My Empire

Chapter 1617: Contrarian

On the orbit about 49 million kilometers from Higgs 4, the frontline supply space station of the Allan Hill Empire.

The cabin door is depressurized, and the channel opens with the sound of hydraulic pressure. Wearing simple spacesuits, the ground crew of the Ailan Hill Empire pushed the freight car that had been prepared a long time ago, and pushed a car of magic spar that had been prepared a long time into the battleship that had just been connected.

“Quick! Quick! Quick! Speed ​​supply! Another battleship is about to enter the port!” The commander loudly reminded his subordinates while helping the cart.

Originally, special transport vehicles should be used for such replenishment. Unfortunately, this replenishment base was established earlier and the equipment is relatively old, so the replenishment methods are relatively backward.

An officer walked down from the warship full of scars and stood by the passage, watching the energy spar pushed into his warship.

He seemed to see only the energy spar and no ammunition, so he reminded: “Ammunition! The ammunition for the electromagnetic cannon is replenished immediately! There are too many killers on the other side, and our electromagnetic near anti-cannon shells are consumed very quickly.”

In the fierce battle just now, his battleship consumed a lot of electromagnetic shells. The enemy’s killers were as dense as a swarm of bees, and his battleship almost couldn’t return.

“We don’t have much left here! One cannon is 20,000 rounds, so you can’t give too much!” The Hong Kong military officer responsible for counting the supplementary supplies looked at the tablet computer in his hand and said.

The officer who came back from the front line was a little unhappy immediately, staring at the supply officer and asked: “If this is all the artillery shells, who shall we go to?”

“Who would have thought that there were so many enemies, and they have already hit this place!” The supply officer knew that the people coming back from the front line were suffocating, so he didn’t argue, and explained.

At the beginning, no one really could have imagined that the space on the Higgs 4 side would become such an important battle zone.

Everyone thought that the guards would be firmly confined to the Higgs 3 area, and it was almost impossible to come to the Higgs 4 universe.

But now, everyone knows that the Guardian troops not only came to the Higgs 4 space, but also invested unprecedented forces here, and almost penetrated the defense line of the Ailan Hill Empire.

An officer who had passed through a chaotic material area kicked an astronaut on the **** and pointed to the smoking area and shouted, “Damn! Smoke and go to the smoking area! You want to blow everyone up.” ?”

Seeing the other party rushing to the smoking area in a panic, the officer walked to the supply officer’s side, shook his head and said: “The flying Ludorno enters the supply dock No. 2 on the left… It’s too miserable!”

“What’s the matter?” The supply officer immediately asked when he heard the other party say this. The officer who got off the battleship beside him was also very interested in waiting for the breaking news.

Obviously, the officer of this air supply port came from the dock on the other side. He sighed and replied: “It’s port side was hit and the armor needs to be replaced. Major Sam has taken someone there, maintenance workers. Not enough, we can only simply carry out repairs, let the flying Ludorno first restore its ability to jump, and then jump to the dock in the Dothan Region for repairs.”

He saw with his own eyes through the porthole that the side steel plates of the warship were melted by energy, and part of the armor plates were lifted off.

In the twisted cabin, you can also see scattered wires and some personal items fixed on the wall.

The puppet robot is helping to lift the wounded soldiers on the battleship one by one and send them to the hospital in the port for treatment.

The soldiers who had broken their arms or legs screamed in the passage, their blood splashed on the walls of the cabin, and the people watching them were frightened.

“If it weren’t for the Royal Second Fleet to arrive, the Higgs 4 airspace might be over… However, even if they arrived, the situation now seems not very optimistic.” The officer who walked off the battleship to rest shook his head. , Said to the ground support officer and others.

Because of the sudden outbreak of high-intensity war, everything here has become busy. There were running soldiers everywhere, and there were shouts.

While carrying the goods in his hand, a ground crew member asked his colleagues around him: “Have you heard?”

The colleague’s work did not stop, he piled magic spar energy blocks on the cart, and asked: “What did you hear?”

“Planet Higgs 13, which is a resource planet near Dothan… Something happened.” The ground crew who spoke first continued.

His words made the other ground worker beside him couldn’t help it. He interrupted and said, “It’s been two days, and it’s not news… This time, isn’t it because the Watchers attacked the Higgs 13 planet? ”

“Well…I heard that it’s over there…” The ground crew piled up the last energy spar, and started pushing the cart with a few people. While pushing, he lowered his voice and said.

“It’s over?” Hearing this ground crew say so, the rest of the ground crew were shocked and subconsciously confirmed.

Pushing the cart to the side of the elevator, the ground crew nodded and said: “Yes, it’s over, because there is a resource planet, and it is the hinterland, so there are not many garrisons…”

“After Higgs 13th, it’s almost the Dothan area, right?” Several people still know the nearby Yuyu very well, and they babbled.

“So, that’s why we have to block the enemy on Higgs 13 at all costs!” The ground crew who revealed the news looked around and said.

“Damn it, these watchers who are destroying everywhere.” After talking about this, while feeling the fate of Planet Higgs 13, these ground crews began to curse the watchers.

“Maybe, Higgs 11 is also dangerous…” Then, one of the ground crews said worriedly.

This time, it was the turn of the gossiping ground crew to refute him: “It’s not the same, Higgs 13 is just a resource planet, not armed, Higgs 11 is a fortress planet…”

After all, it is impossible for the Ailanhill Empire to establish a sufficient scale of defense on every planet. Some of the resource planets in the deep hinterland, in fact, still maintain their original appearance.

Anyway, here is like a sub-mining. The enemy will give up when they come over. If they can’t come, they will continue to collect. Anyway, there is no loss.

