My Empire

Chapter 1619: Demon Soldier

Hill is an ordinary Demon soldier. When he joined the ground forces of the Aranhill Empire, the Aranhill Empire had been bathed in peaceful sunshine for three years.

As a demon warrior, he trains hard every day in order to give his life to the great source of magic when the empire needs him.

For this he learned how to use an assault rifle, and later replaced an electromagnetic rifle, and finally learned how to use a simple power mech.

The reason is simple, because the first-class power mech is the priority to supply the main force, and the demons are not the main force of the emperor.

As a demon soldier, he has no access to the most advanced weapon systems, and can only fight with ordinary weapons that have been eliminated and replaced.

Although he believes that his loyalty is beyond doubt, but within the empire, the demons have always been second-class citizens.

Even the Heavenly Sword Sect and the Nine Nether Sect, which were attached after the surrender, had a slightly higher status than the Demon Race.

At this moment, he followed his commander, Dolenault, to a planet called Higgs 11, where he knew he was about to fight the most ferocious enemy.

Higgs 11 is a fortification planet, which was previously selected, and may become a fortress planet on the front line with various fortifications built.

Many fortifications have been built on this planet. Facts have proved that most of these fortifications may become food for the enemy, but they are not very useful.

However, as a soldier, being able to garrison in a bunker instead of sleeping in the wilderness, in fact, still has a certain morale boost.

Hill has never seen the space fleet. He passed through the time portal, which is the Eye of Magic, and reached the Higgs 11 directly from the Higgs 1 transfer station.

He has never seen a magnificent star ring in his entire life, nor has he seen Dyson Cloud, nor has he really seen huge spaceships and interstellar warships.

Like many ordinary demons, he has been an ordinary slave serving the source of magic, doing heavy work since the time he remembered.

Every night, when he looked up at the starry sky, he could see a magnificent band of light in the vast space. This strip of light traverses the entire night sky, as dazzling as a light inlaid overhead.

It was said that it was the space fleet of the Ailan Hill Empire, where countless warships were at war with the enemy.

Pulling open a bag of instant noodles sent by the puppet robot, Hill supported the alcohol stove and placed his aluminum lunch box on it.

The water quickly boiled, he poured the dough in, then sprinkled the sauce bag, and carefully closed the lid of the lunch box.

He still remembers the days when the demons could not eat enough, so wasting food was an unforgivable sin for him.

The demons are actually very interesting. In the era of magical origins, they are fierce and cunning, which exactly matches the title of their demons.

But with the advent of peace, the origin of magic became Chris, and these terrifying races that were once armed and military became not much different from the self-employed farmers.

Although in many cases, they still showed a fierce personality, but in life, they quickly changed their habits and became much more friendly.

Perhaps it was the ten thousand years of battle that caused them to lose too much, so when peace comes, they really cherish it extremely.

However, when the Allanhill Empire announced the national mobilization and the war with the guards broke out, the number of demons in the army had always been the first among all races.

No way, the population base is there… Demons are the most populous race in the Ailan Hill Empire, several times more than humans.

Before, Chris had only limited armour of some Demons soldiers, and was very cautious when giving them weapons.

However, as the scale of the war gradually lost control, the demons began to move towards the front in large numbers.

After all, there were hundreds of millions of soldiers who were not armed, but in the end they lost the war. Isn’t that the second fool? Moreover, the sooner the Demon soldiers are invested, the more they can guarantee the proportion of the Demon’s losses in the war.

If a war is fought and all the people who die are humans, wouldn’t the demons have more population? Consider from another aspect, how can the demons let Chris sacrifice the human population to protect it?

Therefore, arming the demons has gradually become an inevitable choice, and Hill is one of the vast number of armed demons soldiers.

Inferior demons such as quadruped gorillas and demon bats cannot appear on the battlefield with the watchers, because after these targets are eliminated, they can easily become energy consumed by the enemy.

Therefore, like other races, the demons can only take the elite route on the battlefield. Only humanoid demons, and at least junior magicians, can be selected to become true warriors and serve the empire.

The aroma of instant noodles began to diffuse, and Hill grasped the folding handle of the lunch box with his hand, held the lunch box in front of him, picked up the fork in the other hand, and started to stir.

Although many human units don’t think instant noodles are any good food, this thing is still very popular among the demons.

There is no way, because a large number of demons were actually very poor during the reign of the magic source. They are weak and strong, even devouring their own companions… well, from this point of view, they are exactly the same as the guards.

As a demon warrior, Hill actually couldn’t understand what kind of opponent could be so powerful that he could contend with the new source of magic.

Although he hadn’t seen the magnificence of the space fleet, he had actually seen it with his own eyes, how huge the demons army was led by General Dolenottie.

That is really an army that covers the sky and the end is invisible. The densely packed soldiers walked out of the magical eye in square formations, until he reached the distant horizon, and looking back, he could still see the army. Step out of the eyes of magic.

There are flying A-10 attack aircraft, J-30 fighter jets, Z-30 helicopters, and Y-30 transport aircraft…

Of course, you can also see the swordsman unit of Katsuyuki in white flying with the sword, and the electromagnetic tank unit driving forward along the road.

Hill really didn’t believe that any opponent could defeat such a powerful army, knowing that this is a terrifying army that is countless times stronger than the most powerful army of magic origin before!

In the trenches, puppet soldiers were carrying boxes of ammunition. Hill, who was already familiar with the supply category, could tell that this was a packing box for grenades and bullets.

