My Empire

Chapter 1582: Go back

The pitch-black universe is dotted with dense clusters of shining stars. Among these shining stars, a fleet that is so large that it cannot be added is marching.

The gray-white warship hull is sprayed with huge golden eagles, and the warships with their hull numbers as large as the castle are arranged in a neat straight line, extending far into the universe.

On the side of these huge warships and on a straight line composed of another warship, the super huge, square-headed and square-headed Alanhill Empire transport ships are releasing small spaceships, hovering around the transport ships, as dense as a nebula .

Compared to the time when the war with the Watchers just broke out, the Alanhill Empire Space Fleet at this moment is larger and stronger.

The interior of these spaceships with inscriptions of floating magic engraved below them, a slightly narrow cabin, was filled with warriors wrapped in steel.

Each soldier is holding an electromagnetic rifle, locked in his seat, like a statue. Above their heads are status lights, showing the status of each soldier.

An officer wearing a power mech walked past one armored grenadier, and loudly encouraged them: “Gentlemen! Get ready! Let our enemies see how powerful the interstellar paratroopers of our Ailan Hill Empire are! ”

“Yes! Sir!” all the soldiers replied loudly.

“Long live the Ailanhill Empire!” The officer continued to shout loudly.

“Long live your majesty!” All the soldiers responded.

Seeing more and more spaceships outside the portholes, the officer walked back to his seat and sat in the connecting restraint device. He was fixed in his position, and all the joints of the armor were also locked.

His visor closed automatically, and then the projection inside lit up, and all the news about the battlefield situation and the landing location were displayed.

After confirming that everything in his power mech is normal, he loudly reminded everyone: “Check all weapons! The spacecraft has left the orbit of the fleet!”

Following his command, the spacecraft, densely packed like a nebula, passed the space cruisers and battleships in front, flashing lights and rushed to the distant planet.

In the earphones, there was a pleasant female voice: “All the officers and soldiers who participated in the war! The great moment is coming! The counterattack on the Higgs 4 planet has begun… God bless the Ailanhill Empire!”

“Huh!” A spaceship flashing outline lights rushed towards Higgs 4, and further afield, the 5th Space Fleet of the Elanhill Empire, which had just replenished 10,000 warships, was fighting with Higgs. There was a fierce exchange of fire between the Watcher fleet near the 4th.

The intensive artillery fire is intertwined between the two fleets, and the black and shining energy rays going back and forth will always cause a series of explosions.

The wreckage of the battleship that had exploded and shattered floated in the space, and was hit by artillery fire from both sides again, causing a more tragic explosion.

Space junk is floating everywhere in the entire war zone. In the past 7 days alone, the Ailan Hill Empire has lost more than 11,000 warships here.

The wreckage of these warships are floating near the battlefield, like a huge garbage dump, looking like a ghost domain as creepy.

In the boundless darkness, broken spacesuits floated next to the shell of the shattered battleship. The broken glass reflects the light of the surrounding stars, and the torn lines are floating in a vacuum, like the tentacles of jellyfish.

The resources lost every hour here are about the same as the resources spent by the Ailan Hill Empire servicing the Arrant Empire! The war that broke out here explained in the true sense what is meant by a cannon that strikes gold.

“The space near the landing site has been cleared!” In the pilot’s headset driving the spacecraft towards the Higgs 4 planet, the commander’s voice rang: “But this place is still within the danger zone! Be careful!”

“Understood! Understood!” An answer from the drivers came in the communication channel.

Suddenly, the Z-type fighter jets following these landing craft began to go away in one direction. Immediately after that, a sharp warning came from the headset: “The radar shows that the enemy carrier-based aircraft is approaching! The enemy carrier-based aircraft is approaching!”

In the nervous gazes of all the pilots, a Killer carrier-based aircraft of the Guardian troops swept past the landing spaceship formation of the Alanhill Empire landing force like a nimble swallow.

Behind the Killer fighter, the engine of a spaceship was hit by a black energy group, exploded, and rolled into flames.

The wounded landing ship immediately began to decelerate, separated from the main force, and began to start the reverse engine, so that its spacecraft began to slow down.

This is not a joke. Once caught in gravity and unable to escape, the spacecraft can only rush towards Higgs 4 straight! Its outer shell has been severely damaged, and it rushes into the atmosphere in this state, basically there is no difference from suicide.

