My Empire

Chapter 161 - Jie Yao\\\'s back

“Your Majesty! The experiment is ready…” The German SS general who came to spread the word stood up and saluted, and said to Chris with a pious face: “The detonation experiment can be carried out at any time!”

Behind Chris, there are Desaier and other confidant ministers. None of them have fully contacted Ailan Hill’s 596 Project, so they don’t know how terrifying this new weapon that will be tested today is.

Of course, they also knew that this must be a very powerful weapon, because if it were not, there would be no need to gather so many generals and ministers. Dessier just looked at the familiar faces on his left and right, and he had probably guessed how terrifying the experimental weapon was.

Sitting next to Desaier is the Secretary of Defense Archduke Castner, next to him are General Wagron, and General Modler, who has just been promoted to general because of the suppression of the Dothan Empire. Behind them were General Coria, General Bourgeois, General Wilkes, and General Capeluna, who had rushed back from the south.

Her Royal Highness Princess Higgs, who should have been a queen, was very eye-catching in the process of forming the 9th Army: her organization and coordination ability is actually only higher than that of Wagron, this lady with a bit rebellious and stubborn personality In many ways, he can even be Wagron’s teacher.

After all, when she was in charge of the Higgs army, although she was young, she already had a lot of combat experience. From the perspective of leading troops, Wagron, the first Captain of Syris, was actually inferior to Capeluna.

She enlisted soldiers in the Higgs area, and soon the 9th Army formed combat effectiveness. After using the Magic Ball of Knowledge, she gained modern military command experience, which made her a qualified military commander.

In other places, Deans and Strider also attended this experimental ceremony, and Gurlo and others were also present, sitting in two dense rows.

Inside the experimental base, behind the thick glass protection, an officer walked up to Chris, stood at attention and saluted, and solemnly said: “Your Majesty, everything needed for the experiment is ready, and you can start the’light of destruction’ at any time. Initiation experiment!”

As he spoke, he pointed to the reinforced concrete bunkers that had been built around him, and introduced to Chris: “It’s about 11 kilometers away from the explosion center. The entire fortification is made of several meters of cement and lead iron plates. It resisted several direct hits from heavy artillery. You and the guests are here to watch the experiment. It is very safe.”

Frentzberg, William, and the poor magician Bakaroff, who had been serving in Ferry City, heard what the officer said, and they all felt a little weird about it.

They don’t think there are any weapons that can damage a strong defensive position within 11 kilometers, or even whether there will be a breeze blowing in the place where it is.

After hearing this, Chris nodded and couldn’t wait to give an order to start the experiment: “Well, now, the detonation experiment of’Light of Destruction’ can officially begin.”

Following Chris’ order, the Ailan Hill officer in the command room gave the order to start the experiment loudly: “The countdown begins!”

The staff in charge of initiating the explosion was wearing a white coat and pressed his finger directly on the red button. His sweat already oozes out of his forehead, he stares solemnly at the red button under his hand, and presses it down in the next second…

As soon as his order was given, the staff on standby over there began to get busy. They frantically adjusted the machine in front of them, then looked at the lights on the panel, and counted down firmly: “5”

“4” was counted down one after another. The vibration-recording instrument and dozens of other devices that had been prepared on the side were piled up in every corner of the house. These devices will record reliable data and record important moments in the development of weapons in human history.

No one wants to let go of this experiment that is enough to change the history of war. Every detail must be recorded in detail so that it can be carefully studied and used in the future.

The officer who sang “3” aloud and counted down stood erect. Chris had already pulled out his pocket watch nervously and looked at the number on it. He wanted to record this important time, a scene he had never seen before.

The officer might be nervous, so his voice was a little excited or even trembling. But when it was time for him to play, he still shouted: “2!”

The ministers and generals sitting behind could also hear this anxiously waiting countdown. They were in a bunker half buried under the ground with thick glass, watching the detonation field a few kilometers away in the calm and calm waves. .

They don’t know why the emperor must call them all here so firmly. They only know that the super weapon code-named the light of destruction will explode in a second, bursting with a powerful force that shocked them.

The term “1” atomic weapon is still an unknown mysterious weapon in Ailan Hill. It is indeed a name that makes everyone a little stranger, but its power is beyond doubt.

“Detonate!” Following the hysterical roar of the officer who sang the peace, the rows of small lights on the detonator stage were finally lit up. And these signal lights are all lit, which means that an artificial sun in the distance is lit up.

It took less than a second for the super-strong light radiation to pass through the observation base. The powerful light is a hundred or even a thousand times more dazzling than the powerful magic used by the magician, even if it is through the colored glass. Everyone still narrowed their eyes involuntarily.

In the place closest to the core of the explosion, those objects that were directly destroyed by the light radiation will instantly vaporize and evaporate. A nuclear explosion with an equivalent of 300,000 tons was a terrible explosion that was nearly three times larger than when the United States tested its first nuclear weapon that year!

Without protection, people watching directly from a dangerous distance will immediately be blinded to their own eyes. Immediately afterwards, the shock wave with a speed exceeding the speed of sound spreads. Nearby buildings temporarily erected to test their power will be torn into pieces by this man-made wind magic, and experimental tanks and trucks placed near the explosion point will be overturned by the airflow.

The scorching temperature rises suddenly and can instantly evaporate the gravel into glass particles. Only then did the most terrible explosion spread, swallowing everything it covered. The earth was burnt and burned, leaving only barrenness and death.

If the effect of instantaneous damage is the most shocking, the subsequent radiation damage caused by the atomic bomb is actually terrifying. Victims killed by nuclear radiation will suffer even more, with various diseases and mutations, and will not get real peace until the moment of death.

