My Empire

Chapter 163 - national policy

Above the magnificent hall, everywhere is converted into a hall illuminated by electric lights, and every corner has a smell of light.

A man in delicate armor stepped on the carpet step by step, and the sound of the armor hitting gently echoed in the hall. The inscription on the armor on his body gleamed with a faint light, indicating that this armor was an armor blessed by magic.

It is not empty here. On the contrary, there are many people going back and forth. Some officials in military uniforms are talking and debating with other officials in ordinary uniforms, but they can’t hear them clearly.

The man ignored the miscellaneous people waiting. He walked through the hall step by step. The guards helped him open the door in the corner. He nodded and walked in, leaving this still lively place.

The next spiral staircase is not so lively. Although there are glass windows and lights, there is no noisy traffic.

On the long revolving stone steps, he didn’t pause at all. He just climbed up the stairs like this and walked to the top floor, standing in front of the huge door with a handle.

The guards on both sides held their chins high and helped him open the door. The middle-aged man walked into the room and knelt down on one knee to the young man sitting inside.

He knelt on the soft carpet with his left foot in front, pressed his right hand on the knee of his left foot, bowed his head and sang in a loud voice: “Long live my emperor Ailanhill Chris!”

“Get up!” Chris didn’t even lift his head, still looking down at a magic book from Gricken, not knowing what he was studying.

The middle-aged man just stood there respectfully, waiting for Chris to finish his work.

A few minutes later, Chris closed the profound magic book, raised his head and squeezed a grudging smile on his face, shrugged and said: “Magic is really an obscure thing… I am curious and casual. I took a look and found that this thing was more profound than I thought.”

Having said that, he paused and changed the subject: “That’s why I need you to work for me, don’t I? Let’s talk about it. What have you learned from Verona recently?”

“We executed 326 people and arrested more than 1,900 unfaithful individuals who were suspected of violating the Elanhill Law. The situation has been contained, the current public security environment has improved, and the dissatisfaction within the army has also decreased.” The man Replied.

Chris nodded, tapping his fingers on the table, as if thinking about something. It took a long time before he spoke, and said to the man: “What I want is not cold data, what I want is… real human heart.”

“The Magic Guards will always stand by your side! Your Majesty! Our loyalty is beyond doubt!” The middle-aged man said to Chris with his chin held high.

“I know, I know, I know your loyalty, but what I want is the recognition of the magic world…” Chris still didn’t stop his fingers, he was thinking, wondering if he did something wrong.

Based on the expansion experience of countless civilizations in his own mind, he is thinking about whether he wants to change his decision to adapt to the latest Ailan Hill expansion. This is an important decision to change the established national policy, so he just has such a bud in his mind.

At the time of the rise of Ailan Hill, in order to unite all the forces that can be united, the established national policy of “resisting the tyranny of the magic empire” was formulated. This played a positive role at the time. The Arrant region, the prairie region, and even the Dothan region and the Higgs region are all closely united around Seris because of this established national policy.

As a result, Ailan Hill stabilized the occupied area, acquired a large number of talents and population, and grew rapidly and became the great empire today.

But now, the original slogan of “Rebelling against the tyranny of the magic empire” has become more and more outdated. After all, resistance has now become a joke, and the oppression of the magic empire has also become a ridiculous past tense.

If you continue to shout this slogan and play such a banner now, the role of motivating and uniting the people of Ailanhill is already weak, but the disadvantages are more and more prominent, bringing endless future expansion of Ailanhill. trouble.

After all, this banner of “resisting the tyranny of the magic empire” represents the hatred of mortals towards magicians. If this slogan does not disappear first, the tragedy of the turmoil in the Veronza region will continue, eventually turning all the magic fields into a burden for Ailan Hill, making it difficult for Ailan Hill to do anything.

Everyone must be united around Ailan Hill. Discrimination against magicians is the same as discrimination against mortals. It is not correct. This is what Chris thinks now, and what he thinks is right.

However, he must carefully strive for support and reverse the current established national policy. If he fails to do so, he may betray his relatives.

If you can’t get the support of the magician, but lose the support of the mortal, then you will be digging your own grave. Therefore, Chris did not reveal his thoughts, but calculated a little bit in his mind.

