My Empire

Chapter 1566: Retreat

“Since I followed the Great Duke of Dragon and became a soldier of the Ailan Hill Empire, I have never fought such a stubborn battle.” The telegram group was thrown into a ball, and Adair hummed helplessly. Screamed.

In the position he held firmly, the enemy did not move forward within 10 days, but because of the enemy’s offensive in other directions, he had to deploy his troops to support the battle in other directions.

At the beginning, he didn’t feel the pressure, but soon he realized that there were fewer and fewer reserves in his hand.

“The armored unit was transferred away, and the missile unit was transferred away more than half. Now even the light infantry is not spared… alas…” Adair thought of the troops that had been transferred out these days, and felt inexplicably bad. .

He looked at the distant position and complained: “Don’t mention the masters, most of the magician troops have been transferred to the north, and the swordsmen and the masters of the elves are defending in the west…God puppets and grenadiers are all transferred. To the south.”

Originally, these elite troops gathered together, it was possible to launch a counterattack at any time, creating pressure on the opposing Guardian troops.

But now these forces have been dispersed and transferred away, so there are very few troops Adair can throw in the counterattack.

Without these elite troops, the dragon masters have also begun to become a battlefield firefighting team, and they can only rush to the accident site to stabilize the defense line when the enemy breaks through the position.

This passive style of play also caused casualties to the dragon troops, and the ordinary troops in Adair’s hands had also been greatly reduced.

The two cloned armored divisions that were originally supported have now been transferred to other defense lines to perform tasks.

The 5 clone infantry divisions and 5 puppet divisions that were originally assigned to Adair, now there are only 2 left.

“Not bad, at least we have enough supplies now.” A dragon commander comforted.

Adair nodded depressed and agreed with him: “Yes, at least our supplies are guaranteed, otherwise the battle will come to an end.”

The only good news is that because the underground bunkers extend in all directions and the railroad tracks support transportation, the frontline troops are not short of any supplies at all.

The daily supplies can still arrive on time, the ammunition is sufficient and the food is good, so everyone’s fighting enthusiasm is also very high. It’s just that I’m a little frustrated because of the constant retreat.

“The message said that the two cloned grenadier divisions that had lost part of their establishment were torn down and pulled to the rear to rest…” Adair looked at his men and said.

“Then our remaining troops are a little bit powerless to stick to the entire line of defense.” The dragon commander immediately became nervous.

“Yes, so General Andre meant that we abandon the current line of defense and retreat to the new line of defense behind.” Adair said helplessly.

He paused, then added: “When we get there, we will be supplemented by two garrison puppet robot divisions to temporarily relieve the pressure on our forces.”

“Abandon another position?” The dragon commander was taken aback, and then smiled bitterly: “We have been here for 10 days, and the enemy has not been able to break through our defenses. Now let us abandon this place…really…”

Adair couldn’t help it either. He looked down at the telegram that was crumpled by him, and said with emotion: “If two more divisions are transferred, I will only have a reserve team of two robotic light infantry divisions in my hand. Now, the entire line of defense will be dangerous…”

He glanced at the map and added: “In addition, we stayed here and objectively stretched the line of defense and increased the area of ​​defense. In fact, it’s a bit of a loss.”

Because in the past few days, the entire defense line of the Ailan Hill Empire, most of the defense areas have been compressed, only the more elite defense area in charge of Adair has the ability to fight partial counterattacks, and seesaw with the guards. .

Under this circumstance, the entire defense line gradually turned into an egg shape, Adair’s defense line did not move, and the other defense lines were compressed by the enemy.

The formation of such a shape allows the entire circular defense line to increase the attacked area, and it does increase the difficulty of defense.

“If we don’t go, it won’t work. If we continue to stick here, the two wings will be in danger of being broken by the enemy.” At last, Adair had to complain.

In fact, he also knew very well that Andre couldn’t find too elite troops to help him consolidate the defensive positions on the two wings.

