My Empire

Chapter 1618: Supply bottleneck

So far, how many fleets does the Allanhill Empire have? This is a very interesting question.

In fact, at this moment, the main fleet of the Allanhill Empire assembled in the Higgs region, including the 1st fleet commanded by Marshal Lawnes, and the 2nd fleet commanded by Admiral Bakaroff, Walter The 5th Fleet under the command of Admiral, and the 6th Fleet under the command of Admiral Lester.

Recently, due to the transfer, the 10th Fleet under the command of Admiral Bourgeois and the 11th Fleet under the command of Lieutenant General Hadecathlon have also been deployed in the Higgs region.

In addition to the Royal 1st Fleet led by Andrea, the Royal 2nd Fleet led by Iresia, Cape Luna is stationed in the Royal 3rd Fleet near the Higgs 1 planet… the entire Higgs area is stationed The troop strength has reached a staggering 9 fleets.

Each of the four regions close to the theater is stationed with a fleet, including the 3rd Fleet under the command of Admiral Pullen Eike, which is stationed in the Atlanta region; Maher’s 4th Fleet is deployed in the Dothan region.

The 8th Fleet under the command of General Wilkes was standing in the Jesno Region, and the 9th Fleet led by Corea was deployed on the border of the Holy Magic Region.

In Chris’s base camp, which is the Elan Hill region, two fleets are deployed, namely the Royal Guard Fleet directly under the Emperor, and the 7th Fleet under the control of Wagron.

In addition, there are fleets scattered throughout the empire as strategic reserve and guard forces. They are the 12th Dragon Fleet led by Dragon General Kajalk, the 13th Fleet commanded by General Tucker, and the elves commanded by General Farai. The 14th Fleet of the Tribe, the 16th Fleet of the Dwarves under the command of General Morak, and the 17th Fleet of the Demon under the command of General Van Kefal.

From top to bottom, the fleet designation of the Allanhill Empire:

Chris is directly under the Royal Guard Fleet (accompanied by driving),

Andrea Royal 1st Fleet (in Higgs),

Alicia Royal 2nd Fleet (in Higgs),

Cape Luna Royal 3rd Fleet (in Higgs),

Lawnes 1st Fleet (in Higgs),

Bakaroff 2nd Fleet (in Higgs),

Pullen Eike 3rd Fleet (Arante Fleet),

Maher’s 4th Fleet (Dothan Fleet),

Walter 5th Fleet (Higgs Region Fleet),

Lester’s 6th Fleet (in Higgs),

Wagron 7th Fleet (Capital Reserve Fleet),

Wilkes 8th Fleet (Jessno Region Fleet),

The 9th Fleet of Coria (Sacred Demon Region Fleet),

Bourgeois 10th Fleet (in Higgs),

The 11th Fleet of Hedecathlon (in Higgs),

Kajalk 12th Fleet (in Higgs),

Tucker’s 13th Fleet (Strategic Reserve),

Fale’s 14th Fleet (Elven Fleet),

The 15th Fleet of Morak the Dwarf (Dwarf Fleet),

Famarus 16th Fleet (Orc Fleet),

Van Kefal’s 17th Fleet (Demon Fleet).

The above 21 fleets are the existing main fleets of the Aranhill Empire, which do not include independent squads like the Zagu fleet.

The fleet where the Dragon Emperor who destroyed the fleeing Heavenly Sword Shenzong Puppet Sect was actually a squadron that did not count as the main fleet.

It can be seen that in order to fight the Warden’s offensive in the Higgs area, the Ailanhill Empire has assembled 10 of the 21 main fleets, which is close to half of the entire empire’s forces.

In fact, if the subsequent reinforcement plan is calculated to be assembled in the Higgs area, or the fleet assembled in the vicinity of the theater, it has already exceeded two-thirds of the imperial force.

Because, according to the plan of the Imperial Staff, the 12th Fleet of the Dragons, the 14th Fleet of the Elves, the 15th Fleet of the Dwarves, the 16th Fleet of the Orcs, and the 17th Fleet of the Demons all go to the battle zone to participate in the reception. Down the battle.

This is not a joke, it means that four-fifths of the empire’s military power has been concentrated in the war zone.

