My Empire

Chapter 1614: Swell

In the vast universe, a spacecraft that is not huge, but whose detection equipment is very conspicuous, is flying fast.

Soon, it was hit by two black energy rays, destroyed by the explosion, and turned into a wreck floating in the universe.

However, before it was completely destroyed, the data it recorded was still transmitted.

This is an unmanned detection spacecraft of the Ailan Hill Empire, and its function is to monitor the Watcher fleet. But, this time, it was destroyed a bit quickly, a bit early.

A few minutes later, inside the huge bridge of the flagship of the 1st Space Fleet of the Allan Hill Empire, the adjutant handed a piece of information to Lawnes: “Marshal, this is the unmanned reconnaissance ship just sent. The detected distribution of enemy warships…I think…the situation has changed.”

His tone was full of worry, and his voice was a little strange. Lawnes frowned slightly, because he knew that his adjutant was not a person who easily expressed his emotions.

After all, I have been with the Imperial Marshal for some years, and under the influence of ears and eyes, he still has a certain temperament.

So Lawnes took the message from the other party and looked down at the content: “Huh?”

The adjutant explained: “Less than half an hour ago, we just detected that the number of the opponent’s warships near Higgs 4 has increased significantly… It is probably more than twice the original number…”

Lawnes also knew this information, but compared with the content of the information in his current hands, his expression began to become serious.

He folded the information and looked at the staff around him who had just worried about the battle around Higgs 4.

Then, his gaze fell on the adjutant again: “But on our side, the enemy fleet attacking the Higgs Line 3 frontally… does not seem to reduce the number.”

This is the problem. The enemy reinforced the battlefield near Higgs 4, but did not reduce their forces on the Higgs 3 battlefield.

This means that the total strength of the enemy is increasing, and the rate of increase is still very fast!

The adjutant replied immediately: “Yes, Marshal, it’s not just that. The radar reflection signal transmitted by our unmanned reconnaissance ship also proves that the density of a news enemy ship has increased!”

Comparing the density of the previous Warden’s space fleet, the scanning situation passed back by this spacecraft is that in the area it detects, the density of Warden’s warships has more than doubled.

In other words, not only did the Guardian fleet on the front of Planet Higgs 3 have not decreased, but the number has also increased a lot.

Lawnes was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at several staff officers around him: “The density has increased? That is to say, the Guardian troops have increased their troops in the two main offensive directions.”

The faces of several staff officers became unpleasant, they communicated with each other in a low voice and began to analyze the enemy’s combat intentions.

“Yes, Marshal. The situation is deteriorating. The opponent’s reinforcements seem to have arrived, and the number is extremely large.” The adjutant answered with his chin held high and answered everyone’s worry.

It is not a simple increase in the number of warships that can simultaneously increase the density of battleships on a front of tens of thousands of kilometers.

In a sense, the enemy may even double! Faced with doubling the number of this level, any commander will feel a headache.

If the enemy changes from 2000 to 4000, it doesn’t actually increase much, but if the enemy changes from 20 million to 40 million, it can definitely rewrite the outcome of a war.

“We have no way to continuously detect the universe behind the guards. In this case, we can’t judge whether the enemy has any follow-up reinforcements. In other words, we don’t know if the opponent has invested in the strategic reserve.” The staff officer said to Lawnes.

“It’s not a reserve team!” Lawnes shook his head and judged: “The enemy’s offensive was not smooth before. Judging from the enemy’s deployment, they probably guessed our strategic intentions. If they are prepared As far as the team is concerned, it should have been on the battlefield long ago.”

“So…” After he finished speaking, he looked at several capable staff officers: “According to the analysis of a large number of follow-up reinforcements… Judging by the most serious situation!”

“Well, if there is an increase in the number of enemy forces at this level, then we may be very passive in the next few months.” A staff officer said immediately.

Another staff officer also expressed his own opinion: “The enemy is likely to use numerical advantages to gain control of the local battlefield. We must find a way to delay time so that the other side cannot smoothly increase troops to the surface of Higgs 3.”

One of the staff members mentioned the old tune once and asked: “Will the enemy directly destroy the Higgs 3?”

“We can’t judge this. We can only analyze it based on Higgs 5’s experience, assuming that they will not destroy Higgs 3.” Several staff officers around him shook their heads and retorted.

“I don’t recommend continuing to increase troops to Higgs 3… just in case they open fire and attack the planet…” The staff member who has been worried about the other party destroying the planet still suggested.

“If we stop reinforcements, the ground forces will…” Several other staff members started arguing with him. However, before they had finished arguing, Lawnes spoke to his adjutant: “Order… the Zagu fleet is transferred to the outer orbit of Higgs 3… the focus is to defend against the enemy’s attack on Higgs 3. Landing assault!”

Lawnes is a cruel man. He doesn’t think it is safe to put the safety of Higgs 3 on the conscience of the guards.

Therefore, what he has to do is simple, which is to stabilize the air dominance in the outer space of Higgs 3 and ensure that the enemy’s fleet has no chance to directly destroy the Higgs 3 planet.

This is his way to protect the safety of General Medias and the tens of millions of troops under his control.

“Yes!” The adjutant stood at attention and saluted, preparing to turn and leave. However, his departure was stopped by another officer who hurried over.

“Report! Marshal!” The liaison officer responsible for contacting ground forces stood up and saluted in front of Lawnes.

“What’s the matter?” Lawnes felt that the battlefield situation seemed to be undergoing tremendous changes, and the news sent at this time seemed to be not good news.

Sure enough, the liaison officer spoke and told the bad news from the ground forces: “The news just came that the number of ground troops on the Higgs 3 by the Watchers has increased sharply, and they suddenly launched a counterattack against our frontline troops. .”

