My Empire

Chapter 1583: Enemy of the enemy

Suddenly, a long sword smashed into the head of a Sweeper soldier, and a magician looked at the fallen enemy with joy and raised his head.

He looked around the battlefield and found that the enemy did not seem to be moving, and not far from where he was standing, a grenadier wearing a powered mech lit a cigarette in his mouth, and then looked down at him. The corpse of the sweeper under his feet spit out a puff of smoke and said, “Is it the last one?”

“It looks like this.” The magician sneered, and drew his long sword from the corpse’s head, then shook the blood on the long sword and nodded.

“Check carefully! Don’t leave any questions.” The grenadier smiled and removed his feet from the corpse.

“Huh!” Over the head, two H-30 bomber engines roared past and threw the mounted bombs into the distant open space.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!” A series of explosions flew over there, and soon afterwards the impact heat wave swept the place where the grenadier was standing.

The wind blew the robe on the magician’s body, and the other party squinted his eyes and covered the tumbling gravel with his hands, and then saw an electromagnetic tank rumbling past him with its tracks rolling.

After several days of fighting, the landing forces of the Allan Hill Empire cooperated with General Alfred’s ground forces and wiped out all the guards on the Higgs 4 planet.

In the same few days, the troops stationed on the Higgs 5 planet of the Ailan Hill Empire are also being sharply compressed their defense space.

In the past, the troops of the Ailan Hill Empire still controlled three or five field airfields, but now they have only one field airfield and a scrapped rocket launch base.

These places have been repeatedly bombed, and in fact they have long been unusable. The reason why they are still in the hands of the Ailan Hill Empire defense forces is because they are actually at the core of the entire defense line.

Another core position is the tree of life on the other side that has been blown off by two-thirds of its branches.

The soldiers of the Ailan Hill Empire are stationed here, stationed around the tree of life, relying on a strong line of defense and sufficient ammunition to persist.

In the still bright basement, the adjutant walked to Andre’s side and reported: “General Andre! General Adair has gone to the defensive position around the Tree of Life. There is no room for loss, if something goes wrong. , Maybe the atmosphere will collapse faster.”

Andre nodded, and asked: “I see, how about the rocket launch position deployed on Height 4?”

These rockets and heavy artillery are now in the bunker, and there is little chance that they can be laid on the ground and shelled together.

They are all fixed now, facing which direction they face, so that they can be better concealed and get a safer shooting environment.

The adjutant replied: “The guards are destroying the caves. We have fewer and fewer launch positions. And because we lost the maintenance base two days ago, we can only watch the weapons and equipment break down now.”

Andre sighed, and sighed slightly frustrated: “Overhaul can’t be done, but minor repairs can still be maintained. After all, we have enough parts…”

“Now, we have many serious questions, such as whether the replacement parts should not be left to the caretaker…” After hearing the statement that there were too many parts, the adjutant asked Andre.

“This should indeed be destroyed.” Andre agreed with the adjutant.

However, the adjutant immediately posed a difficult problem: “But we lack the means to destroy these things. With explosives, we can only smash the corpse and destroy some of the materials, steel parts, electromagnetic tank engines, damaged vehicles, railroad tracks, and The spare parts of the train… these can’t be completely destroyed with explosives.”

No way, a display can be destroyed by an explosion, but the plastic shell of the display, plus the broken chip circuit board inside, will not disappear with the explosion.

These things that are destined to remain in the world are not so easy to be completely destroyed, so how to destroy them has become a century-old problem.

Until the twenty-first century, or even the first fifty years of the twenty-first century, the earth’s civilization did not seem to have obtained the technology to completely destroy garbage.

Because even if it was smelted into iron ingots, smelted into a pile of plastic, these things are still there, which makes Andre feel a huge pressure.

Andre thought for a while and said a difficult problem: “It is not realistic to bury it. If the sweeper can find the mine, it may be possible to detect the metal we buried…”

He thought for a while, and found that there is really no good way other than large-scale hiding, so he sighed again: “It’s really a serious problem.”

He thought for a while and ordered the adjutant: “Well, let the maintenance robots and battle puppets that are no longer able to participate in the war help, and bury these senior things in the ground… if it is not possible, use explosives to blast the deepest part of the underground fort It completely collapsed…”

“Yes! General!” The adjutant stood up and saluted, then turned and walked out of this small meeting room.

In the other direction farthest from the Higgs front of the Ailan Hill Empire, a spacecraft is sailing between the stars. This spacecraft is quite luxurious and looks like a specially-ordered high-end cargo.

Being able to order such a huge and luxurious spaceship proves that the owner of this ship has sufficient funds and operates a huge industry.

On both sides of the spaceship, several smaller-shaped spaceships hung, and in the cockpit of the luxurious spaceship, a group of men and women dressed as businessmen were holding wine glasses and talking about something.

The man sitting in the first place rubbed the wine glass in his hand and said, “I’m tired of working for a seemingly great childish child. This life is too short, so short that if you don’t have fun in time, your whole life will pass. Up.”

Beside him, a revealingly dressed business woman nodded in agreement and said: “Now, Ailan Hill is already overwhelmed! Those terrible guards will defeat the poor emperor and turn the entire empire into a scorched earth!”

She runs a super huge mining group and owns the ownership and mining rights of many nearby mineral planets. Many planets in this star field are her property, and she is also a famous femme woman.