Ever since the establishment of the Ailan Hill Empire, and even in the era when more than half of the magical world, when war was on all sides, 80% of the country’s troops have never been used to participate in the war!

Even if Taiyi is activated, Chris, as Taiyi’s key, will also arrive at the front line to fight by himself. At that time, more than 95% of the forces of the Ailan Hill Empire may be assembled in the Higgs region.

The strategic decisive battle carried out by the whole nation has already begun in the Higgs region, and hundreds of millions of ships have gathered in this vast star field.

In order to support such a huge fleet, it is really an astronomical number to build how many transfer stations, how many space ports, and how many space transport ships to use.

This astronomical figure is not an exaggeration, but an astronomical figure in the true sense! As many as stars, the transport spacecraft shuttles through the vast universe, fighting on the front line in order to feed the tens of billions of troops.

There are thousands of puppet robots working on every battleship, and some battleships even have tens of thousands of such working robots.

In addition to these robots, there are hundreds to hundreds of clones on these battleships. They are responsible for precision tasks that robots cannot do, and serve commanders in special positions.

On large battleships, there are also tens to hundreds of natural persons, including various races. These valuable senior commanders are responsible for commanding battleships and leading clones and puppet robots.

Each of these warships constituted the squadron of the Ailan Hill Empire, and each of these squadrons formed a huge fleet.

The Starring Dockyards of the Ailan Hill Empire built on the orbit of the planets were continuously produced and constructed, hollowing out a rich metal mineral planet, assembling and producing huge warships.

The clones that came out of the petri dish, washed their bodies, got on the spaceship, and were transported to such a brand-new battleship.

Then, after a few hours of testing, the warship will go to the designated star field formation, and as a supplementary fleet rush to the front line. Because there are too many to manufacture, even the trial voyage has been simplified.

On the front line, at almost the same time, there was already such a warship, which was penetrated by black energy and exploded into debris floating in the universe.

This is war. It looks so grand, but it is actually extremely cruel cosmic war. A person, an individual, has almost no sense of existence in such a war. In every tiny moment, there are countless individuals vanished in ashes.

The innumerable lives have thus become cold numbers, and become the decision-making data for the superiors to win the thousands of miles.

It’s like, the emperor Chris of the Ailan Hill Empire, the telegram Higgs 13 in his hand now has no surviving life.

More than 200 destroyers bombed continuously for 3 hours, and then a battleship arrived and heated the core of the planet with the star destroyer.

Today’s Higgs 13 can see hot, boiling lava on the surface in outer space, which looks like hell.

“The tragedy of Higgs 13 was caused by the sudden increase in the enemy’s strength. The opponent is now putting troops in all directions that can be found, and our army is being forced to put troops in all directions.” Luo Kai standing in front of Chris , Explained to the Royal 2nd Fleet.

After all, firing a cannon on the planet of one’s own empire is not a good thing to say. Although the place has actually been lost, destroying a planet where there may still be survivors by hand is really not very pleasing.

“There is nothing wrong with what the Royal 2nd Fleet did.” Chris pressed the report on the table and said, “This is the account of the caretaker.”

He looked at Luo Kai and motioned to the other party to continue.

Luo Kai immediately went on to report: “General Bourgeois’s 10th Fleet has arrived at the designated position, and the Higgs 11 has become the front line…”

“General Hedecathlon’s 11th Fleet has also arrived, but the number of the Watcher’s fleet is increasing, and the pressure on the front line has not diminished with the arrival of the 11th Fleet.” He pointed to the star chart and responded to Chris. Wagron introduced.

After speaking, he added: “In fact, the pressure on the logistics forces is even greater than the pressure on the frontline fleet.”

Think about it, if Huaxia concentrates all its forces in a certain province, the pressure on railway lines, the pressure on grain reserves, the pressure on ammunition, fuel, and even the accommodation camp would be no less than fighting a war. .

During World War II, the Germans and IIIs hoarded a large amount of supplies on the Eastern Front. However, due to rail problems and limited traffic conditions, there was a pile of supplies in Poland, but the German army near Smolensk was forced to stop advancing due to lack of supplies. .

Therefore, the scale of sending so many troops to a star field is thousands of times the size of a million troops assembled on the earth, and the difficulty of this can be imagined.