So returning immediately is the only way for this spacecraft to survive, and the pilots on this spacecraft do the same.

“Boom!” Although I couldn’t hear it, some of the pilots who landed on the side of the formation clearly saw the fireball formed by the explosion of the Killer fighter.

The Ailan Hill Empire’s Z-type fighter stared at it, and then shot it down on the other side.

The other Killer fighter did not find a chance to attack the landing ship in the end, because behind him, there were two Z fighters from the beginning to the end, and they were always interfering with him, making him unable to land on the Ailan Hill Empire with peace of mind. The fleet launched an attack.

Inside the landing spacecraft, a pilot turned on the communication switch with the cargo compartment behind him, and loudly reminded: “Enter the atmosphere in 15 seconds! Enter the atmosphere in 15 seconds!”

Not long after his words passed, everyone felt the violent vibration of the spacecraft they were in. This shows that they have entered the atmosphere, and the hull of the spacecraft is violently rubbing against the atmosphere.

During the turbulence, the commander who saw the system prompt announced loudly: “Fleet orbital bombing has begun! Please stay calm!”

One second after the end of this prompt, on the Alanhill Empire battleship lined up in a long line behind the landing spacecraft, countless gun barrels spewed out dazzling light!

These interstellar paratroopers could not see. Outside the battleship they were on, above the higher sky, countless electromagnetic cannon shells were rushing toward the predetermined target along the predetermined trajectory.

Soon, it was not an exaggeration to say that the shells fired by those electromagnetic guns quickly surpassed the landing spacecraft below, dragged a long comet tail, and rushed to the ground.

On the ground, the marching guards army couldn’t help but raise their heads at this moment, wanting to see the magnificent picture above their heads.

It is absolutely not excessive to describe it as spectacular, because the Ailan Hill Empire has prepared tens of thousands of landing spacecraft, just to allow hundreds of thousands of interstellar paratroopers to land on the Higgs 4 at the same time.

A few seconds later, these sweeper troops, who looked up at the sky, were swallowed by the orbital bombardment falling from the sky.

The land was trembling, the mountains were collapsing, the orbital bombing tore every inch of land in the landing area, the whole area was trembling, and the entire area was full of sweepers that were affected and destroyed.

The eggs of the Sweepers that had not hatched were smashed and destroyed. The falling stones smashed one Sweeper after another into fleshy flesh. On the other side of the orbital bombing, a nuclear bomb fell from the sky, and General Frenzberg again At this time, the entire Sweeper troop fell into trouble.

Suddenly, the situation worsened, the landing forces of the Ailan Hill Empire had not landed yet, and the Sweeper’s troops had already suffered heavy losses.

Raising his hand and flipping the two buttons above his head, the pilot who landed on the spacecraft was controlling the spacecraft while loudly reminding the interstellar paratroopers behind. “Landing the spacecraft begins to slow down! The flight attitude is adjusted! The **** fighter is relieved!”

His voice just stopped, and some special landing crafts mixed with the landing crafts full of people suddenly exploded the insulating shell behind them.

Below these heat-insulating shells are advanced fighter jets in the atmosphere of the J-30 fixed on the ring restraint lock.

After the senior officials of the Ailan Hill Empire learned that the F-series fighter jets had fallen behind and could no longer meet the needs of the war, they decisively abandoned these outdated equipment.

The current Ailan Hill Empire has begun to produce 30 series of weapons and equipment, including Z-30 and J-30 as well as Y-30 and H-30 and so on.

The previous American air force equipment has been gradually eliminated from the air force sequence, and most of the rest are also equipped for second-line troops.

Of course, this change requires a process, a long process, with the current army size of the Ailan Hill Empire, it may take ten years to eliminate outdated F-16 and F-15 fighters.

After being completely exposed to the air, these fighters fixed on the spacecraft by the ring-shaped pylons were ejected one by one like missiles being launched.

Because of the thin air, these aerodynamically flying airplanes began to descend rapidly, but soon they regained self-control and began to fly with the landing crafts with floating magic arrays lit up at the bottom.

Oncoming black energy groups flew, and the Prowler fighters began to intercept these Alanhill Empire landing spacecraft that rushed into the atmosphere.

And the fighter forces in the atmosphere of the Alanhill Empire that had just been released have also greeted them and started fighting!

“I’ll follow you! I’ll follow you!” The wingman pilot controlled the J-30 fighter jet and followed behind the lead plane. After smashing a Prowler fighter with an electromagnetic cannon, he gently shook the joystick while repeating nervously. With.

