My Empire

Chapter 1571: Higgs 4

  Higgs 4 planet, the Ailan Hill Empire space reconnaissance satellite is activated by the radar reflection signal in the detection range. The red signal light began to flash, and the warning signal began to be sent to the entire nearby universe.

In the duty room of the ground monitoring station on the Higgs 4 planet, a sleepy cloned non-commissioned officer was awakened by a robot assistant by his side.

He frowned and yawned and looked at the signal receiver, and then suddenly fell asleep. He tore off the simple printed report from the device and rushed out of the duty room like flying.

Less than a minute later, tense alarm bells reverberated throughout the base, and soldiers were running everywhere.

“The enemy fleet! The enemy fleet appears!” An officer handed the report to the generals in the office, while reporting nervously: “The interceptor warship is fighting fiercely with the enemy warship. Before the cruise fleet arrives, The enemy may invade our surface defenses!”

“Immediately open the air defense net! Take off the J-30 fighter to intercept all the targets entering the atmosphere!” The general was also a little nervous, and immediately issued an order to intercept the invading enemy.

“What did the 5th Fleet say?” He paused, then looked at his men and asked.

“The Watchers fleet is in fierce battle with the 5th Fleet in order to cover the squadron’s entry here. Although both sides have suffered heavy losses, the other side has no sign of retreat!” The officer who came to send the message immediately replied.

“Is it our turn? Order one-third of the air defense radar to turn on! Check all the orbiting satellites and reconnaissance satellites!” The general snorted, and then gave another order.

“The opponent is destroying our orbital defense satellite! The unfinished automatic counterattack system is trying to destroy the enemy’s aircraft entering low-Earth orbit!” An officer with a QR code printed on his forehead replied immediately.

In the universe, in the orbit close to the Higgs 4 planet, the hovering satellites are activated one after another, and then the attitude engine on the satellite ejects gas and starts to adjust the satellite’s orientation.

A few seconds later, the missiles fixed on these satellites ignited and launched an attack on the guard landing ship passing by them.

“Boom!” A missile hit the Watcher landing spacecraft that was rushing into the atmosphere, causing the spacecraft to stagger into the atmosphere.

The friction between    and the air immediately made the surface of the spacecraft hot and red. A few seconds later, it exploded, scattered in the atmosphere and turned into scattered meteors.

However, the landing crafts that were hit by the missile and were damaged and interfered before entering the atmosphere are very few. Most of the craft rushed directly into the atmosphere and began to fall toward the scheduled landing point.

The air-defense positions of the Ailan Hill Empire that had been silent suddenly boiled up, one after another long-range anti-aircraft missiles soared into the sky, dragging a long tail flame, and rushing out of the vertical missile launching position.

After climbing to a certain height, these anti-aircraft missiles immediately began to adjust their attitude, and after making a big turn in the air, they rushed into the distant sky.

A few seconds later, these soaring anti-aircraft missiles collided with the falling meteors in the sky, bursting into fireworks in the sky.

The commander of Higgs 4 had just walked into the busy command post, and an officer walked up to him and reported to him: “Report! General! The enemy landing force has rushed into the atmosphere… The air defense missile force is now Intercept!”

As he said, he handed the report to his boss: “I’m very sorry! There are too many enemy forces, so we can’t intercept all the targets!”

“Is there any news from the Air Force?” When he walked to the map table, the head of the general looked at the surrounding staff members. After scanning around, his eyes finally fell on the Air Force staff members.

“The fighter unit has taken off…” The air force staff immediately stood at attention and saluted, and replied: “You can rush to the enemy landing point in a few minutes!”

When he answered this question, a J-30 fighter jet took the lead in the sky less than 200 kilometers away from the landing point of the Watcher, overlooking the sea of ​​clouds under his feet.

“Did you see the targets on the right? Don’t let them land as much as possible!” The pilot with the new helmet sight commanded in a hoarse voice through the oxygen mask.

“Understand! I’m following you! I’m following you!” The wingman pilot shook the joystick in his hand slightly and replied over the radio.

“Cut in from behind! See if you can take advantage of the opponent’s blind spot!” The lead pilot gently pulled his joystick, and the J-30 fighter he was driving slipped on its side and rushed to a short distance. The target of the long comet tail.

“I locked the target!” A few seconds later, the pilot who had set the target in the front sight of his sight used his thumb to lift the protective cover on the joystick.

“Launch a missile! Launch a missile!” The command of the lead plane was slightly disturbed by electric current, but it was still very clear.

“Huh!” A missile ignited immediately, dragging a long tail flame towards the target not far away. The new missile is extremely fast, and it hits the hull of the landing spacecraft directly in the blink of an eye.

“Boom!” A huge explosion exploded in the air, and the J-30 fighter jet that had just launched the missile quickly passed by the edge of the flame of the explosion.

“The attack worked! The attack worked!” Seeing the result of the attack, it was confirmed that the target disintegrated in the air and turned into countless flying fragments. The wingman pilot shouted with excitement from the radio.

“Boom!” At an altitude of nearly 30,000 meters, the shell of a watcher’s landing spacecraft suddenly burst open.

Inside the shattered shell, the neatly arranged Prowler fighters disperse like cluster bombs, and then start to ignite, whizzing and killing the J-30 fighter unit that is attacking the Watcher’s landing spacecraft.

Like a celestial lady scattered flowers, the guards landing spacecraft that rushed into the atmosphere shattered one after another, and the Prowler fighters inside also dispersed, and then fired. For a while, the entire sky fell into chaos.

“Enemy aircraft! Enemy aircraft!” Seeing a large number of radar reflections, the pilot of a J-30 fighter who was chasing and killing those watchers and landing on the spacecraft loudly reminded his comrades in the radio channel.

