My Empire

Chapter 1620: Demons and Humans

The past selection of generals of the demons was based on personal combat power. For example, demonic generals such as Salux, who fought against humans in the past, all possess powerful combat effectiveness.

Later, these high-ranking generals of the demons basically died in the battle with the Ailan Hill Empire.

The selection system for the next Mozu generals is very interesting. They have their own veteran generals with strong fighting ability, such as Van Kefal, he is a demon veteran who is following the demon lord Alicia.

So his personal combat effectiveness is very strong, not even much weaker than the Deputy Prime Minister of the Empire, Alves.

But now the middle-level officers who command the demon army, and even many high-level generals, are promoted based on the military academy’s selection and training results.

Dole Nuojie is such an existence. He was an aristocratic general of the Demon Race before, and his combat effectiveness was very high.

But later, he participated in the training of the military academy of the Ailan Hill Empire, applied for the command department, and then graduated with honors, and was finally assigned to the demon army.

For a long time, Dola Nuojie has been committed to improving the status of the demon army in the imperial system, and he is also a rare whole-hearted loyalty in the demon clan.

This is a very interesting thing. The demons have great loyalty to the empire, but this kind of loyal subject is actually quite different.

For example, General Van Kefal, he is a typical old demons. While loyal to the emperor, he is also loyal to the empire, the source of magic, and the devil Duke Alicia.

This kind of loyalty is complicated, and it also proves that the demons are entangled to some extent. Many demons are like this. Part of their allegiance to Chris is because Chris is also the source of magic.

Dolenault is different. He is completely loyal to Chris. His loyalty to Chris is based on a firm cult of personality.

As an imperial general, Dolenault admires Chris and regards him as his idol. Therefore, he is also rare among the generals of the demons, who shouted long live our emperor when saluting.

Other demon generals either shouted long live the source of magic or long live the empire. Anyway, they called it a strange thing.

Of course, this situation is not unique to the demons. The Elven General Falay is loyal to the Ailan Hill Empire, and Merion is loyal to Chris himself.

Because it is impossible to determine which object of loyalty is better, it is impossible to say which person is more loyal to the emperor’s personal generals, and may become half-hearted towards the successor emperor; and generals who are loyal to the empire may choose to refuse to stand with the emperor in the face of justice Together.

In short, this kind of thing depends entirely on the emperor’s personal status. If the emperor is strong, then these generals with all kinds of minds will obey the dispatch; but if the emperor is weak and incompetent, then these generals will inevitably have ghosts in their hearts.

Dolenault stood in his headquarters at this moment, looking at the holographic map, the places that were shining with red light.

Those places are the line of defense that the Guardian troops are attacking. The fighting between the two sides is very fierce, and the line of defense being attacked has also been in urgency.

The strength of the Watchers on the Higgs 11 planet is actually very much, even to the point of amazing.

Before, according to the specifications in the campaign manual, Dolenozie directly rewarded the guard’s troops with 10 nuclear bombs. As a result, the calculation result was that the opponent’s loss was about 10%.

That was ten nuclear bombs with the equivalent of one million tons. They directly smashed into the area where the opposing force was stationed, and they only reduced the opposing force by 10%!

What is even more depressing is that according to the calculation model, the time for the opponent to replenish the loss of troops is about one day.

In other words, one day later, the opponent will be able to recover to today’s total strength, or even more.

So, Dola Nuojie gritted his teeth and dropped another 20 nuclear bombs, finally reducing the opponent’s strength to about 70% of the original.

Then the battle broke out, and his first-line defensive force only lasted for 40 minutes, and was forced to give up a first-line defensive position.

This result is also surprising. After all, it was previously expected that this perimeter line of defense can last at least one day.

Although the troops stationed decisively ordered the stationed troops to abandon the position immediately, but Dolenozie was still the strongest of the Guardian troops, and had a general judgment.

So, he decided to follow the example of Midas and come to a turtle tactic. Honestly hold on to every position and resist each and every time, so that the guards spend the most time occupying Higgs 11.

Dole Norge does not have the strong and tough defensive command and dispatch ability of Medeas. He feels that what he can do is to stick to the last soldier here honestly.

Anyway, the empire did not expect to rely on the number of troops to compete with the guards. As long as he procrastinated as much as possible, it would be a valuable strategic response opportunity for the empire.

When Taiyi is in service, the enemy’s numerical advantage may be offset. At that time, the guards will no longer be able to threaten the emperor’s eternal life.

“The opponent’s strength advantage is too obvious, and we can’t fight with each other. Frankly speaking, the Mozu is not good at this kind of battle.” A Mozu staff was a little annoyed and stood beside Dolenault, complaining.

Another staff officer also nodded, feeling that the battle was really aggrieved: “If we can lose troops regardless of the cost, then even if two are exchanged for each other, we will be willing to bear the loss. But now, our losses represent To send more troops to the enemy, which makes us uncomfortable.”

Dolenault still stared at the holographic map in front of him, looked at the main attack directions of the enemy’s attack, and said: “I know, if there is no difficulty, how can your Majesty give us such an important task?”

“Sir, the defense line of the 5th Armored Division of the Demon Race was breached by the enemy conquerors. I have conveyed your order to send the 1st Armored Division to reinforce… The loss is great, but no matter what, we must grab the lost position. Come back!” The adjutant came over and reported to Doreno Express.

“Very good, protect the swordsman and the human grenadier as much as possible, and let our people bear the casualties as much as possible.” Dolainuojie nodded and spoke to several staff officers and commanders under his opponent.

An officer nodded immediately and replied: “We understand that we are already doing this. However, the commanders of the human race don’t think they are special. They are still taking the initiative to fight.”

“Use our troops first, as a last resort, don’t push Terran troops on top.” Dola Nuojie said thoughtfully.