“Appropriately relax some of Veronza’s arrest work and establish a positive model. What I want is a stable and prosperous Veronza, not a terror zone where everyone is at risk.” Chris casually ordered.

The man immediately lowered his head and replied: “Yes! Your Majesty!”

Chris nodded in satisfaction, and continued to command: “In addition, the railway has been repaired to the western border area of ​​the Holy Demon Empire. You take the loyal dragon knight troops to the Eternal Empire to study. After all, there is magic over there. The breath is stronger.”

This is the benefit for these magicians who have taken refuge in. Chris doesn’t mind giving them a better training environment, or even letting them go to Grecan for a pilgrimage. As long as they are willing to dedicate their loyalty, then Chris is willing to provide them with further possibilities.

“Thank you… Thank you, Your Majesty, for giving us such a chance to get closer to the Eye of Magic.” The man knelt on one knee again, put his right hand on his left knee, and bowed his head gratefully: “I can follow you, It’s an honor for me, Carl.”

“Go on! Carl. One day, this world will become what we have in our hearts.” Chris waved his hand, indicating that Knight Commander Carl could leave.

The current Airanhill Guards is no longer just Chris’s personal guards. It is a large-scale organization, including the Serris Guards Guards, the Royal Guards, the Magic Guards, and the Royal The Special Task Department of the Guards and the Royal Academy of Sciences are subordinated.

The Royal Guards are still Chris’s **** force. This force has now been expanded to the size of a division. It has two **** regiments and four **** battalions, responsible for the security and protection of Chris and his castle.

Everyone in this army has been selected, and everyone is the kind of loyal fighter who is willing to give his life for the emperor. They have undergone rigorous training and have strict selection criteria for their height and weight.

The Royal Academy of Sciences is a mysterious institution that specializes in core secrets. The most high-end research of Allan Hill is operated by independent researchers, including computer research and nuclear research.

The garrison of the Serris Guards has replaced the 1st Corps to protect Serris. This unit is better equipped, more loyal in thinking, and harder in training. Apart from the fact that it is not as strong as the 1st Army, it must be slightly better in all other respects.

The Magic Guards are selected from the Magic District of Velenza and are loyal to Ailan Hill. At present, most of them are scattered in Velenza to perform tasks, and only a few rounds of defense are stationed in Seris to perform magical aspects. Escort task.

Carl got up from the ground and respectfully exited Chris’ room until the door was closed by the guards, and he turned and went down the spiral staircase.

Chris is different from other emperors. He is unwilling to sit on the throne and wait for his subordinates to report on major national events. He prefers to deal with problems in his office.

This habit and the popularization of telephones have increased the office efficiency of the entire Ailan Hill by dozens of times, the entire empire has run faster and better, and the processing speed of some problems has also increased to a satisfactory level.

With the passage of time, winter came in a blink of an eye, and most areas of Ailan Hill began to snow. Amidst peace and tranquility, Ailan Hill quietly arrived for 3 years.

Because of mechanized farming and the extensive use of chemical fertilizers, the increase in food production has freed the people in the area controlled by Ailan Hill from the threat of hunger for the first time. After meeting the needs of the people, the surplus grain is even exported in a small amount.

In addition, because of his prepared wartime thoughts, Chris also left a portion of his grain to be hoarded to be used as a strategic reserve of grain in the future.

The bumper harvest of food directly affected population expansion. In a peaceful environment where there was no war for half a year, the total number of births in Ailan Hill increased several times, and the population suddenly experienced a spurt of growth.

Another reason for population growth is the rapid development of Ailan Hill’s medical conditions. Everyone now generally believes that Ailan Hill’s medical conditions must fully surpass that of a low-magic realm magic empire like the Holy Demon Empire.

With the support of good medical conditions, it has become an inevitable phenomenon that the population starts to grow wildly. In the past, many men around the age of 40 were about to die of illness, but now because of the improved nutrition and medical care, 40-year-old men can still engage in work and production.

When everything was thriving, Frenzberg’s chief magic advisor returned to Seris from Veronza. He came this time because his technical research department had a new research result, and this result is very important in his opinion.

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