My Empire

Chapter 1572: War expanded

“This morning’s news, the empire’s enemies in the universe, the watchman who threatens all life in the world, have invaded the Higgs 4 planet…” On the TV screen, a news host sitting at the table People solemnly report the latest news.

The fact that the Guardian troops suddenly changed the direction of their attack and raided the Higgs 4 planet has become the most noticeable news in the morning news.

Another TV station, the beautiful news host is also introducing the battle in the Higgs region: “According to the latest report, the 6th Fleet of the Empire is fighting the Watcher fleet near the Higgs 4 planet, and the losses on both sides are huge. .”

In another channel, the host switched to some shaky scenes recorded on-site: “Higgs local TV station reports to you the latest news from the front line… the scene of the watchman landing on the spacecraft and crashing…”

And on a private TV station, frontline reporters are broadcasting live in Higgs 4 area: “Now Hardison will bring you the latest frontline reports… Have you seen the positions over there? Passing by the soldiers in front of me, Reinforcements are being made to that position…the enemy is only…”

Because Planet Higgs 4 was suddenly attacked, although there were no civilians to evacuate there, there were still some non-combatants stranded.

For example, the reporter for the report in front of me was actually dispatched by the TV station to Planet Higgs 4 to interview some local military personnel.

As a result, he encountered the invasion of the enemy, so he was lucky or very unfortunate to film the invasion of the Guardian troops.

In the camera lens, groups of soldiers are running along the trenches nervously towards the front line of defense, and behind them, one after another, one after another, is dragging white tail smoke toward the sky.

The Guardian forces invaded Higgs 4, and the news of the rebellion of the Airanhill Empire was overwhelmed by people talking about it.

Those who once thought that the war seemed to be far away from them also felt the tremendous pressure brought about by the war at the moment when the war expanded.

After all, the war has always been compressed near Higgs 5, so after a long time, everyone is a little disapproving.

Many people think that the Guardian’s invasion is actually nothing more than that. Some people even begin to think that the previous full-scale mobilization of His Majesty seems to be a little fuss.

But now, after the invasion of Higgs 4, everyone feels the tension of the outbreak of war.

Since the enemy can bypass the front line and attack Higgs 4, it is possible to try again and send a fleet to attack Higgs 1 and even other areas behind Higgs.

A tense atmosphere filled the air, pedestrians on the street whispered to each other, and the holographic projection billboard on the huge building was still broadcasting news about the invasion of the Higgs 4 planet.

On another screen about the size of a badminton court, a sweet-looking host wearing a pink dress, sitting in front of the camera, asked the special guest beside him, “Excuse me, Mr. Hutchin, how do you tell the Guardian troops? What do you think about the invasion of Higgs 4?”

The military commentator whose hairline is already high is placed on the table with his hands folded, his thumbs rolled back and forth, and he confidently interpreted: “Actually, I have been watching the invasion of the Guardian troops. I think This time the Watcher fleet changes the direction of the invasion, which is actually a manifestation of insufficient strength.”

“Oh? How can you see it?” the host asked according to the pre-rehearsed questions.

The special military guest named Hutchin immediately replied: “That’s it. If the warring party feels that its strength is sufficient and the attack is effective when attacking, then they will not change the planned combat plan. .”

“Can you explain it in more detail?” Obviously, the host does not understand military affairs, so she can only be polite and let the expert explain her point of view.

“Yes, it’s actually very understandable. Only when they think that the offensive force is insufficient, the high-level will be pressured to abandon the originally planned offensive plan, change the direction of the offensive, and try to make a breakthrough.” This military named Hutchin The expert vowed to explain.

“Oh! So it is! So we are not far from victory?” The host smiled and looked at Mr. Hutching hopefully.

Mr. Hutchin nodded, looking like I had already counted it: “Yes! I think it is like this. In a year at most, the weakened Guardian troops will be completely defeated… We will finally get the last. victory.”

The Airanhill Empire has never failed in a foreign war, so many people are very confident of the victory of the Empire. They only care about this process, and they only care about this process.

However, there are still many people who have analyzed something different from some clues: The Ailanhill Empire has never been entangled with an enemy for such a long time.

In the past various wars, the Ailanhill Empire only needed less than a month to break the situation and start a counterattack.

But now, the Ailan Hill Empire has been fighting fiercely with the enemy for more than a month, but it is still passive.

The enemy has invaded the Higgs 5 planet, and now it has attacked the Higgs 4 planet in a fierce battle for a month. The enemy has not been driven out of the territory. This is simply not the case in the past wars of the Alan Hill Empire. Something that might happen.

In any case, the war has expanded, Higgs 4 has become the front line, fighting on the ground has broken out, and the sweeper army is trying to expand its landing field.

At the same time, on the Mayne 1 planet in the Mayne region, in a bustling city, beside a busy street, a child holds a model of a Z-30 multi-purpose helicopter in his hand, simulating an engine in his mouth. The voice, chasing another child in front of him.

The child was holding a plastic electromagnetic rifle, and the transparent part of the gun body flashed with dazzling colored lights when the trigger was pulled.

There was also the sound of machine gun shooting in his mouth, and the two people chased and played, making a series of silver bell-like laughter. They ran under the bustling lights, and it seemed that the ongoing war had nothing to do with them.

Everything here is still prosperous, the neon lights are still flashing, and fierce battles continue on the planets Higgs 5 and Higgs 4, which are far away. This is the war, this is the cruel war going on between the Ailan Hill Empire and the Watchers!