Behind him, two other J-30 fighters whizzed and turned somersaults, driving the two Prowler fighters trying to approach the landing craft into the distance.

“I saw the target!” In the transparent cockpit, the pilot twisted his neck and aimed his helmet sight at the enemy behind him.

Below his plane, a series of small shining missiles spewed out, directly destroying the Prowler fighter that was trying to launch an attack.

In an instant, both fighters that were shot down crashed, dragging a long black smoke to the ground. But more landing ships with long comet tails are rapidly approaching the ground.

The violent turbulence caused the pilot’s body to sway slightly. While pushing the joystick, the spacecraft pilot repeated the command: “The attitude engine starts! The deceleration begins!”

The reverse thruster in front of the spacecraft was ignited and spewed out a long flame. The rapidly descending spacecraft suddenly slowed down, and the outside of the spacecraft’s hull was completely burnt in pitch black.

When approaching the ground, the landing gear protruded under the spacecraft. Compared with the one-time reentry cabin, this landing spacecraft is obviously more advanced.

After the landing gear hit the ground and the hydraulic lever was compressed, the huge door on the side of the spacecraft opened at the same time, and the interstellar paratroopers who were fixed on the seats inside the spacecraft were also released from the fixed state at this moment.

The hot ground was still steaming, and on the battlefield after being bombarded by orbit, the original topography was almost invisible.

A few minutes ago, the ground had just shaken here, and the air was even filled with dust, making it impossible to see the distance.

“Action! Action!” The commander’s hastily commanding voice came from the headset. The interstellar paratroopers with their weapons rushed out of the landing spacecraft one by one.

Under their feet are the stumps of the Sweeper soldiers’ arms. Not far away, one after another electromagnetic tanks are running over the bodies of the Sweepers who are beginning to dissipate, firing into the distance.

“Yes! Yes! We have joined forces on the ground! Coordinates 559! Repeat! Coordinates 559! The enemy is retreating!” A commander knelt on one knee, with a few guard grenadiers and a signal soldier standing beside him. The super-power communication equipment has been supported, and a cauldron-like antenna has been opened.

The commander glanced at the battlefield situation and the summary of the enemy’s situation, grabbed the phone and continued calling: “Yes! General Hart! I’m standing on the Higgs 4 planet!”

“Huh!” A huge whistling sound galloped past the officer’s head, and everyone raised their heads subconsciously and saw the cannonballs flying into the distance like raindrops. “Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Looking along the direction from which the shells flew, dozens of huge floating warships lined up in the sky.

The intensive artillery fire is to suppress the enemy’s firepower, and the mushroom cloud of nuclear weapons rising further away is a symphony of welcoming the landing troops.

Although only a little bit can be seen clearly, this huge mushroom cloud did sound the elegy for the destruction of the Guardian troops on the Higgs 4 planet.

“For Ailan Hill!” A grenadier wearing power armor pulled a huge black golden eagle battle flag, shouted slogans, and ran forward.

“Long live your majesty!” The other flag bearer also held up the flag, and in his hand was a blood red royal blood flag.

Following these two banners, countless interstellar paratroopers rushed forward with their weapons, and their silhouettes and the two banners were almost concealed in the dust flying in the sky.

Another landing spacecraft landed on the ground, the hatch slowly opened, and a group of magicians wearing black magic robes drew out the long swords from their waists.

They blocked the flying dust with magic, and rushed towards the sweeper troops that had been crushed by a huge magic circle.

“Boom!” A Sweeper soldier hit an energy group at a landing spacecraft, but the energy was blocked by a shining magical array not far from the spacecraft.

When the sweeper turned and wanted to run, a bolt of lightning penetrated his body, scorching his body.

“Kill!” a magician drew a long sword from the corpse of the sweeper, threw off the blood on it, and shouted.

In front of him, another sweeper was chopped in half with a sword by a magician, and fell screaming.

“It’s terrible! Their voice is just a kind of pollution!” a female magician complained coldly. The sharp, like the sound of metal rubbing, made her hair stand up.

“That’s not right? There’s another reason to kill them!” Not far from the other side, another male magician lit a sweeper, letting the other party be twisted in pain by his side, with a smile on his face. Hehe. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Said.

“You don’t need any reason to kill them!” The female magician used fireball to kill a sweeper, and then said: “Or, it is enough to have one reason!”

