My Empire

Chapter 1581: Name it

“Report!” The secretary’s voice came from the door.

In the bright office, Chris heard the knock on the door, lifted his head from the pile of documents, and said, “Come in!”

“Your Majesty! The news that just came, on the surface of Higgs 5, General Andre sent back a message, which is his legacy.” The secretary reported.

He didn’t come here to give this form, because if the emperor didn’t ask for this kind of thing, it was directly presented to the Ministry of War, and Chris did not necessarily need to see it in person.

Of course, because Andre was the first senior general who could die in battle, the secretary dutifully reported the matter to Chris. As for whether Chris could read this message, it was not his responsibility. Things up.

“Send that message, I want to read it.” Chris seemed to be in a bad mood. He looked at the bright sunshine outside the window, and his tone was obviously low.

“Go, Desaier!” Chris ordered, and then continued to lower his head to read a development report from the other side of the empire.

As the war became more stable, the front line was fixed near the Higgs region, so investment in other directions has increased significantly.

Before, there were people who took risks to develop Borderlands outside the defenses, and now their madness has been rewarded ten times and one hundred times.

During the few months of the Watcher’s fierce battle on Higgs 5, the Ailan Hill Empire developed three regions in a single stretch and occupied thousands of star regions in another direction away from the Watcher. ,

In these star regions, there are hundreds of planets that have been transformed, and the resource planets that have been developed are countless.

With these raw material origins, the total industrial production value of the Ailan Hill Empire is still increasing, although this total value is now shockingly high.

Everyone knows that if the guards really attack from these new areas occupied by the Airanhill Empire, then a disastrous defeat will come immediately, but everyone still rushes to this kind of adventure, because doing so brings them huge Profit.

The development of each planet will make the people of the Airanhill Empire ecstatic. These barren planets can provide metals and fuels, and even provide rare raw materials to contribute to the space fleet of the Ailanhill Empire.

Soon, the imperial prime minister Desaier and Wagron came to the office of His Majesty the Emperor Eranhill.

Desaier was summoned by Chris, and Wagron came for Andre’s legacy.

“Your Majesty, Higgs 5 may collapse within 30 days at the earliest. If we can’t provide new reinforcements, Andre won’t be able to hold on for long.” Wagron said.

Although it is a stupid thing to send out the form a month in advance, Andre also reported his current situation by telegram.

In fact, the situation is worse than everyone expected, because the Guardian troops will find the low fortifications of the Ailan Hill Empire and rely on digging to attack these defensive bunkers.

Ground defense is already at a comprehensive disadvantage, and Andrei’s troops can no longer rely on ground counterattacks to push back the enemy who is attacking underground.

“Can you let the troops break through…let the fleet counterattack and bring back the warriors on the Higgs 5…” Chris asked Wagron.

After a pause, he gave a reason like this: “If we can let these heroes go home, it will be good for our public opinion.”

He thought for a while and continued to add: “If we make use of it, we can make more people willing to fight for the empire!”

Wagron glanced at Chris, then shook his head and said, “Your Majesty! Let the fleet fight back, it might be counterproductive.”

“The Watcher’s fleet is currently infiltrating Dothan and Atlanta. Our fleet has been fighting the enemy recently. The situation is very complicated.” He said, using his hand on the holographic projection map that is always available in the room. Gestured.

When talking about Dothan and Atlanta, he gestured for the approximate range with his hand, and then emphasized: “It will be very unfavorable for us to let the enemy continue to divide its forces and lengthen our front.”

“So, the best ending now is that we lose Higgs No. 5, and the enemy will focus on Higgs No. 4 and Higgs No. 3.” He nodded Higgs with his finger. No. 3 and Higgs No. 4, said to Chris.

“In addition… Your Majesty, the minister does not recommend planning to rescue General Andrey… Even if one day I or Marshal Wagron are surrounded, I still do not recommend that you rescue any of us!” Desaier took the conversation. Continue to speak.

“Yes, Your Majesty! This kind of thing can’t just set a precedent.” Wagron also advised.

Chris also knew that at this time, as His Majesty the Emperor, the cost of his personal rescue of Andre was too great.

Once Chris couldn’t bear this time and personally rescued General Andre, then all the generals who followed up on the front line would subconsciously feel that he should be the second Andre!

When every general thinks that he will be favored by His Majesty the Emperor and will be rescued at the last moment, it will definitely be messed up.

Chris couldn’t have shot every time. In contrast, the generals who died later seemed to be less favored by the Emperor than Andre.

This is unfair to those generals who are also willing to fight for the country, and it may even affect morale.

Chris just found a reason to say that all reports and news about the war now have to pass the review of the imperial management department.

Among them, the top boss of the audit department is Chris’s princess Jessica. In this case, Chris said that he wanted to set a living publicity example. This reason was clearly stated in a whisper.

“A warrior who is willing to give his life to the empire should live.” Chris glanced at Dessell and emphasized.

“That’s the truth, Your Majesty, but now there is no way to ensure the safety of the Magic Eye Portal. Unless we are willing to immediately increase the number of Higgs 5 and start a full counterattack, otherwise we will place a Magic Eye there. Make the situation there more complicated.” Desaier persuaded.

Chris was silent. Abandoning the Higgs 5 planet was a strategic decision he made before. If he changes this decision, the direction of this war may change.