Since the day Adair arrived on Higgs 5, he has seen more than 20 nuclear bombs attacking the enemy’s rear. If you count the number of nuclear bombs dropped before, the total is close to 30.

In fact, this is also close to the upper limit of the number of nuclear bombs hoarded by Higgs 5. Don’t be too small. In fact, the supply of nuclear weapons in the Ailan Hill Empire is really in short supply.

First of all, there are planets that need to be defended. There are too many planets that the enemy may attack. Therefore, nuclear weapons must be prepared on these planets to be used as a killer.

In this way, tens of thousands of nuclear bombs were scattered, and eventually dozens of nuclear bombs could be hoarded on a planet, which is no small amount.

In addition, with the emergence of the Airland Hill Empire space carrier aircraft, the space carrier aircraft lacking means of strike are also using nuclear bombs as their main strike weapons.

Therefore, tens of thousands of carrier-based aircraft occupy a large amount of nuclear weapons production capacity. Hundreds of giant-class aircraft carriers have more nuclear missiles than nuclear bombs on the planet.

If the Higgs 5 had not been strengthened as a key defense area earlier, it would be hard to say whether there are so many nuclear bombs.

Andre may still have about 10 nuclear bombs in his hand now. Once these nuclear bombs are exhausted, then his means to interfere with the enemy’s rear is almost exhausted.

It is actually unrealistic to expect fighter forces, because the losses of fighter forces in the atmosphere of the Higgs 5 today are too great, and they have even gradually lost air supremacy.

Half a month ago, after receiving a large number of sky battleship reinforcements, the Airenhill Empire’s fighter forces did stabilize their defensive air supremacy, and from time to time they could take the initiative to attack and compete with the prowlers for theater air supremacy.

However, as the battle continued, the Sky Fleet, which had almost no supplies, also began to experience a shortage of carrier-based aircraft. On today’s sky battleships, it is already very good to have half of the fighter jets left.

I have felt that the air force is getting more and more strenuous, which is also a main reason for Adair’s decision to withdraw. He knew that the Air Force could no longer guarantee air superiority in the existing airspace. They must give up a portion of the theater to save the air force.

“Oh roar!” In the universe outside the sy-9 experimental satellite, after several days of practice, test pilots who are already familiar with the control of the new cosmic humanoid weapon are feeling the feeling of flying in the universe.

That is really the feeling of flying in the universe, he has completely let go of himself! The huge thrust of the propeller carried the experimental body through the huge exploratory destroyer, and the test pilot even coquettishly allowed the body he piloted to make a series of rolling maneuvers.

“Experimental data shows that the reaction speed of the latest experimental airframe is 35 percent faster than that of the Z-type fighter!” An experimenter sat in front of the computer and said with surprise looking at the data on it.

Next to him, another experimenter also excitedly agreed: “In addition, its range is almost twice that of the Z-type fighter. No matter what, I think we have succeeded.”

The new airframe is much stronger than the previous fighters, and the weapons and equipment developed for the new airframe have also begun to take shape.

The first is the armor-piercing nuclear bomb used to attack the enemy’s large battleship. After improvement, it is installed in a rocket launcher-like launching device, and this huge body is carried on the shoulder and launched.

The launch mode similar to the recoilless gun can ensure that the missile does not affect the flight of the airframe when it is launched, ensuring the accuracy of the hit.

At the same time, the magic protection device specially developed for this body has also entered the experimental stage. This thing is actually not a new product, that is, the device on the Z fighter is slightly modified.

Because there is a lot of energy placement in the body, the defense level of the magic defense barrier is higher this time, and the defense power of this experimental body is also increased in disguise.

At the same time, this new type of airframe is also compatible with old-fashioned weapons and equipment. It can mount nuclear missiles mounted on the Z-type fighter directly on the arm, which is equivalent to carrying three nuclear bombs at the same time, and its attack capability is also stronger.

