My Empire

Chapter 1595: Unfinished word

Sitting in his position, a sweeper commander looked at the planet that was already within reach on the projection device in front of him, and said to the pilot beside him: “Obviously, this time the attack on the Higgs 3 planet has not happened before. We attacked Higgs 5 planet so easily.”

“This is likely to be a trap of the opponent! All soldiers must be cautious and careful! Once we reach the ground, we will immediately begin to expand the occupied area!” He stared at the closer and closer planet, his tone full of anxiety.

“All the landing spacecraft will enter the atmosphere before the probe device is launched! I hope everyone can… destroy all enemies for God!” After getting close to the target, he eagerly commanded loudly.

Everything was too silent. The Z-type fighters that had been interfering with the landing forces were surprisingly absent from the landing area this time.

Obviously, this clearly meant that the Guardian troops landed on the Higgs 3 planet and opened the door, singing the meaning of Beijing welcomes you.

“God, be with me!” All the sweepers shouted slogans loudly in the small cabin.

Their spacecraft began to bump as it approached the atmosphere, and every sweeper was waiting, waiting for the moment when they could flex their muscles.

At the same moment, the artificial satellite suspended in the low-Earth orbit of the Higgs 3 began to attack the landing Warden’s landing ship.

While the Sweeper soldiers waiting to rush into the atmosphere were still dreaming that they could reach the ground to fight with the soldiers of the Ailan Hill Empire, the outer wall of the spacecraft they were on was suddenly opened by an explosion, and all the Sweepers instantly Are all involved in space.

Before making that unpleasant scream, these Sweeper soldiers were scattered in space. It was quiet and deep, and it seemed endless!

“They’re attacking!” On the ground, General Midas, who was waiting in the command position with his hands on his back, rubbed his neck with his hands, and said tiredly: “I’m getting old, this body is really bad.”

After he sighed, he looked at his adjutant: “Let the fighter force dispatch! Prevent the enemy from approaching the ground as much as possible!”

“Yes! General!” The adjutant stood at attention and saluted, and then immediately sent the order. After a few seconds, meteors began to appear in the atmosphere.

That was the landing spacecraft of the Sweeper, and there were traces left by the probe device entering the atmosphere. At this moment, many of these spacecraft have been marked on the radar screen of the Ailan Hill Empire.

“The enemy is in range! The ultra-long-range interceptor missile position enters the strike mode!” A commander reported loudly in front of the computer screen.

Following his report, on the remote missile launch site, huge hatches slowly opened one after another, revealing the neatly arranged large-scale anti-aircraft missiles.

With the roar of the engine, these missiles rushed out of the silo and galloped towards the meteors in the sky.

The long tail smoke rolled and faded, and then one after another huge explosions began to appear in the distant sky.

The guards soldiers who were still violently bumping in the atmosphere were inexplicably swallowed by the explosion and turned to ashes in the violent explosion.

The Guardian, who had just rushed into the atmosphere, landed on the spacecraft, and was thus consumed by the dense missiles.

The originally densely packed landing spacecraft began to gradually become sparse while they were still descending.

However, these guards stepped forward and did not seem to have any intention of backing down. After the first batch of landing spacecraft was destroyed by most, the second batch of landing spacecraft quickly broke into the atmosphere.

Immediately afterwards, on the defensive positions of the Ailan Hill Empire, more missiles also rose into the sky, once again facing those high-altitude targets.

Under the gaze of the Ailan Hill Empire fighters that had reached the combat position, these missiles once again hit the target, destroying the Watcher landing spacecraft that were still in the sky.

There were explosions everywhere in the sky, scattered debris everywhere. The fighter jets of the Ailan Hill Empire shuttled through these explosions and fragments, like a flexible flying insect.

These fighters continuously fired missiles, shooting down the Watcher spacecraft that had rushed to more than 8,000 meters above the ground.

Soon, these Watcher spacecraft also began to counterattack, and the spacecraft carrying the Prowler began to release the Prowler, and the air battle between the two sides kicked off.

The result was just a contact, and the Warden soldiers driving the Prowler fighters found that the opponent was completely different from the enemy they had encountered before.

The hateful Airanhill Empire pilots in front of them were obviously more difficult to deal with than the clones they had encountered before.

While absorbing the combat experience, the clones of the Ailan Hill Empire are also enhancing their combat skills.

Densely densely packed fighter jets meet in the sky, and there are lines drawn by tracer bombs everywhere, as well as long smoke trails dragged by missiles.

Gradually, the black energy released by the prowler began to increase, and the aircraft on both sides fell from the sky from time to time, making the sky of the entire Higgs 3 planet look like the end of the world.

“Report! General! As of one minute ago, none of the Watcher’s spacecraft had reached the ground! Our interception was very successful, and the missiles were sufficient!” The adjutant walked behind Midas and reported the latest battle situation. .

“Very good! Keep fighting! Let the logistics department replenish the consumed ammunition as soon as possible!” Medeas nodded and issued an order.

If he had been preparing for such a long time and his defenses were still broken at once, then he would not be Medias.

Nicknamed the empire tortoise, if he really shrinks his head, it is really an existence that makes any opponent a headache.

Wagron once joked that the best way to face the line of defense commanded by Medias is to use nuclear weapons, or directly use the Star Destroyer!

And at this moment, facing the guardian commanders of Midias, they finally learned what is called the defense of the Ailanhill Empire!

After paying the price of hundreds of thousands of soldiers’ lives, they didn’t even touch the enemy’s position.

That is not touched in the true sense! Their soldiers didn’t fire a shot, didn’t kill anyone, so they were wiped out in the blue sky.

And their only result was that they only shot down some enemy fighters than Higgs 5, which seems to be the **** in the true sense!

