My Empire

Chapter 1613: faith

In the darkness, a violent voice made people palpitate: “An entire fleet was defeated inexplicably like this? It was defeated!”

Sorens can’t remember how long he hasn’t been so furious. He was angry before, but he has never been so angry before.

The Watcher has never failed, even if he has experienced such small setbacks as before. But recently, such failures have happened one after another!

The once incomparable Guardian spent a lot of time and energy on the Higgs line of the Aranhill Empire, but failed to complete the battle plan previously drawn up.

In other words, all their combat attempts have not been realized! All their battle objectives are still being completed!

This kind of desperate passivity is something the guards have never seen before. They didn’t even think about it, one day they would be like this… embarrassed.

The frightening darkness seemed to be surging and irritable, and Sorens’ voice wandered in the darkness: “Is it peaceful for too long? You have forgotten…forgot why you exist in this world? ”

Recently, he often roared incompetently like this, it seems that only this way can he vent the infinite anger in his heart.

A high-ranking guardian bowed his head and advised Sorens: “Big, my lord… please calm down…”

“Am I angry? I am deeply disappointed with you trash!” Sorens yelled angrily.

The guards were made by gods and used to clean up the weapons of other civilizations in this world. This race was born to eradicate other civilizations. If they cannot help God eradicate other civilizations, then their fate can be imagined.

Since God can make them possess such a powerful force, God can also make them disappear in this world.

This is also the thing that Sorens cares most about. He never worried that the Airan Hill Empire would defeat the Guardian. What he worried about was that once the Guardian lost its value, then God would not take care of him.

Don’t think this question is ridiculous, because the so-called organization of the Guardians, or so-called civilization, is actually a flawed civilization.

From appearing in this universe until today, the Watcher is actually an incomplete civilization.

The obvious contrast with their powerful force is their almost negligible economic and production links.

How can a non-productive race, or civilization, be regarded as a complete civilization?

What’s ridiculous is that the Watchers are such a strange existence: they don’t need production at all, because they are completely outside the closed loop of production!

The moment they were created, they seemed to be carefully circumventing the growth logic of the civilization of production and development.

When the guards are not aware of the existence of other civilizations, they will fall into a deep sleep. They wandered around the universe as if they were dead, and did not consume the resources of this universe at all.

But once other civilizations are discovered, these guards will be completely activated, and the activated guards will begin to enter the war mode to eliminate the targets they discovered.

If the target is strong enough, then the watcher will consume the rich magical energy contained in the universe to start self-reproduction, and eventually use the quantity advantage to overwhelm the opponent.

They are like white blood cells in the human body, they are only responsible for destroying the viruses that damage tissues, but they are not involved in the daily operations of the human body.

But if one day, the guards lose their most basic role in destroying other civilizations, then God… will they leave them behind?

Thinking of this, Sorens became even more annoyed. He yelled: “You are chosen by God! To maintain this world order for God! Bastards! If you are defeated, who will be the glory of God? maintain?”

“Don’t you know… Don’t you know that the gods can choose us and destroy us?” In the end, he stopped roaring after yelling this sentence. And this darkness also quieted down at this moment.

In the silence, a voice rang: “My lord, the quality of the enemy is far better than us… Their new weapons are being used in batches of war… If we still can’t use more power… Then the situation will become very serious. passive.”

“We don’t know what the humanoid weapon that the enemy put into battle is called, but we used to rely on the intelligence we controlled to analyze that the other party called this type of weapon as a powered mecha.” This voice bit the bullet and talked about what had just been defeated. Battle.

The Guardians suffered a disastrous defeat in this fleet battle. The landing forces that were originally going to attack Higgs 3 did not even have the opportunity to land and reinforce the ground forces.

The landing battleship carrying a large number of Sweeper soldiers was attacked by the Elanhill Empire battleship outflanked by the flanks before it approached the Higgs 3 planet, and suffered heavy losses.

At least 200,000 Sweeper soldiers were lost in the space artillery battle, and the flanks were responsible for covering the fleet of these landing forces, almost completely wiped out.

“This kind of large power mech is undoubtedly a very advanced weapon. They are more flexible and more powerful.” A watcher who seemed to be responsible for analyzing enemy technology said in an unpleasant voice.

He gave out a cold number, but for Sorens, each of these numbers made him very painful: “In just three hours of fighting, we were sunk by more than 300 guards. The verdict 110 ships… the entire flank of the offensive force collapsed.”

In the battle that just ended, the Zaku aircraft carrier forces of the Ailan Hill Empire achieved amazing results.

Ilan Raymond led the attacking Zaku forces to destroy the Guardian fleet covering the landing.

He destroyed 30 Warship Wardens of various sizes and models alone, setting a record for destroying the most enemy ships in a single operation.

I have to mention another outstanding Zaku driver Lu Wuyue. In the battle that just ended, the female pilot ranked second in the army by shooting down 21 battleships!

At the same time, Orange led another Zagu force to raided the Guardian’s Patron Saint aircraft carrier fleet and shot down more than 1,700 enemy aircraft in one go. Oaken swept 130 killers alone, and also set the military record for the most enemy planes shot down by one person on that day!

And they penetrated the Killer’s line of defense, and attacked the Warden’s aircraft carrier fleet, severely injuring these huge battleships carrying the Killer.

The high-level of the watcher spoke of the loss of the Patronus fleet this time: “At least 30 of the Patronus warships have been destroyed, and we have lost a total of 3000 Killer carrier aircraft!”

The loss of the killers is different from the number of enemy planes shot down by Orange, which is actually quite understandable. The troops that attacked the battleship also encountered Killers and shot down many Killer fighters. These are actually separate statistics.