In terms of self-defense weapons or fighting weapons, the new body plans to use a newly developed 50 mm caliber electromagnetic cannon, which is used in a handheld manner. At the same time, combined with the latest technology, the Ailan Hill Empire also gave this new mech a very interesting weapon and equipment.

This starts with the internal attachment of the Heavenly Sword God Sect. Condensing energy into a lightsaber is the spell of the Heavenly Sword God Sect. After the disdainful efforts of the technicians, the Ailan Hill Empire simplified the formation of the sword peak guarding mountain formation. , Combined with Lingshi technology, finally developed a brand-new lightsaber technology.

Because it only needs spirit stones, the mountain protection formation can transform into an energy sword, so the research and development of this technology is actually not difficult.

The only problem is that because of the energy supply of the spirit stone and the size of the magic circle, this lightsaber has not been able to reduce its size and become the kind of lightsaber that ordinary soldiers can use.

It is also really because of the size. Among the many high-precision weapons of the Ailan Hill Empire, this new lightsaber technology is actually not very useful.

Now, this seemingly useless technique is directly applied to the new experimental body.

The humanoid body, it happens to be able to wear an energy sword, this kind of picture is at least not contrary to the emperor Chris of the Ailanhill Empire.

Even the shoulder-mounted nuclear bomb launcher was an inexplicable “nostalgic” equipment made by the emperor.

In short, with the electromagnetic machine gun, energy sword, and nuclear bomb launcher, the brand-new experimental body really has the taste of “Gundam”.

The only thing that made Chris a little regretful was that the thing that ended up was more like Zagu than Gundam.

With reference to the arc-shaped outer armor of the armor, more consideration is given to defense, because advanced technology does not require so many antennas. There is only one highly integrated antenna, which is installed in the middle of the head, just like Zaku’s antenna…

In the end even Chris had to compromise and named this new space weapon “Zaku”! Yes, as in the cartoon, Zagubi Gundam went to the battlefield first, and may become the standard weaponry of the Ailan Hill Empire.

“The experiment is not over. The first special electromagnetic cannon will be sent over for testing tomorrow. Then you can carry out the weapon mounting experiment.” Inside the headset, the experimenter’s words were full of excitement.

“Is there only an electromagnetic cannon?” The test pilot felt the universe as if everything was in front of his eyes, and was also very excited.

“Yes, there are only electromagnetic guns for the time being, and it will take more than ten days to conduct safety experiments on the energy sword…Of course, it is simple on the nuclear launcher.” The experimenter replied in a routine way.

The weapon research and development is not in charge of the sy-9 experimental satellite, it has to be sent from other experimental bases, and the nuclear bombs need to be approved by the security department. After all, in the current situation, every nuclear bomb is an important strategic material.

“Nuclear bomb? Do I have to experiment to launch a nuclear bomb?” The pilot was taken aback, and then asked.

The experimenter didn’t mean to conceal, and said: “Yes, in theory. This is also the meaning of the above!”

The test pilot flew back to the sy-9 side while manipulating the experimental body in a large circle, and said, “Okay! I haven’t fired a nuclear bomb yet. This is a good experience.”

“Come on! If we are here, the frontline may reduce losses by more than 50%! It is of great significance!” The experimenter solemnly said to the pilot.

“I understand! Now test the body’s three-dimensional maneuverability! Three, two, one! Start!” The test pilot driving the body also replied solemnly.

Soon, he adjusted the position of his legs skillfully, and the thrusters behind him swayed almost at the same time.

In an instant, almost a right angle was drawn, and the body began to maneuver vertically. With the shining of the engine, it quickly turned into a meteor, hidden in the vast stars.

“I have exceeded the speed of the Z fighter! The body is still stable! I can easily control it!” In the cockpit, the test pilot adjusted his flight attitude while reporting.

Before his eyes, there were flight attitude data. When he continuously rolled, the grid representing the absolute horizon was also continuously rotating and rolling.

“Very good! Keep it! We are recording data here!” Inside the headset, the experimenter’s voice was full of ease.

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