My Empire

Chapter 1565: Battlefield control

On the Higgs No. 5 defensive position, the remains of dozens of puppet robots were scattered in the shattered trenches. The shattered sandbags were scattered everywhere, some of them were damaged, and the sand inside had leaked out.

The fully automatic anti-aircraft gun turret has been paralyzed, the huge crater and countless bullet holes penetrated by energy rays are left on the thick concrete wall, which looks like an apocalyptic desolation.

The original imposing turret lost its power, and it had already emptied its ammunition chain. Empty ammunition boxes were scattered everywhere, among the bullet shells everywhere, there were lying down puppet robots.

The tunnel exit hidden behind the dense vegetation has now been exposed, and huge digital signs can be seen above the open thick concrete gate.

This was once Exit 07, but now it has become a ruin, a ruin that has no life.

On the other side of this gate, a missile launch base was completely empty. The missile launch vehicle that was originally deployed here has left, leaving only one that was scrapped by the bombing and stayed at its original location.

Its jack is still on the flat ground. The missile launch box may have been hit by energy shells, it is full of explosive bullet holes, and one of them has been blown into the distance.

The wires of China Unicom’s launch vehicle were scattered on the ground and no one was interested, and the hydraulic rods were already rusty. It can be seen from these traces that it has been abandoned here for a few days.

In the tunnel, a clone grenadier of the Ailan Hill Empire was holding a weapon, leaning against the parapet built out of sandbags, and sorting out his ammunition.

The outer positions have been lost, and now they can only fight in the underground tunnel extending in all directions.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ammunition and various bunkers. There is no need to worry about rain and wind. It looks like a good battlefield.

Just a few minutes ago, they lost their outer positions and were forced to choose to retreat here for defense.

Everyone knows that the defense here will not last long, because the enemy can also dig into the tunnel from other directions, and no one knows which direction the opponent will attack from.

But fighting is fighting. Even if you know you will die here, you must fight here to the last moment.

Outside, a sweeper soldier climbed up the slope. He jumped into the trench and vigilantly checked the situation in the trench.

It wasn’t until the second sweeper also climbed into the trench that these guards’ troops seemed to be sure, and their enemies had already withdrawn from here.

“They have left!” The sweeper who entered the trench first said to his companion.

The third sweeper who turned into the trench has begun to climb upward, and the following sweeper soldiers have also begun to move towards their respective goals.

Several sweepers had already climbed up the bunker that had been abandoned a long time ago. The bunker had been hit directly, and the shooting hole was mostly blocked by the collapsed ceiling.

Less than an hour ago, the soldiers of the Ailan Hill Empire were still shooting at the sweepers with this remaining shooting hole, and now there are only a few abandoned corpses left.

In the past, the soldiers of the Ailan Hill Empire would also take away the corpses, and even try not to leave any material residues such as bullet casings.

However, as the battle became more and more fierce, everyone was in no mood to care about the shells and corpses.

Although Sweepers can rely on swallowing corpses and man-made objects to reproduce, everyone knows that the speed of Sweepers’ reproduction is not worth mentioning compared to the speed of annihilating enemies in the Ailan Hill Empire.

Now both sides are relying on logistical supplies to support the Higgs 5 battlefield. The difference is that the Alanhill Empire defenders rely on hoarded supplies, while the Guardians rely on the huge space fleet behind them.

“There are no more enemies here!” A sweeper passed by his companion who was eating the remains of the puppet robot, and shouted to the soldiers behind him.

Many sweepers are cleaning the bodies of their companions from the front of the position. They will eat everything clean and leave nothing behind.

This is actually a way for them to recycle energy. As long as their offensive makes progress, they can reclaim part of their resources for follow-up operations.

Just like a new energy car, it can use the rotation of the motor to recover part of the energy and increase its endurance.

In fact, this is the advantage of offensive operations, because the offensive party can treat the wounded, recover its own weapons and equipment, clean the battlefield and seize the enemy’s materials, while the repelled party can get nothing.

Because the party that has lost control of the battlefield has no time to clean the battlefield, they are destined to lose more.

In the past, the Airanhill Empire had always contained the guards, preventing them from sweeping the battlefield, devouring supplies, and gaining the advantage of fighting to support the war.

Therefore, the previous Guardian troops were more embarrassed. They could only rely on the support of the reserve team and could not get supplies from the battlefield. The reason was simple, because they were always the one who was repelled, so they could only watch the corpses of their companions dissipate. , Watching the enemy take away those corpses and discarded materials and equipment.

As the battle continued, whether it was played or really, the Ailan Hill Empire finally began to lose control of the battlefield.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for the caretaker. They can finally reduce their losses and pass these losses on to the other party.

And the ground defenders of the Ailan Hill Empire, which gradually lost control of the battlefield, were actually a bit stretched.

For a planet, the defensive power of millions of troops is actually not enough to see. Therefore, the defense forces of the Ailan Hill Empire gave up two-thirds of the planet’s surface from the beginning.

There is no other way. If you station hundreds of millions of troops on a planet and deploy a large number of defensive weapons to prevent the other party from landing, what if the other party has a disagreement and blows up the planet?

Wouldn’t it be like crying without tears? The massive investment was obliterated by a star-killing cannon. How could it be regarded as a bankruptcy?

Because of this, until the two sides fought, they decided to use Higgs 5 as a decoy, and the Alanhill Empire did not plan to deploy heavy troops here.

Finally, a sweeper spotted the thick door with numbers painted on it, and climbed to the side of the door and started gnawing at the edge of the door with his special mouthparts.

