My Empire

Chapter 162 - Forbidden spells and texts

Recently, almost all ports in the Jesno Empire and the Palak Empire have been circulating a strange legend. About a ghost ship that doesn’t know its name.

“Have you heard that the ship doesn’t have a mast at all, it burns human souls forward, and I heard the wailing of the ghosts on the ship.” A sailor vowed.

Before he finished speaking, another voice sounded: “Forget it, you are simply bragging. The Romer where I am is the fastest ship around here. We drove downwind at full speed that day, and we had already driven 18 knots. The speed has increased, but the ghost ship has caught up to us from a short distance. The black smoke on the ship is like witchcraft, but they have at least 25 knots, I’m sure.”

“Don’t be kidding me, 25 knots? That ship has at least 28 knots! I’ll assure you with my head!” Apparently someone opposed this view and said.

“The other day we saw a sailless ship on the southern sea surface. It sank to the bottom of the sea. We were about to go to the rescue, but it came up by itself.” A big beard blew more and more mysterious.

In the corner, a sailor put down his wine glass and said loudly: “You are all wrong. It is a devil’s messenger ship. They are responsible for transporting letters from the dead to hell. I saw their captain that day with a foot. Zombies.”

More and more anecdotes spread among these sailors, because more and more Ailan Hill’s warships began to move in the southern waters. In order to train his navy, Lawnes is training these warships in groups of three to five for ocean combat capabilities.

The most frequently performed task of these warships is to chase some southern mortal empire sailing ships at high speed, and then follow these sailing ships, maintaining a safe distance from the shelling, and quickly simulate the pursuit.

Occasionally, these warships will receive orders to speed up overtaking to the front of these sailboats to seize the position at the beginning of the T word.

What made several mortal empire sailors in the south nervous was that these warships, which were so fast to shock them, did not use sails. These warships were billowing black smoke, and their sharp bows cut through the waves, looking majestic.

No one dared to provoke these warships because of the black golden eagle flag hung on their masts. This king flag represents the mighty mortal empire Ailan Hill, and represents a terrible country that can fight against the magic empires.

Both the Jesno Empire and the Palak Empire are mortal empires that still need to pay heavy taxes to the Norma Empire, so they look up to Ailan Hill. They open the market to Ailan Hill and allow Ai Lan Hill to do whatever they want on their land, so as to ensure their national security.

This time, on a battleship going south, the commander-in-chief of the navy, General Lawnes, was leaning on the railing of the warship’s ship, looking bored at the sea in the distance.

The battleship he was on was the flagship “Dreadnought” battleship of the Ailan Hill Navy. This super battleship with 10 heavy guns can be said to be a super giant battleship on the sea.

Even if this kind of warship does not use its own artillery to bully the weak, the heavy armor can also allow Ailan Hill’s battleship to easily hit and sink enemy ships in front of it. After all, the Jesno Empire and the Palak Empire’s navy are all made of wood. It’s just a sailboat.

In fact, the world is also progressing crazily because of the progress of the Alanhir Empire. Before the Fallen River, the Dothan Empire defeated the Alantian Empire by the power of the Holy Demon Empire and sold Alanhill to Asia. The artillery technology of the Rand Empire began to spread.

The so-called red cannon technology has already spread to the southern part of the Dothan Empire, and even into the Hungry Jasno Empire and the Palak Empire.

With the expansion of Ailan Hill, ordinary civilian-grade machinery and equipment have become commonly seen cheap commodities. With the technical support of these equipment, whether it is a mortal empire or a magic empire, smelting and casting technologies are making rapid progress.

Everyone naturally applied these technologies to artillery production. Today’s front-loading red cannons are actually not the original dumb version of technology.

However, these technologies are still backward, even ridiculous, in front of the Ailan Hill troops equipped with new artillery.

For example, the navies of the Palak Empire and the Jesno Empire are now generally equipped with red guns. Large-caliber and heavy-weight guns are deployed on coastal forts, and small-caliber guns are used on naval sailing ships.

They have seen the armed transport sailboats that Elan Hill used to go south often, so they also imitated the design of side cannons. The warships with dozens of cannons on the side have also begun to be in the Jasno Empire and Paraque Appeared in the imperial navy.

However, you don’t need to think about it to know what level these warships are in front of the real battleships of Ailan Hill that have abandoned their sails, adopted all-metal hulls, and are equipped with rotating turrets.

Because the Norma Empire and the Holy Demon Empire both imported Ailan Hill’s weapons and equipment, many countries have begun to imitate these weapons: after all, whether it is the Norma Empire or the Holy Demon Empire, they have all been bought at a high price. All kinds of Ailan Hill weapons production equipment.

The Mauser 98k rifle has been completely spread and equipped with a large number of front-line troops. Whether it is the Jesno Empire or the Palak Empire, there are troops using this weapon.

At the same time, the 130mm caliber artillery technology is also spreading. Ailan Hill sold the drawings and production equipment to the Norma Empire, and the Norma Empire frantically began to export these weapons to the Jesno Empire and the Palak Empire. There are also matching shells.

In order to restrict the rise of the mortal empire like Ailan Hill, and no longer obey the discipline of the magic empire, the Norma Empire only sells cannons and shells to the Jesno Empire and the Palak Empire, but does not directly sell production technology. This restricts the Jesno Empire and the Palak Empire.

Lovely Lanhill is not idle, Chris is also exporting 130-caliber cannonballs to the Jesno Empire and the Palak Empire to support the Mortal Empire against the Magic Empire. Today Ai Lanhill has become The leaders of the mortal empire are supporting the anti-magical empire movement of many mortal empires.

