My Empire

Chapter 1631: One point one second

On the back of Higgs 3, or to be more precise, on the back of the “sun” star that will never be seen on Higgs 3, a huge artificial star that has almost been constructed is surrounding countless Qing’s battleship and engineering spacecraft.

The Ailan Hill Empire has almost exhausted the country’s efforts to build the super weapon Taiyi, and the main project has almost been completed.

This huge spaceship, or simply an artificial planet, is a super weapon that His Majesty Chris, the Emperor of the Alanhill Empire, has high hopes for.

Even though the entire project was built directly on a super huge metal meteorite, it is still a man-made project on an unimaginable scale.

In order to ensure the main strength of this project, in fact, this metal meteorite has not been modified, it is only heated and melted and used as a foundation.

Then, on the basis of this meteorite, the support structure was extended to build the cabins inside the star body layer by layer.

In order to ensure the internal temperature and prevent it from overheating due to its large size, the cooling system for cooling is even more exaggerated to the point of amazing.

In fact, the equator of the entire man-made star, plus the South Pole and the North Pole, is actually a huge grille of the heat dissipation system, and there is almost no defense against attacks.

In fact, from the beginning of the design, Taiyi did not consider the possibility of being attacked. If the enemy can attack it with weapons, then the Ailan Hill Empire has already lost.

On the surface of this man-made star, there are 4 nuclear fusion reactors. These reactors designed on the surface of the planet are purely for generating electricity and powering heat dissipation equipment.

Because of its huge size, the entire planet itself has gravity. However, it has designed a gravity simulation system to simulate gravity to almost the same level as Ailan Sirius.

Of course, there is also a complete set of energy equipment, which uses magic to reduce weight and use magic to strengthen the core, so that the core that supports the entire planet will not collapse.

In short, this is a complicated system, and the technology involved is even more complicated to make people collapse. It has become so complicated that even with a powerful computer-assisted like Nuwa, it is still not perfect in detail design.

All of this is actually to support a system, one is named Taiyi system. The name originally only referred to this system, but now it is used to refer to the entire artificial star!

The reason for building such a huge star is because Taiyi is built directly on a planet, which is unable to adapt to its structural strength. At the same time, it is easy to cause a series of problems.

After calculation, the difficulty of digging an internal structure to accommodate Taiyi on a planet is actually comparable to that of directly building an artificial star.

And since Taiyi was built, it is required to be able to move at any time. If you dig directly on the planet, the cost of using space technology to transfer the planet is too great.

So after the research, the Ailanhill Empire chose to build an artificial star instead of digging directly on a planet.

Taiyi, which needs such a huge volume of support, is currently undergoing a full-scale structural strength test.

Because the core energy is too high, even so high that it can destroy any substance, the previous full-scale actual tests actually failed.

An old man wearing glasses stands in front of the huge screen, looking at the structure diagram above, and the self-check data next to each other below.

“The airtight connection check is complete!” A staff member reported loudly after seeing a circle of connection points all turned green.

Beside him, another staff member responsible for checking all the connection and locking structures also raised his arm: “The fixed interface connection is normal.”

“The charging device has reached a critical point…” In the distance, on another console, an engineer looked at the fully loaded energy bar and said.

Farther away, Carl wearing a magic robe stared at the monitor and said to the chief engineer who presided over the experiment: “The guided energy output array simulated by the 119 great magicians is ready!”

Although he is the confidant of His Majesty the Emperor and the safety leader of this project, on the technical level, he obviously wants to listen to the orders of the old man with glasses standing not far away.

There is no way to imitate the energy output of Chris, the source of magic, with more than one hundred magicians.

First of all, it is certainly not possible to let His Majesty the Emperor personally participate in dangerous experiments, so we can only find alternatives.

Unfortunately, because Chris, as the source of magic, has too much energy, there is no way to replace it.

Dragon Emperor was originally a good choice, but the Taiyi project is for the purpose of keeping secret, and the dragons have not been notified during the technology research and development stage. In the end, it can only be replaced by magic synchronization technology.

The result is that the magic synchronization technology also has limitations. Although the magic empire in the early years had such technology accumulation, it could only complete dozens of magicians’ simultaneous release of magic experiments.

Finally, through the technical reinforcement of the Ailan Hill Empire, the number of people barely reached the limit of 119, which is neither an integer nor has any special meaning.

Because the fire alarm number of the Ailan Hill Empire is 113, the ordinary alarm number is 111, which is a little different from China Civilization.

After preparing everything, the chief engineer in charge of this experiment carried his hands on his back, hunched back to the front of the data monitoring screen, and commanded: “Then…the strength test of kit 5 begins!”

“Yes, sir! Three, two, one! The energy-supplied nuclear fusion reaction starts!” The two officers simultaneously turned on the safety key and activated the entire Taiyi equipment.

“Electromagnetic restraint begins!” The staff on the other side turned on the power supply of the equipment and pushed the handle in front of it to the top position.

In the invisible core of Taiyi, a huge current entangled a super huge ring device. The huge energy crashed crazily in the position of electromagnetic restraint, releasing unprecedented energy.

“Magic energy injection! The charge is seriously insufficient…There is no way, it is the maximum power!” In front of the control system, an engineer stared at the screen intently and shouted.

“The temperature of Suite 5 is rising…” Another engineer staring at the screen made a nervous report.

“The core cooling magic reaches a critical value! The backup magic array is activated!” A magician looked at the magic reaction monitor and shouted.