Luo Kai glanced at Smith in the engineering department and affirmed the latter’s efforts: “In order to support the frontline battle, we rushed to build 25 large-scale supply space ports and 190 small supply centers…”

This is an industrial miracle completed by gathering a large number of engineering and manufacturing personnel and mobilizing a large number of materials.

You know, these large cosmic ports are almost like building a super huge space station directly in the universe, similar to building a simple artificial planet for warships to dock.

Large-scale material supply ports must also have the ability to repair warships. In the earth’s civilization, during the peak period of the United States, there are not too many ports that can repair warships built around the world.

The Ailan Hill Empire actually built 25 large cosmic ports out of thin air in the universe in more than a month, and by the way, it also built more than 100 small replenishment stations!

However, Luo Kai continued to talk about the issue of logistical supplies: “But up to now, there are still bottlenecks in handling materials. For this reason, we have even been forced to reduce the transportation of some front-line non-essential supplies.”

He called up a report on the projection, pointed to the data on the report, and explained to Chris and Waglon who were listening carefully: “The quality of food for the frontline troops has dropped by percent in the last ten days. Thirty, the speed of clothing replacement has increased by 40%…These are forced adjustments and are expected to have a weak impact on the war. This is the best material transportation and distribution plan drawn by the supercomputer.”

Judging from the short-term impact, it is still acceptable. At least the front-line troops have enough ammunition and enough instant noodles.

Although it has always been at the forefront of the times, the current Airenhill Empire combat troops are far from developing the arrogant atmosphere of American soldiers that would not fight without chocolate. The quality of food has declined, and the impact on combat effectiveness has been reduced. Not obvious.

“We are working hard to improve this aspect…In order to increase the number of ports in the Higgs theater as soon as possible, we are shipping the spaceports in the hinterland there, but there are not many spaceports capable of space transition, so we can only build new ones. .” Luo Kai continued.

After speaking, he turned the projection over a page, pointed to the follow-up construction plan above, and said to Chris and Wagron: “Learning from this lesson, we are building 30 spaceports in the rear that can be spaced. But it will take a month to complete the construction.”

The introduction of logistics supplies is over here, and subsequent improvements will depend on the construction speed of the engineering unit.

Fortunately, there are still many engineering construction troops assembled by Higgs. Many of the redundant engineering personnel who have been withdrawn from the Taiyi plan can be transferred to the troops to build air ports and supply depots.

After all, Taiyi’s structural construction has been almost completed, and there is no need for so many construction personnel.

However, because of the existence of the Taiyi project, the Higgs area’s engineering staff is still seriously insufficient, and the construction and construction teams supplemented from other areas have also arrived one after another.

You must know that the Guardian’s troops did not have such a large scale of attack before, so the logistics has been under little pressure, and the top empire is not prepared to deploy so many supply facilities in the Higgs area.

No way, the facilities cost money! It is for supplies! If it is not necessary, who doesn’t know that it would be better to build several battleships with these time, money and materials?

Next, Luo Kai introduced the Higgs 11 battle that has already started. Because after the fall of the Higgs 13 planet, the Higgs 11 planet became the focus of the Watchers’ attack.

Fortunately, Higgs 11 is also a fortress planet, so it won’t fall instantly like Higgs 13 did.

Now the Aranhill Empire has sent reinforcements to Higgs 11, under the command of Demon General Dolenozie.

Luo Kai focused his introduction on the space fleet. He pointed to the space near Higgs 11 and said to Chris: “The current situation is that the 12th, 15th, and 15th of the Royal 2nd Fleet are reinforced. 17 The forward forces of the three fleets have arrived at the designated positions.”

“At present, they have taken over the defense line of the Royal 2nd Fleet and fought fierce battles with the enemy near Higgs 11.” He roughly drew the range, and then speculated about the enemy’s purpose: “Now, our front line The length of the guards has doubled, which is also a strategy for their number to increase sharply, seeking to invest their forces in more areas.”

“They are attacking Higgs 3, Higgs 4, and Higgs 11 at the same time, and they are engaged in fierce fleet battles with our army in 4 universes near these planets.” The chief of the Imperial General Staff , Said with some worry: “Our loss is five times the previous, and the other party’s loss is also huge. However, obviously, they have no plans to retreat.”

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