My Empire

Chapter 1596: specimen

  ”The latest news from the space fleet reconnaissance spacecraft, the enemy landing fleet is approaching! All of our space reconnaissance satellites have been damaged, so we can track and detect the enemy when the enemy enters the atmosphere.” The adjutant handed a message to Medias.

Madias took the message, read it carefully, and then said: “To wipe out the first batch of the enemy’s landing troops, everyone has worked hard…Now, let’s welcome the enemy’s second attack!”

He looked at the commander of the air defense force and said with a smile: “The missile force is reloading missiles, and the fighter force must return to refuel… Now it depends on how thick your cards are.”

“Sir! Watch my performance!” The commander of the air defense unit stood up and saluted with a smile. There was no QR code on his forehead.

The Ailanhill Empire deployed a large number of natural human forces on the Higgs 3 planet. The high-level power armor is more and more dense, and the combat effectiveness is naturally higher and more powerful.

The officer stood at attention and saluted and walked to his command position, and then issued a series of orders: “Order the electromagnetic artillery unit to start guarding against the air! All forts are free to fire, no need to wait for orders…”

“All electromagnetic gun turrets are connected to computer ballistic allocation! Distinguish the targets! Prevent the same target from repeating attacks!” His voice echoed in the command center, and along with his voice, the orders of assignment were conveyed one after another.

“All electromagnetic gun charging restrictions are lifted…the fusion reactor power supply priority electromagnetic gun turret!” After he ordered this sentence, some of the emergency lights on the wall were obviously dimmed for a moment.

At the same time as these orders were delivered, the Elanhill Empire position on Higgs 3 planet, surrounded by camouflage nets and real plants, began to raise quickly with the help of electric motors.

The energy modules on the electromagnetic track light up one after another, and the surrounding anti-aircraft missile positions are next to the crane, and the staff curiously looked at these temporarily raised chimneys.

“The enemy has entered the atmosphere! The radar signal is clear!” The officer in charge of the radar shouted excitedly.

Almost at the same moment, the tails of meteors appeared again in the sky. The landing troops of the guards rushed into the atmosphere once again and appeared in front of the defenders of the Ailan Hill Empire.

“Target locking begins! Electromagnetic gun attack begins!” The commander of the anti-aircraft weapon shouted loudly with his hands on his back.

“Hum…cheep!” Accompanied by the accelerating noise of the electric current, a solid shell that had been accelerated to the extreme flew out of the barrel and hit the sky.

Because of reducing the temperature of the shells, the latest magic technology was applied to the shells of the electromagnetic gun. The heat-insulated magic circle will flicker, which also makes the shell of the electromagnetic gun look like a tracer.

The disadvantage of such a shell is that it is easy to expose the firing position of the artillery, and the advantage is also obvious. It allows the electromagnetic gun to fire at a higher speed during air defense, and the shooting is naturally more accurate.

The new anti-aircraft electromagnetic artillery shells are like shooting stars, greeted by the landing spacecraft of the watchers who rushed into the atmosphere.

In an instant, the watchman’s spacecraft was hit by the electromagnetic cannon shell that had accelerated to an alarming rate, and it was pierced in an instant.

Yes, it penetrated, just for an instant, this shining cannonball blasted in from one end of the landing spacecraft, and then exited from the other end.

It was like a drop of boiling oil dripping into the cheese. This shell shredded the shell of the landing spacecraft. In the horrified eyes of the sweeper soldiers inside, it shattered the sweeper inside with the spreading shock waves and fragments. And other messy things.

Then, the largest remaining main body of the shattered shell broke free from the restraint of the other side of the watcher’s landing spacecraft and flew out, bringing out a large piece of broken debris.

Two or three seconds later, the watchman’s spacecraft hit by the electromagnetic cannon shell exploded, and it burst into the sky like fireworks.

The remaining fragments of it fell at a high speed, and it was overwhelmed by the torn of the atmosphere, as if torn apart by a pair of big hands, it scattered into small residues in an instant, leaving nothing.

