My Empire

Chapter 157 - day

In a small village south of Higgs, a woman is standing in front of the stove with a sleeping baby on her back, waiting for a big pot of potatoes to be steamed.

Next to her, two boys were snatching a Mauser 98k rifle made of a wooden stick. There are shops specializing in selling this kind of toys in the market, which are filled with toys made of wood and other materials.

Girls like the kind of wooden dolls that can be tweaked, with handsome or beautiful hair attached to them. The faces of these dolls are very delicately drawn, and they can also be changed clothes.

The doll clothes of all kinds of fabrics are made to fit very well, and some of them even use expensive tulle, which only aristocrats dared to wear in the past.

These materials are now very cheap, so cheap that this woman carrying the child is also wearing a tulle and colorful floral dress.

Life seems to be getting better, at least this woman feels that her life is getting better. She used to worry about what to eat every day, but now she is worrying about what to do.

It sounds the same, but in the past there was nothing to eat, so I didn’t know what to eat, but now there is too much to eat. She often has a headache in the food choices for dinner.

“Give me! That’s my gun! Charlie! I’m going to defeat the magic empire with His Royal Highness!” A little boy yelled loudly as he watched his brother brandishing the wooden rifle almost exactly the same as the real 98k rifle.

“No! The revolving pistol you chose at the time!” The younger brother slammed back at his brother, unwilling to show weakness, “You broke it!”

“I didn’t!” My brother yelled out of anger.

“You have it!” The younger brother’s voice seemed louder and sharper.

“I do not have!”

“You have it!”

Listening to her child chirping behind her, the woman’s face was filled with a happy smile. She has nothing to be dissatisfied with, after all, except for her husband not by her side, this kind of life is worthy of her liking.

Children can buy their favorite toys, and by Monday they can still walk the three-kilometer flat road to the elementary school in the town to study.

She can also visit those beautiful clothes occasionally while saving a lot of money. If she wants, she can bite her teeth to buy most brands of clothes.

Because compared to the old fabrics that every household had to weave, the quality was bad and not good-looking, the finished clothes produced in those factories were simply cheaper than money.

Earlier, everyone thought that this was the textile factory and the garment factory in Ailan Hill who were losing money and making calls. But waiting and waiting, when cheaper clothes started to be discounted or even sold at half price, everyone was dumbfounded. .

Men’s clothes used to cost at least dozens of copper coins. At that time, everyone’s income for a year might not be changed to a piece of clothing.

Now men’s clothes can be bought for only seven copper coins, which is simply making money for transportation…

You know, the income is much higher than before. Not only is the price of clothes falling, but the income is increasing, which makes everyone feel that clothes are cheaper overnight.

Therefore, everyone is now beginning to recognize the so-called brand: the big families in the town are beginning to pay attention to the clothes of “Siris I” and “nobles”. It is said that it is breathable and comfortable to wear, warm in winter and cool in summer, clearing away heat and detoxification, eliminating summer heat, and not invading water and fire…

Anyway, listening to those women wearing these expensive clothes describe these expensive clothes from Mayne or North County, and their height may be improved after wearing them. Sad vanity…

What can I complain about on such a day? Except that her husband is not by her side.

The children now know a lot better than her, they can calculate numbers quickly, and they can recite some weird texts. The teachers are so knowledgeable and talented that they can make the steam run with the train.

In fact, she had also seen a train. When she sent her husband away last year, she had seen it at the train station in the town. The guy made of iron is really big, as huge as a dragon, and it emits white steam when driving and makes a weird whining sound.

Last month, her two children had also taken a train. The school in the town organized the children to experience life. They went to Higgsnar and lived for a day. When they came back, they began to describe it crazy. Speaking of a huge astonishing city.

I heard that there are huge chimneys towering into the clouds, as well as tall factories, which are filled with roaring machinery.

I heard that there are hundreds of thousands of workers there, and they go to and from get off work on time every day, and they are in groups when they walk on the street.

I heard that there are loudspeakers for broadcasting on the streets there, and the emperor’s speech is played on time every day, and you can also hear beautiful music.

I heard there…

In short, it is a very beautiful place, so beautiful that even the air is filled with a choking smell, a smell that represents powerful, advanced, brave and hard.