The entire command center was slightly chaotic, and from time to time, female assistants holding recorded data ran by nervously. Everyone is very nervous, and there is a feeling of anxiety that lives like a year.

Time passed, and finally, after a long silence like a century, a voice that made everyone frustrated: “The value is abnormal… out of control!”

“Duration?” The chief engineer standing in front of the monitoring screen with his hands behind his back asked calmly.

Everyone has already passed ten minutes, but less than ten seconds have just passed…To be precise, only seven seconds have passed.

So, I only heard that the timekeeper was reading the data on the equipment status data display screen with difficulty: “Seven seconds! Eight seconds… It collapsed!”

He raised his head, crying to his teacher and said, “Kit 5 is beginning to melt!”

“The ice magic circle collapsed! It exceeded the limit.” On the other side, the magician also shook his head pale.

“It’s over… Kit 5 is completely scrapped.” Finally, an experimenter admitted the reality, lowered his head and said with a sigh.

“Duration?” The chief engineer wearing glasses was still calm, and continued to ask.

The disciple standing next to him looked down at the tablet computer in his hand, and reported: “9 seconds 239… 0.141 seconds longer than the previous experiment kit.”

The old man nodded and said in a positive tone: “The progress is still obvious.”

“Yes, but it still doesn’t seem to work.” His apprentice is still not optimistic, because every such experiment means that dozens of Invincible-class battleships were burned by them within ten seconds.

This is cutting-edge technology, and this is the cost of cutting-edge technology experiments. It can make the world’s richest and richest people burn money fast, and support the strength of the Ailan Hill Empire.

The old man’s disciple looked at the old man and said with some difficulty: “According to the design standard, this part has to last for 10 seconds. This is already the lowest standard, because the energy it needs to withstand is actually much greater than the test value. ”

“It’s very close, isn’t it…” The old man encouraged him: “It’s already pretty good, at least, we are approaching this goal.”

“It’s always a little bit worse…it’s a pity…” the disciple said in pain. The price of the set of experimental components just now is extremely exaggerated.

“It’s nothing to be a pity! Change to kit No. 6! Ready to start!” The old man seemed to have been used to burning billions of materials to ashes, and he inadvertently ordered: “Now, money is just a cloud, we All it takes is time!”

“Replace the system and start!” His disciple cheered up, cheered up, and ordered to the frightened staff.

“It’s really exciting to think about it! Do you know how big this system is? We are hoisting a super huge mountain and then replacing it with another equally huge mountain…” A space army standing by and watching the whole process The general lowered his voice and said to his colleagues around him.

His colleague was also afraid of disturbing the busy staff, and also cautiously lowered his voice and said: “This is all trivial. They just used less than 10 seconds to melt that super huge mountain!”

“Well, what you said… is true.” The general nodded, and cast his gaze on the big screen again.

On that big screen, the huge mountain-like device is being pushed to the predetermined position by the sturdy device little by little on the track.

The space of the entire device orbit can even allow airplanes to fly, but the final error of the entire system is no more than one millimeter! Countless robots are clearing the track, checking whether the accuracy of the device is affected during the movement.

An engineer was in front of a floor-to-ceiling window on the side of the huge passage, looking at the huge device moving in the distance, and said with emotion: “In order to increase the rate of fire of Taiyi, we designed this set of replacement parts system. This is the world. The most massive transmission.”

At the other end of his gaze, a huge device whose surface had melted was being pushed into the replacement unloading track.

The engineer who supervised the replacement of the device briefly introduced to the students behind him: “Its bearing uses parts used for the rotation of the star ring, and its transmission device is strengthened with similar parts on the colonial satellite.”

He pointed to the core No. 5 that had been eliminated in the distance, and continued: “The most terrifying thing is that the core energy-bearing components we produce can basically last more than ten seconds when thrown into the sun… But it On our Taiyi, I can’t hold it for ten seconds.”

Another engineer walked in and handed a document to the colleague who had just brought the student: “If it weren’t for such a large energy, do you think Taiyi would become your majesty’s killer? Sign! The time to fill the core of experiment 6 !”

“A reduced version of this thing, in the laboratory…but it’s really…” After taking his signature pen, the engineer signed his name and said with emotion.

“Have you seen it with your own eyes?” the engineer who came to deliver the signed documents asked curiously.

“Yes, at that time, as the chief engineer’s experimental assistant, I was fortunate to witness the whole experiment process.” After signing my name, he handed the document back to the other party: “Your Majesty participated in the experiment at that time!”

He seemed to recall a terrible thing: “It almost destroyed a planet…”

“It’s nothing unusual, right? If you use the Star Destroyer Cannon, you can also destroy a planet…” The engineer accepted the signed document from the other party, checked it, and then spoke.

snorted dismissively, and the engineer who signed it sneered: “Star Destroyer? How can that kind of tattered thing that relies on continuous energy output and heats the core of the planet to compare with Taiyi?”

“What do you mean?” The engineer was taken aback, looked at the other party, and seemed to have discovered a new world.

Taiyi is no longer a secret, at least on the artificial planet Taiyi, it is not a secret.

So, the engineer said the terrible scene he saw with his own eyes: “It took less than 0.1 seconds, and that experiment almost destroyed the entire planet!”

“My… God.” Hearing this, the curious engineer’s eyes widened, and he couldn’t believe it for a while, and finally healed and sighed.

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