Almost at the same time that this spacecraft disintegrated and dissipated, another landing spacecraft was also penetrated by artillery shells, almost similarly exploding, and almost likewise turning into a piece of wreckage torn apart by atmospheric friction.

The guards who landed didn’t know what had happened, and it seemed that a fierce battle broke out.

“The enemy is attacking! The enemy is attacking us! Disperse! Disperse!” A watchman commander on the spaceship yelled desperately.

Some landing spacecraft deviated from the flight path and tried to avoid the oncoming shells. However, many spacecraft were hit directly and exploded into splendid fireworks.

Not all spaceships are lucky, unfortunately still account for the vast majority. Compared with the oncoming electromagnetic artillery shells, the Guardian who forced the atmosphere to change its orbit was obviously not so fast to land on the spacecraft.

They just deviated from the original flight path a little bit, and they were hit by the attacking shells. This time they did not hit the bullseye, but deviated slightly.

Either the side shell was broken, or the tail was hit. Because of the loss of the overall structure, these spacecraft also broke apart during the flight and turned into piles of parts.

Even some sweepers were thrown out, and like those fragments, they became fragments burned in the sky.

A landing spacecraft full of Prowler fighter jets quickly unfolded in the sky, and it released one Prowler after another. This was originally not the altitude to release the Prowler fighter, but because there was a risk of being shot down at any time, the release mission had to be started in advance.

A prowler just got out of the landing spacecraft loaded with it, and was hit by an oncoming electromagnetic cannon shell.

The huge kinetic energy suddenly shattered the prowler, and then the other prowler behind it also suffered bad luck.

Behind the two Prowler fighter jets, another landing craft that was entering the atmosphere hit the wreckage of these Prowler fighter jets before it could react, and it also became part of the wreckage.

A landing spacecraft that turned hurriedly hit the hull of another landing spacecraft, and it instantly exploded and melted into a ball of sparks.

In the face of the high-strength defense of the Ailan Hill Empire, this landing operation turned into a massacre, and the sky of the entire landing area became a real slaughterhouse.

For the watchers, their catastrophe has just begun at this time. As time goes by, more landing crafts begin to enter the atmosphere. Relying on their absolute superiority in numbers, these landing guard troops stepped forward and didn’t mean to stop at all.

Countless spaceships dragged their long comet tails to the ground, and then more electromagnetic cannon shells shot at them, smashing these spaceships into masses of tragic explosion sparks.

“We are off track!” Inside a swaying spacecraft, a sweeper stared at his officer and reminded loudly.

“Damn, their anti-aircraft weapons are too powerful, and our numerical advantage is suppressed!” The Sweeper Commander, who kept bumping on the shaking spaceship, gritted his teeth while holding the handle above his head.

“2500 meters from the ground!” The sweeper driving the spacecraft loudly reported the height of the spacecraft: “We are about to reach the ground!”

“Great! Ready to open…” Before the commander’s words were finished, an anti-aircraft shell pierced the spaceship, and the shell exploded in the hull of the spacecraft, spreading out a round of prefabricated fragments.

The entire interior of the spacecraft seemed to have been baptized by the storm. There were stumps and broken arms everywhere, blood splashing everywhere, and corpses of sweepers everywhere.

On the ground, a 130mm automatic anti-aircraft turret began to rotate, aiming the muzzle at a descending spaceship further away.

Then, the automatic gun that was supposed to be installed on the Elanhill Imperial Navy battleship began to spit out flames again, and one after another was thrown out of the ejection window and rolled down to the cement not far away. There was a crisp sound on the ground.

The lower the height, the more and more all kinds of anti-aircraft artillery are added to the battle. These weapons are installed on the top of the strong fortress. The shooting range is good and the ammunition is sufficient. At this moment, the firepower is even more dense. It makes the scalp numb.

The guards never thought that they thought Higgs 5 was already a hell, but Higgs 3 was at least five or even ten times more terrifying than hell!