As a result, with the dual support of Ailan Hill and the Norma Empire, the Jesno Empire, the Palak Empire, and even the Holy Demon Empire and the Norma Empire itself, are realizing the modernization of weapons and equipment.

However, there are still a large number of problems that plague these countries equipped with new weapons. Because their industrialization is not perfect, they are unable to completely meet the weapons and ammunition needs of their military.

On the surface, it seems that the level of weaponry and equipment of the two sides is getting closer, but in fact the gap between the two sides is widening, and it is expanding exponentially.

“This time we went south, mainly to show off our strength and force these mortal empires to sell the southern mines to us as soon as possible.” A man walked behind Lawnes and said as he walked.

His head shape is very characteristic, it is bald shining in the sun. And he still has a big beard, which looks very funny.

However, since the fall of the Arante Empire, or since the real rise of Ailan Hill, few people dare to laugh at his weird makeup.

Strider looked at the slightly surging sea and leaned on the railing as well, and said to Lawnes, who was silent.

“I’m very lonely, Minister Strider… My previous wish was to let the civilians of Ferry City live a good life.” Lawnes continued to look at the sea without looking back, and said.

Without waiting for Strider to answer anything, he continued to talk to himself: “Your Majesty has satisfied me and helped me realize this wish. The current Dukou City is simply a paradise on earth.”

“People are greedy, so after I realized my wish, I found myself a new goal…become the overlord of the sea, invincible across the world.” Lawnes pointed to his nose with a mockery: “But, look now, my wish has come true again…”

As far as he could see, another battleship was following behind the battleship Intrepid in black smoke. That was the other battleship Valor of Ailan Hill. Following the Valor was the cruiser Albatross, and there were more warships behind, forming a huge fleet.

When the fleet went south, even Ailan Hill’s own sea fishermen were shocked. It has been a long time since they had seen all their national fleets dispatched. After all, one dreadnought was deployed at the ferry and the other was deployed at the southern large port of Osa.

Where did the fishermen of Osa have seen such a powerful navy? More than a dozen warships went south, where they merged with the Battleship Valor, and a dozen other warships merged to form the Allan Hill fleet and escorted the envoys south.

“You only realized two wishes, not too much!” Strider laughed, touched his beard, and said: “When I first went to the Arante Empire, I saw that The prime minister named Clark is very difficult.”

“Later I stood in front of him, but he didn’t dare to disobey any of my requirements… Ailan Hill gave us too much, and the most precious thing among them, may be the courage that is enough to support our dignity.” He Said with emotion.

Everyone has dignity. Even a poor commoner has his own dignity. But because of poverty and lack of power, many people don’t have the courage to insist on such dignity.

In the past, when facing the magic empire, the mortal empire didn’t have the courage to defend their dignity. They didn’t really lack dignity, but they didn’t have the power to support their courage.

Ailan Hill gave the mortal strength, so the mortal remembered the dignity that he had forgotten in the corner. The current Ailanhill people can already build their own railways on the land of the Holy Demon Empire, and the current Ailanhill has begun to transform into a superpower from the inside out.

Supporting this confidence are the millions of troops and thousands of tanks on the border of the Holy Demon Empire; thousands of advanced fighter jets roaring in the sky; and the 20,000-ton-class ship at the foot of Strider Battleship; it was the loud noise far away on the grassland, and the mushroom-shaped clouds that rose up after the loud noise.

“As long as I look at the fleet that sent me, I am fearless! Because I know my motherland is so powerful, so I dare to ask for any conditions from the Jesno Empire and the Palak Empire!” Strider was determined. Said: “Because no matter what, they will always give it in the end!”

“Yes, it always needs to be given. If you can’t get it, I’ll call them to beg us!” Lawnes showed a bright smile on his face, and involuntarily turned his head to look at the deck, those who looked The extremely sturdy barrel.

With the battleship’s 305mm heavy artillery, Lawnes is sure to destroy any coastal target. Unless these mortal empires to the south don’t even want their own coastline, there is no way they can refuse Ailan Hill’s request.

This is a heavy gun of 305mm caliber! A huge caliber unique to the navy! We must know that the largest caliber artillery currently equipped by the army is only a 283mm railroad gun, which is 22mm less than the navy!

Any target hit by this artillery, even a thick and hard city wall, will instantly collapse. Although because of the popularity of cement, several southern empires are using cement to reinforce their city walls. There may still only be defensive fortifications against this type of artillery attack. Only in Ailan Hill.

Just as the main force of the Ailan Hill Navy was heading south, Chris received a message from Gricken.

There are two parts to this message, one of which is to ask if Alan Hill used the forbidden spell, because Greken felt the fluctuation of the forbidden spell some time ago.

The inquiry was very sincere. Greken even frankly said that they did not feel the magical breath, so they were not sure about the scale of the forbidden curse, but they were sure that there had been an attack on the forbidden curse in the direction of Ailan Hill. They hope Ailan Hill cautiously use this terrible power similar to the forbidden spell attack, because it will “cause irreparable casualties and losses.”

The reason why they used the telegram to ask for warnings at this time was because they had not planned to ask this question before. Recently, however, they changed their minds and asked them to change their minds. It was the second part of the message that asked about the curse.

“The Eye of Magic is recovering, this has been confirmed. Recently, humanoid demons have begun to appear around the Eye of Magic, and the time left for everyone in this world is running out.” Looking at the second part of the message, Chris said There was no nervousness on his face.

Even, he has some small expectations: he is now fully prepared, because he has mastered nuclear weapons technology, or in other words, he has mastered a powerful force comparable to the magic world’s forbidden spell attack——

Long Ling returned to Shenyang today and continued to suffer from motion sickness… There is only one update today, and the update will be resumed tomorrow… I will definitely make up for the lack of more… I will definitely make up before June… Sorry everyone.

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