“Prepare for the battle! Pay attention to keep your height!” Seeing the Prowler fighter entering the battle circle, the pilot of a J-30 pilot shook the joystick and commanded.

Through the glass of the cockpit, the pilot who maneuvered the fighter plane around a large circle, finally saw the prowlers who had already entered the battlefield at the other end.

“Disrupt the enemy’s formation with missiles! Force them to disperse!” The commander led calmly gave the order.

In the next second, the dense white tail smoke of missiles in the sky, like a fishing net, enveloped the entire battle zone.

A Prowler fighter swiftly avoided the oncoming missile, then collided head-on with another missile, exploded and shattered, turning into a ball of flames.

Another Prowler rushed past the incoming missile, passing by a J-30 fighter jet. Then it turned immediately, turned a somersault in the air, and started strafing at the J-30 fighter that was going away.

The black energy groups arced in the air and flew to the distant target one by one, and were thrilledly avoided by the J-30 fighters that were also doing evasive actions.

At the same time, the figure of this Prowler fighter was also caught in the sight of the sight, chasing after it in a J-30 fighter jet behind it, the pilot pulled the trigger to fire.

“Suddenly!” There was a short shooting sound, and a series of tracer bullets drew a straight trajectory in the air. The initial velocity of the electromagnetic gun’s ammunition is amazing, and the ballistic performance is obviously better.

These ammunitions are extremely fast. After leaving a flash of light, they passed through the Prowler fighter inside the front sight.

In the next second, the Prowler fighter jet that was penetrated by the shell exploded, and fragments were scattered everywhere.

After achieving the results of the attack, the J-30 immediately deviated from its original flight path, climbing rapidly while looking for a new attack target.

Not far from this battlefield, a watcher’s landing spacecraft landed on the ground, and the moment the hatch opened, countless sweepers came out.

Behind them, there are countless sweepers rushing out of their spaceships. Above their heads, the explosion of the downed and destroyed Prowler and the comet tail drawn by the spacecraft that landed later were intertwined and joined together.

“According to the satellite images on the scene, it seems that the enemy has partially successfully landed.” In the command headquarters, an officer reported to his commander.

“The number of enemy troops… how much is expected?” the general headed asked.

“It is impossible to judge, the landing troops are probably between thousands and tens of thousands… But then they may multiply.” The officer immediately replied.

“Report the situation here as soon as possible to Generals Madyas and Modler…” The general ordered: “How long will the spacecraft that send the construction and technical personnel leave?”

“The transport spacecraft can be launched in about 30 minutes… However, General, there is still a risk in launching the spacecraft before the 5th Fleet has regained space dominance.” The officer warned.

“I see.” Waved his hand, the headed general took a deep breath: “Send a telegram to Higgs 3 in my own name… Swear to live and die with Higgs 4 !”

“Yes! General!” The clone officer stood at attention and saluted, and sent this telegram.


“Higgs 4 was attacked! The Watchers fleet is attacking the 5th Fleet… They have suffered a lot, but they have no intention of retreating.” The adjutant reported what had just happened to Marshal Lawnes.

“What are you kidding! What is Walt doing? How easy is it to lose the periphery of Higgs 4?” After receiving the news, Lawnes immediately walked to the front of the map table and called for the nearby Higgs 4. Universe star map.

“The Guardian forces suddenly stormed the junction between the 2nd and 5th Fleet, and then turned around to attack the 5th Fleet with all their strength. General Walter mobilized his troops and severely damaged the enemy fleet in front of you…” the adjutant explained.

“Then it revealed a flaw, allowing the enemy to intrude into the vicinity of Higgs 4? This is all right… The preset Higgs 3 battlefield may not be used, in case the enemy launches an attack on the capital of Higgs. , Our loss may be very huge.” Lawnes looked at Higgs 4 on the map and said.

He also knew that if the enemy really moved the dark mind in the battle of tens of thousands of space battleships, even he might have loopholes.

So he didn’t mean to blame General Walter. He is now thinking about how to make up for the Higgs 4 loophole.

If Higgs No. 5 is lost and Higgs No. 4 is also lost, the direction of the enemy’s attack is not very predictable.

It is entirely possible for the Guardian forces to bypass the heavily armed Higgs 3 planet and launch an attack on the Higgs 1 planet, the capital of the Higgs region.

Different from the outer defensive planets, Higgs 1 is an important planet with celestial rings. It is the political, cultural and economic center of the Higgs region, which is an industrial town with tens of millions of people!

If it becomes a frontline and affects the productivity of the Ailan Hill Empire, it is not an easy job to transfer so many civilians.

“At all costs, take back the Higgs 4…this may be our best choice at the moment.” Lawnes touched his chin, and was already thinking about whether he was going to make a resolute counterattack.

“If we launch a counterattack on Higgs 4, will we expose our strength and let the enemy realize that Higgs 3 is actually a trap?” the adjutant said with some concern.

“I don’t care so much. If we lose Higgs 4, it will have an adverse effect on the entire battle.” Lawnes said depressedly: “It seems that those guards are not as they show. Conceited.”

“Order the 6th Fleet of the Reserve Fleet to enter the battlefield! Electric order Lester, at all costs, to regain control of the space near Higgs 4!” He looked at the communications officer next to him and ordered firmly.

“Report!” Another officer came over, stood at attention and saluted, and handed a message to Lawnes: “Marshal! Your majesty call, order you to take back Higgs 4 as much as possible!”

“It seems that my majesty and I have the same ideas.” Lawnes let out another long breath: “In that case, let’s generate electricity according to my orders.”

In the deep universe, inside the bridge of a super battleship, the young Admiral Lester handed the message in his hand to his chief of staff: “Finally it’s our turn to play! Order the fleet to start the transition! Goal, Sieg No. 4… Long live my emperor!”

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