You know, within the guards, someone has compared Higgs 5 to hell! Because in the long battle of more than 8 months, the Guardian troops lost a total of 11 million troops.

With such a huge loss, the result they achieved was only to eliminate the more than 6 million troops of the Ailan Hill Empire, including the puppet robots.

The losses on both sides were close to one to two. What makes the guards ugly is that they are the one with the most losses!

Such a huge loss made it impossible for the Guardian troops to make up for their losses. The almost endless resources obtained by swallowing them were simply a drop in the bucket when faced with such a huge loss.

The Allanhill Empire successfully reduced the total strength of the Guardian troops, which annoyed Sorens.

Because if the war continues with such losses, the guards may even lose in this war!

They are the caretaker! It is the strongest race made by God! After competing with other gods, the son of the gods survived! They are undefeated, or they are invincible!

For this reason, in order to regain self-confidence, Sorens re-established the myth of undefeated guards, and launched a larger-scale offensive against New Gus 3.

His purpose is very simple. He wants to shred the dignity of the Ailan Hill Empire, destroy the confidence of the resisters, and completely make the enemy feel fear!

After destroying the opponent’s will, the war will develop in a direction that is more beneficial to the caretaker as long as he can quickly occupy the Higgs 3 planet!

In the universe, an armed satellite with a broken solar panel lost control, broke away from its original orbit, and knocked away a fragment of the corpse of a sweeper floating in the universe.

In the next second, a huge landing spacecraft smashed the out of control satellite and rushed into the atmosphere of Higgs 3.

The third group of guards began the offensive. Sorens didn’t mean to retreat at all. He was ready to complete the attack on the entire Higgs 3 in one effort.

Binggui is fast, he understands that as long as he can capture the Higgs 3 planet in a short time, he will definitely be able to disrupt the strategic deployment of the Ailan Hill Empire.

Almost at the same moment, the adjutant once again came next to General Medias, who was standing in his command position with a long sword: “General! The third batch of enemy attacks has begun! The cosmic low-Earth orbit. The defensive satellites have been lost…the enemy is approaching the ground.”

“It’s almost…If they can’t even break through the air defense missile defense circle, why should they be my opponents of Medias?” Medias sneered and ordered: “Give them the preset landing field!”

“Password input completed!” Inside the slightly dim underground bunker, at the bottom of a super huge missile silo, in the strategic duty room of the nuclear bomb command center, an officer turned the key in front of him.

“Password confirmation!” Next to him, another officer twisted the key in his hand and turned on the activation button in the middle.

“Coordinates locked!” The launch operation non-commissioned officer entered the landing target area he had just obtained and shouted loudly.

“The coordinates are locked!” Another soldier sitting beside him confirmed loudly while typing on the keyboard.

“Intercontinental ballistic missiles are ready!” The leading officer grasped the handset of the phone and reported to the officer on the other side of the phone.

“The missile is ready!” beside him, the officer who had just turned the key sang loudly: “It can be launched at any time!”

At the far end of the battlefield, a Guardian landing spacecraft that was awkwardly landed on the side was hit by something on the side and barely landed on the ground.

The hatch was suddenly opened, and countless sweepers roared and rushed out of the spaceship desperately.

This is the area with the weakest ground firepower in the Ailan Hill Empire, and arranging yourself here is obviously not a reassuring choice.

“Expand the occupied area! Destroy the nearby enemy forces! Don’t let any of them go!” When the spacecraft, the sweeper’s frontline commander smashed the head of a puppet robot under his feet and shouted fiercely.

In the distance, a robot is holding its own weapon, constantly shooting at the sweeper landing troops.

The sound of assault rifles was very dense, and the bullets flew across the battlefield. The Sweeper soldiers who had just rushed out of the landing spacecraft were hit by an oncoming bullet before they could disperse.

Countless sweepers were hit by bullets when they just jumped out of the spaceship. They screamed and fell to the ground, trampled on by their companions behind them, and finally turned into flat corpses.

On their corpses, the corpses of other sweepers were built, layer by layer, layered on top of each other, it looked like a small Jingguan.

However, as the sweeper forces dispersed more and more, the robotic security forces deployed here began to become passive. They are not too smart things in themselves, and they soon start to lose a lot because of their cumbersomeness.

After a robot knocked down the sweeper rushing in front of him, it was hit and exploded by an energy group coming from the side.

The robots that originally surrounded the sweepers were gradually surrounded by the sweepers. They retreated a little bit backward, and finally changed from a huge circular encirclement to a circular defensive position.

Countless sweepers smashed the originally shaky fortifications and wiped out the robots inside. They swallowed these wreckage cleanly, and then moved on with great courage.

Seeing the battlefield begin to gain an advantage, the frontline commander of the Guardian who commanded the Sweepers breathed a sigh of relief. His troops have taken control of the nearby area, and apparently he has successfully established his own landing bridgehead.

He reported to Solrance, who was in the fleet, and reported: “Master Solrance! We have reached the ground! We are expanding the occupied area according to the plan… We…”

Before he finished speaking, he saw a black spot rushing into the atmosphere and rushing to where he was.

When the puppet robots were finally submerged in the ocean of Sweeper soldiers, an intercontinental ballistic missile carrying a large-yield nuclear warhead hit the Sweeper’s landing zone.

A magnificent mushroom cloud rose into the sky, rolling upwards in the sky, pushing away the surrounding clouds, and pulling out a round white cloud ring.

And Sorens in the universe never heard the words to be said by the frontline commander of the Guardian again.

He was silent, looking at the planet named Higgs 3 not far away through the image in front of him, his body in the darkness seemed to be trembling.

“Continue to send out the sweepers! Without my order, it is not allowed to stop!” He gave the order coldly, his voice drifting back and forth in the dark.

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