In the universe, within the flagship bridge of the 5th Fleet of the Ailan Hill Empire, which suffered heavy losses, General Walter sat pale in his command position.

In the past day, his fleet has lost more than 240 battleships and sunk more than 510 cruisers. The wreckage of the Ailan Hill Empire battleship is floating everywhere in the universe, and space junk is scattered everywhere.

The loss of the Guardian fleet on the opposite side was even more serious, because the Guardian forces were attacking with all their strength, trying to drive the fleet of the Airanhill Empire out of the nearby space.

But to their surprise, the Alanhill Empire space fleet near the Higgs 4 planet did not retreat, and even continued to throw in troops to organize a counterattack.

Two hours ago, the fleet of the Allanhill Empire even drove the Guardian fleet away from the Higgs 4 planet. However, the Guardian fleet counterattacked again and regained control of part of the space near Higgs 4.

“General! The battleship Anger was hit hard, and the maintenance battleship is dragging it away from the battlefield. Captain Surat called and he regretted that he could not complete the task of repelling the enemy.” The adjutant walked behind Walter and reported. .

In fact, the news that the seriously injured battleship was dragged away from the battlefield is a second type of news that can be reported or not. At this time, the adjutant took the news to report, in fact, the most important thing was to help Walter get out of deep self-blame.

The enemy force really penetrated into the atmosphere of Planet Higgs 4 from under the eyelids of the 5th Fleet. This pot must be carried by the 5th Fleet.

“I see…” Walter lowered his head somewhat sullenly. He has not eaten or rested for 24 hours. Facing such a mistake, he really refused to forgive himself.

“General! The video of the Ailan Xiris special line…” The officer in charge of communications was taken aback after seeing the call signal, and then immediately spoke to Walter who was not far behind him.

Walter was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head and looked at the main screen of the bridge. Soon there was a figure, a figure wearing a formal dress with great majesty.

“Long live my emperor! Long live!” The cloned officers and natural officers in the bridge, and even some elven or dwarven officers, all stood up from their seats, raised their chins and saluted the mountain. .

The busy non-commissioned officers who were walking around also stopped their steps and shouted at the man on the screen: “Long live the emperor!”

“Walter!” On the screen, Chris seemed very dissatisfied, and his voice was severe.

Walter’s nose sore, and almost tears came out. He was a veteran who joined His Majesty in the army and was also one of His Majesty’s most confidant love.

He was originally the commander-in-chief of the 2nd Army, the most elite group in the empire, and was later promoted directly to the commander-in-chief of the 2nd Army.

At a young age, he made great contributions to the empire, and at the same time became a powerful official in the empire.

Later, he was transferred to the Space Force and became the Commander of the Space Fleet. As the emperor’s confidant, he even got the opportunity to command the fleet more advanced than the more experienced generals such as Plén Eck.

Today, as the commander of the 5th Fleet, he failed his majesty’s trust and allowed the territory of the empire to burn in the flames of war. This sin… was so oppressive that Walter wanted to commit suicide and apologize.

“It’s my fault to make you so scared…” During the video call, Chris’ words continued, but the content of the words made Walter suddenly raise his head.

“Your Majesty! It’s a minister…” Walt, where he was willing to let Chris bear the fault for him, immediately argued: “It’s the minister who didn’t finish…”

“Walter! I don’t want to see the generals I trust so depressed! Failure is not terrible! What’s terrible is that after failure, he will be so self-defeating and sinking down!” Chris interrupted Walter, with a sullen hatred of iron and steel. Yelled loudly.

“In the past, we have been winning, making you all feel that victory is inevitable and easy to come by…” Chris continued: “This is not right! One failure does not mean anything. In my opinion, your failure comes too much. It’s late!”

“Cheer up! My general shouldn’t fall because of one failure! Be brave! Turn today’s lesson into valuable experience and make yourself stronger! More perfect!”

“Yes! Your Majesty!” Walter didn’t stand up and salute with the new military salute, but fell on one knee in front of the screen. This was the kneeling ceremony in the Serris era, and it was also the etiquette used by Walter to meet Chris for the first time and to take over the military rights of the 2nd Infantry Regiment from Chris.

“The ministers must live up to your majesty’s teachings! Fight to the end for your majesty!” He lowered his head, speaking with a fierce stabbing in his heart.

“Death is not a good home! I hope we are all alive, living to witness the advent of a new era, living to witness the glory of the empire… I hope you can return with brave warriors in triumph, not a tragic death! Understand?” Reese corrected Walter again.

Walter had tears in his eyes, because he knew it was indeed a personal relationship between Chris and him. As the emperor of the empire, Chris can take the initiative to connect to a video call to comfort a minister who has made a mistake. This is already a great kindness.

In fact, if Chris doesn’t remember the old feelings, and the mistakes that affect the situation of the battle, it would not be too much to replace Walter, the commander, and kill him in order to follow suit.

After all, as a fleet commander, making such mistakes is unacceptable in terms of results.

“Your Majesty…” choked, Walter didn’t know what to say for a while. The man who commanded thousands of troops could not help sobbing at this moment.

“Okay! What it looks like! Go! Become my invincible warlord Walter again! With the brave and tenacious 5th Fleet, defeat the invaders!” Chris encouraged.

“Yes! Your Majesty! The minister will definitely find himself and fight for the Ailan Hill Empire to the last minute!” Walter stood up from the ground and replied firmly. “Yes! Your Majesty! The minister will definitely find himself and fight for the Ailan Hill Empire to the last minute!” Walter stood up from the ground

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