This is a terrible weapon capable of changing the landscape. In the stunned everyone, the earthquake detection equipment began to shake violently. Everyone sitting at the location of the observatory felt the slight tremor.

For the first time in human history, it is the first time in human history to have power comparable to nature. It is no longer a good wish to destroy the heavens and the earth. After accumulation and development, people may even destroy themselves in the future even if Chris doesn’t know it. Is this kind of weapon developed right or wrong?

“What’s that!” Seeing the huge fireball on the horizon in the distance, Mr. Gurlo, who has been in charge of economic co-ordination and other aspects, suddenly fell from his chair to the ground.

He had never thought that a mortal could possess such power, even if he had already known clearly, what a huge price Ailan Hill had paid to prepare such a weapon! He knew that Chris had even hollowed out Neku, and he knew how many extra kilowatt-hours of electricity had been sent out for this weapon!

The mushroom cloud rising from the explosion in front of him suddenly made him feel deep in his heart that he and the colleagues around him are worth all the hard work. It was a sigh of relief, it was a sigh of ecstasy in grasping one’s own future.

“My God! Ah! What did I see?” Also excited, there was Desaier sitting in a chair. In front of his eyes, a mushroom cloud towered high between the sky and the earth, as tall as the figure of Chris in his heart.

At this moment, he remembered the time when he made the decision that he would follow Chris as a businessman who invested in the emperor. At that time, he was just a rich young man, but now he has such a terrifying power in front of him!

Chris has fulfilled the promise he had given him back then. There is no other Longtaite family in this world. He is now the Longtaite Patriarch, a young and shameless Patriarch. And the so-called elders of the Longtaite family are now all subordinates crawling under his feet.

Bakarov, who didn’t know what his mood was, sat in the corner, looking pale through the stained glass, looking at the huge black cloud shaped like a mushroom in the distance. He didn’t know what his fellow countrymen would use to face Ailan Hill in the future. If the previous Holy Demon Empire still had the power of a battle, the current Ailan Hill was no longer on the same level as the Holy Demon Empire. Such a powerful force.

In Bakaroff’s view, the civilization of mortals has come to the front of the civilization of magic, because the force of mortals surpassed the civilization of magic for the first time. This is a very terrible thing, because of the ordinary people who have been enslaved for thousands of years. The ants of now finally have the ability to overturn the elephant.

If mortals decide to settle the sufferings they have faced, if they find back all the injustices they carried before, then this war will not stop, until the magical world is destroyed, the war will not stop.

Frenzberg was also very depressed. He felt that his research was simply a bunch of pediatric theories in the face of such terrible weapons. He didn’t even know where such a powerful mortal civilization would end.

Such a civilization can continue to develop. They may destroy the world, move mountains and fill the sea, dive into the ocean floor, or fly to the sky. What else in this world is something mortal civilization cannot do. ?

He even deeply doubted whether God saw the fall of the magical world and deliberately took back this world and left it to mortals who are more willing to progress and be more powerful. If this is not the case, then what is the explanation for everything in front of you?

The most excited people on the scene were none other than the high-ranking generals from the military. They looked at the ruining power in front of them with excitement, and their faces were all shocked and excited.

“We are already invincible.” While staring at the mushroom cloud in the distance, Defense Secretary Castner whispered openly. He had always felt that Gricken, a powerhouse of magicians, was like a sharp sword hanging over Ailan Hill’s head, depressing him to breathe.

But now, he felt that the sharp sword had disappeared. Even if Greken had the courage to assassinate the emperor of Ailanhill, he had the courage to start a war, and he would not have the courage to face Ailanhill’s crazy revenge.

As long as the technology continues to develop, as long as Ailan Hill does not stand still, as long as Ai Lan Hill has a reliable means to throw this weapon to Gricken, the cloud of mutual destruction will envelope the entire world.

There is no longer a situation where mortals and magicians can unilaterally destroy others. Everyone has a way to destroy each other. Once a war breaks out, the final outcome is that everyone will go back thousands of years ago…

“I like this bomb! I look at it as if I have seen victory!” Wagron put his hands on his chest, the smile on his face couldn’t hide. Chris told him some details before he came, so he was more calm.

However, he was still shocked by the bomb in front of him. He really hoped that such a bomb could be directly deployed to the army, so that the army could be invincible.

“…” Sitting among a group of excited military generals, Capeluna didn’t know what she was feeling. She just sat quietly like this, looking at the mushroom cloud that was tumbling upward, she had many thoughts in her heart, but she didn’t know where to start.

She has always felt that she has been integrated into Ailan Hill, but suddenly discovered that the mortal world is no longer what she is familiar with… Everything she knows, everything she is proud of, has been crushed by people, ruthlessly Throw it in the corner, waiting for the mold to rot.

In front of her was the gate of a new world, and mortals could finally stand in front of the magician as equals. It seemed to her that she had never dared to think about it, but now it happened as a matter of course, making her want to laugh. The urge to laugh to tears.

And the most exciting is Chris standing at the front. Maybe he didn’t even notice him. His hand was pinched on the white railing in front of him. The joints were already white because of tension and pinching… He just stood like this, standing and watching the explosion in the distance, watching the terrible thing. The mushroom cloud flew to the sky, standing in his own position, leaving everyone behind him with an unreliable back view—

Long Ling took part in the online literature training organized by the Provincial Writers Association in the past two days. Today, I am really too busy and can only offer one more. I’m very sorry, everyone forgive me… I’m sorry.

I have seen a lot of great Internet writers… all kinds of fun…

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