Hill lowered his body as much as possible, and watched a four-armed sweeper jump out of the trench not far away. He was already prepared and shot the opponent’s body with a shot.

The sweeper was hit by a bullet and fell on his back. The sweeper behind him began to attack where Hill was, and the black energy group hit like raindrops.

These energy clusters lifted the soil in front of Hill, and blasted the cracked concrete pieces into the sky.

The grit crackled against the armor on Hill’s head, making clanking noises. Hill lay down as much as possible, pressing his body close to the bottom of the trench, and crawling towards another gap in the distance.

This is the second time he has seen such a powerful firepower. The first time he saw such a firepower was when the Ailan Hill Empire attacked the Demon World.

At that time, he was also the one who was beaten, and he was lying at the bottom of the trench like this, like a bug struggling in the mud.

“Why do I have such a hard life… the one who gets beaten every time… **** it.” He muttered as he reached the gap designed to conceal the fire.

The difference from the last time is that he has the same powerful weapon this time, which can kill distant enemies, so this time he can not only be beaten, but also counterattack.

This is actually a world of difference. There is hope of counterattack, and there is no means of destroying the enemy. There is not a slight difference between them.

As long as the soldiers are given the hope that they can destroy the enemy, who is willing to surrender easily? At this moment, Hill once again raised the weapon in his hand and aimed at the distant target.

“Suddenly!” He squeezed the trigger again and swept out the remaining bullets in the magazine.

On his front, the sweepers fell seven or eight, and the rest swarmed forward to fill the gap in the attack formation.

subconsciously touched his waist, and Hill found that his magazine had been exhausted. He is now in a state of running out of ammunition and food, and a few minutes ago, he had just witnessed the puppet robot transporting ammunition being hit and scrapped and dumped in the trenches.

“The nearest replenishment point is 110 meters away, and the nearest replenishment point is 110 meters away…” The electronic mechanical sound kept prompting, but Hill had no energy to take care of these things.

He had already drawn out the lightsaber from his waist and cut off a sweeper who had plunged into the trench. Hand-to-hand combat has begun, and now it is a life and death fight.

“…ha!” He ignored the splash of blood and stood up in the trenches that had been destroyed by the explosion for most of the time. In front of him, there are countless sweepers.

Just like those heroes who slashed zombies in a TV series, Hill did not expect that one day he could become such a person.

Before, when demons faced enemies, they actually swarmed like this. Only now did Hill know how unwilling and desperate the masters who were submerged by the devil dog were before they died.

“Warning! Damaged left shoulder! Warning! Damaged left shoulder!” The computer beep reminded Hill again and again that he is now very dangerous.

He can feel the Sweeper stabbing him in the ribs, and he can feel an enemy knocking off his shoulder armor even more. But he couldn’t take care of these anymore, because he was wielding a lightsaber, slashing one enemy after another in front of him.

Hill knew that he would fall eventually, and now he is just using the last moment of his life to be loyal to the country.

Finally, the lightsaber in his hand began to become shorter due to exhaustion of energy, but the sweeper in front of him did not decrease in the slightest.

In the next second, a sweeper rushed forward. At this critical moment, a series of gunshots hit the sweepers who had gathered.

A human also wearing a mech jumped into the trenches. Behind him were more soldiers, most of whom had a sharp flying sword hanging on their shoulders.

“Are you okay?” A swordsman of the Heavenly Sword Sect pulled Hill from the ground and asked loudly.

“It’s okay!” Hill took a deep breath and said to his comrades who came to support him: “Thanks…Thank you.”

“You’re welcome!” The swordsman of the Heavenly Sword Sect handed Hill one of his energy batteries, opened his mask, and said, “This armor is so easy to use, I like this feeling so much. ”

His armor is much stronger than Hill’s. After all, as a human, the power mecha assigned to him is much more elite than the power mecha of the demons.

“Boom!” Just as they were talking, an electromagnetic tank next to them crossed the trench and fired a shell not far behind them.

“Drink!” Several Sky Sword Swordsmen leaped high, condensing huge lightsabers in front of them, and directly swept the front battlefield.

They were like chopping melons and vegetables, and wiped out all the sweepers who were already close to the defense line of the Ailan Hill Empire.

After all,    is a new force that has just joined the battlefield. The combat power of this reinforcement unit is really different from the unit where Hill has been fighting on the front line for more than 2 hours.

What’s more, the equipment of these units is significantly stronger. The electromagnetic tanks they are equipped with are advanced weapons that Hill’s unit does not have.

This is only the power mech equipped by the Sky Sword faction. If it is the more core Ailan Hill Empire grenadier, the kind of old mortal force, the new equipment on those power mechas are really imaginative. Less powerful.

In order to protect these veterans who have followed the empire all the way to the present day, the weapon department of the Ailanhill Empire really spared no effort.

Finally, the counterattack force of the Ailan Hill Empire arrived, and the sweeper’s offensive tide gradually receded.

“Sorry, we came here to reinforce voluntarily… No way, no approval from the above.” This is probably the commander of the mixed unit like the Synthetic Battalion, standing in front of the commander of Hill’s unit, a little embarrassed Said.

“We have not received orders for reinforcements, but as an independent battalion, we can make basic judgments on the battle situation without applying.” The human commander said, holding his helmet.

He sighed and continued to the grateful Demon officer: “In fact, my father died in the war against the Demon, but today you are standing here, fighting for Ailan Hill, I Will treat you as my comrade-in-arms.”

The demon commander stood at attention and saluted, expressing his gratitude: “I know that saying sorry is of no use…so, I will fight to the last minute.”

“For Ailan Hill!” The Terran officer held his head high.

“Long live the empire!” The demon officer solemnly answered.

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