Hearing what he said, several ground crew members were relieved and nodded one after another: “I hope so… If you count the Higgs 4 that has already been fought, the front is more than doubled.”

“I heard that the three reserve fleets have all been deployed here to assist in the defense… No one would have thought that the situation suddenly collapsed to this point.” The elevator began to work, carrying these ground services and the truck of cargo to the other. At the same time, their voices gradually became thin and fuzzy.


“Charge the magic defense barrier! Order the battleship on the third battle line forward! Replace the battleship on the first battle line! Get ready for a volley!” Alicia stood in her command position, shouting loudly Commanded.

She has fiery red hair. Standing there, she is the only person in the entire bridge who does not wear a helmet.

“His Royal Highness, please pay attention to your safety.” A demon general helped Alicia hold a helmet and spoke out.

“My battleship is in the center of the entire fleet, and I don’t need that thing at all!” Alicia said firmly, staring at the ever-changing battlefield without looking back.

Without waiting for the other party to persuade her, at the most appropriate time, she opened her mouth and ordered: “Volley!”

“Angelshire! Fire the cannon!” On the bridge of a battleship, a demon general waved his arm and slashed forward.

At the same time, in the bridge of another battleship that formed a battleship side by side with this battleship, another demon general also issued an order to fire almost at the same time: “Torjas! Fire!”

The densely packed Invincible-class battleships shot a dazzling straight line of light and directly slammed into the distant Guardian fleet.

These energy detonated the Warden’s battleship. After being penetrated by the energy, a judge warship exploded and broke, and finally hit another Guardian warship, smashing the latter into fragments.

“The space defense barrier is open! The enemy’s artillery is coming!” When Alicia saw that her energy beam began to decay, she gave a new order.

The strongest space magic defense barrier of the Ailan Hill Empire battleship began to work, forming a torn space mirror directly in front of the battleship.

A few seconds later, the Warship of the Watcher began to counterattack, and dense black energy rays directly hit it.

It’s just that they hit the transparent, glass-like space cracks, and they did not cause any trouble to the battleship fleet of the Ailan Hill Empire.

At least from the current technical point of view, space tearing technology is still the best and most effective defense method.

In the face of the enemy’s long-range artillery bombardment, the Ailan Hill Empire can best withstand the damage is the battleship equipped with a space magic defense barrier.

Unfortunately, this kind of space magic cannot be used all the time, because they consume too much energy and too test equipment.

Once the device overheats, this kind of space magic barrier cannot last forever. So the Invincible-class battleship, in a sense, is not really invincible.

A Mozu adjutant walked beside Alicia and handed a report to his former queen: “Your Majesty! The barrier of the Mandrill is exhausted… They were hit!”

“Let the Stoffel step forward and cover the Mandrill from the battle!” Before reading the report, Alicia spoke.

She has become accustomed to hearing the news of the sinking of battleships. Those battleships that used to be so expensive are now like grass, making people unable to feel distressed at all.

There is no other way. Anyone who loses 30 such battleships in one day will become numb.

The adjutant spoke with some worry, and said to Alicia: “The enemy’s attack intensity is too fast. If we continue to fight like this, after an hour, we will become passive due to supply difficulties.”

According to the truth, they are the Royal Fleet, and they shouldn’t participate in the war unless they are a last resort.

The Royal Fleet is similar to the existence of the strategic general reserve. They can only be the most elite and reliable force when the defense line is the most dangerous, and they can enter the battlefield with the goal of winning a decisive victory.

However, after Andrea led the First Fleet to encircle the Warden’s warship that infiltrated the rear, the Royal Fleet’s participation in the battle seemed to become an ordinary thing.

“I have already applied for reinforcements… don’t worry.” Alicia comforted, and then looked outside the porthole, the row of dazzling lights on the second battle line of the fleet she commanded.

“The ground troops stationed on Planet 13 sent a signal that they could no longer suppress the landing sweepers because of insufficient preparation…” A liaison officer stood up and saluted and handed the message to Alicia.

Alicia glanced at the message and handed it back to the other party: “Let our destroyer squadron enter the predetermined orbit!”

“His Royal Highness…” A staff officer spoke, seeming to want to say something.

“Execute the order!” Alicia waved her hand, interrupting the opponent’s questioning. The staff officer sighed, shook his head and retreated to his position.

Aricia was also very sorry, and muttered: “Planet Higgs 13 can no longer be rescued…”

The adjutant slapped his chest and complained very unwillingly: “Damn it, it’s a resource planet…There are three mines on it…”

“Not anymore,” Alicia said.

Time passed by one minute and one second, the Royal 2nd Fleet still insisted on the predetermined orbital defense line. The enemy’s fleet is gradually increasing, and the pressure on the fleet’s defense is also gradually increasing.

More than half an hour later, the communications commander once again sent a message on the ground: “The message from Biel, commander of the Higgs 13 planetary security force:’The minister and the Higgs 13 coexist and die’… …”

Since the message was sent out, it proved that the commander named Biel was now killed.

sighed, Alicia looked at the liaison officer and ordered: “Command! Destroyer Squadron…fire covered orbital bombardment at Higgs…completely destroy all life on the surface.”

“Yes!” The liaison officer with a heavy tone stood up and saluted, and then turned to deliver the order.

Alicia looked at the adjutant next to him, and said: “All the personnel and equipment stationed on the planet…including the loss of 40,000 security forces, 70,000 staff of various ethnic groups, and 21 million puppet robots, Send it back to Ailan Sirius…”

“The three reinforcement fleets have arrived… Your Highness… They are going to the designated location to replace our warship…” Another officer sent good news.

“Order the fleet to retreat! Give up position!” Alicia let out a sigh and sat back in her position.

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