“What we need is wealth, a prosperous life! Not to accompany a madman to die together!” The headed man rubbed a long strip of silk wrapped in his arms and said with a sneer.

He stopped rubbing, then stretched out his hand, made a gesture that everything is under control, and confidently said: “Now that we have control of all the nearby battleships, Ailan Hill can’t draw any power at all. Trouble with us.”

“The time is ripe?” On the other side, the old businessman’s eyes lit up and he looked at the man headed: “Are you sure?”

The leading man nodded and said precisely: “Yes, very mature! As long as we kill the Major General of the Space Army who is guarding here who is unwilling to surrender, everything is under control!”

“Can you make sure that all the warships are in our hands?” The other man was a little worried, and asked curiously.

“Don’t worry! Hehehehe…If the nearby fleet is cloned crew members, it is not easy to solve, but because of the rapid expansion, the empire gave the command of the nearby troops to my son…” The man headed triumphantly Replied.

Before, there were too many secret agents and intelligence personnel of the Ailan Hill Empire, mixed in every corner of the world, and destroyed some groups that were planning to betray the empire.

These people are not secretive, and they are naturally infiltrated into the interior, and they eventually become the merits of the Ministry of the Interior. But he is completely different from these predecessors, he is more concealed and more minded!

To be honest, his class is not a key target, because most of them are vested interests, and the empire has never owed them anything, so they have little reason to rebel.

It is a pity that their greed finally allowed them to make their own choice, violated the law of conscience, and dragged themselves into this conspiracy.

He made a gesture of raising the knife with his hand, and suddenly felt that his actions were so handsome, and he was intoxicated.

At the same time, he gestured with his hand and said with his mouth: “Then…my son used his power to kill a batch of assigned clones and replaced them with ours!”

This is a big project. His son secretly started a cleaning plan for clones and robots when the Ailan Hill Empire military focused all its attention on the vicinity of Higgs 5.

He ordered his henchmen to disguise themselves as clones and tattoo the same QR code on the top of their heads to allow these fake soldiers to serve in the empire and accumulate numbers little by little.

It happened that in the past six months, the military department had no time for him to take care of him, and even the officers sent to inspect did not see that these fake clones had taken control of these warships.

“Oh? Say that?” A few more merchants who were temporarily called over became interested. They have tried everything, the only thing they haven’t tried is to become the master of the new cosmic empire.

“Yes! Now, the two nearby destroyer squadrons, a dozen warships in total, have all fallen into our hands!” The leading male businessman nodded triumphantly.

Next to him, the smile on the face of the business woman became more and more annoying: “Don’t worry, everyone! If you are not sure, how can we ask you to come over and discuss the big plan together?”

“If the nearby planets don’t surrender, then we can carry out orbital bombing! Don’t worry, no one dares to make fun of their lives! Hahahaha!” The leading businessman brushed his palms, and a nearby star map appeared in front of his eyes.

He pointed to the star field above and said: “This one is our foundation. As long as we can repel the only cruiser squadron deployed in the vicinity of the Ailan Hill Empire, we will win!”

“But… if the empire starts to attack us, with only two destroyers, we too…” On the other side, a businessman nervously asked a question he was concerned about.

The leading male businessman comforted each other: “It’s okay, it’s okay, we still have the means! One of the two fleets will play our enemy…”

“You mean…you, you, you mean…” The businessman seemed to realize something, and immediately stammered with his eyes widened.

“Yes! When the empire sends to clear our fleet and arrives, another destroyer fleet will pretend to be the other’s friendly army and sneak attack from the rear… At that time, we will eat the squadron that comes first!” The leading merchant said I am very satisfied with my plan, and I don’t even have the intention to avoid taboos at all.

“When our emperor knows that the only cruiser squadron deployed nearby is wiped out…it will take longer for him to redeploy troops.” He laughed and felt that he was already sitting. In that position.

“By then we will have established ourselves as kings… We can build battleships and fight against Ailan Hill!” By his side, the business woman had also begun to fantasize about becoming the mistress of the empire.

“You are crazy! You are all crazy! I don’t know what reason you have betrayed Ailan Hill! But I have money here, I don’t want to go to the muddy water with you!” A man stood up and hummed There was a gesture to leave.

The bodyguard standing behind him also stood up, pressed the pistol around his waist, and looked fiercely at the greedy businessmen who were still sitting on the sofa.

As a result, when the bodyguard was about to protect his master out of the cabin, he was pierced into the heart by a long sword behind him.

Because his mouth was covered by someone, he made a whining sound, and after struggling a few times, he didn’t move at all. From beginning to end, he had not been able to pull out the pistol from his waist.

Standing behind him was an old man dressed in white. The old man wiped the blood on the blade with silk and satin. It seemed that the murder had nothing to do with him.

“You guys! Do you know what you are doing?” Seeing that his bodyguard was killed, the businessman leaned against the wall of the conference room in fright and asked the old man looking at his hands.

The leading businessman stood up, and the silk wrapped in the long thing in his hand slipped down. It was a strange and dark sword: “One day, I got this thing and opened the door to a new world… We have a common enemy with the Heavenly Sword God Sect, so we…of course can also cooperate…hahahaha!”

“Divine Sword Sect has already surrendered?” The businessman watched the old man approaching step by step, and was frightened to sit on the ground and questioned.

“Those? Those are just rebels who rebelled against the sect… We are the orthodoxy of the Heavenly Sword God Sect!” The old man waved his long sword, and a head fell to the ground.

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