My Empire

Chapter 160 - Unscientific way of development

In the history of earth civilization, there may not be any country that can produce atomic bombs at the speed of Ailan Hill.

Because Chris has complete experimental data support, when he develops nuclear weapons, the speed is like this:

While producing centrifuges with very strict quality requirements, he built two reactors in Dukou City and at the mouth of the Fallen River in the southern part of the Arrant region that fully met the highest safety standards.

When the reactor started construction, the factory for the atomic bomb had already been built in two places at the same time.

In order to increase insurance and increase the production speed of nuclear weapons, Chris has at least prepared two production bases, and in some links three or even four production plants.

The code name of the purification plant is y, and a total of three were put into production in Seris and other places. In order not to waste time, Chris did not consider the waste of funds in the slightest.

To support the entire project, Ailan Hill built 50 large thermal power plants in one go, and countless small power plants. Chris prepared all the power needed for this horribly power-hungry project.

In order to build these power plants, Chris even took out his own royal savings. All the profits of those factories under his name were invested in power grid projects, plus loans and debts, and the investment was calculated in billions of gold coins. …

Even more exaggerated is that when the nuclear weapons were still on the design drawings, Chris had already prepared the means of delivery: he was mass-producing advanced ballistic missiles, and he was also modifying the B-17 strategic bomber so that it could carry atomic bombs for throwing.

At present, it seems that the most reliable means of attack is the b-17 bomber, which can guarantee the bombing accuracy, and because of the mature technology, there will be no malfunctions, allowing the nuclear bomb to fall on the road or be detonated in a position that should not be attacked.

In addition, the range of the B-17 bomber is also longer, at least longer than the attack range of the ballistic missiles currently prepared by Ailan Hill. In this way, a larger area can be covered and more cities can be covered.

Therefore, the production speed of Ailan Hill’s nuclear weapons is unmatched by any known earth country. Even the fastest country is not fast enough to open Allan Hill, which has a simultaneous development of multi-line external plug-ins.

Chris’ investment has finally paid off. Before, he was worried that the world did not have a mineral such as uranium, but now, this concern has disappeared with the discovery of the ore.

“How’s the centrifuge work?” Chris stood in the quarantine office of the Y factory, looked nervously at the engineer in charge of the centrifuge, and asked.

In order to ensure the safety of His Majesty the Emperor, even though he may be the expert who knows nuclear weapons best in All Alan Hill, he was still excluded from the list of persons in charge of atomic bomb production.

Two engineers who have used the Magic Ball of Knowledge and supplemented their knowledge of nuclear physics are responsible for this plan. Now they have everything ready, waiting for the raw materials to be born.

Some of the raw materials are to be used for the production of plutonium, and the other part of the uranium is to be made into real nuclear weapons.

“Everything is operating normally, we can start producing weapons soon… Your Majesty.” The engineer in front of him wore thick glasses and reported to Chris Hui: “According to the data I understand, this weapon is about 300,000 tons. The above equivalent…”

“I don’t know the defense mechanism of the magic shield, but at one point it withstands an attack of 300,000 tons of explosives… I don’t think there will be defensive magic that is so strong.” He held his glasses on his face and said Said.

Chris nodded. He also felt that no monster would be able to face such an attack. Although Vivienne described the dragon’s toughness and described the horror skills of the elves in magic, Chris still thinks , Nuclear weapons are comparable forces.

“300,000 tons…I think it’s almost… When we have plutonium and more powerful nuclear weapons, the attack yield may be higher…” Chris nodded in satisfaction, and the previous depression was also in front of him. The results were wiped out.

He has only been in this world for more than three years, and he has just built his empire into a country close to the level of World War II. And there are countless advanced and powerful technologies in his hands that have not yet been displayed. Those great technologies that can change the world have not yet appeared!

“How soon do you think we can have the first experimental nuclear bomb?” Chris rechecked the drawing on the desk and asked the engineer wearing glasses.

“About 2 months? Maybe faster.” The engineer habitually pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and replied: “If you want to increase the equivalent, the speed must be reduced.”