For example, Lu Wuyue shot down more than 20 killers on the same day, and Yilan Raymond also shot down more than a dozen enemy planes.

At the same time, there were also the second batch of attacking units that were shot down by the Z-type fighters. The Z-type fighters accounted for the majority. They also achieved amazing results. In the process of chasing and killing the chaotic enemy, they shot The highest battle loss ratio since the start of the war.

Finally, after explaining the reason for the failure of the landing reinforcement plan, the senior official of the Watcher stated the result of the failure of the reinforcement: “So… this time the plan to attack the Higgs 3 planet was defeated before the landing force was launched. .”

Another voice sounded, with some concerns: “If the enemy’s fleet and similar new weapons continue to increase, we are likely to continue to be stuck in this quagmire…”

Many senior guards, and some commanders are very worried, they are afraid that the Ailan Hill Empire will continue to invest in new weapons and equipment in this way.

Since the start of the war, the Ailan Hill Empire has brought them too many accidents.

The opposing party’s new weapons emerge in an endless stream, disrupting the Guardian’s combat deployment and campaign plan to a large extent.

It was the first time they encountered such a brave and combative civilization. What these guards didn’t know was that the Ailan Hill they encountered was a terrifying existence that was killed all the way from the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain!

This civilization has been fighting since the moment it was born. Even when Chris traveled across the planet before, it was a world that was never completely peaceful!

War genes flowed like blood in the body of every Ailan Hiller, and everyone in this empire was baptized in the war.

Therefore, when the guards encountered the army of the Ailan Hill Empire, they really understood what it means to meet each other.

After the first encounter and the destruction of the minefields of the Airanhill Empire, the army of the Airanhill Empire almost no longer used mines as a means of defense on a large scale.

Similarly, after mastering the principle of sweepers devouring man-made buildings, the Ailanhill Empire began to use plastic bags to fill sand and build fortifications.

In short, the flexibility and change on the battlefield let the guards finally know how terrifying the grenadiers of the Ailan Hill Empire are.

What makes the guards more concerned is that not only those clumsy puppets, but also people with weird symbols on their foreheads, the soldiers of the Ailan Hill Empire never seem to be exhausted.

The guards are sure that even the Heavenly Sword God Sect has mastered dozens of powerful existences in the Heaven and Fortune Land, but they have not been able to see that their numbers overwhelm the Ailan Hill Empire so far.

Not only on the ground, but also in the vast space, the fleets of both sides are invisible at a glance, with astronomical supply quantities, and they are not afraid of loss at all!

“If this situation continues, we will not be able to destroy the Airanhill civilization. The other party has been developing and growing… If we fail to do this, we may lose the opportunity to defeat Ailanhill.” A voice persuaded Sauron Si, it is full of expectation.

So after hearing these complaints and reasons, Sorens asked coldly: “What’s the conclusion?”

“We hope… God can approve that we use more energy… and activate more energy-consuming weapons…” The voice said a request that sounded unlikely to be fulfilled.

Sure enough, Sorens flew into a rage, and seemed to be a little more angry than before: “You are crazy? It consumes God’s energy… it is a sin! We hate such a sin! Our responsibility is to eliminate such a sin!”

“Master Sorens! If the protracted stalemate in the war continues, we are also consuming God’s energy…” the voice tremblingly explained.

Seeing that Sorens didn’t open his mouth to continue yelling, he courageously continued: “Moreover, the war has dragged on and we will not be able to win the victory… the majesty of God will also be damaged…”

Sorens’s voice echoed in the darkness again: “You dare to mention this! Incompetent! Fool!”

“I’m sorry! Lord Sorens…” a group of guards apologized in fear.

In the end, Sorens could only sigh helplessly, because he had no better way to deal with the situation in front of him.

If this stalemate really persists, it is indeed better to slash the mess and quickly resolve the immediate crisis.

So, after sighing, he finally spoke, and compromised to his men: “Okay…I know! Get out!”

Without hearing Sorenz’s refusal, the high-ranking guards obviously breathed a sigh of relief, and a voice of answer in the darkness: “Yes, sir!”

When everything fell into silence, Sorens’ huge body moved heavily in the darkness, and a pale human arm stretched out into the darkness, as if to touch something.

However, soon this arm, as well as the skinny palm at the end of the arm, retracted back into the darkness, and a helpless low voice seemed to sigh: “This group… trash!”

That huge body continued to move forward in the dark, like a super huge ball of meat wriggling. In the end, Sorens returned to the darkest center, as if isolated in a black hole.

In this domain that belongs only to him, he sings softly, his tone is full of piety and humility: “The most noble and great **** who guards this world! Your most loyal servant, the humble and insignificant Solrance prays to you …I hope you can respond…Respond to your most devout believer!”

In the darkness, only his voice echoed, echoed, echoed.

“Please! Wake up from your deep sleep! Give the dull us…response.” Like weeping blood, Sorens prayed sadly, crawling on the ground like an ant.

“There is no **** in this world! If there is a god, it is the emperor!” In another corner of the world, on a Zaku aircraft carrier of the Alanhill Empire’s space fleet, a ground crew overhauled Zaku, Said loudly to the others on one side.

“Yes! This thing is the god!” Another ground crew pointed at the tall Zaku who was beside him, which caused the other people to roar with laughter.

“The guards may worship it! Hahaha!” Everyone laughed together, celebrating the great victory in the battle just now.

And above Solrance’s head, in the invisible darkness, a lazy voice sounded softly: “So, boy, what is it that let you call for my help?”

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