“Dong Ge! Don’t bully your brother!” While opening the lid of the cauldron, the woman loudly reminded her child without turning her head back: “Charlie! Shut me up and don’t provoke your brother again!”

Both children calmed down because they had smelled the aroma of potatoes. These peeled soft steamed potatoes taste very good, and they have always been a favorite ration of people nearby.

The woman picked up the opened canned fish on the stove and sprinkled the soup on top of the steaming potatoes in the pot, and the smell of fresh and fragrant smell immediately permeated the house.

Food practices in this world are actually very common, and it can even be described as scarcity. After all, before Ailan Hill ruled this land, everyone could not even guarantee the basic food and clothing. Who would have the mind to study how to make delicious food?

For a long time, only a few very wealthy aristocrats would delve into what to eat, and their methods were limited to specific areas. Everyone’s ingredients were different, and the things they made were naturally strange.

However, with the expansion of Ailan Hill, seafood is made into canned food for easy preservation, and conditions for tasting marine fish are finally available in the inland. After being processed in the factory, the canned food with various seasonings has now become a delicacy welcomed by commoners and nobles.

Everyone has ensured food and clothing, and naturally there is a higher pursuit. The high-quality and cheap canned fish and canned meat have become the best choice for many civilians to improve their lives.

Just go to the shop to buy a few boxes of these cans, you can save some condiments, adults and children like to eat, but also save time and labor. Modern industrial production is unknowingly changing people’s lives.

“Father! Father! It’s dinner!” The woman divided the food, filled the largest bowl with a full bowl of fish sauce potatoes, brought it to the house, and placed it on a delicate wooden table.

She bought this table at the market, and walked back home alone. After all, she was not willing to add 1 silver coin for home delivery. At that time, she had a big belly. When she was tired, she put the table on the side of the road and sat on the table watching the endless stream of carriages and cars resting.

Compared with cheap clothing, the price of furniture seems to be plummeting. In the previous farmhouse, there were only simple wooden utensils made by yourself, a fairly flat table, which is what everyone is jealous of.

But now, as long as you are willing to spend a few silver coins, you can purchase exquisite furniture. The flat table top is as smooth as a mirror, and painted, and the table legs are even carved into a perfectly round and streamlined shape.

The matching chair and even the carved lines complement the table, which in the past did not even dare to be extravagant for noble masters. Now every household is using this kind of wood, which looks very beautiful, because the cheap ones make people want to cry.

“Lina! Thank you for your hard work!” The old man put down the carving knife in his hand, looked at his daughter gently, and asked with some pity: “Did the **** have a letter? Did he die outside?”

He is helping his grandson repair the broken wooden pistol. Although the price is not expensive, the old man who has been poor for a lifetime is still reluctant to throw it away, so he is repairing the broken shaft with tools.

Speaking of irritating, it looks very cheap and simple structure, but because of the processing precision, it can’t be repaired at all. The old man pondered for a long time, but did not find a good solution.

“Father! Huck has a letter, and it was delivered by the postman yesterday! I really didn’t expect to receive a letter from Huck in a week in our tattered place.” Carrying the sleeping child, this one is called Linna. The girl replied with a smile.

The road at the entrance of the village has become sturdy and durable since it was repaired by a group of engineers. I heard that they used something called asphalt, which is harder than stone after it dries, and the vehicles passing by are soft and soft. The wheels, so the road is as smooth as new until now.

Since this road was established, the village has no longer been closed. Everyone can walk along the road to the town. It’s very comfortable to walk, much more comfortable than climbing over the mountains. It is precisely because of this road that letters are delivered faster, and food is delivered faster, and life seems to have taken another step.

“Have you seen the sign posted at the entrance of the village? It’s going to be conscripted again.” The old man shook his head and said, “I heard that this time we Higgs will be recruiting 200,000 new recruits. young people.”

“Yeah, I saw it. I heard that there are more than 30 people in our village who signed up. After all, the salary is high and there are ration subsidies…” Linna said as she walked out. If she doesn’t go out to take a look, it is estimated that the two outside A greedy little monkey is about to scald his paws.

I hope my husband can come back safely. If he can come back safely, this kind of life really can’t be better.

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