“Very good!” Chris nodded with satisfaction: “Follow the three-month schedule! In addition to the 300,000 tons of experimental bombs used in the experiment, I want 500,000 tons of nuclear bombs! First mass-produce 10 bombs. …”

“As you wish… Your Majesty.” The engineer replied with his chin held high. “But I still suggest that if you have a target you are willing to destroy… You should ask the magicians of Greken to take action. It might be kind. some……”

The destructive power of nuclear weapons is too terrifying. If radioactive contamination is calculated, such an attack may last for decades. Light radiation shock waves, high-temperature transpiration and burning flames, most of a city will be destroyed in an instant, and the remaining part is better than being destroyed in an instant…

Chris raised the corners of his mouth and chuckled, and joked: “When we detonate the experimental nuclear bomb, I really hope that all the enemies of Ailan Hill can see… They will cry and pray for my forgiveness, and they will regret it. We are the enemy.”

“However, I still decided to keep this experiment secret. I do not intend to let Greken know that I have nuclear weapons, nor do I intend to let the people of the Holy Demon Empire know.” After venting a little bit of his dissatisfaction, Chris He changed his mind.

Of course he is not willing to show his cards to let everyone know. He plans to kill the monkeys and find a hapless country to sacrifice the flag, so that everyone can understand the powerful power of atomic weapons, and then rise to power.

After walking out of the office, Chris passed the thick concrete isolation wall, passed the isolation field with a large number of landmines, and walked past the outer security wall composed of the wire grid, before he walked out of the factory with only a “y” code.

There are several such factories in Ailan Hill. Before, they had only workers and machines, but they did not operate to produce anything. But now the place is getting busy, trucks with special containers are driving here one by one, and the surrounding power plants are also beginning to emit billowing black smoke.

Don’t underestimate such projects one by one. Driven by these projects, or with the support of Ailan Hill’s increasingly sophisticated industrial subjects, the speed of development in this country has become more and more terrifying.

With the support of materials science, transformer technology has developed steadily, the structure of the power grid has become more and more advanced, more and more electricity is used in cities, and the total amount of power generation is also increasing. The current total amount of electricity generation in Ailan Hill is close to The United States in World War II era.

Similarly, because of the upgrading of mining equipment, whether it is oil mining, iron ore and coal mines, the output is increasing. With the support of these minerals, countless new equipment was produced, further accelerating the development of the industry.

In two years, the first batch of young people who received the cramming-style teaching has become very useful. Whether in the army or among the civilians, these people have begun to shine and start to drive the people around them to make progress together.

In fact, large-scale computer technology has been on the right track, and transistor technology has matured. Within a few months, the computer center of Syris has increased its calculation speed to the level of 100,000 times per second.

In this era, Chris has issued a decree requiring all new-style houses to be built with consideration of the issue of new lines. A large number of reserved pipelines have been laid out, and as long as there is demand, additional lines can be added.

These are all reserved for network cables. When personal computers begin to become popular, Ailan Hill can immediately become unfamiliar with the network, and the hardware problems that have restricted the development of the network for many years. In the face of Chris, who has the golden finger of science and technology, it is not at all. exist.

The use of rubber and the research and development of the production and manufacturing of its substitutes have made Ailan Hill’s equipment production and manufacturing speeds higher. In just a few months, the Alanhill Coastal Shipyard, which lifted the ban on the use of iron ore, launched a dozen transport ships and seven or eight new-style destroyers.

Plastics have gradually emerged, replacing many materials and appearing in the eyes of civilians. In the laboratory, more new materials have been prepared, but there is no way to mass produce them because of the lack of equipment.

After getting the uranium mine, Chris once turned into a drawing madman, writing books or drawing crazily every day, which fully proved that his nickname for the human-type self-propelled drawing machine is definitely not an empty name.

On the second day after Chris returned to Syris from the uranium refinery, the special envoy returning from the Holy Demon Empire sent back a piece of news that was not known for good or bad: The Holy Demon Empire finally nodded and agreed with Ailan Hill after weighing it over and over again. Requirements.

In other words, Ailan Hill can build four parallel railroad tracks in the Holy Demon Empire to transport their own troops and transport supplies through the Holy Demon Empire in the possible future War of the Eye of Magic.

“Let the engineering troop start…” After a meeting was held to discuss the pros and cons, he shut himself in the office and thought about it for about half an hour. Chris finally made his choice and gave the order to build the railway. .

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