“Directly use the split to increase the number of ground troops on the surface of Higgs 3? Why didn’t they do this before?” Lawnes was taken aback, and then looked at the staff who were already a little confused.

These staff members were also at a loss. The Ailan Hill Empire had already established a more accurate model of the division of the Sweeper forces.

Judging from this model, the division speed and number of the Guardian troops have a certain law. This general law allowed the Alanhill Empire to draw up an accurate battle plan and achieved a series of victories.

But now, the guards have broken the laws of this mathematical model, which means that a series of subsequent strategic decisions will be overturned and reset.

A staff member said bitterly and said to Lawnes: “We don’t know, we are still studying the division of the other side, and there is no exact analysis result yet.

“What did Medias say?” Lawens also knew that this kind of thing can’t be blamed on the computing department that built the model, and the Imperial Staff. Because the previous model should be accurate, the immediate change should be a special case. So he looked at the Army Liaison Officer and asked.

The liaison officer immediately replied: “General Midas has ordered the troops to retreat, abandoning the tide tactics, and shrinking the troops to return to the original fixed line of defense. Some troops have suffered losses, but everything has not exceeded the acceptable range.”

After a short pause, he continued: “He called to explain to us that he had used 25 large-yield nuclear bombs in the enemy’s control area in an attempt to block the enemy’s pursuit.”

“What about the effect?” Lawnes asked immediately.

The liaison officer replied with some regrets: “It has had a certain effect. The enemy has indeed disengaged from contact with our ground forces. However… Judging from the feedback from the reconnaissance aircraft, the number of the opponents is still increasing. The effect is not as obvious as the previous few times.”

“Did he say the reason?” Lawnes wanted to hear Medyath’s analysis.

Unfortunately, Medias is still at a loss now. He did not find the enemy’s space reinforcements, but the number of frontal enemies suddenly increased. It was impossible for him to make a correct judgment.

As for the liaison officer, he doesn’t know anything. So he shook his head and said to Lawnes: “No, this requires professional analysis by technicians. It may be that the radiation resistance has increased, or the other party is simply splitting…”

A staff officer straightened out his thoughts at this time and said: “At least we know that the other party’s split requires energy, that is, magic. This increase in the split speed will definitely consume a lot of magic energy.”

Taking a look at the environmental data in the computer, he continued: “However, the magical energy of almost all universes and regions in the battle zone has not decreased sharply, which means…In a short period of time, the concentration of magical energy near the battle zone has increased! ”

Lawnes immediately looked at the adjutant who had not left, and then issued an order: “Send the situation to the astronomy and magic expert group… Things will not happen for no reason, we must know why!”

“Yes! Marshal!” The adjutant who did not leave stood up and saluted again, and said in response.

At this moment, a fleet communications officer hurriedly walked over, and when he didn’t get to the place, he reported: “Outpost 300457 Fleet Flagship sent a message. It is Fleet Commander Colonel Bufas…

“Read.” Lawnes vaguely felt bad.

“The enemy suddenly attacked, and our fleet has been surrounded. Long live the empire, the minister and the warship coexist and die…” The communications officer whispered through the message.

Many of the ultra-small fleets commanded by these clones are deployed on the outskirts of the fleet and used as sentries or guard fleets.

Even in peacetime, this type of fleet may be suddenly annihilated by the enemy at any time and anywhere. Their existence is to provide early warning and ensure that their main fleet is not successfully attacked by the enemy.

However, as the commander of the fleet, the Imperial Marshal, receiving several similar messages every day still made Lawnes feel depressed.

“It seems that the other party doesn’t want to wait for a second.” Lawnes sighed and said.

The adjutant who did not issue the order immediately asked softly: “Then, Marshal, the transfer of the Zaku fleet…does it continue?”

Lawnes nodded and said, “Go on, order Bakaroff’s 2nd Fleet to move closer to me, and order the 11th Fleet of Hydecathlon to enter the Higgs Theater!”

After speaking, he continued to issue a series of orders: “Let Bourgeois lead the 10th Fleet to move closer to Higgs 4! I feel that the next offensive that the opponent will launch may exceed our imagination.”

The size of the fleet he now mobilizes is already unimaginable. Counting the 5th fleet, almost half of the main fleet of the Ailan Hill Empire was assembled to the Higgs region.

The mobilization of this scale is not only about the command and dispatch of the battle, but it can even be said that it is related to the national fortune of the Ailan Hill Empire.

“Yes!” the adjutant swallowed his saliva before replied.

Obviously, Lawnes also realized how much influence he had in mobilizing such a large-scale fleet, and continued to say: “Send the information we got back to Ailan Sirius! Copy to Chief of Staff Luo Kai! Send the request for the movement of troops to your majesty, and wait for your majesty’s instructions before execution!”

After speaking, he paused slightly, and then continued: “We need more support, including a more comprehensive and reliable model for the expansion of the enemy’s numbers! This requires calculations by professionals and equipment, and it is not something we can handle by ourselves. .”

As if thinking of something again, he added: “Also, call the security fleet near Taiyi, and ask them to be cautious and don’t have any problems!”

“Understood.” The adjutant nodded again.

The cautious Lawnes has now tensed his nerves, and emphasized: “Taiyi is our true support. Only Taiyi can deal with the number of enemy troops of this level. Nothing can go wrong!”

“Yes!” The adjutant responded with a solemn salute, knowing that the matter was important.

Lawnes looked at the universe outside the porthole, and didn’t know whether it was a whisper or an order: “In addition, tell the rear, we need Zaku, 100,000 units, 200,000 units! Even 1 million Zaku!”

“…” The adjutant stood at attention, turned and walked out of the bridge with a series of orders.

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