“What reason?” the male magician not far from her asked curiously.

“Your Majesty’s order is enough!” The female magician stretched out her palm, grabbed it in the void, and muttered a spell in her mouth: “xigesa, Lu kapawas, huqizayaxisa!”

As the spell in her mouth was finished, a huge magic circle appeared in front of her. Inside the magic circle, stone bullets flew out one after another, shooting out like a cannonball, and hitting a sweeper who happened to be in the ballistic trajectory. Become mashed meat.


A white swordsman stepped on the flying sword and skipped the battlefield, and two huge lightsabers condensed behind him. Although the swordsmen of the Jiuyou Sect are not many masters, their actual combat experience is really a lot.

Being chased and killed by many disciples of the Heavenly Sword God Sect, each of these Jiuyou Sect disciples has had a combat experience. If the cultivation level of the disciple of the Heavenly Sword God Sect is high, then the disciples of the Nine You Sect are rich in experience.

On the battlefield, the Jiuyou Sect swordsman wearing a black sword robe obviously performed better than the Shenzong swordsman wearing a white robe.

However, this is a battlefield, and it is also a stage of competition. Everyone is competing, and the competition between the Heavenly Sword God Sect and the Jiuyou faction is just one of them.

Another contender is the warriors of the demons. They need to work hard to prove their loyalty at any moment, in exchange for their normalization within the Ailanhill Empire.

Therefore, when other troops pursued and killed the Guardian’s troops, the Demon Race’s troops had already made a protruding part.

Countless Mozu soldiers carried backward machine guns and rifles, and under the cover of cannons and rocket launchers, they moved forward firmly step by step.

The demon masters carrying long swords are hidden among ordinary demon troops. Whenever they encounter conqueror fighters, they will suddenly slam out, removing the fire support of these sweeper troops.

On the battlefield, the masters of the dragons and the elves joined the battle one after another. Under the cover of the clone army, countless regular troops of the Ailanhill Empire wiped out all the enemies near the landing area. net.

The Sweeper units, which had been in a total disadvantage, immediately exposed their weaknesses. They hardly had the habit of building fortifications, so once the frontline collapsed, the rear was almost undefended.

Without fortifications, they can only fight with the field troops of the Ailan Hill Empire. This is simply the battlefield situation that the Ailan Hill Empire field forces dream of.

Enemies are exposed cluster targets. The Ailan Hill Empire has countless weapons that can be effective against such targets and have quick results!

“Master Sorrens! We may lose the Higgs 4 planet! The enemy is counterattacking us… Their elite combat power is so much that we can’t re-establish the defense line at all!” Floating in the universe Inside the Watcher battleship, a voice echoed in the darkness with frustration and guilty conscience.

“Hold your position! Bastard! When I solve the enemy fleet in front of me, I will send someone to reinforce you!” Sorens’ voice rang, and it sounded a new change.

The commander of the Watcher who was in charge of the battle on the surface of the Higgs 4 planet replied gloomily: “My lord, I am afraid that the subordinates can no longer meet this requirement! The enemy’s attack methods are too strong, and our reproduction speed can no longer keep up with them. Destroy our speed!”

Sorens’ voice was full of anger and questioning, and his cold voice oscillated back and forth in the dark: “How is this possible? Didn’t they have any battle damage?”

And the commander in charge of the battle on the surface of the Higgs 4 planet could only replied once again: “Master Sorrens! The enemy is attacking, and we cannot swallow the damage from their battle… Besides… I have to admit one thing. , Their battle damage is indeed…very little, little pitiful.”

Having said that, he seemed to be very aggrieved, and he said in a low voice: “My troops can’t rely on swallowing to quickly increase the number, so it is inevitable to fall into a disadvantage!”

Sorens’s irritable voice rang again: “Could it be that you can’t hold on for a few days?”

The commander gave an answer that made Sorens even more angry: “Unfortunately, my lord, the other party has already sent landing troops. Our defense line has completely collapsed… Obviously there is a very good commander on the other side. He is on our side. The airborne troops behind him are really deadly!”

“We have never encountered an opponent who dared to invest troops in our occupied area, so… the subordinate was careless…” After a pause, the commander assumed the main responsibility.

“…” After the long sinking, Sorens finally made a decision. His tone was full of helplessness and anger, and he shouted loudly: “Idiot! Get out of here!”

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