In this case, Chris felt that he was really aggrieved. As the source of magic, he couldn’t even save a brave subordinate.

“We can change a way to allow General Andre to exist forever.” Desaier suggested to Chris: “For example…we can name a planet or even a star after the general’s name.”

Chris was taken aback, then looked at Wagron. Waglong stood up, and said to Chris: “This is definitely a good way! Your Majesty!”

“Then… you can choose a planet yourself, the first one can choose a better planet!” Chris still couldn’t let go of it.

Desaiel nodded immediately: “Your Majesty! I will choose a beautiful and very beautiful planet named after General Andre!”

“This will also be set as an eternal example in the future!” Chris added: “Every senior general who died for the empire should be immortal! I think it is very good to name the planets after them!”

Wagron stood at attention and saluted with gratitude, and said to Chris: “Your Majesty! I thank you for your kindness and wiseness on behalf of General Andre and thousands of other generals who are willing to fight for the empire to the end!”

“If possible, I would rather let them live!” Chris sighed and looked at Luther standing aside: “Let the Secretariat draw up an edict and announce the decision just now!”

“Yes! Your Majesty!” Luther nodded slightly, remembering this order from Chris.

On Higgs 5, General Andre sat in his office, and Adair, who was also sitting there, was covered in scars all over his body.

Adair came back all the way. He slammed from Height 12 to Height 9. On the way, he had been commanding the guards and blocking the pursuit of the guards.

In the past two days, he fought fiercely with the opponent more than 1,000 large and small battles, thwarted several large-scale pursuits by the guards, and finally led the troops to retreat safely to Height 9.

Height 9 is a core position, where the surface has been completely fortified. There are hundreds of large and small forts, and there are countless bunkers hidden in them.

All the trenches have been reinforced with concrete, and many trenches have even been directly bunkered, with roofs on them!

Based on past experience, such a fortress can completely block the Guardian’s attack for more than 20 days. That’s why Wagron’s previous inference that Higgs 5 can still last for a month.

Behind the huge fortress are some long-destructed field barracks and missile launch bases. These places have been repeatedly bombed by prowlers and crushers, and they have long been completely different.

Behind these destroyed fortifications are concealed anti-aircraft gun defense positions. These anti-aircraft guns are the last air defense force of the Alanhill Empire deployed on the Higgs 5 planet.

And behind these anti-aircraft guns is the tree of life that has now been destroyed for most of the time. After being attacked several times, the tree of life is now half-dead, unable to maintain the atmosphere of the entire planet.

In fact, the atmosphere on the surface of the Higgs 5 planet has begun to collapse, but because the tree of life is still there, this collapse has not suddenly reached a critical point.

According to the current rate of atmospheric collapse, the Higgs 5 will be able to support it for less than half a year at most.

Of course, in fact, the Airanhill Empire defenders on Higgs 5 could not last for half a year.

“The situation of the battle is irreversible. We have lost all the air force, and now the remaining troops can no longer fight.” Adair squeezed a bitter smile and said to Andre.

He came back from the front this time, in addition to reporting the battle to Andre, there was another reason that he had to come back to protect General Andre.

The Guardian’s troops used hundreds of Conqueror fighters to break into the underground bunker last time, defeating a garrison of the Airanhill Empire.

This incident made Adair vigilant. He was very worried that the enemy would take a surprise attack to attack the command center of the Ailan Hill Empire, so he came back to protect the safety of the command center.

With Andre sitting in the headquarters, the defense forces of the Ailan Hill Empire can hold on for at least a few more days.

If the guards were to make a surprise attack on Andre’s headquarters, the defense forces of the Airanhill Empire, which had no leader, might collapse completely in an instant.

“Aren’t these all we know.” Andrei has become accustomed to the feeling of waiting for death these days. He had been nervous and confused before, but now he has figured it out and accepted it all calmly.

“Yeah, we already know it.” Adair poured himself a glass of low-grade fruit wine, and said after drinking it all, this fruit wine is also a special treatment that the general has.

Soldiers are forbidden to drink alcohol on the front lines. This is also a mandatory rule of the military. Of course, grassroots officers and soldiers can always find some drinks. In fact, some alcohol and water will be carried on the spacecraft transporting supplies, which has always been an open secret.

“But I have a piece of news that I just got.” Andre said with a smile. He also just heard the good news, so he called Adair over.

“Good news?” Adair had just returned to the headquarters. After he came back exhausted all the way, he fell asleep very darkly. He just woke up, of course, he hadn’t heard any news.

“His Majesty the Emperor has just issued an edict. In order to reward you and me for fighting bravely for the empire, your Majesty is going to name a planet after you and me! From today on, our name will be with the planet and will be immortal. “Andre didn’t sell anything, he said directly.

Adair was taken aback, and then subconsciously nodded: “Name the planet after our name? It’s really a good idea.”

“Right? I think so too!” Andre laughed loudly: “In the future, if my children know that there is a star named Andre, they will be very happy.”

“Yes, as a giant dragon, I also think it’s really great to be able to name a planet after me.” Adair continued to nod and said. He really felt that this was a cool thing, something worth showing off.

For a moment, he even forgot that this was a benefit in exchange for his sacrifice, and even a little bit of excitement.

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