In the eyes of the soldiers of the Airanhill Empire, these sweepers are no different from locusts. The way they eat is exactly the same as insects.

Soon, a second sweeper approached, and he also began to eat the cement, as if he was eating some vegetables.

Then more sweepers rushed over, lying on the door and chewing, making a clicking sound.

at last! A sweeper ecstatically eats himself and walks into a somewhat dim tunnel. He sees steel rails that have been polished brightly under his feet, and sleepers neatly arranged.

So he was going to lean down and eat these delicious foods. When he squatted down, a gunshot echoed throughout the tunnel.

“Bah!…” Because of the length of the tunnel, the gunshot did not dissipate for a long time, but echoed back and forth, as if someone had fired another shot.

And the sweeper who leaned down to eat the rails, after the shot, fell on the rails, and there was no more sound.

The remaining sweepers did not hesitate, rushing into the tunnel from the door, rushing in the direction where the gunfire sounded.

At the same time, the energy cannon on their shoulders suddenly fired, shooting out black cannonballs.

“Boom!” The huge explosion blasted across a section of the breast wall reinforced with sandbags. A puppet robot hiding behind the sandbags held out a weapon and shot out a row of bullets at the sweeper in the distance.

The tracer bullets are particularly conspicuous in a slightly dim environment, with a ray of light yellow light passing through the darkness, directly hitting the sweeper’s body, splashing a **** mist.

“Tutu Tutu!” The clone grenadier also picked up his own weapon and started frantically strafing. The bullets of the electromagnetic rifle were denser than the bullets of the assault rifle, and it knocked down a swarm of incoming enemies in an instant.

“Retreat! Retreat!” The grenadier, who knew that this place shouldn’t stay for long, immediately ordered the robot around him.

After he yelled, he took his weapon and quickly ran towards another defensive position not far behind him.

Several grenadiers and puppet combat robots by his side immediately followed him and ran back, while the remaining few puppet robots continued to fire and attack, covering their companions to retreat.

Soon a cloud of energy hit a puppet robot that was firing, and a huge explosion blew his body.

Frequent explosions echoed throughout the tunnel, and the echoes at least doubled the intensity of the battle.

The last puppet robot was blown away by the attacking energy bomb, and the line of defense it was on was finally completely occupied by the Sweeper soldiers.

These soldiers climbed over the breast wall that had been bombarded intermittently, and began to eat the bodies of the puppet robots scattered behind the breast wall.

Suddenly, a sweeper seemed to realize something, and immediately turned around and shouted to all the companions behind him: “Don’t come here!”

Accompanied by his shout, the Ailan Hill Empire engineer in the distance was behind the bunker with a grinning face and pressed the switch of the detonator.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!” A series of explosions spread throughout the tunnel. The bombs that were buried in the tunnel were all detonated, directly collapsing the dome and submerging all the sweepers below.

This section of the tunnel and the exit were also buried at the same time, and the falling gravel and dust, almost buried all the Ailan Hill engineers who pressed the detonator alive together.

“It’s all right now!” A cloned grenadier holding a weapon, shaking his head and shaking off the dust above his head, said to the same embarrassed engineer nearby: “They can’t get in.”

“This can only stop them for a while. They will dig a tunnel from the side and then penetrate into our hinterland along the tunnel.”

“It doesn’t matter, isn’t our task to blow up all the tunnels?” The grenadier looked at the exit that had been completely blocked by the boulder and said with a smile.

“Let’s go! Get out of here! Remember to take the detonator!” The grenadier helped pick up a piece of wire and said to the engineer beside him.

Soon, puppet robot soldiers came forward to help carry the detonator battery and other supplies.

Let the puppet robot carrying the ammunition box go first, and after a few cloned grenadier halls, a group of people soon came to the third line of defense that was hastily established.

If they continue along this road, they will soon arrive at an underground barracks, where there are tunnels extending in all directions, connecting further places.

Andre looked at the holographic projection on the table. He had lost one-third of the preset position, which was actually not good news for the defender.

Not all directions are defended by elite troops. Those masters from the reinforcements were already stretched out and the number was insufficient, and it was impossible to support the entire circular defense line.

As a result, Andrei’s line of defense is very stable in some places, while in some places it has been breached a lot.

For a commander, the general way to deal with such a situation is to organize a counterattack, retake those lines of defense that were lost prematurely, and keep the lines of defense intact.

But the problem is that the opponent will eat the permanent fortifications on the entire line of defense, and such a line of defense is actually useless.

“Send the reserve team in this direction! We can’t let it retreat again, and retreat even our airport is dangerous.” Andre rubbed his chin and ordered.

“Yes! General!” The adjutant stood at attention and saluted, and promised to Andre: “The commander in charge of the defense over there has promised that they will not take a step back.”

“Very good! Let them continue! Don’t get discouraged!” Andre nodded slightly, then looked in another direction.

The low bunkers previously built for convenience have now become fierce battlefields. The enemy seems to be looking for these bunkers in a planned way. Once they enter the tunnel, the battle becomes very tricky.

The encounters at close quarters without warning, and the number of opponents were numerous, this was not the strength of the Airanhill Empire’s defenders.

In today’s battle, the Ailan Hill Empire defense forces, which have lost their backups and gradually become incompetent, have lost control of the battlefield. For General Andre, this must be a very dangerous signal.

“Let General Adair lead people back from the front line, take a break, put them on the battlefield in batches, and solve local problems… We no longer have the ability to counterattack. We can only let them serve as the fire extinguishing team.” Persuaded.

“Alright!” Andre nodded and agreed with the adjutant’s suggestion: “In my name, let them withdraw!”

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