There are hundreds of nuclear warheads, if not enough, you can replenish them at any time. There are mountains of weapons and ammunition, and there are enough fighters to use these weapons!

Madias really wanted to grab the opposing commander’s collar and tell him well that this is not Higgs 5! This is Higgs 3! It is his position where Medias is standing!

Farther away, inside another landing spacecraft, the sweepers waited in fear for the spacecraft to stop bumping. Their altitude has dropped to 1,000 meters. Compared with those who were destroyed at an altitude of more than 10,000 meters, they have already Those people who are lucky enough.

“Our coordinates… are wrong! I don’t know where we are! There is no signal from the detector! We should land a long way from the landing point!” The sweeper driving the spacecraft reminded loudly.

“Enough! Let’s get out! I don’t want to die in such a stuffy pot!” The sweeper commander inside the spaceship said nervously.

There are explosions everywhere, and there are turbulences caused by airflow disturbances everywhere. He has had enough of all this. He hopes that he can stand in the sun and have a duel between the warriors and the enemy in front of him!

He wants to shred the heads of these bastards, eat their internal organs, and let the punishment of the gods fall on this **** civilization!

Finally, the spacecraft that had been blessed by the goddess of luck landed safely on the ground, the hatch suddenly opened, and the sweepers and soldiers roared and rushed to the light in front of them.

“Suddenly!” A series of dense gunfire sounded, it was the sound of electromagnetic rifle firing. The sweeper who rushed out first fell to the ground, his arms flying far away with bullets.

“Cover! Cover! Look for cover!” The Sweeper Commander looked at his subordinates in front of him flustered by the enemy’s bullets and screamed for others to fire back: “Fire! Fire! Kill these blasphemers.” !”

“Boom!” A cloud of black energy shot from the muzzle on the shoulder of a sweeper and flew to the bushes in the distance. The explosion occurred, but it was separated by a huge magic circle.

A majestic electromagnetic tank track rolled, ran over the green branches, revealing the majestic turret.

“Hum…chuw!” After the charge was completed, the tank aimed at the hatch of the landing spacecraft and fired a shell.

The unstoppable shell flew into the landing spacecraft, and then penetrated the inner structure, piercing the tail power unit of the spacecraft.

In this process, the shells directly beat the two sweepers blocking the road into two pieces, and the remaining sweepers continued to try to rush out of the hatch, but fell one by one in the dense bullets.

“Offensive!” Seeing that the situation is over, the Sweeper’s commander had to order the troops to charge to the death. If it continues to be consumed like this, it is estimated that his troops will probably all die here like this.

All the remaining sweepers began to rush in the direction of the hatch. The commander also stepped forward, surrounded by soldiers and struggling forward.

The light is getting closer and closer, and finally he can see everything in front of him. He saw the electromagnetic tank hidden in the bush cover, he saw the machine gun bunkers on both sides, he saw the gun barrels erected further away, and saw…the densely packed Ailan Hill Empire soldiers.

The spacecraft he was on did not land in the wilderness, but changed its trajectory by accident and landed in the center of a fortified Ailan Hill Empire defensive position!

Standing here, he could see those familiar heavy concrete fortifications that were often seen on Higgs 5. He could see the fortified trenches not far away, and he could also see the camouflage nets placed underneath. Field artillery.

“I x…” He cursed in his heart, because at this moment, besides this sentence, he really couldn’t think of any vocabulary that could express his current feelings.

The soldiers next to him fell one by one, and the sweepers who covered him died one after another.

This was a battle with no chance of winning at all. Just when the Sweeper Commander closed his eyes and prepared to face death, he heard a terrifying command from the trench opposite: “Grab the rest! Send it back to the research institute! The anatomical specimens you send home can’t be wasted!”

After this command, the soldiers who had been hiding in the trenches and wearing heavy steel armor jumped out of the trenches in twos and threes, and drew out the small lightsabers on their waists.

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