-scale air force.

If the previous Airland Hill Air Force was a tactical air force, and the most powerful was the air combat on the front line, the current Airland Hill Air Force has enhanced its terrible strategic strike force the most.

At the insistence of Chris, at least 300 B-17 strategic bombers are in service, and at least 700 B-25 bombers previously equipped. The strategic attack capability of this Air Force can already be described as being against the sky. It can have this. The number of bombers is mainly due to the accumulation and development of Ellahir’s industrial talent pool.

Being able to own these thousands of bombers is the true confidence of Alan Hill. Now if a country rushes to war with Alan Hill, its strategic bombing power can completely destroy the war potential of a country on its own.

What’s more frightening is that if a war breaks out, the Allanhill industrial system that Chris has cultivated will be fully transferred to wartime production. These bombers and fighter jets can be manufactured from the factory and filled with dozens of them. front.

In other words, once the war starts, Ailan Hill’s attack power may increase by about one twentieth every day for up to two months. If the frontline troops of Ailan Hill cannot be eliminated at a faster speed, then This air force will fight more and more after the outbreak of the war…

Also being strengthened are the army units of Ailan Hill. They have now been expanded to form 10 army groups, with a total of 1.5 million people. Except for the smaller number of the 8th Army in the Grassland, most of the army groups have at least three armies under their jurisdiction. .

The 1st Army has been completely converted into an Armored Army, and the 2nd Army is working hard to reorganize it. Both armies are equipped with at least 3 armored divisions and possess armored assault capabilities.

Because the tanks did not perform well in the previous war against the Holy Demon Empire, the number of tanks in Ailan Hill did not increase much. Compared with the increasing speed of the Air Force’s thousands of bombers, it can be described as slow.

However, the ground forces are not idle either, they put the focus of development on the direction of tracked armored vehicles. While the army is equipped with a large number of tanks, it has equipped more than 400 armored vehicles in one go.

Most armored vehicles are equipped with 30 mm cannons for air defense and cover infantry operations. This is based on the lessons learned from the war experience and is also a backup method prepared by Chris for high-end magicians.

If there is a magician attacking the armored unit at low altitude, these anti-aircraft guns that can be put into battle at any time can temporarily form a barrage and shoot down those magicians who are releasing magic.

Part of the remaining energy of the Army was invested in large-caliber anti-aircraft guns. They invested a lot of steel to make 88mm-caliber anti-aircraft guns, and installed these anti-aircraft guns on rubber-wheeled trailers.

Although these anti-aircraft guns cannot fire while on the move, they can help the army form a battlefield air defense area after the defense line is fixed, so as to force the opponent’s dragon knights and magicians to spend more energy through the army’s front line defense.

For the navy, Ailan Hill established the First Fleet, and the commander is still Lawnes. He is not a polished commander now.

At least, the navy has two dreadnought battleships, four cruisers, and three submarines, such a large fleet, most of the time it can only be anchored in ports or cruising in the southern waters to deter the few in the south. A mortal empire with only sailing ships.

If a war breaks out, Lawnes can quickly suppress all hostile forces in the southern waters by relying on the modified auxiliary cruiser previously equipped and the fast cruiser in his hand, and then land and fight where he wants to land.

His Marine Corps now also has the size of several divisions. Moreover, with a transport fleet composed of hundreds of ships to provide them with material transportation support, the naval fleet commanded by Lawnes can quickly paralyze all the opposing coastal cities.

In the south, the 4th Army and the 5th Army that are in charge of the attack have almost no obstacles in front of them. It only takes a few days for them to rush to the other’s hinterland and occupy all these southern countries in almost a month.

Chris’s idea is very simple. What he wants to do is to let the 4th and 5th Army quickly expand their territory southward and take all the mortal empires when the frontal battlefield may not be able to advance quickly.

In this way, he can have a war potential comparable to the united powers of several powers in later generations, can have more raw materials, have more troops, and can persist to the end in a protracted war.

After careful preparation, Chris is ready for the war. He intends to take the opportunity to intimidate the Holy Demon Empire when Greken summons him to participate in the War of the Eye of Magic, let them make way and allow him to build a crossing The railways of the Magic Empire still have roads.

“We estimate that the Holy Demon Empire will not agree with our plan after receiving our note.” Desaier looked at the road construction plan in front of him, and said with some worry: “This kind of request, the Holy Demon Empire is crazy. Will agree.”

After more than half a year of the army expansion plan, Ailan Hill was almost ready for a full-scale war. What everyone was waiting for was Gricken’s attitude, not waiting for other things.

Therefore, in the letter of credential that Ailan Hill is about to give to the Holy Demon Empire, their request is very excessive, which is equivalent to opening their mouths to ask for about half of the Holy Demon Empire. This is definitely the Holy Demon Empire will not agree. Requirements.

When this request was rejected by the Holy Demon Empire, then Chris and Ailan Hill’s army would have reason to declare war on the Holy Demon Empire. As long as Greken acquiesces to this requirement, Chris can occupy the entire territory of the Holy Demon Empire within half a year.

“In fact, we don’t want them to accept our plan. I don’t want one of my army groups or even two army groups to hang alone in Gricken, while the transportation line behind them is under the control of other countries.” Wagron who came back from the front said loudly.

Because of his excellent command in the Higgs theater, he was promoted to general and finally became the highest rank of Allan Hill. As the first person in the military, he is now the veritable commander-in-chief of the Allan Hill frontline army, and can be regarded as the commander-in-chief of the front army.

“We just give them a choice. If they choose to agree, then we will build these railways and roads first, so that we can advance to the hinterland of the Holy Demon Empire faster in the subsequent wars.” He was confident on the side. He said his thoughts in full, while looking at Chris.

After seeing the approving expression in Chris’ eyes, the admiral continued: “And if they disagree, we happen to show to Gricken that we have tried our best to mediate. It is the Holy Demon Empire not Agree to our plan.”

Officials from the economic department who have not tasted the meat for a long time followed and echoed: “Anyway, war will always break out. The difference is only a few days later, or a year later.”

Although a large number of gold coins were obtained from Gricken as a supplement, for Alanhill, who made his fortune due to war, lack of war was weaning them, which made the big Alanhill plutocrats who could not continue to expand their incomes. Very upset.

All of them are carefully preparing for the next war. At this time, they will naturally stand up and shout for the declaration of war. They longed for war, and longed for Ailan Hill to return to the era of relying on war to make money.

Diens also nodded and agreed with the idea of ​​declaring war on the Holy Demon Empire: “Indeed, we cannot guarantee that the Holy Demon Empire will not make trouble behind us when we help Greken, so we can only kill them first.”

“It’s just that, will the Eternal Empire remain hostile to us like the Holy Demon Empire?” Gurlo on the side is not worried about the Holy Demon Empire. What he is worried about is the Eternal Empire behind the Holy Demon Empire and the southern one. There will be trouble in the Norma Empire.

“Hmph, it’s unrealistic to expect those backward second-rate magic empires to compromise. Of course they will be afraid of our expansion. In fact, we are indeed planning to expand.” Wagron sneered and interjected.

“Yeah! We really did not avoid this issue, nor do we need to avoid it! We are indeed ready to expand.” Chris smiled and nodded and said: “As long as Grecan does not trouble us, of course we have to be able to grasp Everything in your hand is in your hand.”

“As for Gricken, we can always be allies, and I have no plans to conquer the whole world.” After he finished speaking, he looked at his generals and ministers, and then laughed with everyone.

In their laughter, Ailan Hill’s machinery is still working tirelessly, and on the increasingly sophisticated production lines, one aircraft and one tank are still being produced continuously. come out.

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