In addition to these, there are wooden boxes for storing rocket launchers and anti-aircraft missiles in the trenches, and there are more similar heavy weapons in the bunker not far away.

“Test communication! Test communication! Nuclear strike has ended, tactical nuclear strike has ended.” Halfway through the meal, the company commander’s confirmation communication sounded in the headset.

Hill pressed the intercom, chewed the instant noodles amidst the sizzling electric noise, and replied: “It can be heard, but there is strong electromagnetic interference!”

“Nuclear strikes have had a bad effect. The enemy has approached our position. Be alert! Be alert!” A few seconds later, the company commander’s order came again, and the atmosphere on the entire defense line immediately became tense.

“Recall everything in the video, including the appearance of the enemy, the effective area of ​​the attack, the concealed actions during defense…” The squad leader held the electromagnetic rifle and walked past every soldier, reminding everyone loudly.

For the Demon Race, this is the first time they have arrived at the front line to participate in the war in a reorganized situation. Their performance is very important to the Demon Race.

Van Kefal’s space fleet has assembled near Higgs 11. They will cover their compatriots in the universe and fight **** battles with the enemy in the Higgs 11 area.

On the ground, as an important general of the demons, Dolenault is deploying troops to compete with the ground troops of the Watchers who have landed on Higgs 11.

More than an hour ago, the nuclear strike had begun, but the guards’ landing troops did not back down. On the contrary…they copied and split more troops and launched a fierce attack.

“Huh! Huh! Huh!” Just as Hill licked his lunch box clean and put it into the bag on his back, above his head, the sound of a 300mm-caliber rocket launcher tearing the air shook the ground. Every soldier on board.

“The enemy is approaching?” A Demon soldier beside Hill asked nervously.

“The electronic map shows that they are approaching the outer defense line in front…” Hill looked at the electronic map and replied.

The line of defense they are stationed in is not the most forward position. In front of their line of defense, there are two demon infantry divisions.

“Om…!” In the higher sky, a J-30 fighter jet dragged a long black smoke to the ground, and the air battle had begun.

Countless white smoke trails and black spots are intertwined in the air, and from time to time you can see falling aircraft, exploding in the air, disintegrating and scattered on the distant horizon.

“Boom!” The roar of the 155mm-caliber heavy artillery echoed in the sky, and the artillery positions joined the ensemble, and the symphony on the battlefield became more noisy.

Over time, Hill could even feel that the ground under his feet was trembling slightly. Through the integrated telescope on the visor, he could already see the thick smoke on the distant horizon.

The front line of defense doesn’t seem to be guarded for too long… Hill muttered in his heart. He is a man who has experienced exercises. Whenever such a situation occurs, it also indicates that the front line of defense has tended to collapse.

Then he sighed: You know, the troops stationed in the front line of defense are also very powerful. Under this circumstance, it only lasted less than an hour before losing its position, which shows that the enemy is strong.

“Interrupt shooting… It seems that the troops in front are about to retreat.” The comrades around him discussed the battle in the distance.

The entire army’s artillery was roaring, firing uninterruptedly at a distance. They are shielding friendly forces from contact with enemy forces, and it seems that the first line of defense has no value to hold on.

Clouds of smoke rose on the horizon, which was a means for the retreating troops to block the enemy’s view.

“The smoke is released. It seems that they have begun to retreat.” When Hill heard the murmur of his comrades around him, he saw a troop returning to his trench along a depression.

That was the troops stationed on the first line of defense. It seemed that their losses were not disastrous. The battle just now was just a test of the strength of the opponent’s attack.

However, Hill soon saw the fixed stretcher on the off-road vehicle, and some wounded supporting each other, one after another passing through the trenches where he was stationed.

“The enemy is strong, you have to be careful.” A soldier with black blood on the outside of the powered mech, when he passed Hill, reminded him: “Pay attention to concealment and lower your body as much as possible.”

“Thank you.” Looking at the other party walking towards the back without looking back, Hill nodded and thanked him.

However, his voice was drowned in the roar of shells. The military artillery roared once again, the distance that originally belonged to the defense position of the Ailan Hill Empire, at this moment, was upset by the artillery shells.

“Huh!” As Hill looked at the cannon fire in the distance and imagined the ferocity of the enemy, a cloud of black energy rubbed his scalp, crossed the trench where he was, and hit the soil behind him. Pile up.

“Boom!” The mound was lifted into the air by the explosion, and countless stones and dust fell down, hitting the steel armor on top of Hill’s head, and there was a crisp sound.

“Damn…” Hill, who was bent over to hide, finally understood what it meant to be attention concealment. He also finally understood what it meant by the comrade who had just reminded him to keep his body as low as possible.

Looking through the gap in the trench, he saw sweepers all over the mountains, like ants, rushing towards his direction one after another.

“Suddenly!” He picked up his electromagnetic rifle and started shooting at the enemy. He could clearly see the enemies rushing forward in the distance, and after his gun shot, they fell one by one.

Because the enemy’s formation is too dense, he doesn’t even need to aim precisely. After the aiming system on the visor provided a rough shooting parameter, he took the trigger for granted.

Another magazine was emptied, and the fierce enemies in front of him fell again. However, the distance between the two sides is still getting closer, and the enemy seems to be in front of him.

“Boom! Boom!” In the sky, the cluster bomb celestial lady scattered flowers scattered like raindrops of sub-munitions, and the entire open area in front of the Ailan Hill Empire line of defense was instantly covered.

Hill felt the air flow over the trench where he was, the tumbling smoke enveloped his vision, the infrared night vision device was automatically activated, and the target in the smoke was clearly visible…

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